Example #1
        public void MainReportsFilterTest()
            User user = new User()
                AgencyId = 1, RegionId = 1, RoleId = (int)FixedRoles.RegionOfficer
            IPermissionsBase        target            = PermissionsFactory.GetPermissionsFor(user);
            Func <MainReport, bool> MainReportsFilter = target.MainReportsFilter.Compile();
            MainReport param = new MainReport()
                AppBudget = new AppBudget()
                    App = new App()
                        AgencyGroup = new AgencyGroup()
                            Country = new Country()
                                RegionId = 0

            param.AppBudget.App.AgencyGroup.Country.RegionId = 1;
Example #2
 private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!base.IsPostBack)
         MemoryStream stream1;
         string       text1 = this.Session["licenseNumber"].ToString();
         string       text2 = this.Session["licenseType"].ToString();
         if (text1.Substring(0, 4) == "PEND")
             MainReport     report1   = new MainReport(text2, text1);
             ReportDocument document1 = report1.GetDocument("PendingRecipt");
             stream1 = report1.ConvertToPDF(document1);
             MainReport     report2   = new MainReport(text2, text1);
             ReportDocument document2 = report2.GetDocument("MainDocument");
             stream1 = report2.ConvertToPDF(document2);
         base.Response.Buffer      = true;
         base.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Example #3
        public void FormatData_3Records_FormatByAgeLNameFNameEyeColorAndGender()
            // Arrange
            List <Person> list = new List <Person>()
                new Person()
                    age = 10, lastName = "Jones", firstName = "Joseph", eyeColor = "brown", gender = "male"
                new Person()
                    age = 25, lastName = "Fox", firstName = "Michael", eyeColor = "blue", gender = "male"
                new Person()
                    age = 50, lastName = "Jordan", firstName = "Michael", eyeColor = "green", gender = "male"
            List <string> results            = new List <string>();
            List <string> firstRecordResults = new List <string>();

            // Act
            results            = new MainReport().FormatData(list);
            firstRecordResults = results.First().Split('|').ToList();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(firstRecordResults[0].Trim(), "10");
            Assert.AreEqual(firstRecordResults[1].Trim(), "Jones");
            Assert.AreEqual(firstRecordResults[2].Trim(), "Joseph");
            Assert.AreEqual(firstRecordResults[3].Trim(), "brown");
            Assert.AreEqual(firstRecordResults[4].Trim(), "male");
Example #4
        public void MainReportsFilterTest()
            User user = new User()
                AgencyId = 1, RoleId = (int)FixedRoles.AgencyUser
            IPermissionsBase        target            = PermissionsFactory.GetPermissionsFor(user);
            Func <MainReport, bool> MainReportsFilter = target.MainReportsFilter.Compile();
            MainReport mr = new MainReport()
                AppBudget = new AppBudget()
                    App = new App()
                        AgencyGroup = new AgencyGroup()
                            Agencies = new List <Agency>()
                                new Agency()
                                    Id = 1

            mr.AppBudget.App.AgencyGroup.Agencies.Clear(); //  disallow another agencies mainreports
Example #5
        public void Sort_3Records_SortByAgeLNameAndFname()
            // Arrange
            List <Person> list = new List <Person>()
                new Person()
                    age = 10, lastName = "Jones", firstName = "Joseph"
                new Person()
                    age = 25, lastName = "Fox", firstName = "Michael"
                new Person()
                    age = 50, lastName = "Jordan", firstName = "Michael"
            List <Person> results = new List <Person>();

            // Act
            results = new MainReport().Sort(list);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(results[0].age, 50);
            Assert.AreEqual(results[1].age, 25);
            Assert.AreEqual(results[2].age, 10);
Example #6
        public List <MainReport> getMainReport(string query)
            List <MainReport> data       = null;
            SqlConnection     connection = new SqlConnection(CONN_STRING);

                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
                    SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                        data = new List <MainReport>();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            MainReport mainReport = new MainReport();
                            mainReport.Dept = reader[0].ToString();

                    catch (Exception e)
                        errorMessage = e.Message;
                catch (Exception e)
                    errorMessage = e.Message;
            catch (Exception e)
                errorMessage = e.Message;

Example #7
        public void GetRawData_FileExists_ReadData()
            // Arrange
            var           inputPath = @"c:\temp\Json\ConsoleJob\Input\";
            List <Person> results   = new List <Person>();

            // Act
            results = new MainReport().GetRawData(inputPath);

            // Assert
 private void reportsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (mainReport == null || mainReport.IsDisposed)
         mainReport = new MainReport();
         if (mainReport.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
             mainReport.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
Example #9
 public static void AddRecipientsMainReportForRpaApproval(MailMessage msg, MainReport report)
     using (var db = new ccEntities())
         var rps = from mr in db.MainReports
                   where mr.Id == report.Id
                   from u in mr.AppBudget.App.AgencyGroup.PoUsers
                   where (u.RoleId == (int)FixedRoles.RegionOfficer || u.RoleId == (int)FixedRoles.RegionAssistant || u.RoleId == (int)FixedRoles.RegionReadOnly) && !u.Disabled
                   select new
             DisplayName =
                 (u.FirstName + " " +
         foreach (var user in rps)
             if (user.RoleId == (int)FixedRoles.RegionOfficer)
                 if (!user.AddToBcc)
                     msg.To.TryAdd(user.Email, user.DisplayName);
                     msg.Bcc.TryAdd(user.Email, user.DisplayName);
                 if (!user.AddToBcc)
                     msg.CC.TryAdd(user.Email, user.DisplayName);
                     msg.Bcc.TryAdd(user.Email, user.DisplayName);
Example #10
        private void btnObfKayit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MainReport ms = new MainReport();

