private async void GoToCoinInfo(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Find wallet that links to tapped item
            if (loading_coininfo == true)
            loading_coininfo = true;
            Grid selected_grid = sender as Grid;

            MainService.Wallet wal = (MainService.Wallet)selected_grid.BindingContext;
            //Now open a modal that loads this specific wallet's info
            await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new CoinInfo(wal));

            loading_coininfo = false;
Example #2
        public CoinInfo(MainService.Wallet wal)
            wallet = wal;

            Coin_Name.Text      = wallet.Coin;
            Balance_Amount.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.########}", wallet.balance) + " " + wallet.Coin;
            Status.Text         = wallet.S_Status;
            string addre = wallet.address;

            if (wallet.blockchaintype == 4)
                //Convert to Cash Address
                addre = SharpCashAddr.Converter.ToCashAddress(addre); //Show the cash address for deposits
            My_Address.Text = addre;