public static DataTable SelectNewsByRangeId(String RangeNewsId)
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB()) {
         DataTable table = db.StoredProcedures.vc_News_SelectListNewsByRangeNewsId(RangeNewsId);
 public static DataTable BaiNoiBat_BaiNoiBat_Select(string EditionType)
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         return(db.SelectQuery("Select * From v_BaiNoiBatTrangChu_Select vbn Join NewsPublished np On vbn.News_ID = np.News_ID Join Category c On np.Cat_ID = c.Cat_ID Where c.EditionType_ID = " + EditionType + " Order By Thutu"));
        public static int GetRowsNews(string strWhere, string cpmode, bool isClear)
            if (strWhere == null)
                strWhere = "";

            string strCacheName = "GetRowsNews_" + cpmode + "_" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

            if (isClear)
            DataTable objresult = HttpContext.Current.Cache[strCacheName] as DataTable;

            if (objresult == null)
                using (MainDB objdb = new MainDB()) {
                    objresult = objdb.StoredProcedures.News_GetListNewNumRow(strWhere, cpmode, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);

                //DFISYS.BO.Common.Utils.SetDataToCache(objresult, strCacheName, "News",);
                //HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(strCacheName, objresult, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60), TimeSpan.Zero);
        public static DataTable GetNewslistOfNewsSpecialListControl(string strWhere, int PageSize, int StartRow, string SortExpression)
            string cpmode = "";

            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"] != null)
                cpmode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"].ToString();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SortExpression))
                SortExpression = "[News].News_ModifiedDate DESC";

            //Lay gia tri mode list de xu ly
            if (strWhere == null)
                strWhere = "";

            DataTable objresult;
            int       intPageNum = StartRow / PageSize + 1;

            //lay duoc du lieu cua tat ca nhung thang co trang thai la status can lay
            using (MainDB objdb = new MainDB())
                objresult = objdb.StoredProcedures.News_GetListNewSpecial(strWhere, StartRow.ToString(), PageSize.ToString(), SortExpression);
 ///  Update Question-------------------------------------------------------
 public void Update()
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.CallStoredProcedure("CMS_Question_Update", new object[] { Question_ID, Sourse_ID, Channel_ID, Question_Content, Question_Answer, Question_Time, User_Name, User_Age, User_Sex, User_Address, User_Mobile, User_Email, User_Job, Status }, new string[] { "@Question_ID", "@Sourse_ID", "@Channel_ID", "@Question_Content", "@Question_Answer", "@Question_Time", "@User_Name", "@User_Age", "@User_Sex", "@User_Address", "@User_Mobile", "@User_Email", "@User_Job", "@Status" }, false);
        private static void newsupdate(long _news_id, bool blnIsFocus, int intNewMode)
            MainDB objDb = new MainDB();

            try {
                NewsRow          objRow;
                NewsPublishedRow publishedRow = null;
                bool             IsPublished  = false;
                String           cpmode       = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"];
                if (cpmode.IndexOf("publishedlist") >= 0 || cpmode.IndexOf("removedlist") >= 0)
                    IsPublished = true;

                //using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB())
                objRow = objDb.NewsCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);

                if (IsPublished)
                    publishedRow = objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);
                if (objRow != null)
                    //thuc hien doi trang thai cua tin - luu thong tin modified thanh ngay gio hien tai.
                    //objRow.News_Status = _news_status;
                    objRow.News_isFocus      = blnIsFocus;
                    objRow.News_Mode         = intNewMode;
                    objRow.News_ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

                    if (IsPublished && publishedRow != null)
                        publishedRow.News_isFocus     = blnIsFocus;
                        publishedRow.News_Mode        = intNewMode;
                        publishedRow.News_ModifedDate = DateTime.Now;

                    //using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB())

                    if (IsPublished && publishedRow != null)

