Example #1
        public IHttpActionResult forgotpas([FromBody] _Mail mail)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            Users user = db.users.Where(u => u.email == mail.email).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null)

            //generate password reset token
            Random rnd   = new Random();
            string token = Bcrypt.hash(user.email + DateTime.Now.Hour + DateTime.Now.Millisecond + rnd.Next(999999, 999999));

                user.forgot_last_date = DateTime.Now;
                user.password_token   = token;
            catch (Exception ex)

            Mailgun.Send("forgot_password", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "fullname", user.name + " " + user.lastname }, { "token", token }
            }, user.email, "Menkule Şifre Yenileme Talebiniz");

Example #2
        public ActionResult ForgotPassword(AccountForgotPassword form)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (PickemDBContext db = new PickemDBContext())
                    var user = db.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Email == form.Email && p.Username.Length > 0);
                    if (user == null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("nouser", "An account does not exist for that email address.");

                        if (!OAuthWebSecurity.HasLocalAccount(user.Id))
                            WebSecurity.CreateAccount(user.Username, "T3mpP@ssw0rd");
                        var token = WebSecurity.GeneratePasswordResetToken(user.Username);

                        string resetLink = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/account/resetpassword?token=" + token;

                        StringBuilder sbEmail = new StringBuilder();

                        sbEmail.AppendLine("Forgot your password? No problem!" + Environment.NewLine);
                        sbEmail.AppendLine("Your username is: " + user.Username + Environment.NewLine);
                        sbEmail.AppendLine("Reset your password by clicking the link below or copying and pasting it into your browser." + Environment.NewLine);
                        sbEmail.AppendLine(resetLink + Environment.NewLine);
                        sbEmail.AppendLine("(Heads up! This link expires in 24 hours. After that, you'll have to request a new one.)");

                        var mailgun = new Mailgun("*****@*****.**", user.Email, "Reset your password", sbEmail.ToString());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("mailerror", ex.Message);

                    return(RedirectToAction("ForgotPassword", new { message = ManageMessageId.ForgotPasswordSuccess }));
        public IHttpActionResult cancel(int id)
            int user_id = Users.GetUserId(User);

            Rezervations rezervation = db.rezervations.Find(id);

            if (rezervation == null)
            if (rezervation.is_cancel)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Rezervasyon daha önce iptal edilmiş.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            RezervationAdverts advert = db.rezervation_adverts.Where(ra => ra.advert_id == rezervation.advert_id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (advert == null)

            bool is_cancel = rezervation.is_cancel;

            rezervation.state        = false;
            rezervation.is_cancel    = true;
            rezervation.updated_date = DateTime.Now;

            if (advert.user_id == user_id)
                Users user = db.users.Find(rezervation.user_id);
                if (user == null)

                // Add notify
                Notifications notify = new Notifications();
                notify.add(user.id, "#" + rezervation.id + " nolu " + rezervation.days + " günlük rezervasyon talebi iptal edildi!", rezervation.id);

                // Send sms
                NetGsm.Send(user.gsm, "#" + rezervation.id + " nolu " + "(" + rezervation.days + " gün - " + rezervation.total_price + " TL) rezervasyonunuz iptal edildi. - Menkule.com.tr");

                // Send email
                Mailgun.Send("cancel", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "fullname", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.name) + " " + System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.lastname) }, { "rezervation_id", rezervation.id }, { "checkin", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkin).ToShortDateString() }, { "checkout", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkout).ToShortDateString() }, { "days", rezervation.days }, { "price", rezervation.total_price + " TL." }
                }, user.email, "Rezervasyon talebi iptal edildi.");

            // Delete unavaiable dates
            db.advert_unavaiable_dates.RemoveRange(db.advert_unavaiable_dates.Where(uad => uad.advert_id == rezervation.advert_id && uad.rezervation_id == id));

            if (user_id == rezervation.user_id)
                DateTime lastCanceleableDate = rezervation.checkin.AddDays(-advert.cancel_time);
                DateTime EndDate             = DateTime.Now;
                int      dateDiff            = Convert.ToInt32(lastCanceleableDate.Subtract(EndDate).TotalDays) + 1;
                if (!(dateDiff <= 0 || is_cancel ? false : true))
                    ExceptionThrow.Throw("Bu rezervasyon iptal süresi dışındadır.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

                Users advert_owner = db.users.Find(rezervation.owner);
                if (advert_owner != null)
                    // Send sms
                    NetGsm.Send(advert_owner.gsm, "#" + rezervation.id + " nolu " + "(" + rezervation.days + " gün - " + rezervation.total_price + " TL) rezervasyon talebi iptal edildi. - Menkule.com.tr");

