public EmailReport(DamageConfiguration docConfig)
     _glob = new Global();
     _mailman   = new MailMan();
     _docConfig = docConfig;
Example #2
        public static void RecordPartnerCallDelete(Guid userID, Guid partnerCallID, string reason, int numberOfPeople)
            string message = String.Format("{0} deleted partnerCall[{1}] beacuse {2}, had [{3}] replies", UsersEmail, partnerCallID, reason, numberOfPeople);

            da.Insert(new LogEvent(userID, CFLogEventType.PartnerCallDelete, message));
            MailMan.SendAppEventEmail(CFLogEventType.PartnerCallDelete, message, UsersEmail, userID, "*****@*****.**");
        public FeedClimbingPost SaveFeedIntroductionPost(FeedClimbingPost newPost)
            //-- Add that place to user's profile
            List <int> placeIDs = (from c in GetPlacesUserClimbs(newPost.UserID) select c.ID).ToList();

            if (!placeIDs.Contains(newPost.PlaceID))
                SavePlaceUserClimbsAt(newPost.UserID, newPost.PlaceID);

            //-- Save the post
            newPost.PostedDateTime   = DateTime.Now;
            newPost.ClimbingDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            newPost.TagID            = 52;
            FeedClimbingPost post = new FeedClimbingPostDA().Insert(newPost);

            //-- Send off notifications
            List <ClimberProfile> usersSubscribedToPlace
                = new ClimberProfileDA().GetPartnerEmailSubscribedUsers(newPost.PlaceID);

            Place          place  = CFDataCache.GetPlace(newPost.PlaceID);
            ClimberProfile poster = CFDataCache.GetClimberFromCache(newPost.UserID);

            foreach (ClimberProfile cp in usersSubscribedToPlace)
                MailMan.SendFeedPostIntroductionNotificationEmail(cp, poster, post, place.Name);

            //-- Subscribe them to this place too
            SubscribeToPartnerCallsByEmail(newPost.UserID, place.ID);

Example #4
        public void ReplyToPartnerCall(Guid partnerCallID, Guid replyingUserID, string message)
            PartnerCall call = new PartnerCallDA().GetByID(partnerCallID);

            if (call.CreatorUserID == replyingUserID)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("You cannot reply to your own partner call. call[{0}]", call.ID));

            PartnerCallReply reply = new PartnerCallReplyDA().Insert(new PartnerCallReply
                ID             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                ReplyDateTime  = DateTime.Now,
                ReplyingUserID = replyingUserID,
                PartnerCallID  = partnerCallID,
                Message        = message

            ClimberProfile poster  = CFDataCache.GetClimberFromCache(call.ClimberProfileID);
            ClimberProfile replyer = CFDataCache.GetClimberFromCache(replyingUserID);

            MailMan.SendReplyToPartnerCall(call, reply, replyer, replyer.Email, poster.Email);

            CFLogger.RecordPartnerCallReply(replyingUserID, partnerCallID);
Example #5
        public static void RecordException(Exception ex, string extraMSGContext)
            Guid   userID = new Guid();
            string email  = "anonymous";

            if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                email  = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                userID = new CFController().GetClimberProfileByEmail(email).ID;

            MailMan.SendAppExceptionEmail(ex, email);

            LogExceptionEvent exceptionEvent = exDA.Insert(
                new LogExceptionEvent
                Browser           = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Browser.ToString() + " v" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Version.ToString(),
                ExceptionDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                InnerMessage      = extraMSGContext + ", " + ex.Message,
                IP         = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostName.Take(15), //Try see if the length of this field is causing the truncated exception
                Url        = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(),
                UserEmail  = email,
                Reviewed   = false,
                UserID     = userID,
                StackTrace = ex.StackTrace.ToString()

            string messsage = String.Format("{0} experienced exception[{1}]: {2}", UsersEmail, exceptionEvent.ID, ex.Message).Take(254);

            da.Insert(new LogEvent(userID, CFLogEventType.Exception, messsage.Take(254)));
        public FeedPostComment SaveFeedPostComment(FeedPostComment comment)
            comment.PostedDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            FeedPostComment  newComment = new FeedPostCommentDA().Insert(comment);
            FeedClimbingPost post       = new FeedClimbingPostDA().GetByID(comment.FeedPostID);

            //-- Send notification to the poster
            FeedSettings postersFeedSettings = GetUsersFeedViewSettings(post.UserID);

            if (postersFeedSettings.NotifyOnPostComment && comment.UserID != post.UserID)
                MailMan.SendCommentOnMyFeedPostNotification(post.ID, comment.User, post.User, comment.Message);

            List <Guid> uniqueCommentingUserIDs = (from c in post.Comments where c.UserID != post.UserID select c.UserID).Distinct().ToList();

            //-- Send notifications to other commentors
            foreach (Guid userID in uniqueCommentingUserIDs)
                FeedSettings commentorsFeedSettings = GetUsersFeedViewSettings(userID);
                if (commentorsFeedSettings.NotifyOnPostsICommentedOn && comment.UserID != userID)
                    MailMan.SendCommentOnAFeedPostICommentedOnNotification(post.ID, comment.User, post.User,
                                                                           CFDataCache.GetClimberFromCache(userID), comment.Message);