                // Commit Transaction
            catch (Exception ex) {
            finally {
Example #7
 public void DelThread(string _selected_id)
     if (_selected_id.IndexOf(",") <= 0)
         try {
             int intid = Convert.ToInt32(_selected_id);
             using (MainDB objDB = new MainDB()) {
         catch { }
         string[] objTempSel = _selected_id.Split(',');
         //foreach (string temp in objTempSel)
         //    DeleteFile(temp.Trim());
         try {
             using (MainDB objDB = new MainDB()) {
                 objDB.NewsThreadCollection.Delete("Thread_ID in (" + _selected_id + ")");
         catch { }
 ///  Update CourseLog-------------------------------------------------------
 public void Update()
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.CallStoredProcedure("CMS_CourseLog_Update", new object[] { CourseLog_ID, CourseLog_Date, Course_ID, Course_Content }, new string[] { "@CourseLog_ID", "@CourseLog_Date", "@Course_ID", "@Course_Content" }, false);
Example #9
 public static void UpdateView(int advId)
     using (var ndb = new MainDB(MasterConnectionString))
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // list of object that can be add to editor
                //js.Text = "<script>window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener('onload',loadContent,false):window.attachevent('onload',loadContent);</script>";
                //js.Text = "<script>addLoadEvent(loadContent); saveViewstate(); //__doPostBack('LinkButton1', '');</script>";
                NewsContent.AssetManagerWidth  = "750";
                NewsContent.AssetManagerHeight = "530";

                NewsContent.AssetManager = "/AssetManager/assetmanager.asp?user="******"Select News_Title From News Where News_Id=" + newsId.ToString());
                    if (objTitleNews != null)
                        lblTitleNews.Text = objTitleNews.ToString();
Example #11
        public static List <AdvZoneEntity> GetZoneByCatId(int catId)
            var    zoneByCatId = new DataTable();
            string cacheName   = string.Format("GetZoneByCatId_{0}", catId);
            var    fromCache   = Utils.GetFromCache <List <AdvZoneEntity> >(cacheName);

            if ((fromCache == null) || (fromCache == null))
                using (MainDB ndb = new MainDB())
                    zoneByCatId = ndb.StoredProcedures.GetZoneByCatId(catId);
                int num = (zoneByCatId != null) ? zoneByCatId.Rows.Count : 0;
                if (num > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                        var row  = zoneByCatId.Rows[0];
                        var item = new AdvZoneEntity();
                        item.ID           = Utils.GetObj <int>(row["ID"]);
                        item.isActive     = (row["isActive"] != null) ? Convert.ToBoolean(row["isActive"]) : false;
                        item.Name         = Utils.GetObj <string>(row["Name"]);
                        item.WidthDefault = Utils.GetObj <int>(row["WidthDefault"]);
                        item.Cat_ID       = Utils.GetObj <int>(row["Cat_ID"]);
                Utils.SaveToCacheDependency(TableName.DATABASE_NAME, TableName.QUANGCAO_ZONE, cacheName, fromCache);
            if (fromCache == null)
                fromCache = new List <AdvZoneEntity>();
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Dành cho trường hợp nhúng Embed vào trang của Ambient hoặc Infinity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zoneId"></param>
        /// <param name="catId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetAdvEmbedScriptItemById(int zoneId, int catId)
            DataTable advItemById;
            string    cacheName = string.Format("GetAdvEmbedScriptItemById_{0}__{1}", zoneId, catId);
            var       fromCache = Utils.GetFromCache <string>(cacheName);

            if (fromCache == null)
                using (MainDB ndb = new MainDB())
                    advItemById = ndb.StoredProcedures.GetAdvItemById(zoneId, catId);
                fromCache = string.Empty;
                string str3   = string.Empty;
                var    entity = new AdvItemEntity();
                int    num    = (advItemById != null) ? advItemById.Rows.Count : 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    DataRow row = advItemById.Rows[i];

                    entity.Type = (row["Type"] != null) ? Utils.GetObj <int>(row["Type"]) : 0;

                    if (entity.Type == 5)
                        str3 += (row["SourceFile"] != null) ? Utils.GetObj <string>(row["SourceFile"]) : string.Empty;
                str3 = str3.Trim();

                fromCache = str3 + fromCache;
                Utils.SaveToCacheDependency(TableName.DATABASE_NAME, new string[] { TableName.QUANGCAO_ITEM, TableName.ZONE_ITEM }, cacheName, fromCache);
Example #13
        public void LoadCapture(string path)
            _currentXmlFile = path;

                var capture = XmlCaptureImporter.Load(path);

