public IActionResult ImportList(EmailSettings model)
            var client = new MailRepository();

            client.Connect(hostname: "", username: "******", password: "******", port: 995, isUseSsl: true);
            //client.Connect(hostname: "", username: "******", password: "******", port: 995, isUseSsl: true);

            //client.Connect(hostname: model.Host, username: model.UserName, password: model.Password, port: 995, isUseSsl: true);
            var allMail   = client.GetMail();
            var emailList = new List <EmailMessage>();

            foreach (var mail in allMail)
                var email   = new EmailMessage();
                var subject = mail.Message.Headers.Subject;
                var to      = string.Join(",", mail.Message.Headers.To.Select(m => m.Address));
                var from    = mail.Message.Headers.From.Address;

                Console.WriteLine("Email Subject: {0}", subject);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent To: {0}", to);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent From: {0}", from);
                email.From    = from;
                email.Subject = subject;
                email.Body    = mail.Message.ToMailMessage().Body;
                var attachments = client.GetAttachments(mail.Message);

                if (attachments.Any())
                    // foreach (var attachment in attachments)
                    // {

                    // Console.WriteLine("File Location: {0}", attachment);
                    email.CV = string.Join(',', attachments);
                    Console.WriteLine("Email has no attachments, if attachments are required, make sure to not delete this email");
                //  var mailWithAttachments = client.GetMail(fromAddress:from);

                //foreach (var mailwithAtt in mailWithAttachments)

                //    client.Delete(mailwithAtt.MessageNumber);
                // client.Delete(mail.MessageNumber);