 // tag::buildAndSendMail[]
 public void DoBuildAndSendMail(MailMan m, MailAddress mAddress,
     MailBody mBody) {
     // Build the mail
     Mail mail = new Mail(mAddress, mBody);
     // Send the mail
Example #8
        // tag::buildAndSendMail[]
        public void DoBuildAndSendMail(MailMan m, MailAddress mAddress,
                                       MailBody mBody)
            // Build the mail
            Mail mail = new Mail(mAddress, mBody);

            // Send the mail
Example #9
        public static void RecordDeleteAccount(Guid userID, string fullName, string emailAddress)
            string message = string.Format("{0}[{1}] deleted their account", fullName, emailAddress, userID);

            da.Insert(new LogEvent(userID, CFLogEventType.DeleteAccount, message));
            foreach (string email in AdminsToRecieveRegistrationNotifications)
                MailMan.SendAppEventEmail(CFLogEventType.DeleteAccount, message, emailAddress, userID, email);
Example #10
        public static void RecordRegistration(Guid userID, string emailAddress)
            string message = string.Format("{0} registered, profile at{1}", emailAddress, userID);

            da.Insert(new LogEvent(userID, CFLogEventType.Registration, message));
            foreach (string email in AdminsToRecieveRegistrationNotifications)
                MailMan.SendAppEventEmail(CFLogEventType.Registration, message, emailAddress, userID, email);
Example #11
        public static void RecordModerateDeletePlace(Guid userID, string placeName, int countryID, string placeUrl)
            string message = string.Format("Deleted place {1}[c{2}] <a href='{3}'>{3}</a>", UsersEmail, placeName, countryID, placeUrl);

            da.Insert(new LogEvent(userID, CFLogEventType.ModerateDeletePlace, message));

            foreach (string email in ModeratorsToRecievePlaceNotifications)
                MailMan.SendAppEventEmail(CFLogEventType.ModerateDeletePlace, message, UsersEmail, userID, email);
Example #12
        public static void RecordModerateDeleteCrag(Guid userID, string cragName, string cragUrl)
            string message = string.Format("Deleted crag {1} <a href='{2}'>{2}</a>", UsersEmail, cragName, cragUrl);

            da.Insert(new LogEvent(userID, CFLogEventType.ModerateDeleteCrag, message));

            foreach (string email in ModeratorsToRecieveCragNotifications)
                MailMan.SendAppEventEmail(CFLogEventType.ModerateDeleteCrag, message, UsersEmail, userID, email);
Example #13
        public void SendMessageBoardNotification(Guid recievingUserID, string message)
            if (CurrentClimber.ID != recievingUserID)
                ClimberProfile receiver = GetClimberProfile(recievingUserID);

                MailMan.SendMessageboardNotificationEmail(CurrentClimber, receiver, message);

            //-- ToDO: consider logging message post.
        public void SendClimberWatchRequest(Guid watchedUserID, Guid watchingUserID)
            FeedClimberChannelRequest watchedClimberEntry = new FeedClimberChannelRequestDA().Insert(
                new FeedClimberChannelRequest()
                WatchedUserID  = watchedUserID,
                WatchingUserID = watchingUserID, RequestedDateTime = DateTime.Now

            MailMan.SendWatchRequestEmail(watchedClimberEntry.ID, CFDataCache.GetClimberFromCache(watchingUserID),
 // tag::buildAndSendMail[]
 public void DoBuildAndSendMail(MailMan m, string firstName, string lastName,
     string division, string subject, MailFont font, string message1,
     string message2, string message3) {
     // Format the email address
     string mId = firstName[0] + "." + lastName.Substring(0, 7) + "@"
         + division.Substring(0, 5) + ".compa.ny";
     // Format the message given the content type and raw message
     MailMessage mMessage = FormatMessage(font,
         message1 + message2 + message3);
     // Send message
     m.Send(mId, subject, mMessage);
Example #16
        public void DoBuildAndSendMail(MailMan m, Mail mail)
            // Format the email address
            string mId = $"{mail.firstName[0]}.{mail.lastName.Substring(0, 7)}" +
                         $"@{mail.division.Substring(0, 5)}.compa.ny";
            // Format the message given the content type and raw message
            MailMessage mMessage = FormatMessage(mail.font,
                                                 mail.message1 + mail.message2 + mail.message3);

            // Send message
            m.Send(mId, mail.subject, mMessage);
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Override TraceData to hook in our custom behavior. I.e. only take notice if we're tracing an exception that has a trace code of
        /// ESBExcepction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventCache"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="eventType"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        public override void TraceData(TraceEventCache eventCache, string source, TraceEventType eventType, int id, object data)
            if (id != (int)TraceCode.Exception)

            if (data is Exception)
                var ex = data as Exception;
Example #18
        public static void SaveFeedback(Guid userID, string comment)
            ClimberProfile climberProfile = new ClimberProfileDA().GetByID(userID);

            new FeedbackDA().Insert(new Feedback
                DateTimePosted    = DateTime.Now,
                UserID            = userID,
                FeedbackFromUser  = comment,
                ResponseFromAdmin = ""