            List <ReportModel>       models         = new List <ReportModel>();
            List <MaterialList>      items          = UICurrentManager.Instance.CurrentTender.MaterialList;
            List <MaterialListModel> materialModels = grdMaterialList.DataSource as List <MaterialListModel>; //IhalematikModelBase.GetModels<MaterialListModel, MaterialList>(items);
            double totalAmount = 0;

            if (materialModels != null)
                int i = 1;
                foreach (var item in materialModels)
                    ReportModel model = new ReportModel();
                    model.Description  = item.PozOBFDescription;
                    model.PozOBFNumber = item.PozOBFNumber;
                    model.ItemNumber   = i.ToString();
                    model.Quantity     = item.Quantity.ToString();
                    totalAmount       += Math.Round(item.TotalFarePreview, 2);
                    model.Total        = Math.Round(item.TotalFarePreview, 2).ToString("c2");
                    model.Unit         = item.PozOBFUnit;
                    model.UnitPrice    = item.UnitTotalFarePreview.ToString("C2");

            WrapperReportModel reportModel = new WrapperReportModel();

            reportModel.Items        = models;
            reportModel.TenderNumber = UICurrentManager.Instance.CurrentTender.Number.ToString();
            reportModel.TotalAmount  = totalAmount.ToString("c2");
            ms.DataSource            = reportModel;

            ReportPrintTool tool = new ReportPrintTool(ms);

        static void Main(string[] args)

            //string gh = "user id=DPPADMIN; password=DPPADMIN; Connection Timeout=600; Max Pool Size=150; data source= (DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1700)) (CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = TWODB))))";
            //string conString = "Data Source=;User Id=DPPADMIN;password=DPPADMIN;";
            //string twoConString = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TwoConfig"]) ? Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TwoConfig"]) : string.Empty;
            //string MEBSource = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MEBSource"]) ? Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MEBSource"]) : string.Empty;
            //string MEBTarget = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MEBTarget"]) ? Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MEBTarget"]) : string.Empty;
            string reportPath            = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportPath"]) ? Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportPath"]) : string.Empty;
            string logopath              = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogoPath"]) ? Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogoPath"]) : string.Empty;
            IDapperGeneralSettings _repo = new DapperGeneralSettings();

            // string conString = twoConString;
            // var dd =  new SettlementProcess().GetMSC_PERC("1654487896", "1199803451", "2044QF28", "2044OG00V000183", "VISA", "566", "8220", 20916, "566", "0", "0",0,0,0,0, "0");

            // int rec1 = _repo.PostMEB(MEBSource, MEBTarget, reportPath, logopath, "9622331", null);

            // DateTime? v_SETTDATE = null;

            //new SettlementProcess().SETTProcess("9622331");

            //(SETTDATE, reportPATH, lgopath,  NULL);
            IMainReport _repoSETT = new MainReport();

            ////string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenSettlementFile(DateTime.Parse("02-FEB-17"), reportPath, logopath, null);

            //var g = new EmailProcess();
            // g.SendMerchantarteeSettlementEmail("26-May-2017", "");
            // IMainReport _repoSETT = new MainReport();
            // g.SendMerchantVIPSettlementEmail("29-JUN-2017", "");
            //    string sett2 = _repoSETT.RPT_GenVIPMerchant(new DateTime(2017,09,06), reportPath, logopath, null);

            //new SettlementProcess_MEB().SETTProcess("9622331", "08-FEB-17");

            //string dtFrom2 = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
            //new MEBCollectionClass().MEBProcess(dtFrom2);

            ////v_SETTDATE = DateTime.Today;
            //IDapperSettlementReport _repoSETT = new DapperSettlementReport();
            // bool sett = _repoSETT.GenSettlementFileSETT(DateTime.Parse(v_SETTDATE.Value.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yy")), null, reportPath, logopath, null);
            // bool sett = _repoSETT.GenSettlementFileSETT(DateTime.Parse("16-JAN-17"), null, reportPath, logopath, null);

            //   int rec2 = _repo.processSettlement(MEBTarget, reportPath, logopath, null);

            //P.SendSettlementInstitutionNotification("12-MAY-2017", "");

            //var cbn_code = "011";
            //var prefixM = string.Concat("2", cbn_code, "LA"); ;
            //var lastMidGen = "";
            //var recM = _repo.GetLastMidTidGenerated(prefixM, cbn_code, "M");
            //if(recM != null)
            //    lastMidGen = recM.MERCHANTID;
            //var mid = MidTidGenerator.GenMid(prefixM, "2011LAAAAAAAAA9");
            //Console.WriteLine("Start processing..........");
            //LogFunction lgfn = new LogFunction();
            //lgfn.loginfo("", null, DateTime.Now.ToString());
            ////var D = new EmailProcess();
            ////D.SendMerchantarteeSettlementEmail("24-MAY-2017", "");
            //var ext = Path.GetExtension(output);
            //var fileNameNew = string.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(output), "_", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), Path.GetExtension(output));
            //var dest = @"C:\FTP_Path\UBA";
            //if (File.Exists(output) && Directory.Exists(dest))
            //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Directory exist for both source and destination path");
            //    // copy file to ftp path
            //    File.Copy(output, Path.Combine(dest, fileNameNew));
            //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("File Copied Successfully");
            Console.WriteLine("enter a report type..........");
            Console.WriteLine("1.  SETTLEMENT MASTER REPORTS");
            Console.WriteLine("2.  NIBSS SETTLEMENT REPORTS");
            Console.WriteLine("3.  ACQUIRERE/ISSUER/MDB REPORTS");
            Console.WriteLine("4.  MERCHANT REPORTS");
            Console.WriteLine("5.  PTSP/PTSA/TERW/SWTH REPORTS");
            Console.WriteLine("6.  ARTEE MERCHANT REPORTS");
            Console.WriteLine("7.  VIP MERCHANT REPORT");
            Console.WriteLine("8.  COLLECTION REPORT");
            Console.WriteLine("9.  UPHSS REPORT");
            Console.WriteLine("10. UPHSS REPORT CONSOLIDATED");
            string opt = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Select Date type..........");
            Console.WriteLine("1.  By Single Day");
            Console.WriteLine("2.  By Date Range");
            string optdatetype = Console.ReadLine();
            int    noofdays    = 0;
            string dtFrom      = "";

