public void CopyZipFile2(string _processby, Main2 main) { string dPath = Application.StartupPath + @"\AFT_" + main.batchfile + "_" + _processby + ".zip"; string sPath = "\\\\\\captive\\Zips\\Banko_Nuestra\\Test\\AFT_" + main.batchfile + "_" + _processby + ".zip"; File.Copy(sPath, dPath, true); //string dPath2 = "\\\\\\PrinterFiles\\ISLA\\2019\\"; //string sPath2 = "\\\\\\captive\\Auto\\IslaBank\\Test\\"; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Main2.PureEvil(); //todo explain named params GuessNumberGame game = new GuessNumberGame(100, 6, GuessingPlayer.Human); game.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void textBox2_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar == 13) { SqlConnection conn = DBConn.GetInstance(); //SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Count(*) from Login where Username = '******'and Password ='******'", conn); // SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Count(*) from Login where Username = @UN and Password = @PW", conn); DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)cmbLogin.SelectedItem; username = (string)drv.Row["Username"]; RoleId = (int)drv.Row["RoleId"]; //sda.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UN", cmbLogin.Text); // sda.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PW", textBox2.Text); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // sda.Fill(dt); try { if (cmbLogin.Text != "" && textBox2.Text != "") { //SqlDataAdapter sda1 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Username from Login where username = '******'and Password ='******'", conn); SqlDataAdapter sda1 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Count(*) from Login where Username = @UN and Password = @PW", conn); sda1.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UN", cmbLogin.Text); sda1.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PW", textBox2.Text); DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); sda1.Fill(dt1); //label4.Text = "Login approved as Admin"; if (dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "1") { this.Hide(); Main2 FF = new Main2(); FF.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; //AdminForm af = new AdminForm(); conn.Close(); FF.Show(); } else { lblincorrectpass.Text = "Password is incorrect"; } } else { lblincorrectpass.Text = "please fill all textboxes!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; } } }
public void ZipFileS2(string _processby, Main2 main) { string sPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\" + Main2.outputFolder; string dPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\AFT_" + main.batchfile + "_" + _processby + ".zip"; DeleteZipfile(); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(sPath, dPath); Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zips = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile(dPath); zips.AddItem(Application.StartupPath + "\\Head"); zips.Save(); // CopyZipFile2(_processby, main); DeleteFiles(".SQL"); }
public static void Main() { string text; //ファイルの読み込み using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( "view.txt", Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS"))) { { text = sr.ReadToEnd(); //一気に読み込める } string[] line = text.Split('\n'); //行を配列に格納 string[] yx = line[0].Split(' '); int y = int.Parse(yx[0]); // y 12 int x = int.Parse(yx[1]); // x 10 //Zahyo(二次元配列)に格納 char[,] Zahyo = new char[y, x]; for (int yy = 0; yy < y + 1; yy++) { if (yy == 0) { continue; } for (int xx = 0; xx < x; xx++) { Zahyo[yy - 1, xx] = line[yy][xx]; } } int count = 0; char[,] map = Zahyo; for (int i = 0; i < y; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < x; k++) { if (Zahyo[i, k] == 'W') { count++; Main2 A = new Main2(map, y, x); //Console.WriteLine(i +":" +k); A.henkan(i, k); } } } Console.WriteLine(count); } }
void OpenMain() { Main2 dummyDoc = new Main2(this); if (this.dockPanel1.DocumentStyle == DocumentStyle.SystemMdi) { dummyDoc.MdiParent = this; dummyDoc.Show(); } else { dummyDoc.Show(this.dockPanel1); } }
