private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { IntPtr pWindow; Process[] proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(mangosName); if (proc.Length == 0) { } pPointer = (IntPtr)proc[0].Id; pWindow = (IntPtr)proc[0].MainWindowHandle; Win32.SetForegroundWindow(pWindow); if (sTimer < Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text)) { if (sTimer < (Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text) - 1)) { timeLeft = timeLeft - 1; MainFunctions.SendToConsole("broadcast Server shutting down in: " + timeLeft + " minutes"); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); sTimer++; } else { if (timeLeft == 1) { timeLeft += 0.25; } timer1.Interval = 15000; timeLeft = timeLeft - 0.25; MainFunctions.SendToConsole("broadcast Server shutting down in: " + (timeLeft * 60) + " seconds"); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); sTimer += 0.25; } } else { MainFunctions.SendToConsole("exit"); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); WriteLog("Shutdown counter ended! Shutting down MaNGOS NOW!", Color.Red); sTimer = 0; timeLeft = 5; timer1.Enabled = false; } Win32.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); HookToConsole.RemoveFrom(); ReadConsole(); }
private void button16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IntPtr pWindow; Process[] proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(mangosName); if (proc.Length == 0) { } pPointer = (IntPtr)proc[0].Id; pWindow = (IntPtr)proc[0].MainWindowHandle; Win32.SetForegroundWindow(pWindow); MainFunctions.SendToConsole(textBox6.Text); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); Win32.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); HookToConsole.RemoveFrom(); ReadConsole(); WriteLog("Custom command: \"" + textBox6.Text + "\" sent to MaNGOS console!", Color.Blue); }
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WriteLog("Scripts loaded", Color.Gray); IntPtr pWindow; Process[] proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(mangosName); if (proc.Length == 0) { } pPointer = (IntPtr)proc[0].Id; pWindow = (IntPtr)proc[0].MainWindowHandle; Win32.SetForegroundWindow(pWindow); MainFunctions.SendToConsole("loadscripts"); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); Win32.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); HookToConsole.RemoveFrom(); ReadConsole(); }
private void button13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IntPtr pWindow; Process[] proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(mangosName); if (proc.Length == 0) { } pPointer = (IntPtr)proc[0].Id; pWindow = (IntPtr)proc[0].MainWindowHandle; Win32.SetForegroundWindow(pWindow); MainFunctions.SendToConsole("motd " + Convert.ToString(textBox5.Text)); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); Win32.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); HookToConsole.RemoveFrom(); ReadConsole(); WriteLog("MOTD changed to: " + textBox5.Text, Color.Red); textBox6.Text = ""; }
private void button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IntPtr pWindow; Process[] proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(mangosName); if (proc.Length == 0) { } pPointer = (IntPtr)proc[0].Id; pWindow = (IntPtr)proc[0].MainWindowHandle; Win32.SetForegroundWindow(pWindow); MainFunctions.SendToConsole("kick " + Convert.ToString(listBox1.SelectedItem)); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); Win32.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); HookToConsole.RemoveFrom(); ReadConsole(); WriteLog("Account: " + listBox1.SelectedItem + " kicked!", Color.Red); button4_Click(null, null); }
private void button18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rStarted = false; if (checkBox2.Checked == true) { if (Process.GetProcessesByName(mangosName).Length > 0) { IntPtr pWindow; Process[] proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(mangosName); pPointer = (IntPtr)proc[0].Id; pWindow = (IntPtr)proc[0].MainWindowHandle; Win32.SetForegroundWindow(pWindow); MainFunctions.SendToConsole("exit"); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); Win32.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); HookToConsole.RemoveFrom(); ReadConsole(); WriteLog("MaNGOS Restarted Manually!", Color.Red); } else { WriteLog("MaNGOS requested to be restarted, but process not found!", Color.Red); } } if (checkBox3.Checked == true) { if (Process.GetProcessesByName(realmName).Length > 0) { Process[] Proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(realmName); Proc[0].Kill(); WriteLog("Realm Restarted Manually!", Color.Red); } else { WriteLog("Realm requested to be restarted, but process not found!", Color.Red); } } restarterButton_Click(null, null); }