Example #1
        void AllPlot()
            if (section <= 48)
            if (band[0] == 0)
                MWNumericArray band_m = new MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, 1, section);
                MWCellArray    time_m = new MWCellArray(section);
                MWArray        result;
                for (int i = 0; i < section; i++)
                    band_m[i + 1] = band[i];
                    time_m[i + 1] = time[i];
                if (section <= 36)
                    result = plot_all.series_all(band_m, time_m, 1, section);
                    result = plot_all.series_all(band_m, time_m, 0, section);
                List <string> temp = new List <string>();
                foreach (var item in result.ToArray())
                Std = Convert.ToDouble(temp[0]);

                it      = new ListViewItem();
                it.Text = "Std";

                it      = new ListViewItem();
                it.Text = "p";

                it      = new ListViewItem();
                it.Text = "q";

                button2.Enabled = true;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the edge features vector of the current image
        /// </summary>
        public List <Feature> EdgeFeaturesVector(int X, int Y, int W, int H)
            List <Feature> FV = new List <Feature>();

                MWArray res = new MWCellArray(37, 1);
                res = FEC.CannyEdgeHistogram(this.imagePath, X, Y, W, H);
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge1", double.Parse(res[1].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge2", double.Parse(res[2].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge3", double.Parse(res[3].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge4", double.Parse(res[4].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge5", double.Parse(res[5].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge6", double.Parse(res[6].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge7", double.Parse(res[7].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge8", double.Parse(res[8].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge9", double.Parse(res[9].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge10", double.Parse(res[10].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge11", double.Parse(res[11].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge12", double.Parse(res[12].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge13", double.Parse(res[13].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge14", double.Parse(res[14].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge15", double.Parse(res[15].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge16", double.Parse(res[16].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge17", double.Parse(res[17].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge18", double.Parse(res[18].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge19", double.Parse(res[19].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge20", double.Parse(res[20].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge21", double.Parse(res[21].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge22", double.Parse(res[22].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge23", double.Parse(res[23].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge24", double.Parse(res[24].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge25", double.Parse(res[25].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge26", double.Parse(res[26].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge27", double.Parse(res[27].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge28", double.Parse(res[28].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge29", double.Parse(res[29].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge30", double.Parse(res[30].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge31", double.Parse(res[31].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge32", double.Parse(res[32].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge33", double.Parse(res[33].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge34", double.Parse(res[34].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge35", double.Parse(res[35].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge36", double.Parse(res[36].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("Edge37", double.Parse(res[37].ToString())));

            catch (Exception ex)
Example #3
        public MWCellArray NetListToMLCellArray(List<Double[,]> input )
            MWCellArray cellArray = new MWCellArray(input.Count);
              //  MWNumericArray numericArray = new MWNumericArray();

            for (int i = 1; i < input.Count+1; i++)
                cellArray[i] = ((MWNumericArray)input[i-1]);

            return cellArray;
Example #4
        public float MatlabQPeek(List <float> zposList, List <byte[, ]> bytelist, int max_cnt, ref float z_pos1, ref float z_pos2, ref float z_pos3, ref float new_z_pos_m, bool bDirty, ref int bFineFlag)
            DateTime starT    = DateTime.Now;
            int      loop_cnt = 0;
            float    rect_cnt = 0;
            float    rect     = 0;