public void PackingText2(List <ChequeModel> _checksModel, Main2 _mainForm) { StreamWriter file; DBConnections db = new DBConnections(); // db.GetAllData(_checksModel, _mainForm.batchFile); var listofcheck = _checksModel.Select(e => e.ChequeType).ToList(); foreach (string Scheck in listofcheck) { if (Scheck == "A") { string packkingListPath = outputForlder + "\\Regular_Checks\\PackingA.txt"; if (File.Exists(packkingListPath)) { File.Delete(packkingListPath); } var checks = _checksModel.Where(a => a.ChequeType == Scheck).Distinct().ToList(); file = File.CreateText(packkingListPath); file.Close(); using (file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(packkingListPath, FileMode.Append))) { string output = OutPutProcess.ConvertToPackingList(checks, "PERSONAL", _mainForm.batchfile); file.WriteLine(output); } } } foreach (string Scheck in listofcheck) { if (Scheck == "B") { string packkingListPath = outputForlder + "\\Regular_Checks\\PackingB.txt"; if (File.Exists(packkingListPath)) { File.Delete(packkingListPath); } var checks = _checksModel.Where(a => a.ChequeType == Scheck).Distinct().ToList(); file = File.CreateText(packkingListPath); file.Close(); using (file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(packkingListPath, FileMode.Append))) { string output = OutPutProcess.ConvertToPackingList(checks, "COMMERCIAL", _mainForm.batchfile); file.WriteLine(output); } } } }
public static void Main() { string text; //ファイルの読み込み using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( "view.txt", Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS"))) { text = sr.ReadToEnd(); } string[] values = text.Split('\n'); string[] line = values[0].Split(' '); int y = int.Parse(line[0]); // x 12 int x = int.Parse(line[1]); // y 10 //配列に入れる char[,] map = new char[y, x]; for (int i = 0; i < y + 1; i++) { if (i == 0) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < x; k++) { map[i - 1, k] = values[i][k]; } } int count = 0; char[,] B = map; for (int i = 0; i < y; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < x; k++) { Main2 A = new Main2(B, x, y); B = A.Check(i, k); if (A.Count()) { count++; } } } Console.WriteLine(count); }
public static void CopyPrinterFile2(string _checkType, Main2 _mainForm) { string source = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output"; string destination = @"\\\PrinterFiles\Banko_Nuestra\Test\" + DateTime.Now.Year; if (_checkType == "A") { File.Copy(source + "\\Regular_Checks\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchfile.Substring(0, 4) + "P.txt", destination + "\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchfile.Substring(0, 4) + "P.txt", true); } else if (_checkType == "B") { File.Copy(source + "\\Regular_Checks\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchfile.Substring(0, 4) + "C.txt", destination + "\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchfile.Substring(0, 4) + "C.txt", true); } //else if (_checkType == "CS") // File.Copy(source + "\\Charge_Slip\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchfile.Substring(0, 4) + "CS.txt", destination + "\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchfile.Substring(0, 4) + "CS.txt", true); }
public static void CopyPackingDBF2(string _checkType, Main2 _mainForm) { string source = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output"; string destination = @"\\\Packing\Banko_Nuestra\TEST\"; { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination + _mainForm.batchfile); } string destination1 = @"\\\Packing\Banko_Nuestra\TEST\" + _mainForm.batchfile; if (_checkType == "A" || _checkType == "B") { File.Copy(source + "\\Regular_Checks\\Packing.dbf", destination1 + "\\Packing.dbf", true); } //else if (_checkType == "CS") // File.Copy(source + "\\Charge_Slip\\Packing.dbf", destination1 + "\\Packing.dbf", true); }
static void Main() { foreach (var process in Process.GetProcessesByName("GTFS_U.exe")) { process.Kill(); } if (!checkSingleInstance()) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Application.Run(new Main()); MetroFramework.Forms.MetroForm mainForm = new Main2(); //MetroFramework.Forms.MetroForm mainForm = new Login(); Application.Run(mainForm); } else { Application.Exit(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Main1.Execute(); Main2.Execute(); }