            if (optdatetype == "2")
                Console.WriteLine("enter a report Start date..........");
                string fromdt = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("enter a report End date..........");
                string todt = Console.ReadLine();
                dtFrom   = fromdt;
                noofdays = (Convert.ToDateTime(todt) - Convert.ToDateTime(fromdt)).Days;
                Console.WriteLine("Starting From" + dtFrom);
                for (int i = 0; i < noofdays; i++)
                    DateTime dtFromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtFrom);

                    ////IDapperSettlementReport _repoSETT = new DapperSettlementReport();
                    ////bool sett = _repoSETT.GenSettlementFileSETT_EEPLUS(dtFromDate, null, reportPath, logopath, null);
                    //IMainReport _repoSETT = new MainReport();
                    // _repoSETT.TestExport();

                    if (opt == "1")
                        Console.WriteLine("processing........SETTLEMENT MASTER REPORT" + dtFrom);
                        string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenSettlementMASTER(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                    if (opt == "2")
                        Console.WriteLine("processing.........NIBSS Settlement Report" + dtFrom);
                        //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenSettlementFile2(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                    if (opt == "3")
                        Console.WriteLine("processing.........ACQUIRER/ISSUER/MDB REPORT" + dtFrom);
                        //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenSettlementFile(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                    if (opt == "4")
                        Console.WriteLine("processing..........Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                        //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenMerchants(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);

                    if (opt == "6")
                        Console.WriteLine("processing..........ARTEE Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                        //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenARTEEMerchant(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                        //var P = new EmailProcess();
                        //P.SendMerchantarteeSettlementEmail(dtFrom, "");
                    if (opt == "7")
                        Console.WriteLine("processing..........VIP Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                        // string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenVIPMerchant(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                        // var P = new EmailProcess();
                        //P.SendMerchantVIPSettlementEmail(dtFrom, "");
                    if (opt == "8")
                        Console.WriteLine("processing..........Collection Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                        // string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_CollectionGenMerchants(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                        // var P = new EmailProcess();
                        //  P.SendMerchantVIPSettlementEmail(dtFrom, "");

                    ////if (opt == "5")
                    ////    Console.WriteLine("processing..........Merchant Report By Merchant Deposit Bank" + dtFrom);

                    ////    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenMDBMerchants(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);

                    if (opt == "5")
                        Console.WriteLine("processing..........Party Report (PTSP/PTSA/TERW/SWTH)" + dtFrom);

                        //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_Settlement(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                    Console.WriteLine("processing Completed For " + dtFrom);
                    dtFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(dtFrom).AddDays(1).ToString();
                Console.WriteLine("processing Completed");
                Console.WriteLine("enter a report processing date..........");
                dtFrom = Console.ReadLine();

                //DateTime dtFromDate =DateTime.Parse(dtFrom);
                //DateTime dtFromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(dtFrom, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);

                //Console.WriteLine("enter a report type..........");
                //Console.WriteLine("1.  SETTLEMENT MASTER REPORTS");
                //Console.WriteLine("2.  NIBSS SETTLEMENT REPORTS");
                //Console.WriteLine("3.  ACQUIRERE/ISSUER/MDB REPORTS");
                //Console.WriteLine("4.  MERCHANT REPORTS");
                //Console.WriteLine("5.  PTSP/PTSA/TERW/SWTH REPORTS");
                //Console.WriteLine("6.  ARTEE MERCHANT REPORTS");
                //Console.WriteLine("7.  VIP MERCHANT REPORT");
                //Console.WriteLine("8.  COLLECTION REPORT");

                //   opt = Console.ReadLine();
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB"); //dd/MM/yyyy

                if (opt == "1")
                    Console.WriteLine("processing........SETTLEMENT MASTER REPORT" + dtFrom);
                    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenSettlementMASTER(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                if (opt == "2")
                    //Console.WriteLine("processing.........NIBSS Settlement Report" + dtFrom);
                    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_NIBSS(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                if (opt == "3")
                    Console.WriteLine("processing.........ACQUIRERE/ISSUER/MDB REPORT" + dtFrom);
                    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_ACQUIREREISSMDB(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                if (opt == "4")
                    Console.WriteLine("processing..........Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                    // string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenMerchants(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);

                if (opt == "6")
                    Console.WriteLine("processing..........ARTEE Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                    //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenARTEEMerchant(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                    //var P = new EmailProcess();
                    //P.SendMerchantarteeSettlementEmail(dtFrom, "");
                if (opt == "7")
                    Console.WriteLine("processing..........VIP Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                    //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenVIPMerchant(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                    //var P = new EmailProcess();
                    //P.SendMerchantVIPSettlementEmail(dtFrom, "");
                if (opt == "8")
                    Console.WriteLine("processing..........Collection Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                    //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_CollectionGenMerchants(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);
                    // var P = new EmailProcess();
                    //  P.SendMerchantVIPSettlementEmail(dtFrom, "");