                    // Add Notify
                    Notifications notify = new Notifications();
                    notify.add(advert_owner.id, "#" + rezervation.id + " nolu " + rezervation.days + " günlük rezervasyon talebi iptal edildi!", rezervation.id);

                    // Send email
                    Mailgun.Send("cancel", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "fullname", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(advert_owner.name) + " " + System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(advert_owner.lastname) }, { "rezervation_id", rezervation.id }, { "checkin", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkin).ToShortDateString() }, { "checkout", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkout).ToShortDateString() }, { "days", rezervation.days }, { "price", rezervation.total_price + " TL." }
                    }, advert_owner.email, "Rezervasyon talebi iptal edildi.");

        public object forceApprove([FromBody] _ExistRezervation rezervations, int id)
            int user_id = Users.GetUserId(User);

            // get exist rezervation id
            List <int> rezervations_id = new List <int>();

            rezervations.rezervations.ToList().ForEach(r =>
                if (!db.rezervations.Any(rr => rr.owner == user_id))
                    ExceptionThrow.Throw("Yetkisiz işlem gerçekleştirildi!", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // rezervation validation
            Rezervations rezervation = db.rezervations.Find(id);

            if (rezervation == null)

            // rezervation validation
            if (rezervation.updated_date != null)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Yetkisiz işlem gerçekleştirildi!", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // rezervation advert validation
            RezervationAdverts advert = db.rezervation_adverts.Where(ra => ra.advert_id == rezervation.advert_id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (advert == null)

            // rezervation owner validation
            if (advert.user_id != user_id)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Yetkisiz işlem gerçekleştirildi!", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // rezervation user validation
            Users user = db.users.Find(rezervation.user_id);

            if (user == null)

            rezervation.state        = true;
            rezervation.is_cancel    = false;
            rezervation.updated_date = DateTime.Now;

            // available date validation
            var dateList = new List <DateTime>();

            for (DateTime date = rezervation.checkin; date.Date < rezervation.checkout.Date; date = date.AddDays(1))

            // set unavaiable date
            dateList.ForEach(date =>
                AdvertUnavailableDate advertUnavaiableDate = new AdvertUnavailableDate
                    advert_id      = rezervation.advert_id,
                    day            = date.Day,
                    month          = date.Month,
                    year           = date.Year,
                    fulldate       = date,
                    created_date   = DateTime.Now,
                    rezervation_id = rezervation.id

            db.rezervations.Where(r => r.owner == user_id && rezervations_id.Contains(r.id)).ToList().ForEach(rez =>
                rez.state        = false;
                rez.is_cancel    = true;
                rez.updated_date = DateTime.Now;


            rezervations.rezervations.ForEach(r =>
                Rezervations rez_ = db.rezervations.Where(r_ => r_.id == r.id && r_.state == false & r_.is_cancel == true).FirstOrDefault();
                if (rez_ != null)
                    Users user_ = db.users.Where(u => u.id == rez_.user_id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (user_ != null)
                        // Add notify
                        Notifications notify_ = new Notifications();
                        notify_.add(user_.id, "#" + rez_.id + " nolu " + rez_.days + " günlük rezervasyon talebi iptal edildi!", rez_.id);

                        // Send sms
                        NetGsm.Send(user_.gsm, "#" + rez_.id + " nolu " + "(" + rez_.days + " gün - " + rez_.total_price + " TL) rezervasyonunuz iptal edildi. - Menkule.com.tr");

                        // Send email
                        Mailgun.Send("cancel", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                            { "fullname", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user_.name) + " " + System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user_.lastname) }, { "rezervation_id", rez_.id }, { "checkin", Convert.ToDateTime(rez_.checkin).ToShortDateString() }, { "checkout", Convert.ToDateTime(rez_.checkout).ToShortDateString() }, { "days", rez_.days }, { "price", rez_.total_price + " TL." }
                        }, user_.email, "Rezervasyon talebi iptal edildi.");

            // send sms
            NetGsm.Send(user.gsm, "#" + rezervation.id + " nolu " + "(" + rezervation.days + " gün - " + rezervation.total_price + " TL) rezervasyonunuz onaylandı. - Menkule.com.tr");

            // send notifications
            Notifications notify = new Notifications();

            notify.add(user.id, "#" + rezervation.id + " nolu rezervasyon talebiniz onaylandı.", rezervation.id);

            // Send email
            Mailgun.Send("approve", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "fullname", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.name) + " " + System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.lastname) }, { "rezervation_id", rezervation.id }, { "checkin", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkin).ToShortDateString() }, { "checkout", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkout).ToShortDateString() }, { "days", rezervation.days }, { "price", rezervation.total_price + " TL." }
            }, user.email, "Rezervasyon talebi onaylandı.");

        public object approve(int id)
            int user_id = Users.GetUserId(User);