public void ProcessCheck2(List <ChequeModel> _checkm, Main2 _mainForm) { string doBlockPath; StreamWriter file; DBConnections db = new DBConnections(); // db.GetAllData(_checkm, _mainForm.batchfile); var chkList = _checkm.Select(e => e.ChequeType).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string chk in chkList) { doBlockPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\Regular_Checks\\BlockP.txt"; if (chk == "A") { if (File.Exists(doBlockPath)) { File.Delete(doBlockPath); } file = File.CreateText(doBlockPath); file.Close(); var chkA = _checkm.Where(e => e.ChequeType == chk).ToList(); using (file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(doBlockPath, FileMode.Append))) { string output = OutPutProcess.ConvertToBlockText(chkA, "PERSONAL", _mainForm.batchfile, _mainForm.deliveryDate, frmLogIn._userName, _mainForm.filename); file.WriteLine(output); } } } foreach (string chk in chkList) { if (chk == "B") { var chkB = _checkm.Where(e => e.ChequeType == chk).ToList(); doBlockPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\Regular_Checks\\BlockC.txt"; if (File.Exists(doBlockPath)) { File.Delete(doBlockPath); } file = File.CreateText(doBlockPath); file.Close(); using (file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(doBlockPath, FileMode.Append))) { string output = OutPutProcess.ConvertToBlockText(chkB, "COMMERCIAL", _mainForm.batchfile, _mainForm.deliveryDate, frmLogIn._userName, _mainForm.filename); file.WriteLine(output); } } } //foreach (string chk in chkList) //{ // if (chk == "CS") // { // var chkB = _checkm.Where(e => e.ChequeType == chk).ToList(); // doBlockPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\Charge_Slip\\BlockA.txt"; // if (File.Exists(doBlockPath)) // File.Delete(doBlockPath); // file = File.CreateText(doBlockPath); // file.Close(); // using (file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(doBlockPath, FileMode.Append))) // { // string output = OutPutProcess.ConvertToBlockText(chkB, "CHARGE-SLIP", _mainForm.batchFile, _mainForm.deliveryDate, frmLogIn._userName, _mainForm.fileName); // file.WriteLine(output); // } // } //} }
public void PrinterFile2(List <ChequeModel> _checkModel, Main2 _mainForm) { DBConnections db = new DBConnections(); db.GetAllData(_checkModel, _mainForm.batchfile); StreamWriter file; var listofchecks = _checkModel.Select(e => e.ChequeType).ToList(); foreach (string checktype in listofchecks) { if (checktype == "A") { string printerFilePathA = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\Regular_Checks\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchfile.Substring(0, 4) + "P.txt"; var check = _checkModel.Where(e => e.ChequeType == checktype).ToList(); if (File.Exists(printerFilePathA)) { File.Delete(printerFilePathA); } file = File.CreateText(printerFilePathA); file.Close(); for (int a = 0; a < check.Count; a++) { using (file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(printerFilePathA, FileMode.Append))) { string output = OutPutProcess.ConvertToPrinterFormat1(check[a].BRSTN, check[a].AccountNo, long.Parse(check[a].StartingSerial), check[a].PcsPerBook, check[a].Name1, check[a].Name2, check[a].Address1, check[a].Address2, check[a].Address3, check[a].Address4, check[a].Address5, check[a].Address6, check[a].Address1, "A"); file.WriteLine(output); } } ZipCopyProcess.CopyPrinterFile2(checktype, _mainForm); ZipCopyProcess.CopyPackingDBF2(checktype, _mainForm); } } foreach (string checktype in listofchecks) { if (checktype == "B") { string printerFilePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\Regular_Checks\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchfile.Substring(0, 4) + "C.txt"; var check = _checkModel.Where(e => e.ChequeType == checktype).ToList(); if (File.Exists(printerFilePath)) { File.Delete(printerFilePath); } file = File.CreateText(printerFilePath); file.Close(); for (int a = 0; a < check.Count; a++) { using (file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(printerFilePath, FileMode.Append))) { string output = OutPutProcess.ConvertToPrinterFormat1(check[a].BRSTN, check[a].AccountNo, long.Parse(check[a].StartingSerial), check[a].PcsPerBook, check[a].Name1, check[a].Name2, check[a].Address1, check[a].Address2, check[a].Address3, check[a].Address4, check[a].Address5, check[a].Address6, check[a].Address1, "B"); file.WriteLine(output); } } ZipCopyProcess.CopyPrinterFile2(checktype, _mainForm); ZipCopyProcess.CopyPackingDBF2(checktype, _mainForm); } } //foreach (string checktype in listofchecks) //{ // if (checktype == "CS") // { // string printerFilePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\Charge_Slip\\BNU" + _mainForm.batchFile.Substring(0, 4) + "CS.txt"; // var check = _checkModel.Where(e => e.ChequeType == checktype).ToList(); // if (File.Exists(printerFilePath)) // File.Delete(printerFilePath); // file = File.CreateText(printerFilePath); // file.Close(); // for (int a = 0; a < check.Count; a++) // { // using (file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(printerFilePath, FileMode.Append))) // { // string output = OutPutProcess.ConvertToPrinterFormat1(check[a].BRSTN, check[a].AccountNo, long.Parse(check[a].StartingSerial), check[a].PcsPerBook, check[a].Name1, check[a].Name2, check[a].Address1, check[a].Address2, check[a].Address3, check[a].Address4, check[a].Address5, check[a].Address6, check[a].Address1, "CS"); // file.WriteLine(output); // } // } // ZipCopyProcess.CopyPrinterFile(checktype, _mainForm); // ZipCopyProcess.CopyPackingDBF(checktype, _mainForm); // } //} }
public void SaveToPackingDBF2(List <ChequeModel> _checks, string _batchNumber, Main2 _mainForm) { string dbConnection; string tempCheckType = ""; int blockNo = 0, blockCounter = 0; DBConnections db = new DBConnections(); // db.GetAllData(_checks, _mainForm.batchfile); var listofchecks = _checks.Select(e => e.ChequeType).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string checktype in listofchecks) { if (checktype == "A" || checktype == "B") { dbConnection = "Provider=VfpOleDB.1; Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\Regular_Checks\\Packing.dbf" + "; Mode=ReadWrite;"; //Check if packing file exists //if (!File.Exists(_filepath)) //{ OleDbConnection oConnect = new OleDbConnection(dbConnection); OleDbCommand oCommand; oConnect.Open(); oCommand = new OleDbCommand("DELETE FROM PACKING", oConnect); oCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); foreach (var check in _checks) { if (tempCheckType != check.ChequeType) { blockNo = 1; } tempCheckType = check.ChequeType; if (blockCounter < 4) { blockCounter++; } else { blockCounter = 1; blockNo++; } string sql = "INSERT INTO PACKING (BATCHNO, BLOCK, RT_NO, BRANCH, ACCT_NO, ACCT_NO_P, CHKTYPE, ACCT_NAME1, ACCT_NAME2," + "NO_BKS, CK_NO_P, CK_NO_B, CK_NOE, CK_NO_E, DELIVERTO, M) VALUES('" + _batchNumber + "'," + blockNo.ToString() + ",'" + check.BRSTN + "','" + check.Address1 + "','" + check.AccountNo + "','" + check.AccountNo + "','" + check.ChequeType + "','" + check.Name1.Replace("'", "''") + "','" + check.Name2.Replace("'", "''") + "',1," + check.StartingSerial + ",'" + check.StartingSerial + "'," + check.StartingSerial + ",'" + check.EndingSerial + "','R', '')"; oCommand = new OleDbCommand(sql, oConnect); oCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } oConnect.Close(); } } //foreach (string checktype in listofchecks) //{ // if (checktype == "CS") // { // dbConnection = "Provider=VfpOleDB.1; Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "\\Output\\Charge_Slip\\Packing.dbf" + "; Mode=ReadWrite;"; // //Check if packing file exists // //if (!File.Exists(_filepath)) // //{ // OleDbConnection oConnect = new OleDbConnection(dbConnection); // OleDbCommand oCommand; // oConnect.Open(); // oCommand = new OleDbCommand("DELETE FROM PACKING", oConnect); // oCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // foreach (var check in _checks) // { // if (tempCheckType != check.ChequeType) // blockNo = 1; // tempCheckType = check.ChequeType; // if (blockCounter < 4) // blockCounter++; // else // { // blockCounter = 1; // blockNo++; // } // string sql = "INSERT INTO PACKING (BATCHNO, BLOCK, RT_NO, BRANCH, ACCT_NO, ACCT_NO_P, CHKTYPE, ACCT_NAME1, ACCT_NAME2," + // "NO_BKS, CK_NO_P, CK_NO_B, CK_NOE, CK_NO_E, DELIVERTO, M) VALUES('" + _batchNumber + "'," + blockNo.ToString() + ",'" + check.BRSTN + "','" + check.Address1 + // "','" + check.AccountNo + "','" + check.AccountNo + "','" + check.ChequeType + "','" + check.Name1.Replace("'", "''") + "','" + check.Name2.Replace("'", "''") + "',1," + // check.StartingSerial + ",'" + check.StartingSerial + "'," + check.StartingSerial + ",'" + check.EndingSerial + "','R', '')"; // oCommand = new OleDbCommand(sql, oConnect); // oCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // } // oConnect.Close(); // } //} }