                ////if (opt == "5")
                ////    Console.WriteLine("processing..........Merchant Report By Merchant Deposit Bank" + dtFrom);

                ////    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenMDBMerchants(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);

                if (opt == "5")
                    Console.WriteLine("processing..........Party Report (PTSP/PTSA/TERW/SWTH)" + dtFrom);

                    //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_Settlement(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);

                if (opt == "9")
                    //string[] sessions = { "2018021916" };
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter Session ID: ");
                    string sessionID = Console.ReadLine();
                    //foreach (string sessionID in sessions)
                    Console.WriteLine("processing..........UPHSS REPORT " + dtFrom + " SESSION: " + sessionID);

                    //string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenHSSReport(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null, sessionID);

                    // }

                if (opt == "10")
                    //string[] sessions = { "2018021916" };
                    //  Console.WriteLine("Enter Session ID: ");
                    // string sessionID = Console.ReadLine();
                    //foreach (string sessionID in sessions)
                    Console.WriteLine("processing..........UPHSS REPORT cosolidated ");

                    //string sett = _repoSETT.GenHSSReportConsolidated(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);

                    // }

                Console.WriteLine("processing Completed");
        public override void LoadData()

            this.StatusEditable = this.User.RoleId == (int)FixedRoles.Admin;

            this.CanAddAgencyRemarks = this.User.RoleId == (int)FixedRoles.Admin ||
                                       (MainReport.EditableStatuses.Contains(this.Status) &&
                                        (FixedRoles.AgencyUser | FixedRoles.Ser | FixedRoles.AgencyUserAndReviewer | FixedRoles.SerAndReviewer).HasFlag((FixedRoles)this.User.RoleId));

            this.CanAddPoRemarks = this.User.RoleId == (int)FixedRoles.Admin ||
                (this.Status == MainReport.Statuses.AwaitingProgramOfficerApproval || this.Status == MainReport.Statuses.AwaitingProgramAssistantApproval) &&
                (FixedRoles.GlobalOfficer | FixedRoles.RegionOfficer | FixedRoles.RegionAssistant).HasFlag((FixedRoles)this.User.RoleId));

            using (var db = new ccEntities())
                var subreports = db.SubReports.Where(this.Permissions.SubReportsFilter);
                var prevStatus = db.MainReportStatusAudits.Where(f => f.MainReportId == this.Id).OrderByDescending(f => f.StatusChangeDate).FirstOrDefault();
                if (prevStatus != null)
                    this.PrevStatusId = prevStatus.OldStatusId;
                    if (this.PoApprovalModel != null)
                        this.PoApprovalModel.PrevMainReportStatus = this.PrevStatus;
                    if (this.PaApprovalModel != null)
                        this.PaApprovalModel.PrevMainReportStatus = this.PrevStatus;

                var SerNameFE = (from cr in db.ClientReports
                                 join sbr in db.SubReports on cr.SubReportId equals sbr.Id
                                 join abs in db.AppBudgetServices on sbr.AppBudgetServiceId equals abs.Id
                                 join ser in db.Services on abs.ServiceId equals ser.Id
                                 where sbr.MainReportId == this.Id && ser.Id == 484//454 //&& cr.Amount != null
                                 select cr.Amount).Sum();

                if (SerNameFE != 0 && SerNameFE != null) //FE there
                    var q = from agency in db.Agencies.Where(Permissions.AgencyFilter)
                            where agency.GroupId == this.AgencyGroupId
                            join a in
                            (from c in
                                 from abs in db.AppBudgetServices
                                 where abs.AppBudgetId == this.AppBudgetId
                                 join sr in db.SubReports.Where(f => f.MainReportId == this.Id) on abs.Id equals sr.AppBudgetServiceId into srg
                                 from sr in srg.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 select new
                        AgencyId = abs.AgencyId,
                        Amount = sr.Amount,
                        CcGrant = abs.CcGrant,
                        MatchExp = sr.MatchingSum
                             group c by c.AgencyId into eg
                             select new
                        AgencyId = eg.Key,
                        Amount = eg.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        Match = eg.Sum(f => f.MatchExp),
                        CcGrant = eg.Sum(f => f.CcGrant)
                    }) on agency.Id equals a.AgencyId into ag
                            from a in ag.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            join b in
                        from sra in db.viewSubreportAmounts
                        join appbs in db.AppBudgetServices on sra.AppBudgetServiceId equals appbs.Id
                        where appbs.AppBudgetId == this.AppBudgetId
                        join mr in db.MainReports.Where(MainReport.CurrentOrSubmitted(Id)) on sra.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                        where mr.Start <= this.Start
                        where sra.MainReportId == this.Id