            Rezervations rezervation = db.rezervations.Find(id);

            if (rezervation == null)

            if (rezervation.updated_date != null)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Yetkisiz işlem gerçekleştirildi!", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            RezervationAdverts advert = db.rezervation_adverts.Where(ra => ra.advert_id == rezervation.advert_id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (advert == null)

            if (advert.user_id != user_id)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Yetkisiz işlem gerçekleştirildi!", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            Users user = db.users.Find(rezervation.user_id);

            if (user == null)

            // exist rezervation validations
            DateTime checkoutDate       = rezervation.checkout.AddDays(-1);
            var      exist_rezervations = db.rezervations.Where(r => ((r.checkin >= rezervation.checkin && r.checkin <= checkoutDate) || (r.checkin <= rezervation.checkin && r.checkout <= checkoutDate)) && r.advert_id == advert.advert_id && r.id != id && r.state == false && r.is_cancel == false && r.checkout > rezervation.checkin).ToList();

            if (exist_rezervations.Count > 0)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw(exist_rezervations, HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented);

            rezervation.state        = true;
            rezervation.is_cancel    = false;
            rezervation.updated_date = DateTime.Now;

            // available date validation
            var dateList = new List <DateTime>();

            for (DateTime date = rezervation.checkin; date.Date < rezervation.checkout.Date; date = date.AddDays(1))

            // set unavaiable date
            dateList.ForEach(date =>
                AdvertUnavailableDate advertUnavaiableDate = new AdvertUnavailableDate
                    advert_id      = rezervation.advert_id,
                    day            = date.Day,
                    month          = date.Month,
                    year           = date.Year,
                    fulldate       = date,
                    created_date   = DateTime.Now,
                    rezervation_id = rezervation.id


            // send sms
            NetGsm.Send(user.gsm, "#" + rezervation.id + " nolu " + "(" + rezervation.days + " gün - " + rezervation.total_price + " TL) rezervasyonunuz onaylandı. - Menkule.com.tr");

            // send notifications
            Notifications notify = new Notifications();

            notify.add(user.id, "#" + rezervation.id + " nolu rezervasyon talebiniz onaylandı.", rezervation.id);

            // Send email
            Mailgun.Send("approve", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "fullname", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.name) + " " + System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.lastname) }, { "rezervation_id", rezervation.id }, { "checkin", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkin).ToShortDateString() }, { "checkout", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkout).ToShortDateString() }, { "days", rezervation.days }, { "price", rezervation.total_price + " TL." }
            }, user.email, "Rezervasyon talebi onaylandı.");

        public IHttpActionResult add([FromBody] _Rezervation _rezervation)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // get user
            int   user_id = Users.GetUserId(User);
            Users user    = db.users.Where(u => u.id == user_id && u.state == true).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Lütfen hesabınızı doğrulayın.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // existence
            Advert advert = db.advert.Where(a => a.state == true && a.id == _rezervation.advert_id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (advert == null)
            if (db.rezervations.Any(rez => rez.user_id == user_id && rez.advert_id == _rezervation.advert_id && rez.checkin == _rezervation.checkin && rez.checkout == _rezervation.checkout))
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Zaten aynı tarih için bir rezervasyon talebiniz bulunmakta.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            if (user_id == advert.user_id)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Lütfen farklı bir hesap ile deneyin.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // visitor validation
            AdvertProperties properties = db.advert_properties.Where(ap => ap.advert_id == advert.id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (properties == null)

            if (properties.visitor < _rezervation.visitors.Count)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Bu ilan için en fazla. " + properties.visitor + " misafir kabul edilebilmektedir.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // get owner
            Users owner = db.users.Where(u => u.id == advert.user_id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (owner == null)

            // rezervation dates list
            var RezervationDates = new List <DateTime>();

            for (DateTime date = _rezervation.checkin; date.Date < _rezervation.checkout.Date; date = date.AddDays(1))