            MailMan.SendFeedbackAlertEmail(climberProfile.Email, climberProfile.FullName, comment);
Example #19
        private void SendPartnerCallNotificationEmails(PartnerCall call, List <int> placeIDs)
            Dictionary <ClimberProfile, int> usersSubscribedToAtLeastOnePlace
                = new ClimberProfileDA().GetPartnerCallEmailSubscribedUsers(placeIDs);

            foreach (ClimberProfile cp in usersSubscribedToAtLeastOnePlace.Keys)
                if (cp.Email != User.Name)
                    Place place = CFDataCache.GetPlace(usersSubscribedToAtLeastOnePlace[cp]);
                    MailMan.SendPartnerCallNotificationEmail(cp, call, place.Name, call.PlacesNamesString, cp.Email);
        // tag::buildAndSendMail[]
        public void DoBuildAndSendMail(MailMan m, string firstName, string lastName,
                                       string division, string subject, MailFont font, string message1,
                                       string message2, string message3)
            // Format the email address
            string mId = $"{firstName[0]}.{lastName.Substring(0, 7)}" +
                         $"@{division.Substring(0, 5)}.compa.ny";
            // Format the message given the content type and raw message
            MailMessage mMessage = FormatMessage(font,
                                                 message1 + message2 + message3);

            // Send message
            m.Send(mId, subject, mMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        public void ProcessCommentWorkItem(CommentAlertWorkItem comment)
            var post            = new PostRepository().GetByID(comment.PostID);
            var userIDsOnThread = post.PostComments.Where(pc => pc.UserID != comment.ByID).Select(pc => pc.UserID).Distinct().ToList();
            var by = CfPerfCache.GetClimber(comment.ByID);

            var excerpt = comment.Content;

            if (excerpt.Length > 30)
                excerpt = excerpt.Substring(0, 30);
            var msg = string.Format("<a href='/climber/{0}'>{1}</a> made a <a href='/post/{2}'>comment</a><i> \"{3}...\"</i></a>",
                                    by.ID, by.DisplayName, comment.PostID, excerpt);

            //-- Also need to let the person who posted know incase they haven't commented on their own post or already part of the commentors
            if (by.ID != post.UserID && !userIDsOnThread.Contains(post.UserID))

            foreach (var uID in userIDsOnThread)
                var settings = GetUserSiteSettings(uID);
                if (settings.CommentsOnPostsAlertFeed || settings.CommentsOnPostsEmailRealTime || settings.CommentsOnPostsMobileRealTime)
                    var toUser = CfPerfCache.GetClimber(uID);

                    var a = new Alert()
                        ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Utc = DateTime.UtcNow, TypeID = (byte)AlertType.CommentOnPost, UserID = toUser.ID, Message = msg
                    if (settings.CommentsOnPostsAlertFeed)
                        a.ByFeed = true;
                    if (settings.CommentsOnPostsEmailRealTime)
                        a.ByEmail = true; MailMan.SendCommentEmail(toUser, by, comment.PostID, comment.Content);
                    if (settings.CommentsOnPostsMobileRealTime && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.DeviceTypeRegistered))
                        a.ByMobile = true;
                        MobilePush_CommentAlert(comment.PostID, by.DisplayName, toUser.Email, settings.DeviceTypeRegistered);
                    new AlertRepository().Create(a);
Example #22
        public void SendMessage(ClimberProfile receiver, string subject, string message)
            UserMessage msg = new UserMessageDA().Insert(
                new UserMessage
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                ReceivingUserID = receiver.ID,
                SendingUserID   = CurrentClimber.ID,
                Subject         = subject,
                SentDateTime    = DateTime.Now,
                Message         = message

            MailMan.SendUserMessageEmail(CurrentClimber, receiver, subject, message, msg.ID);
        public FeedClimbingPost SaveFeedPost(FeedClimbingPost newPost)
            newPost.PostedDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            FeedClimbingPost post = new FeedClimbingPostDA().Insert(newPost);

            List <ClimberProfile> usersSubscribedToPlace
                = new ClimberProfileDA().GetPartnerEmailSubscribedUsers(newPost.PlaceID);

            Place          place  = CFDataCache.GetPlace(newPost.PlaceID);
            ClimberProfile poster = CFDataCache.GetClimberFromCache(newPost.UserID);

            foreach (ClimberProfile cp in usersSubscribedToPlace)
                MailMan.SendPartnerFeedPostNotificationEmail(cp, poster, post, place.Name);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        public void ProcessMessageWorkItem(MessageAlertWorkItem message)
            var settings = GetUserSiteSettings(message.ToID);

            if (settings.MessagesAlertFeed || settings.MessagesEmailRealTime || settings.MessagesMobileRealTime)
                var excerpt = message.Content;
                if (excerpt.Length > 30)
                    excerpt = excerpt.Substring(0, 30);

                var from = CfPerfCache.GetClimber(message.FromID);
                var msg  = string.Format("<a href='/climber/{0}'>{1}</a> sent you a <a href='/message/{0}'>Message</a><i> \"{2}...\"</i></a>",
                                         from.ID, from.DisplayName, excerpt);

