private static MailRuCloud.Api.MailRuCloud CreateCloud(HttpListenerBasicIdentity identity)
            Logger.Info($"Cloud instance created for {identity.Name}");

            if (!ConstSettings.AvailDomains.Any(d => identity.Name.Contains($"@{d}.")))
                string domains = ConstSettings.AvailDomains.Aggregate((c, n) => c + ", @" + n);
                Logger.Warn($"Missing domain part ({domains}) in login, file and folder deleting will be denied");

            //2FA authorization
            ITwoFaHandler twoFaHandler = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TwoFactorHandlerName))
                twoFaHandler = TwoFaHandlers.Get(TwoFactorHandlerName);
                if (null == twoFaHandler)
                    Logger.Error($"Cannot load two-factor auth handler {TwoFactorHandlerName}");

            var cloud = new MailRuCloud.Api.MailRuCloud(identity.Name, identity.Password, twoFaHandler);

        private static MailRuCloud.Api.MailRuCloud CreateCloud(HttpListenerBasicIdentity identity)
            Logger.Info($"Cloud instance created for {identity.Name}");

            if (!ConstSettings.AvailDomains.Any(d => identity.Name.Contains($"@{d}.")))
                string domains = ConstSettings.AvailDomains.Aggregate((c, n) => c + ", @" + n);
                Logger.Warn($"Missing domain part ({domains}) in login, file and folder deleting will be denied");

            var credentials = new Credentials(identity.Name, identity.Password);

            var cloud = new MailRuCloud.Api.MailRuCloud(Settings, credentials);

        public static Task <bool> Move(this MailRuCloud.Api.MailRuCloud cloud, IStoreItem item, string destinationPath)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationPath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destinationPath));
            if (!(item is IMailruStoreItem))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(IMailruStoreItem)} required.", nameof(item));

            return(cloud.Move(((IMailruStoreItem)item).EntryInfo, destinationPath));
        public static Task <bool> Remove(this MailRuCloud.Api.MailRuCloud cloud, IStoreItem item)
            if (null == item)

            if (item is MailruStoreItem storeItem)
            if (item is MailruStoreCollection storeCollection)

            throw new ArgumentException(string.Empty, nameof(item));
Example #5
        private Stream OpenReadStream(MailRuCloud.Api.MailRuCloud cloud, long?start, long?end)
            Stream stream = cloud.GetFileDownloadStream(_fileInfo, start, end).Result;

Example #6
        public static int Upload(UploadOptions cmdoptions)
            string user       = cmdoptions.Login;
            string password   = cmdoptions.Password;
            string listname   = cmdoptions.FileList;
            string targetpath = cmdoptions.Target;

            if (targetpath.StartsWith(@"\\\"))
                targetpath = Regex.Replace(targetpath, @"\A\\\\\\.*?\\.*?\\", @"\");

            targetpath = WebDavPath.Clean(targetpath);

            var settings = new CloudSettings
                TwoFaHandler = null,
                Protocol     = Protocol.WebM1Bin
            var credentials = new Credentials(user, password);
            var cloud       = new MailRuCloud.Api.MailRuCloud(settings, credentials);

            using (var file = new StreamReader(listname))
                string line;
                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    System.Console.WriteLine($"Source: {line}");
                    var fileInfo = new FileInfo(line);

                    string targetfile = WebDavPath.Combine(targetpath, fileInfo.Name);
                    System.Console.WriteLine($"Target: {targetfile}");

                    using (var source = System.IO.File.Open(line, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                        var hasher = new MailRuSha1Hash();
                        var hash = hasher.HashString;
                        if (cloud.AddFile(hash, targetfile, fileInfo.Length, ConflictResolver.Rename).Result.Success)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("Added by hash");
                            source.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            var  buffer = new byte[64000];
                            long wrote  = 0;
                            using (var target = cloud.GetFileUploadStream(WebDavPath.Combine(targetfile, fileInfo.Name), fileInfo.Length).Result)
                                int read;
                                while ((read = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                                    target.Write(buffer, 0, read);
                                    wrote += read;
                                    System.Console.Write($"\r{wrote / fileInfo.Length * 100}%");

                        System.Console.WriteLine(" Done.");
