// a function to add a note to the screen
    public void AddNote(Transform parent)
        // if there is not sticky note ref to clone then  stop
        if (stickyNoteObj == null)
            Debug.Log("no sticky note object to ref on: " + transform.name); return;
        // if we have no madlibs script ref then stop
        if (GameObject.Find("MadLibs_Manager") == null)
            Debug.Log("no reference to mad libs script found. on: " + transform.name); return;

        // if we havent gotten the madlibs reference yet
        if (madLibsScript == null)
            // get the reference to the mad libs script
            madLibsScript = GameObject.Find("MadLibs_Manager").GetComponent <MadLibs_Tracker>();
        }// end of havent gotten mad libs ref script

        // make a clone ref for the new sticky
        GameObject stickyClone;

        // clone the reference sticky
        stickyClone = Instantiate(stickyNoteObj, stickyNoteObj.transform.position, stickyNoteObj.transform.rotation);
        // set the parent to the canvas
        // set the scale to the appropriate size
        stickyClone.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector3(noteSize, noteSize, noteSize);
        // set the position to be correct now
        stickyClone.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector3(-200, 200, 0);
        // assign a new name to the sticky note
        stickyClone.transform.name = stickyClone.tag + "_" + nextNoteId;
        // set the id of the sticky note
        stickyClone.GetComponent <myNote>().noteId = nextNoteId;
        // increase the next note id number
        // add the note to the list of notes created in madlibs
    }// end of add note
    }// end of start

    // constantly detect if it is colliding with a trigger
    private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D trig)
        // if we have no madlibs script ref then stop
        if (GameObject.Find("MadLibs_Manager") == null)
            Debug.Log("no reference to mad libs script found. on: " + transform.name); return;
        // if we havent gotten the madlibs reference yet
        if (madlibsTracker == null)
            // get the reference to the mad libs script
            madlibsTracker = GameObject.Find("MadLibs_Manager").GetComponent <MadLibs_Tracker>();
        }// end of havent gotten mad libs ref script

        // if we have no ref then stop
        if (myNoteScript == null)
            Debug.Log("No ref to 'myNote' script on: " + transform.name); return;
        // if no ref to my note tracker then stop
        if (myNoteTracker == null)
            Debug.Log("No ref to 'Note_Tracker' script on: " + transform.name); return;

        //Debug.Log("Trigged with name: " + trig.gameObject.name);
        //Debug.Log("Trigged with tag: " + trig.gameObject.tag);

        // if we are done dragging the not
        if (myNoteScript.amDragging == false)
            // if it's touching the trash
            if (trig.name.Contains("Trash"))
                // remove this obj from the madlibs
                // destroy this from the game
                Destroy(gameObject, 0);
            } // end of is touching trash
        }     // end of done dragging

        // this variable is to track the number/id of the tag we are about to get
        int tracker = 0;

        // for each possible option in note tracker for tags
        foreach (string tag in myNoteTracker.noteCategories)
            // if the triggered object has a tag in there
            if (trig.gameObject.tag == tag)
                // assign it
                myNoteScript.categories.value = tracker;
                // assign the note tag string
                myNoteScript.myTagString = tag;
                // stop
            }// end of if obj.tag is equal to tag we are comparing
            // if there is no match
                //increase our tracker
            } // end of no match
        }     // end of for each tag
    }         // end of on trigger stay 2d