                //-- Not sure why PostID is neccessary.... hmmmmmm
                var a = new Alert()
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Utc = DateTime.UtcNow, TypeID = (byte)AlertType.Message, UserID = message.ToID, Message = msg
                if (settings.MessagesAlertFeed)
                    a.ByFeed = true;
                if (settings.MessagesEmailRealTime)
                    a.ByEmail = true; MailMan.SendUserMessageEmail(CfPerfCache.GetClimber(message.ToID), from, message.Content);
                if (settings.MessagesMobileRealTime && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.DeviceTypeRegistered))
                    a.ByMobile = true;
                    MobilePush_MessageAlert(from.DisplayName, CfPerfCache.GetClimber(message.ToID).Email, settings.DeviceTypeRegistered);
                new AlertRepository().Create(a);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dto"></param>
        public void ProcessPartnerCallWorkItem(PartnerCallAlertWorkItem dto)
            IfNullThrowArgumentExceptionAndClearMsg(dto, "Cannot process PartnerCallAlertWorkItem, dto object is null.", "");

            var pc = pcRepo.GetByID(dto.PartnerCallID);

            IfNullThrowArgumentExceptionAndClearMsg(pc, "Cannot process PartnerCallAlertWorkItem[{0}], PartnerCall is null.", dto.ToJson());

            var post = new PostRepository().GetByID(pc.ID);

            if (post == null)
                pcRepo.Delete(pc.ID); return;
            }                                                   //-- If they've deleted the post, let's not send out anything and delete the original call...

            var place = AppLookups.GetCacheIndexEntry(pc.PlaceID);

            //if (place == null) //-- Maybe we tried to read when

            IfNullThrowArgumentExceptionAndClearMsg(place, "Cannot process PartnerCallAlertWorkItem[{0}] for place[{1}], Place is null.", pc.ID, pc.PlaceID);

            var by = CfPerfCache.GetClimber(pc.UserID);

            IfNullThrowArgumentExceptionAndClearMsg(by, "Cannot process PartnerCallAlertWorkItem[{0}] for byUser[{1}], User is null.", pc.ID, pc.UserID);

            PCNWorkItem pcnWi = new PartnerCallNotificationWorkItem()
                ID        = Guid.NewGuid(), CreatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
                CountryID = place.CountryID, OnBehalfOfUserID = by.ID, PartnerCallID = pc.ID, PlaceID = pc.PlaceID

            var alerts = new List <Alert>();

            var msg = string.Format("<a href='/climber/{0}'>{1}</a> posted a <a href='/partner-call/{2}'>PartnerCall&trade;</a> for <a href='{3}'>{4}</a>",
                                    by.ID, by.DisplayName, pc.ID, place.SlugUrl, place.Name);

            var deduciblePlaces      = CfPerfCache.GetGeoDeduciblePlaces(place);
            var subscriptionsByUsers = pcsRepo.GetSubscriptionsForPlaces(deduciblePlaces.Select(p => p.ID).ToList())
                                       .Where(s => s.UserID != pc.UserID).GroupBy(s => s.UserID);

            //-- We only want to create one Alert per user for a single partner call
            foreach (var subsUserSet in subscriptionsByUsers)
                    var subscribedUser = CfPerfCache.GetClimber(subsUserSet.Key);
                    if (subscribedUser == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot process partner call subscription alerts for user[{0}] as user is null", subsUserSet.Key));

                    var matchingSubs = new List <PCSubscription>();
                    foreach (var sub in subsUserSet)
                        if (sub.PlaceID == place.ID || !sub.ExactMatchOnly) //-- Here we make sure we don't include subscription with ExactMatchOnly chosen
                            //-- Make sure we match on Indoor/Outdoor preferences
                            if ((sub.ForIndoor && pc.ForIndoor) || (sub.ForOutdoor && pc.ForOutdoor))

                    if (matchingSubs.Count > 0)
                        var alert = new Alert()
                            ID     = Guid.NewGuid(), Utc = DateTime.UtcNow, TypeID = (byte)AlertType.PartnerCall,
                            PostID = pc.ID, UserID = subscribedUser.ID, Message = msg

                        alert.ByFeed = true; //-- Here we always put partner calls in the alert feed (unless at a later date we decide to change this).

                        //-- Default notifications
                        bool sendEmail      = false;
                        bool sendMobilePush = false;

                        int    count = 1;
                        string subscriptionPlaces = string.Empty;

                        foreach (var sub in matchingSubs)
                            if (sub.EmailRealTime)
                                sendEmail = true;
                            if (sub.MobileRealTime)
                                sendMobilePush = true;

                            var p = AppLookups.GetCacheIndexEntry(sub.PlaceID);

                            if (count == 1)
                                subscriptionPlaces = p.Name;
                            else if (count == matchingSubs.Count)
                                alert.Message += string.Format(" & {0}", p.Name);
                                alert.Message += string.Format(", {0}", p.Name);


                        if (matchingSubs.Count == 1)
                            alert.Message += ", <i>matching subscription for " + subscriptionPlaces + ".</i>";
                            alert.Message += ", <i>matching subscriptions for " + subscriptionPlaces + ".</i>";

                        if (sendEmail)
                            MailMan.SendPartnerCallEmail(subscribedUser, by, place, pc, subscriptionPlaces);
                            alert.ByEmail = true;