                        group sra by appbs.AgencyId into g
                        select new
                        AgencyId = g.Key,
                        Amount = g.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        MatchExp = g.Sum(f => f.MatchingSum)
                    }) on a.AgencyId equals b.AgencyId into bg
                            from b in bg.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            select new MainReportDetailsModel.AgnencyTotalsClass()
                        AgencyId   = agency.Id,
                        AgencyName = agency.Name,
                        //CcExp = (decimal?)a.Amount, //+ (decimal?)b.Amount ,
                        //CcExpFE = (decimal?)a.Amount + (decimal?)b.Amount,
                        CcExp       = (decimal?)b.Amount,   //+ (decimal?)a.Amount,
                        YtdMatchExp = (decimal?)b.MatchExp,
                        YtdCcExp    = (decimal?)b.Amount,
                        CcGrant     = (decimal?)a.CcGrant,
                        CurrencyId  = this.CurrencyId

                    var ytdServicesQuery = (from appb in db.AppBudgets
                                            where appb.Id == this.AppBudgetId
                                            from appbs in appb.AppBudgetServices
                                            join sra in db.viewSubreportAmounts on appbs.Id equals sra.AppBudgetServiceId
                                            join mr in db.MainReports.Where(MainReport.CurrentOrSubmitted(Id)) on sra.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                                            where mr.Start <= this.Start
                                            select new YtdServicesQueryRow
                        ServiceId = appbs.ServiceId,
                        ServiceTypeId = appbs.Service.TypeId,
                        ReportingMethodId = appbs.Service.ReportingMethodId,
                        Amount = sra.Amount,
                        Quantity = sra.Quantity
                    var ytdServiceTypesQuery = (from a in
                                                (from sra in ytdServicesQuery
                                                 group sra by sra.ServiceTypeId into srag
                                                 select new
                        ServiceTypeId = srag.Key,
                        Amount = srag.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        Quantity = srag.Sum(f => f.Quantity)
                                                join st in db.ServiceTypes on a.ServiceTypeId equals st.Id
                                                select new
                        ServiceTypeId = st.Id,
                        ServiceTypeName = st.Name,
                        Amount = a.Amount,
                        Quantity = a.Quantity ?? 1
                    var ytdAppQuery = (from appb in db.AppBudgets
                                       where appb.Id == this.AppBudgetId
                                       from appbs in appb.AppBudgetServices
                                       join sra in db.viewSubreportAmounts on appbs.Id equals sra.AppBudgetServiceId
                                       join mr in db.MainReports on sra.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                                       where mr.Start <= this.Start
                                       select new YtdServicesQueryRow
                        ServiceId = appbs.ServiceId,
                        ServiceTypeId = appbs.Service.TypeId,
                        ReportingMethodId = appbs.Service.ReportingMethodId,
                        Amount = sra.Amount,
                        AppMatchBal = (decimal?)sra.MatchingSum,
                        Quantity = sra.Quantity

                    var ytdTotalReportedAppQuery = (from a in
                                                    (from sra in ytdAppQuery
                                                     group sra by sra.ServiceTypeId into srag
                                                     select new
                        ServiceTypeId = srag.Key,
                        Amount = srag.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        AppMatchBal = srag.Sum(f => f.AppMatchBal),
                        Quantity = srag.Sum(f => f.Quantity)
                                                    join st in db.ServiceTypes on a.ServiceTypeId equals st.Id
                                                    select new
                        ServiceTypeId = st.Id,
                        ServiceTypeName = st.Name,
                        Amount = a.Amount,
                        AppMatchBal = a.AppMatchBal,
                        Quantity = a.Quantity ?? 1

                    //HcYtdPercentage = ytdServiceTypesQuery.Where(f => f.ServiceTypeId == (int)Service.ServiceTypes.Homecare).Sum(f => f.Amount) / total,
                    // CcExp = CcExp + ytdServicesQuery.y

                    decimal?total = ytdServiceTypesQuery.Sum(f => f.Amount);

                    if (total == 0)
                        total = null;
                    decimal?totalApp         = total;
                    decimal?totalAppMatchBal = ytdTotalReportedAppQuery.Sum(f => f.AppMatchBal);

                    if (totalAppMatchBal == 0)
                        totalAppMatchBal = null;

                    this.Totals = new TotalsClass
                        AppAmount                    = this.AppAmount,
                        AppMatch                     = this.AppMatch,
                        CurrencyId                   = this.CurrencyId,
                        AgencySubTotals              = q.ToList(),
                        HcYtdPercentage              = ytdServiceTypesQuery.Where(f => f.ServiceTypeId == (int)Service.ServiceTypes.Homecare).Sum(f => f.Amount) / total,
                        AoYtdPercentage              = ytdServiceTypesQuery.Where(f => f.ServiceTypeId == (int)Service.ServiceTypes.AdministrativeOverhead).Sum(f => f.Amount) / total,
                        TotalReportedApp             = totalApp,
                        TotalReportedAppMatchBalance = totalAppMatchBal,

                    this.ReimbursementCosts = GetAvgReimrusement(ytdServicesQuery);

                    var q = from agency in db.Agencies.Where(Permissions.AgencyFilter)
                            where agency.GroupId == this.AgencyGroupId
                            join a in
                            (from c in
                                 from abs in db.AppBudgetServices
                                 where abs.AppBudgetId == this.AppBudgetId
                                 join sr in db.SubReports.Where(f => f.MainReportId == this.Id) on abs.Id equals sr.AppBudgetServiceId into srg
                                 from sr in srg.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 select new
                        AgencyId = abs.AgencyId,
                        Amount = sr.Amount,
                        CcGrant = abs.CcGrant,
                        MatchExp = sr.MatchingSum
                             group c by c.AgencyId into eg
                             select new
                        AgencyId = eg.Key,
                        Amount = eg.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        Match = eg.Sum(f => f.MatchExp),
                        CcGrant = eg.Sum(f => f.CcGrant)
                    }) on agency.Id equals a.AgencyId into ag
                            from a in ag.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            join b in
                        from sra in db.viewSubreportAmounts
                        join appbs in db.AppBudgetServices on sra.AppBudgetServiceId equals appbs.Id
                        where appbs.AppBudgetId == this.AppBudgetId
                        join mr in db.MainReports.Where(MainReport.CurrentOrSubmitted(Id)) on sra.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                        where mr.Start <= this.Start
                        where sra.MainReportId == this.Id           //LenaK
                        //join sbr in db.SubReports on sra.id equals sbr.Id

