Example #1
        public ActionResult BookingForm(int id)
            var s = _context.Schedules.Include(x => x.Vessels).Single(x => x.Id == id);
            var c = _context.Customers.ToList();
            var b = new MakeBook();

            b.ScheduleId = s.Id;

            if (s == null)

            var viewmodel = new ViewBookingVessel
                Schedule     = s,
                ListCustomer = c,
                Booking      = b

            //        var schedule = db schedule with id same with sId
            //var customers = db all customers
            //var booking = new Booking()

            //create viewmodel, customers, schedule, booking

            return(View("BookingForm", viewmodel));
Example #2
        public ActionResult Add(ViewBookingVessel bookvessel)
            MakeBook book      = new MakeBook();
            var      schedule  = _context.Schedules.Include(s => s.Vessels).SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == bookvessel.Booking.ScheduleId);
            var      customers = _context.Customers.ToList();
            var      viewModel = new ViewBookingVessel
                Booking      = bookvessel.Booking,
                Schedule     = schedule,
                ListCustomer = customers

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("BookingForm", viewModel));

            if (bookvessel.Booking.Space > schedule.AvailableSpace)
                ViewBag.ErrorMesssage = "The space for this vessel is full.";
                return(View("BookingForm", viewModel));

            //Assign Schedule
            book.Schedule   = schedule;
            book.ScheduleId = bookvessel.Booking.ScheduleId;

            var searchspace = _context.Schedules.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == book.ScheduleId);
            var usedSpace   = bookvessel.Booking.Space;

            searchspace.AvailableSpace -= usedSpace;

            //Assign Agent
            book.AgentId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            book.Agent   = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == book.AgentId);

            //Assign Customer
            book.CustomerId = bookvessel.Booking.CustomerId;
            book.Customer   = _context.Customers.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == book.CustomerId);

            book.Space = bookvessel.Booking.Space;
            book.Item  = bookvessel.Booking.Item;


            ViewBag.Success = "Book Successful";
            return(View("BookingForm", viewModel));