                        //if (sendMobilePush)
                        //    alert.ByMobile = true;

                catch (Exception ex) // Here we have a try catch incase it fails for one user we can try and still process the others

            pcnWi.NotificationsSent = alerts.Count();
            pcnWi.ProcessedUtc      = DateTime.UtcNow;

            //-- We have to check this again to see if they delete the post while we were processing
            var postagain = new PostRepository().GetByID(pc.ID);

            if (postagain != null)
                new AlertRepository().Create(alerts);

            CfTrace.Information(TraceCode.PartnerCallNofiticatonWorkItemProcess, "Processed {4} <a href='/climber/{0}'>{1}'s</a> <a href='/partner-call/{2}'>PartnerCall&trade;</a> for {3}.",
                                by.ID, by.DisplayName, pc.ID, place.Name, alerts.Count);
Example #26
        private static bool SentMessage(string hostSMTP, int portSMTP, bool sslSMTP, string username, string password, Email Mail)
            MailMan smtp = new MailMan();
            if (!(smtp.UnlockComponent("MAIL-TEAMBEAN_4895F76A292K")))
                return false;

            smtp.SmtpHost = hostSMTP;
            smtp.SmtpPort = portSMTP;
            smtp.SmtpUsername = username;
            smtp.SmtpPassword = password;

            Mail.Charset = "utf-8";
            if (sslSMTP)
                smtp.PopSsl = true;     //SSL support
                smtp.PopSsl = false;    //connect without SSL support

            if (smtp.SendEmail(Mail))
                return true;
                return false;
Example #27
        // POP3: Get all messages in server (HostPOP) and after that, delete all od messages in that server
        public int GetMailPOPDelete(string FolderName, string HostPOP, int PortPOP, bool SSLSupport, string MailName, string PWstring)
            if (!imapConnect())
                return -1;

            //choose current folfer
            if (!imapClient.SelectMailbox(FolderName))
                // if folder is not exist, create new folder
            MessageSet OLdMSSet = imapClient.Search("ALL", true);

            MailMan subpopClient = new MailMan();
            if (!subpopClient.UnlockComponent("MAIL-TEAMBEAN_4895F76A292K"))
                return -1;
            // config info of pop server
            subpopClient.MailHost = HostPOP;
            subpopClient.MailPort = PortPOP;
            subpopClient.PopUsername = MailName;
            subpopClient.PopPassword = PWstring;

            if (SSLSupport)
                subpopClient.PopSsl = true;     //SSL support
                subpopClient.PopSsl = false;    //connect without SSL support

            subpopClient.ConnectTimeout = 15;   // defaulf timeout = 30, so when it can't connect, it's too slow
            EmailBundle colecMessageInfo = subpopClient.CopyMail();  //Copy all of mail in mailbox of pop server

            if (colecMessageInfo == null) //connect fail, or don't have any new message
                return -1;
                //copy new message to folder on our server
                for (int i = 0; i < colecMessageInfo.MessageCount; i++)
                    Email msif = colecMessageInfo.GetEmail(i);
                    imapClient.AppendMail(FolderName, msif);
            subpopClient.DeleteBundle(colecMessageInfo);    //delete all messages on pop server

            // mark new message unread
            // it's a little complex here, contact me if you need support
            MessageSet NewMSSet = imapClient.Search("ALL", true);
            for (int i = 0; i < OLdMSSet.Count; i++)
            imapClient.SetFlags(NewMSSet, "Seen", 0);
            return colecMessageInfo.MessageCount;
Example #28
        //connect to Mail server throught POP3
        public static bool TestPopConnect(string host, int port, string username, string password, ref string error)
            popClient = new MailMan();
            if (!popClient.UnlockComponent("MAIL-TEAMBEAN_4895F76A292K"))
                return false;
            popClient.MailHost = host;
            popClient.MailPort = port;
            popClient.PopUsername = username;
            popClient.PopPassword = password;

            if (SSL)
                popClient.PopSsl = true;
                popClient.PopSsl = false;

            if (!popClient.VerifyPopConnection())
                error = "Server";
                return false;
            if (!popClient.VerifyPopLogin())
                error = "Account";
                return false;
            return true;
Example #29
        //Sent message local
        public static bool SentMessage(Email Mail)
            MailMan smtp = new MailMan();
            if (!(smtp.UnlockComponent("MAIL-TEAMBEAN_4895F76A292K")))
                return false;

            if (!Connect.SetConfigInfo())
                return false;
            if (UserName == null)
                UserName = FrameworkParams.currentUser.username + "@" + Connect.domain;
                Password = + "_protocolvn";
            smtp.SmtpHost = HostSMTP;
            smtp.SmtpPort = PortSMTP;
            smtp.SmtpUsername = AccountLogin(UserName);
            smtp.SmtpPassword = Password;