                _version = capture.Version;
                _db      = _mainWindow.VersioningProvider.GetDatabaseForVersion(_version);
                foreach (var packet in capture.Packets)
                    // Add a packet to the view, but no update to the label
                    AddPacketToListView(packet, true);

                // Backwards compatibility
                _wasCapturedMs = capture.UsingSystemTime != null && bool.Parse(capture.UsingSystemTime);

            catch (Exception exc)
                new ExtendedErrorView($"Could not load capture at {path}.", exc.ToString(), "Error").ShowDialog();
                #if DEBUG
        public static void BaiNoiBat_BaiNoiBat_Update(long[] newsIds, int[] thutu, string newsIdNotSelected, string editionType)
            using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
                // xóa hết các bài trong bảng BonBaiNoiBat
                string sql = "Delete From BonBaiNoiBat" + Environment.NewLine;

                // insert từng bài đã chọn vào bảng BonBaiNoiBat
                for (int i = 0; i < newsIds.Length; i++)
                    sql += "Insert Into BonBaiNoiBat (News_Id, isNoiBat, Thutu) Values (" + newsIds.GetValue(i) + ", 0, " + thutu[i] + ")" + Environment.NewLine;

                // cập nhật lại những tin không được chọn thành tin bình thường
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsIdNotSelected))
                    sql += "Update News Set News_Mode = 0 From News Join Category On News.Cat_ID = Category.Cat_ID " +
                           "Where Category.EditionType_ID = " + editionType + "AND News_ID In (" + newsIdNotSelected + ") AND (News_PublishDate < DATEADD(HOUR,-48,GETDATE())) " + Environment.NewLine;
                    sql += "Update newspublished Set News_Mode = 0 From NewsPublished Join Category On NewsPublished.Cat_ID = Category.Cat_ID" +
                           " Where Category.EditionType_ID = " + editionType + " AND News_ID In (" + newsIdNotSelected + ") AND (News_PublishDate < DATEADD(HOUR,-48,GETDATE())) " + Environment.NewLine;

Example #15
        public DataTable GetThreadlist(string strWhere, int PageSize, int StartRow)
            //lay thong tin ve menh de where de loc thong tin
            if (strWhere == null)
                strWhere = "";
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            using (MainDB objdb = new MainDB())
                table = objdb.StoredProcedures.vc_NewsThread_SelectList(strWhere, StartRow, PageSize);

            DataTable objTemp = table.Clone();

            if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
                DataRow dr = objTemp.NewRow();
                dr["Thread_ID"]       = 0;
                dr["Title"]           = "Chưa có dữ liệu";
                dr["Thread_isForcus"] = false;
                dr["Thread_Logo"]     = "";
                dr["Row"]             = 0;
 public static void DeleteFeedback(string ID)
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.AnotherNonQuery("delete from FeedBack where ID in(" + ID + ")");
        public static DataTable GetNewslist(string strWhere, int PageSize, int StartRow, bool isFistPage)
            //Lay gia tri mode list de xu ly
            if (strWhere == null)
                strWhere = "";
            if (isFistPage)
                StartRow = 0;

            if (PageSize == 0)
                PageSize = 40;

            string cpmode = "";

            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"] != null)
                cpmode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"].ToString();
            DataTable objresult;
            int       intPageNum = StartRow / PageSize + 1;

            //lay duoc du lieu cua tat ca nhung thang co trang thai la status can lay
            using (MainDB objdb = new MainDB()) {
                //objresult = objdb.NewsCollection.GetPageAsDataTable(intPageNum, PageSize, strWhere, "News_ModifiedDate DESC"); ;
                objresult = objdb.StoredProcedures.News_GetListNew(strWhere, cpmode, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, StartRow.ToString(), PageSize.ToString(), "[News].News_PublishDate DESC");
 ///  Update ChannelResponse-------------------------------------------------------
 public void Update()
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.CallStoredProcedure("CMS_ChannelResponse_Update", new object[] { ChannelResponse_ID, Sourse_ID, UserID, ChannelResponse_NameManager, IsActive }, new string[] { "@ChannelResponse_ID", "@Sourse_ID", "@UserID", "@ChannelResponse_NameManager", "@IsActive" }, false);
 ///  Update Course-------------------------------------------------------
 public void Update()
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.CallStoredProcedure("CMS_Course_Update", new object[] { Course_ID, Course_Date, Course_Title, Course_InitContent, Course_SubTitle, Course_Content, Course_Image, Course_ImageNote, isActive, News_ID, Status, PublicOrder }, new string[] { "@Course_ID", "@Course_Date", "@Course_Title", "@Course_InitContent", "@Course_SubTitle", "@Course_Content", "@Course_Image", "@Course_ImageNote", "@isActive", "@News_ID", "@Status", "@PublicOrder" }, false);
        public void UpdateThread(int _thread_id, string _thread_title, bool _thread_isfocus, string _thread_logo, string _thread_rt, int _thread_rc, bool _status)
            NewsThreadRow objrow;