            // available dates validation
            List <AdvertAvailableDate> avaiableDates = db.advert_avaiable_dates.Where(aad => aad.advert_id == _rezervation.advert_id).ToList();

            if (avaiableDates.Count > 0)
                RezervationDates.ForEach(rd =>
                    if (avaiableDates.Find(a => a.fulldate == rd) == null)
                        ExceptionThrow.Throw("İlan belirtilen tarih için müsait değil.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // unavailable dates validation
            if (db.advert_unavaiable_dates.Where(i => i.advert_id == _rezervation.advert_id && RezervationDates.Contains(i.fulldate)).Count() > 0)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("İlan belirtilen tarih için müsait değil.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // min layover date validation
            if ((_rezervation.checkout - _rezervation.checkin).TotalDays < advert.min_layover)
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("Bu ilan için en az " + advert.min_layover + " günlük rezervasyon oluşturulabilir.", HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            // create rezervation
            Rezervations rezervation = new Rezervations
                advert_id    = _rezervation.advert_id,
                checkin      = _rezervation.checkin,
                checkout     = _rezervation.checkout,
                created_date = DateTime.Now,
                gsm          = user.gsm,
                name         = user.name,
                lastname     = user.lastname,
                visitor      = _rezervation.visitors.Count,
                user_id      = user.id,
                day_price    = advert.price,
                owner        = advert.user_id,
                note         = _rezervation.note


            // create rezervations advert
            RezervationAdverts rezervation_advert = new RezervationAdverts
                adress         = advert.adress,
                advert_id      = advert.id,
                cancel_time    = advert.cancel_time,
                city_id        = advert.city_id,
                town_id        = advert.town_id,
                title          = advert.title,
                description    = advert.description,
                entry_time     = advert.entry_time,
                exit_time      = advert.exit_time,
                latitude       = advert.latitude,
                longitude      = advert.longitude,
                rezervation_id = rezervation.id,
                created_date   = advert.created_date,
                user_id        = advert.user_id,
                advert_type_id = advert.advert_type_id


            // create visitors
            _rezervation.visitors.ToList().ForEach(v =>
                RezervationVisitors visitor = new RezervationVisitors
                    created_date   = DateTime.Now,
                    fullname       = v.fullname,
                    gender         = v.gender,
                    rezervation_id = rezervation.id,
                    tc             = v.tc


            // send notifications
            Notifications notify = new Notifications();

            notify.add(advert.user_id, "#" + advert.id + " nolu ilanınız için " + rezervation.days + " günlük rezervasyon talebi!", rezervation.id);

            // send sms
            NetGsm.Send(owner.gsm, "#" + advert.id + " nolu ilaniniz icin toplam " + rezervation.days + " günlük (" + rezervation.total_price + " TL) rezervasyon talebi oluşturuldu. - Menkule.com.tr");

            //send mail
            Mailgun.Send("rezervation", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "fullname", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.name) + " " + System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(user.lastname) }, { "advert_id", advert.id }, { "checkin", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkin).ToShortDateString() }, { "checkout", Convert.ToDateTime(rezervation.checkout).ToShortDateString() }, { "days", rezervation.days }, { "price", rezervation.total_price + " TL." }
            }, owner.email, "Yeni rezervasyon talebi");

Example #7
        public IHttpActionResult add([FromBody] Users user)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            if (db.users.Any(u => u.email == user.email))
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("e-posta adresi kullanılmaktadır.", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            if (db.users.Any(u => u.gsm == user.gsm))
                ExceptionThrow.Throw("gsm no kullanılmaktadır.", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            //generate activation code
            Random rnd        = new Random();
            string gsm_code   = rnd.Next(9999, 999999).ToString();
            string email_code = rnd.Next(9999, 999999).ToString();

            //set password
            bool   no_password = user.password == null || user.password.Trim() == "";
            string password    = no_password ? Users.generatePassword(5, 3) : user.password;

            //create user
            Users userData = new Users
                name                  = user.name,
                lastname              = user.lastname,
                email                 = user.email,
                gender                = user.gender,
                gsm                   = user.gsm,
                description           = user.description,
                password              = Bcrypt.hash(password),
                source                = "web",
                email_activation_code = email_code,
                gsm_activation_code   = gsm_code

            if (user.identity_no != null)
                userData.identity_no = user.identity_no;

            //insert user


                //If password is random generated
                if (no_password)
                    NetGsm.Send(user.gsm, "Menkule.com.tr üyelik şifreniz " + password + " Şifrenizi değiştirmeyi unutmayınız.");
            catch (Exception ex)

            //Send Gsm Activation Code
            NetGsm.Send(user.gsm, "menkule.com.tr uyeliginiz ile ilgili onay kodunuz: " + gsm_code);

            //Send Email Notification
            Mailgun.Send("register", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "fullname", user.name + " " + user.lastname }
            }, user.email, "Üyeliğiniz için teşekkürler");

            object token = no_password ? Users.LoginOnBackDoor(user.email, password) : null;

                name = user.name,
                lastname = user.lastname,
                email = user.email,
                gsm = user.gsm,
                gender = user.gender,
                photo = "",
                ownershiping = user.ownershiping,
                state = user.state,
                email_state = user.email_state,
                gsm_state = user.gsm_state,
                created_date = user.created_date,
                token = token