                        group sra by appbs.AgencyId into g
                        select new
                        AgencyId = g.Key,
                        Amount = g.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        MatchExp = g.Sum(f => f.MatchingSum)
                    }) on a.AgencyId equals b.AgencyId into bg
                            from b in bg.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            select new MainReportDetailsModel.AgnencyTotalsClass()
                        AgencyId   = agency.Id,
                        AgencyName = agency.Name,
                        //CcExp = (decimal?)a.Amount, //+ (decimal?)b.Amount ,
                        // CcExpFE = (decimal?)a.Amount + (decimal?)b.Amount,
                        CcExp       = (decimal?)a.Amount,
                        YtdMatchExp = (decimal?)b.MatchExp,
                        YtdCcExp    = (decimal?)b.Amount,
                        CcGrant     = (decimal?)a.CcGrant,
                        CurrencyId  = this.CurrencyId

                    var ytdServicesQuery = (from appb in db.AppBudgets
                                            where appb.Id == this.AppBudgetId
                                            from appbs in appb.AppBudgetServices
                                            join sra in db.viewSubreportAmounts on appbs.Id equals sra.AppBudgetServiceId
                                            join mr in db.MainReports.Where(MainReport.CurrentOrSubmitted(Id)) on sra.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                                            where mr.Start <= this.Start
                                            select new YtdServicesQueryRow
                        ServiceId = appbs.ServiceId,
                        ServiceTypeId = appbs.Service.TypeId,
                        ReportingMethodId = appbs.Service.ReportingMethodId,
                        Amount = sra.Amount,
                        Quantity = sra.Quantity
                    var ytdServiceTypesQuery = (from a in
                                                (from sra in ytdServicesQuery
                                                 group sra by sra.ServiceTypeId into srag
                                                 select new
                        ServiceTypeId = srag.Key,
                        Amount = srag.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        Quantity = srag.Sum(f => f.Quantity)
                                                join st in db.ServiceTypes on a.ServiceTypeId equals st.Id
                                                select new
                        ServiceTypeId = st.Id,
                        ServiceTypeName = st.Name,
                        Amount = a.Amount,
                        Quantity = a.Quantity ?? 1
                    var ytdAppQuery = (from appb in db.AppBudgets
                                       where appb.Id == this.AppBudgetId
                                       from appbs in appb.AppBudgetServices
                                       join sra in db.viewSubreportAmounts on appbs.Id equals sra.AppBudgetServiceId
                                       join mr in db.MainReports on sra.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                                       where mr.Start <= this.Start
                                       select new YtdServicesQueryRow
                        ServiceId = appbs.ServiceId,
                        ServiceTypeId = appbs.Service.TypeId,
                        ReportingMethodId = appbs.Service.ReportingMethodId,
                        Amount = sra.Amount,
                        AppMatchBal = (decimal?)sra.MatchingSum,
                        Quantity = sra.Quantity

                    var ytdTotalReportedAppQuery = (from a in
                                                    (from sra in ytdAppQuery
                                                     group sra by sra.ServiceTypeId into srag
                                                     select new
                        ServiceTypeId = srag.Key,
                        Amount = srag.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        AppMatchBal = srag.Sum(f => f.AppMatchBal),
                        Quantity = srag.Sum(f => f.Quantity)
                                                    join st in db.ServiceTypes on a.ServiceTypeId equals st.Id
                                                    select new
                        ServiceTypeId = st.Id,
                        ServiceTypeName = st.Name,
                        Amount = a.Amount,
                        AppMatchBal = a.AppMatchBal,
                        Quantity = a.Quantity ?? 1
                    //HcYtdPercentage = ytdServiceTypesQuery.Where(f => f.ServiceTypeId == (int)Service.ServiceTypes.Homecare).Sum(f => f.Amount) / total,
                    // CcExp = CcExp + ytdServicesQuery.y

                    decimal?total            = ytdServiceTypesQuery.Sum(f => f.Amount);
                    decimal?totalApp         = ytdTotalReportedAppQuery.Sum(f => f.Amount);
                    decimal?totalAppMatchBal = ytdTotalReportedAppQuery.Sum(f => f.AppMatchBal);

                    if (total == 0)
                        total = null;
                    if (totalAppMatchBal == 0)
                        totalAppMatchBal = null;

                    this.Totals = new TotalsClass
                        AppAmount                    = this.AppAmount,
                        AppMatch                     = this.AppMatch,
                        CurrencyId                   = this.CurrencyId,
                        AgencySubTotals              = q.ToList(),
                        HcYtdPercentage              = ytdServiceTypesQuery.Where(f => f.ServiceTypeId == (int)Service.ServiceTypes.Homecare).Sum(f => f.Amount) / total,
                        AoYtdPercentage              = ytdServiceTypesQuery.Where(f => f.ServiceTypeId == (int)Service.ServiceTypes.AdministrativeOverhead).Sum(f => f.Amount) / total,
                        TotalReportedApp             = totalApp,
                        TotalReportedAppMatchBalance = totalAppMatchBal,
                    this.ReimbursementCosts = GetAvgReimrusement(ytdServicesQuery);

