Example #1
    private void ShipStatsUpdate()
        // Writes information in the bottem_left corner
        float relative_vel = SceneGlobals.ReferenceSystem.RelativeVelocity(PlayerShip.Velocity).magnitude;

        texts["velocity_indicator"].text         = (Mathf.Round(relative_vel * 100f) / 100f).ToString() + " m/s";
        texts["angular_momentum_indicator"].text = (Mathf.Round(PlayerShip.AngularVelocity.magnitude * Mathf.Deg2Rad * 100f) / 100f).ToString() + " rad/s";

        // Points to one turret
        if (turret_selected)
            HighlightingPosition = MainCam.WorldToScreenPoint(selected_turret.Position);

        if (HighlightingPosition == Vector3.zero)
            pointers ["turret_position"].transform.position = new Vector3(-200, -200, 0);
            Vector3 screen_pos = HighlightingPosition;
            screen_pos.z = 0f;
            pointers ["turret_position"].transform.position = HighlightingPosition;
            pointers ["turret_position"].transform.Rotate(0, 0, Time.deltaTime * 90);

        // Updates stuff

        if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y > 0 && (selected_turret != null || selected_group != null))
            // up
            scroll_bar.value -= .05f;
        if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y < 0 && (selected_turret != null || selected_group != null))
            // down
            scroll_bar.value += .05f;

        mouse_on_menu = !GroupSwitch?turret_menu.rectTransform.rect.Contains(Input.mousePosition - turret_menu.rectTransform.position) :
                            group_menu.rectTransform.rect.Contains(Input.mousePosition - group_menu.rectTransform.position);

        if (!mouse_on_menu && !turret_selected)
            turret_menu.rectTransform.position = new Vector3(-200, -200, 0);
            selected_turret = null;
        if (!mouse_on_menu && !group_selected)
            group_menu.rectTransform.position = new Vector3(-100, -200, 0);
            selected_group = null;
Example #2
    ///<summary> This should be called from the third frame on </summary>
    private void BattleSymbolsUpdate()
        // Defines Target
        Target          target  = player_script.target;
        ReferenceSystem ref_sys = SceneGlobals.ReferenceSystem;

        // Projects the player's "absolute" velocity (relative to the origin of the scene)
        if (PlayerShip != null && ref_sys.RelativeVelocity(PlayerShip.Velocity) != Vector3.zero)
            Image prog = pointers["prograde_marker"];
            ProjectVecOnScreen(ref_sys.RelativeVelocity(PlayerShip.Velocity), camera_transform, ref prog);

        // Projects the players relative velocity to his selected target
        if (target.Exists)
            if (!target.virt_ship)
                if (PlayerShip.Velocity - target.Ship.Velocity != Vector3.zero)
                    Image tgt_vel = pointers["target_velocity_marker"];
                    ProjectVecOnScreen(PlayerShip.Velocity - target.Ship.Velocity, camera_transform, ref tgt_vel);

        // Weapon indicators
        foreach (Weapon w in PlayerShip.Parts.GetAll <Weapon>())
            Image   img     = weapon_states[w];
            Vector3 new_pos = MainCam.WorldToScreenPoint(player_transform.position + (player_transform.forward * 100000));
            new_pos.z = 0;
            img.rectTransform.position = new_pos;
            if (w.ooo_time > 0)
                float ratio = 1 - (w.ooo_time / w.init_ooo_time) * .75f;
                img.color = new Color(ratio, ratio, ratio);
                img.color = new Color(1f, 1 - w.heat, 1 - w.heat);

        // Turret Indicators
        foreach (Turret t in PlayerShip.Parts.GetAll <Turret>())
            Image   img     = turret_states[t];
            Vector3 new_pos = MainCam.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position + (t.BarrelRot * Vector3.forward * 100000f));
            new_pos.z = 0;
            img.rectTransform.position = new_pos;
            if (t.ooo_time > 0)
                float ratio = 1 - (t.ooo_time / t.init_ooo_time) * .75f;
                img.color = new Color(ratio, ratio, ratio);
                img.color = new Color(1f, 1 - t.heat, 1 - t.heat);

        // Draws the "direction pointer" (the velocity direction)
        Vector3 direction_projection = direction == Vector3.zero ? new Vector3(-200, -200) : MainCam.WorldToScreenPoint(direction + transform.position);

        direction_projection.z = 0;
        pointers ["direction_pointer"].transform.position = direction_projection;

        Vector3 velocity_dir = PlayerShip.Velocity == Vector3.zero ? new Vector3(-200, -200) : MainCam.WorldToScreenPoint(PlayerShip.Position + PlayerShip.Velocity.normalized * 1e9f);

        velocity_dir.z = 0;
        pointers ["prograde"].transform.position = velocity_dir;
        pointers ["prograde"].color = Vector3.Angle(PlayerShip.Velocity, camera_transform.forward) < 90f ? Color.green : Color.red;

        if (player_script.target != null)
            if (player_script.target.Exists)
                tgting_point = player_script.target.Position;

        if (group_follows_cursor)
            if (current_group != null)