            using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB()) {
                objrow = objDb.NewsThreadCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_thread_id);
            if (objrow != null)
                objrow.Title           = _thread_title;
                objrow.Thread_isForcus = _thread_isfocus;
                objrow.Thread_RT       = _thread_rt;
                objrow.Thread_RC       = _thread_rc;
                if (_thread_logo != "" && _thread_logo != null)
                    objrow.Thread_Logo = _thread_logo;
                if (_status)
                    objrow.Status = 0;
                    objrow.Status = 1;
                using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB()) {
                    DataTable table = objDb.StoredProcedures.vc_NewsThread_CheckExistingTitle(_thread_title, _thread_id);
                    if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
 public static void UpdateThreadOrder(int Thread_ID, int Order, int CateID, string Logo)
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.StoredProcedures.Nc_UpdateOrderThread(Thread_ID, Order, CateID, Logo);
Example #22
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["id"] == null || Session["id"].ToString() == "")
                Response.Redirect("/users.aspx", false);
            Page.RegisterHiddenField("hidIdPrefix", ClientID + "_");
            if (!IsPostBack)
                //string userID = Request.QueryString["id"];
                string userID = Session["id"] != null ? Session["id"].ToString() : "";
                string catID  = Session["CatID"] != null ? Session["CatID"].ToString() : "";

                //người gán
                string assignUser;
                ViewState["userid"] = assignUser = Page.User.Identity.Name;
                using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
                    //LoadPermission(db , Int32.Parse(lbxRole.SelectedValue));
                    lblPermission.Visible = false;
                //người được gán

                lblUserName.Text = userID;
                //khoi tao bien secu de lay toan bo roles cua thang hien tai
        public DataTable GetListCateParentPagging(int pageIndex, int pageSize, int imgWidth)
            DataTable dt;

            using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
                dt = db.StoredProcedures.Web_ListProductCatPagging(pageIndex, pageSize);
            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (!dt.Columns.Contains("Cat_URL"))
                if (!dt.Columns.Contains("Image"))
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    dt.Rows[i]["Cat_URL"] = Utility.CatLink(dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(),
                                                            Utility.UnicodeToKoDauAndGach(dt.Rows[i]["Product_Category_Name"].ToString()), "2");

                    dt.Rows[i]["Image"] = dt.Rows[i]["Product_Category_Image"] != null?Utility.GetThumbNail(dt.Rows[i]["Product_Category_Name"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["Cat_URL"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["Product_Category_Image"].ToString(), imgWidth) : String.Empty;
        public int GetCategoryByCatParentID_Count(int catID, int PageSize)
            string CachName  = "Microf_DanhSachTin_Count" + catID + PageSize;
            int    totalPage = 0;