                if (this.PoApprovalModel != null || this.PaApprovalModel != null)
                    var appbudgetServices = from ab in db.AppBudgetServices.Where(this.Permissions.AppBudgetServicesFilter)
                                            join mr in db.MainReports on ab.AppBudgetId equals mr.AppBudgetId
                                            where mr.Id == this.Id
                                            select ab;
                    var totalReported = (from a in appbudgetServices
                                         join v in db.viewSubreportAmounts on a.Id equals v.AppBudgetServiceId
                                         join mr in db.MainReports.Where(this.Permissions.MainReportsFilter).Where(MainReport.Submitted) on v.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                                         group v by a.AppBudgetId into vg
                                         select vg.Sum(f => f.Amount)
                    if (this.PaApprovalModel != null)
                        this.PaApprovalModel.CancellationAmount = this.AppAmount - totalReported;
                        this.PaApprovalModel.CurrencyId         = this.CurrencyId;
                        this.PaApprovalModel.LastReport         = this.LastReport;
                        this.PoApprovalModel.CancellationAmount = this.AppAmount - totalReported;
                        this.PoApprovalModel.CurrencyId         = this.CurrencyId;
                        this.PoApprovalModel.LastReport         = this.LastReport;
Example #13
        private void SchedularCallback(object e)
                DateTime dtFromA;
                LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Start processing..........");
                var conDate = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SettlementDate"].ToUpper();
                var dtFrom  = "";
                if (DateTime.TryParse(conDate, out dtFromA))
                    dtFrom = dtFromA.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                    dtFrom = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("enter a report processing date..........");
                // string dtFrom = Console.ReadLine();


                DateTime dtFromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtFrom);

                ////IDapperSettlementReport _repoSETT = new DapperSettlementReport();
                ////bool sett = _repoSETT.GenSettlementFileSETT_EEPLUS(dtFromDate, null, reportPath, logopath, null);

                //LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("enter a report type..........");
                //LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("1.  SETTLEMENT MASTER REPORTS");
                //LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("2.  NIBSS SETTLEMENT REPORTS");
                //LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("3.  ACQUIRERE/ISSUER/MDB REPORTS");
                //LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("4.  MERCHANT REPORTS");
                //LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("5.  PTSP/PTSA/TERW/SWTH REPORTS");

                //string opt = Console.ReadLine();
                IMainReport _repoSETT = new MainReport();
                //var P = new EmailProcess();
                //string emailSubject = string.Format("SETTLEMENT REPORT FOR {0} ", dtFromDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"));

                    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing........SETTLEMENT MASTER REPORT" + dtFrom);
                    //LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing........Settlement Date--" + dtFromDate);
                    // LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing........Settlement Report Path--" + reportPath);
                    //LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing........Settlement Logo Path--" + logopath);

                    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenSettlementMASTER(dtFromDate, reportPath, logopath, null);
                        //SEND EMAIL HERE
                        //  P.SendSettlementMasterNotification(dtFrom, string.Concat(emailSubject, ":SETTLEMENT MASTER REPORT"));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Settlement Email Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
                    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("completed........SETTLEMENT MASTER REPORT: {0}" + dtFrom);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing..........Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                //    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenARTEEMerchant(dtFromDate, reportPath, logopath, null);
                //    try
                //    {
                //        LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("completed..........Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                //        P.SendMerchantarteeSettlementEmail(dtFrom, "");
                //    }
                //    catch
                //    {

                //    }
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing.........NIBSS Settlement Report" + dtFrom);
                //    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenSettlementFile2(dtFromDate, reportPath, logopath, null);
                //    try
                //    {
                //        P.SendSettlementMasterNotification(dtFrom, string.Concat(emailSubject, ":NIBSS REPORT"));
                //    }
                //    catch (Exception ex)
                //    {
                //        LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Nibss Email Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
                //    }
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("completed.........NIBSS Settlement Report" + dtFrom);
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing.........ACQUIRER/ISSUER/MDB REPORT" + dtFrom);
                //    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenSettlementFile(dtFromDate, reportPath, logopath, null);
                //    //SEND EMAIL HERE
                //    //P.SendSettlementInstitutionNotification("12-MAY-2017", "");
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("completed.........ACQUIRER/ISSUER/MDB REPORT" + dtFrom);
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing..........Party Report (PTSP/PTSA/TERW/SWTH)" + dtFrom);

                //    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_Settlement(dtFromDate, reportPath, logopath, null);
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("completed..........Party Report (PTSP/PTSA/TERW/SWTH)" + dtFrom);
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing..........Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                //    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenMerchants(dtFromDate, reportPath, logopath, null);
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("completed..........Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing..........Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                //    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenMerchants(dtFromDate, reportPath, logopath, null);
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("completed..........Merchant Reports" + dtFrom);
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                ////if (opt == "5")
                ////    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing..........Merchant Report By Merchant Deposit Bank" + dtFrom);

                ////    string sett = _repoSETT.RPT_GenMDBMerchants(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom), reportPath, logopath, null);

                LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("processing Completed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
            //   var pDays = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["purgedays"].ToUpper();
            //    int purgeDays = 0;
            //    if (int.TryParse(pDays, out purgeDays))
            //    {
            //        LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Log: {0}");
            //        var gen = new Maintenance();
            //        gen.Purge(purgeDays);
            //        LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Completed Log: {0}");
            //    }
            //        this.ScheduleService();

            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    LogFunction2.WriteMaintenaceLogToFile("Maintenance Service Error on: {0} " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

            //    //Stop the Windows Service.
            //    //using (System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController serviceController = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController("SimpleService"))
            //    //{
            //    //    serviceController.Stop();
            //    //}
        public static HseapSummaryModel HseapDetailedData(CC.Data.ccEntities db, CC.Data.Services.IPermissionsBase permissions, int id)
            var result = db.MainReports.Where(permissions.MainReportsFilter)
                         .Select(f => new HseapSummaryModel
                Id    = f.Id,
                Start = f.Start,
                End   = f.End,
                AppId = f.AppBudget.AppId,
                         .SingleOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Main report not found");

            var mrs = from sr in db.SubReports.Where(permissions.SubReportsFilter)
                      where sr.MainReportId == result.Id
                      join er in db.EmergencyReports.Where(permissions.EmergencyReportsFilter) on sr.Id equals er.SubReportId
                      group er by new { MainReportId = sr.MainReportId, er.TypeId } into erg
                select new
                MainReportId = erg.Key.MainReportId,
                TypeId       = erg.Key.TypeId,
                ClientsCount = erg.Select(f => f.ClientId).Distinct().Count(),
                GrantsCount  = erg.Count(),
                TotalAmount  = ((decimal?)erg.Sum(f => f.Total ?? 0) ?? 0)

            var apps = from mr in db.MainReports.Where(permissions.MainReportsFilter).Where(MainReport.CurrentOrSubmitted(id))
                       where mr.AppBudget.AppId == result.AppId
                       join sr in db.SubReports.Where(permissions.SubReportsFilter) on mr.Id equals sr.MainReportId
                       join er in db.EmergencyReports.Where(permissions.EmergencyReportsFilter) on sr.Id equals er.SubReportId
                       group er by new { AppId = mr.AppBudget.AppId, TypeId = er.TypeId } into erg
                select new
                AppId        = erg.Key.AppId,
                TypeId       = erg.Key.TypeId,
                ClientsCount = erg.Select(f => f.ClientId).Distinct().Count(),
                GrantsCount  = erg.Count(),
                TotalAmount  = ((decimal?)erg.Sum(f => f.Total ?? 0) ?? 0)

            var q = from t in db.EmergencyReportTypes

                    join a in mrs on t.Id equals a.TypeId into mrsg
                    from a in mrsg.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    join b in apps on t.Id equals b.TypeId into appsg
                    from b in appsg.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    select new DataRow
                TypeId          = t.Id,
                TypeName        = t.Name,
                TypeDescription = t.Description,
                ReportSummary   = new DataRowSummary
                    ClientsCount = ((int?)a.ClientsCount) ?? 0,
                    GrantsCount  = ((int?)a.GrantsCount) ?? 0,
                    TotalAmount  = ((decimal?)a.TotalAmount) ?? 0
                AppSummary = new DataRowSummary
                    ClientsCount = ((int?)b.ClientsCount) ?? 0,
                    GrantsCount  = ((int?)b.GrantsCount) ?? 0,
                    TotalAmount  = ((decimal?)b.TotalAmount) ?? 0

            result.Data = q.ToList();

            var mrst = from sr in db.SubReports.Where(permissions.SubReportsFilter)
                       where sr.MainReportId == result.Id
                       join er in db.EmergencyReports.Where(permissions.EmergencyReportsFilter) on sr.Id equals er.SubReportId
                       group er by new { MainReportId = sr.MainReportId } into erg
                select new
                MainReportId = erg.Key.MainReportId,
                ClientsCount = erg.Select(f => f.ClientId).Distinct().Count(),
                GrantsCount  = erg.Count(),
                TotalAmount  = ((decimal?)erg.Sum(f => f.Total ?? 0) ?? 0)

            var appst = from mr in db.MainReports.Where(permissions.MainReportsFilter).Where(MainReport.CurrentOrSubmitted(id))
                        where mr.AppBudget.AppId == result.AppId
                        join sr in db.SubReports.Where(permissions.SubReportsFilter) on mr.Id equals sr.MainReportId
                        join er in db.EmergencyReports.Where(permissions.EmergencyReportsFilter) on sr.Id equals er.SubReportId
                        group er by new { AppId = mr.AppBudget.AppId } into erg
                select new
                AppId        = erg.Key.AppId,
                ClientsCount = erg.Select(f => f.ClientId).Distinct().Count(),
                GrantsCount  = erg.Count(),
                TotalAmount  = ((decimal?)erg.Sum(f => f.Total ?? 0) ?? 0)

            result.TotalsRow = new DataRow
                TypeName        = "TOTAL",
                TypeId          = 0,
                TypeDescription = null,
                ReportSummary   = mrst.Select(f => new DataRowSummary
                    ClientsCount = f.ClientsCount,
                    GrantsCount  = f.GrantsCount,
                    TotalAmount  = f.TotalAmount
                AppSummary = appst.Select(f => new DataRowSummary
                    ClientsCount = f.ClientsCount,
                    GrantsCount  = f.GrantsCount,
                    TotalAmount  = f.TotalAmount