            Mail.From = UserName;

            if (SSLSMTP)
                smtp.PopSsl = true;     //SSL support
                smtp.PopSsl = false;    //connect without SSL support

            if (smtp.SendEmail(Mail))
                return true;
                return false;
Example #30
 /// <summary>
 /// User the users' messageboardID as theverification mechanism
 /// </summary>
 public void SendVerifyEmailAddressEmail(ClimberProfile cp)
     cp.EmailVerificationSent = true;
     new ClimberProfileDA().Update(cp);
Example #31
 void ServiceHost_RefreshNotificationRecieved(object sender, RefreshMessage e)
     MailMan.SendAppEvent(TraceCode.AppBuildCache, "Receive refresh request notification, refreshing cache server", "*****@*****.**", Guid.Empty, "*****@*****.**", false);
Example #32
 void MemcachedServer_Crashed(object sender, EventArgs e)
     MailMan.SendAppEvent(TraceCode.AppEnd, "Memcached server failed!! Recycling cf.CacheServer worker role", "*****@*****.**", Stgs.SystemID, "*****@*****.**", false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the new lead emails.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if it worked.</returns>
        private bool ProcessIncomingLeadEmails()
            Log("Gettting email leads...");

            string  msg     = string.Empty;
            MailMan mailman = ApplicationManager.GetLeadMailman();
            bool    result  = false;

            int nonLeadEmails    = 0;
            int duplicateEmails  = 0;
            int successfulWrites = 0;
            int failedWrites     = 0;
            int bouncedEmails    = 0;

            if (mailman != null)
                Log("Getting all emails...");
                EmailBundle leadEmails = ApplicationManager.GetLeadEmails(mailman, out msg);

                if (leadEmails != null)
                    Log("Found {0} emails.", leadEmails.MessageCount);

                    int   i;
                    Email email = null;
                    for (i = 0; i <= leadEmails.MessageCount - 1; i++)
                        email = leadEmails.GetEmail(i);

                        Lead lead = ApplicationManager.GetLeadFromFundraisingIdeasEmail(email);

                        bool deleteThisEmail = false;

                        if (lead != null)
                            Log("Retrieved lead: {0}", lead.ToString());

                            Lead existingLead = DataManager.GetLead(lead.EmailAddress);
                            bool res          = false;

                            if (existingLead == null)
                                // res = DataManager.WriteLead(lead, DataManager.ObjectWriteMode.Insert);
                                res = DataManager.WriteCustomer(lead, DataManager.ObjectWriteMode.Insert);

                                Log("Write lead to db: {0}", res.ToString());

                                if (res)
                                    throw new ApplicationException("Cannot write lead to db - cannot continue");
                                Log("Lead exists in db, skipping...");

                            if (existingLead != null || res)
                                // Its either a duplicate, or it was inserted ok, either way let's delete it.
                                deleteThisEmail = true;
                        else if (email.From.Contains("Mail Delivery Subsystem"))
                            // We have a bounced email
                            string bounceEmail = Functions.GetValueFromText(email.Body, "<(.*@.*)>");

                            string bounceReason = Functions.GetValueFromText(email.Body, "<.*@.*>...(.*)");

                            if (bounceReason == string.Empty)
                                bounceReason = Functions.GetValueFromText(email.Body, "\\((reason.*55.*)\\)");

                            if (bounceEmail != string.Empty)
                                Lead existingLead = DataManager.GetLead(bounceEmail);
                                // email.GetAttachedMessage(0).GetToName(0)

                                if (existingLead == null)
                                    // No email address, let's try by name and status
                                    if (email.NumAttachedMessages > 0 && email.GetAttachedMessage(0).NumTo > 0)
                                        PersonName name = new PersonName();
                                        if (name.ParseFullName(email.GetAttachedMessage(0).GetToName(0)))
                                            existingLead = DataManager.GetLeadByNameAndStatus(name.FirstName, name.LastName, Lead.LeadStatusCode.lscEmailSent);

                                if (existingLead != null)
                                    bool res = DataManager.WriteLeadStatusLog(existingLead, Lead.LeadStatusCode.lscEmailBounced1, bounceReason.Substring(0, Math.Min(150, bounceReason.Length)));
                                    Log("Bounced email from {0} for reason \"{1}\", update status log = {2}", bounceEmail, bounceReason, res);

                                    if (res)
                                        deleteThisEmail = true;
                                    Log("Bounced email from {0}, but can't find email addr in db.", bounceEmail);
                                Log("We have a bounced email, but can't get the email address from the body.");
                        else if (email.Subject.Contains("Out of Office") || email.Subject.Contains("AutoReply"))
                            Log("Found autoreply from: {0}, deleting", email.From);
                            deleteThisEmail = true;
                        else if (email.Subject == "echo")
                            Log("Found echo request from: {0}", email.FromAddress);

                            Lead testLead = new Lead();

                            testLead.LeadInfoText = email.GetPlainTextBody();
                            testLead.EmailAddress = email.FromAddress;

                            if (testLead.TemplateCurrent == null)
                                testLead.TemplateCurrent = DataManager.GetTemplate("Hockey");   // Hockey template


                            deleteThisEmail = true;
                        else if (email.Subject == "unsubscribe")
                            Log("Found unsubscribe request from: {0}", email.FromAddress);

                            Lead existingLead = DataManager.GetLead(email.FromAddress);

                            if (existingLead != null)
                                bool res = DataManager.WriteLeadStatusLog(existingLead, Lead.LeadStatusCode.lscUnsubscribeRequestReceived);
                                Log("Bye bye {0}; update status log = {1}", existingLead.FirstName, res);