            if (totalPage == 0)
                DataTable tbl = null;
                using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
                    tbl = db.StoredProcedures.proc_SelectProductCategory_Count(catID);
                    if (tbl != null)
                        totalPage = Utility.ConvertToInt(tbl.Rows[0][0]);
                        totalPage = (totalPage - 1) / PageSize + 1;
                        totalPage = 1;
                //  Utility.SaveToCacheDependency(TableName.DATABASE_NAME, TableName.NEWSPUBLISHED, CachName, totalPage);
Example #25
 ///  Update Adv_Position-------------------------------------------------------
 public void Update()
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.CallStoredProcedure("CMS_Adv_Position_Update", new object[] { PosID, PosName, Width, Height, ClassName }, new string[] { "@PosID", "@PosName", "@Width", "@Height", "@ClassName" }, false);
 public void DeleteCategory(string Cat_ID)
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
Example #27
 ///  Update Advertisments-------------------------------------------------------
 public void Update()
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.CallStoredProcedure("CMS_Advertisments_Update", new object[] { AdvID, Name, FilePath, StartDate, EndDate, Embed, Description, IsActive, IsRotate, Link, Order, Type, ViewCount, Width, Height }, new string[] { "@AdvID", "@Name", "@FilePath", "@StartDate", "@EndDate", "@Embed", "@Description", "@IsActive", "@IsRotate", "@Link", "@Order", "@Type", "@ViewCount", "@Width", "@Height" }, false);
Example #28
 ///  Update Adv_Page_Position-------------------------------------------------------
 public void Update()
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.CallStoredProcedure("CMS_Adv_Page_Position_Update", new object[] { AdvID, CatID, PosID }, new string[] { "@AdvID", "@CatID", "@PosID" }, false);
Example #29
 ///  Insert Adv_Page_Position-------------------------------------------------------
 public void Insert()
     using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
         db.CallStoredProcedure("CMS_Adv_Page_Position_Insert", new object[] { CatID, PosID }, new string[] { "@CatID", "@PosID" }, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Ham thuc hien check quyen login cua mot user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_userName">UserID su dung de dang nhap</param>
        /// <param name="_pwd">Mat khau dung de dang nhap</param>
        /// <returns>True nen xac thuc co quyen dang nhap, flase neu khong co quyen dang nhap</returns>
        public bool Login(string _userName, string _pwd)
            bool    blnResult = false;
            UserRow objrow;

            using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB()) {
                objrow = objDb.UserCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_userName);

            //Dung giai thuat ma hoa o day de kiem tra pwd
            if (objrow != null)
                if (!objrow.IsUser_isActiveNull && objrow.User_isActive)
                    string strPass = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(_pwd, "MD5");
                    if (objrow.User_Pwd.ToLower() == strPass.ToLower())
                        blnResult       = true;
                        blnAuthenticate = true;
                        UpdateUserHistory(_userName, strPass);
                        FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(_userName, false);

	public DBManager(){
		mainDB = new MainDB ();
		supervillainsDB = new SupervillainsDB ();
		schoolClassDB = new SchoolClassDB ();
		buildingDB = new BuildingDB (schoolClassDB);
		researchDB = new ResearchDB ();
		superHeroesDB = new SuperheroesDB ();
		superPowersDB = new SuperPowersDB();
		eventDB = new EventDB();
        public static DataTable CafeF_News_Title_Hot_Select(int Cat_ID)
            string cacheName = "CafeF_News_Title_Hot_Select_" + Cat_ID;
            DataTable __result = NewsHelper_NoCached.GetFromCacheDependency<DataTable>(cacheName);
            if (__result == null)
                using (MainDB db = new MainDB())
                    __result = db.StoredProcedures.CafeF_News_Title_Hot_Select(Cat_ID);

                NewsHelper_NoCached.SaveToCacheDependency(Const.DATABASE_NAME, "News_Title_Hot", cacheName, __result);

            return __result;
 public static global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType GetTypedDataSetSchema(global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xs) {
     MainDB ds = new MainDB();
     global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType();
     global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence sequence = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence();
     global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any = new global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny();
     any.Namespace = ds.Namespace;
     type.Particle = sequence;
     global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema dsSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable();
     if (xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace)) {
         global::System.IO.MemoryStream s1 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream();
         global::System.IO.MemoryStream s2 = new global::System.IO.MemoryStream();
         try {
             global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema schema = null;
             for (global::System.Collections.IEnumerator schemas = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator(); schemas.MoveNext(); ) {
                 schema = ((global::System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema)(schemas.Current));
                 if ((s1.Length == s2.Length)) {
                     s1.Position = 0;
                     s2.Position = 0;
                     for (; ((s1.Position != s1.Length) 
                                 && (s1.ReadByte() == s2.ReadByte())); ) {
                     if ((s1.Position == s1.Length)) {
                         return type;
         finally {
             if ((s1 != null)) {
             if ((s2 != null)) {
     return type;