                                if (res)
                                    deleteThisEmail = true;
                                Log("Odd, can't find email address in db.  Doing nothing.");
                            Log("Skipping non-lead email from: {0}", email.FromAddress);

                        if (deleteThisEmail)
                            //  Delete this email.
                            bool success = mailman.DeleteEmail(email);
                            if (success != true)
                                Log("Strangeness, can't delete POP3 email: {0}", mailman.LastErrorText);
                    Log("Ending email session...");

                    Log("Summary - total emails found: {0}, non-lead: {1}, duplicate: {2}, newly inserted: {3}",

                    result = true;
                    // Happens if tcp/ip issue.  Thanks Time Warner!
                    Log("Can't get POP3 emails.  Msg was: {0}", msg);
                Log("Can't get mailman component - is it registered and licensed?");

Example #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Used:
        /// 1) In the case when the facebook ID does not match a profile, but the user is signed in to facebook (we check if we can connect the accounts)
        /// 2) When the user logs in with their CF3 email/password to a client (Accounts Server, PG Site, CF4, Mobile App) for the first time
        /// </summary>
        public Profile GetUserByEmailAndCreateCf4ProfileIfNotExists(string email)
            var profile = profileRepo.GetProfileByEmail(email);

            if (profile == null)
                var cf3Profile = new cf.DataAccess.cf3.ClimberProfileDA().GetClimberProfile(email);
                if (cf3Profile != default(Cf3Profile))
                    var    idStr    = cf3Profile.ID.ToString();
                    string userName = idStr.Substring(idStr.Length - 9, 8);

                    profile = new Profile()
                        ID                           = cf3Profile.ID,
                        CountryID                    = byte.Parse(cf3Profile.Nationality.ToString()),
                        DisplayNameTypeID            = 0,
                        Email                        = email,
                        FullName                     = cf3Profile.FullName,
                        IsMale                       = cf3Profile.IsMale.Value,
                        NickName                     = cf3Profile.NickName,
                        UserName                     = userName,
                        ContactNumber                = cf3Profile.ContractPhoneNumber,
                        PrivacyAllowNewConversations = true,
                        PrivacyShowFeed              = true,
                        PrivacyShowHistory           = true,
                        PrivacyPostsDefaultIsPublic  = true,
                        PrivacyShowInSearch          = true,
                        PrivacyShowOnPartnerSites    = true


                    var traceMsg = string.Format("{0} upgraded cf3 account", cf3Profile.FullName);
                    CfTrace.Information(TraceCode.UserCreateAccount, traceMsg);
                    MailMan.SendAppEvent(TraceCode.UserCreateAccount, traceMsg, email, cf3Profile.ID, "*****@*****.**", true);

                        var originalImgUrl = GetCf3ProfilePicFullSizeUrl(cf3Profile.ID, cf3Profile.ProfilePictureFile);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(originalImgUrl))
                            using (Stream imgStream = new ImageDownloader().DownloadImageAsStream(originalImgUrl))
                                if (imgStream == null)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Cf3 image stream is null for: " + originalImgUrl);
                                if (profile == null)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Profile is null...");

                                //-- Note this function automatically updates the user object in the database
                                SaveProfileAvatarPicFrom3rdPartSource(imgStream, profile);
                    catch (Exception ex)

Example #35
        public static bool smtpAuthentication(string hostSMTP, int portSMTP, string userName, string password)
            MailMan smtpTest = new MailMan();
            smtpTest.SmtpHost = hostSMTP;
            smtpTest.SmtpPort = portSMTP;
            smtpTest.SmtpUsername = userName;
            smtpTest.SmtpPassword = password;

            if (SSL)
                smtpTest.PopSsl = true;
                smtpTest.PopSsl = false;

            Email mail = new Email();
            mail.From = userName;
            mail.AddTo("", userName);
            mail.Subject = "Test mail";
            mail.SetHtmlBody("<html><body><b><font color='red' size='+1'>Thư kiểm tra</font></b></html>");

            if (smtpTest.SendEmail(mail))
                return true;
                return false;
Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from authenticated facebook client '' and the mobile app
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="fullName"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="nationality"></param>
        /// <param name="isMale"></param>
        /// <param name="facebookID"></param>
        /// <param name="facebookToken"></param>
        /// <param name="signUpOrigin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Profile CreateUser(string email, string fullName, string password, byte nationality, bool isMale, long?facebookID,
                                  string facebookToken, string signUpOrigin)
                bool detailsValid = true; //-- todo, perform some sort of validation on incoming details
                if (detailsValid)
                    MembershipCreateStatus createStatus;
                    var mUser = Membership.CreateUser(email, password, email, null, null, true, null, out createStatus);

                    if (createStatus != MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
                        throw new MembershipCreateUserException(createStatus);
                        var userID = new Guid(mUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString());

                        var user = CreateProfile(new Profile()
                            ID            = userID,
                            CountryID     = nationality,
                            Email         = email,
                            FullName      = fullName,
                            IsMale        = isMale,
                            FacebookID    = facebookID,
                            FacebookToken = facebookToken,
                            PrivacyAllowNewConversations = true,
                            PrivacyShowFeed             = true,
                            PrivacyShowHistory          = true,
                            PrivacyPostsDefaultIsPublic = true,
                            PrivacyShowInSearch         = true,
                            PrivacyShowOnPartnerSites   = true

                        var traceMsg = string.Format("{0} created an account via {1}", fullName, signUpOrigin);
                        if (facebookID.HasValue)
                            traceMsg += " w fbid: " + facebookID.Value.ToString();
                        CfTrace.Information(TraceCode.UserCreateAccount, traceMsg);
                        MailMan.SendAppEvent(TraceCode.UserCreateAccount, traceMsg, email, userID, "*****@*****.**", true);

                            if (facebookID.HasValue)
                                var originalImgUrl = string.Format("{0}/picture?type=large", facebookID.Value);
                                using (Stream imgStream = new ImageDownloader().DownloadImageAsStream(originalImgUrl))
                                    //-- Note this function automatically updates the user object in the database
                                    SaveProfileAvatarPicFrom3rdPartSource(imgStream, user);
                        catch (Exception ex)

                    throw new Exception("Sign up detail invalid from origin: " + signUpOrigin);
            catch (Exception ex) //-- extra logging / safety as we really don't want this code to screw up and if it does be better know about it!
                if (!ex.Message.Contains("form required for an e-mail address") && !ex.Message.Contains("username is already in use"))
                throw ex;
Example #37
		public static void ScanGmail(string[] strings, Types type)
			Console.WriteLine("VER 3");
			Bounce b = new Bounce();

			MailMan mailman = new MailMan();
			//mailman.ConnectTimeout = 5;
			mailman.MailPort = 995;
			mailman.PopSsl = true;
			mailman.MailHost = "";
			if (type == Types.DontStayIn)
				mailman.PopUsername = "******";
				mailman.PopPassword = "******";
			else if (type == Types.Mixmag)
				mailman.PopUsername = "******";
				mailman.PopPassword = "******";
			else if (type == Types.SpamTrap)
				mailman.PopUsername = "******";
				mailman.PopPassword = "******";
			// Copy the mail into a bundle object.  The mail still remains
			// on the POP3 server.  Call TransferMail to copy and remove
			// mail from the POP3 server.
			Chilkat.EmailBundle bundle;

			Console.WriteLine("Getting bundle...");

			List<string> emailAddresses = new List<string>();
			int ignored = 0;
			int ignoredHard = 0;
			int hardBounces = 0;
			int exceptions = 0;
			int total = 0;

			// Loop over each email and save attachments.
			// Also add the email subject to a list box.


				emailAddresses = new List<string>();
				ignored = 0;
				ignoredHard = 0;
				hardBounces = 0;
				exceptions = 0;
				total = 0;

				bundle = mailman.CopyMail();
				Console.WriteLine("Got {0} messages", bundle.MessageCount.ToString());

				total = bundle.MessageCount;
				int i;
				for (i = 0; i < bundle.MessageCount; i++)
					Chilkat.Email email = bundle.GetEmail(i);

						if (type == Types.SpamTrap)
							#region spam trap
							if (email.Subject == "complaint about message from")
								bool isEflyer = false;
								bool isUpdateEmail = false;
								string fullBody = email.Body;
								string recipient = "";
								string subject = "";

								//Console.WriteLine(fullBody.Length > 4096 ? fullBody.Substring(0, 4096) : fullBody);

								if (fullBody.IndexOf("From: [email protected]\r", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
									isEflyer = true;

								if (fullBody.IndexOf("Subject: DontStayIn this week", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 ||
									fullBody.IndexOf("Subject: Don't Stay In this week", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
									isUpdateEmail = true;

									string firstLine = fullBody.Substring(0, fullBody.IndexOf("\r"));
									recipient = firstLine.Substring(firstLine.IndexOf(" ") + 1);

									string subjectAndOn = fullBody.Substring(fullBody.IndexOf("\r\nSubject: ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 11);
									subject = subjectAndOn.Substring(0, subjectAndOn.IndexOf("\r"));

								Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}, Eflyer: {1}, UpdateEmail: {2}, Subject: {3}", recipient, isEflyer, isUpdateEmail, subject.Length > 30 ? subject.Substring(0,30) : subject);

								UsrSet us = new UsrSet(new Query(new Q(Usr.Columns.Email, recipient)));
								if (us.Count > 0)
									foreach (Usr u in us)
										if (isEflyer)
											u.SendFlyers = false;
										else if (isUpdateEmail)
											u.SendSpottedEmails = false;
											u.EmailHold = true;

								Console.WriteLine("(not complaint email)");
							dealWithBounce(strings, b, "", ref hardBounces, ref ignoredHard, ref ignored);
					catch (Exception ex)
						//throw ex;
					//if (i < 10 || i % 10 == 0)
					//	Console.WriteLine("Processed: " + i.ToString("#,##0") + " / " + total.ToString("#,##0") + ", bounces: " + hardBounces.ToString("#,##0") + ", ignored: " + ignored.ToString("#,##0") + ", ignoredHard: " + ignoredHard.ToString("#,##0") + ", errors: " + exceptions.ToString("#,##0"));

			while (total >= 250);