                MWCellArray mwcell = new MWCellArray(max_cnt, 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < max_cnt; i++)
                    MWNumericArray mwarr = bytelist[i];
                    mwcell[i + 1, 1] = mwarr;
                MWNumericArray mwz = zposList.ToArray();
                loop_cnt = bDirty == false ? 0 : 1;
                MWNumericArray mwCnt = loop_cnt;
                //MWArray mwret = this.qFocus.QuickFocusOfSinglePointROIForDll(mwz, mwcell);
                MWArray mwret = this.qfprep.QuickFocusOfSinglePointROIForDll(mwz, mwcell, mwCnt);
                float[,] ret = (float[, ])((MWNumericArray)mwret).ToArray(MWArrayComponent.Real);
                z_pos1       = ret[0, 0];
                z_pos2       = ret[0, 1];
                z_pos3       = ret[0, 2];
                new_z_pos_m  = ret[0, 3];
                bFineFlag    = (int)ret[0, 4];
                z_pos1       = z_pos1 > 0.4 ? 0 : z_pos1;
                z_pos2       = z_pos2 > 0.4 ? 0 : z_pos2;
                z_pos3       = z_pos3 > 0.4 ? 0 : z_pos3;
                if (rect_cnt == 1)
                    loop_cnt = 0;
                rect = new_z_pos_m;
            catch (Exception ex)
            { LogHelper.AppLoger.Error(ex); }
Example #5
        public void MatlabFitting(Dictionary <Point, float> dicMap)
                int max = dicMap.Count;
                double[,] dbx = new double[max, 3];
                MWCellArray   mwary  = new MWCellArray(max, 3);
                List <Point>  lst    = new List <Point>(dicMap.Keys);
                StringBuilder strDat = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++)
                    Point p = lst[i];
                    float v = dicMap[p];
                    //float[] fv = new float[3] { (float)p.X, (float)p.Y, v };
                    dbx[i, 0] = (double)p.X;
                    dbx[i, 1] = (double)p.Y;
                    dbx[i, 2] = (double)v;
                    strDat.AppendFormat("{0},{1},{2}", p.X, p.Y, v);

                //save result to file
                string path = @"c:\map\";
                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path))
                var          utf8WithoutBom = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(true);
                FileStream   fs             = new FileStream(path + "final_data.csv", FileMode.Create);
                StreamWriter sw             = new StreamWriter(fs, utf8WithoutBom);

                MWNumericArray x     = new MWNumericArray(dbx);
                MWArray        mwret = this.gfPrep.PreMapFunction(x);
                //float[,] ret = (float[,])((MWNumericArray)mwret).ToArray(MWArrayComponent.Real);
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #6
        private float MatlabPeek(List <float> zposList, List <byte[, ]> bytelist, int max_cnt)
            MWCellArray mwcell = new MWCellArray(max_cnt, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < max_cnt; i++)
                MWNumericArray mwarr = bytelist[i];
                mwcell[i + 1, 1] = mwarr;
            MWNumericArray mwz   = zposList.ToArray();
            MWArray        mwret = this.myDll2.GlobalFocusOfSinglePointROIForDll(mwz, mwcell);

            float[,] ret = (float[, ])((MWNumericArray)mwret).ToArray(MWArrayComponent.Real);
            float new_z_pos_m = ret[0, 0];

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the texture features vector of the current image
        /// </summary>
        public List <Feature> TextureFeaturesVector(int X, int Y, int W, int H)
            List <Feature> FV = new List <Feature>();

                MWArray res = new MWCellArray(24, 1);
                res = FEC.ExtractTextureInfo(this.imagePath, X, Y, W, H);
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexContrast0", double.Parse(res[1].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexCorrelation0", double.Parse(res[2].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexEnergy0", double.Parse(res[3].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexHomogeneity0", double.Parse(res[4].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexEntropy0", double.Parse(res[5].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexMax0", double.Parse(res[6].ToString())));

                FV.Add(new Feature("TexContrast45", double.Parse(res[7].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexCorrelation45", double.Parse(res[8].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexEnergy45", double.Parse(res[9].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexHomogeneity45", double.Parse(res[10].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexEntropy45", double.Parse(res[11].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexMax45", double.Parse(res[12].ToString())));

                FV.Add(new Feature("TexContrast90", double.Parse(res[13].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexCorrelation90", double.Parse(res[14].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexEnergy90", double.Parse(res[15].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexHomogeneity90", double.Parse(res[16].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexEntropy90", double.Parse(res[17].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexMax90", double.Parse(res[18].ToString())));

                FV.Add(new Feature("TexContrast135", double.Parse(res[19].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexCorrelation135", double.Parse(res[20].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexEnergy135", double.Parse(res[21].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexHomogeneity135", double.Parse(res[22].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexEntropy135", double.Parse(res[23].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("TexMax135", double.Parse(res[24].ToString())));

            catch (Exception ex)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // get data table
            DataTable table = getData();

            // create the MWCellArray
            int         numRows = table.Rows.Count;
            int         numCols = table.Columns.Count;
            MWCellArray cell    = new MWCellArray(numRows, numCols);    // one-based indices

            // fill it cell-by-cell
            for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < numCols; c++)
                    // fill based on type
                    Type t = table.Columns[c].DataType;
                    if (t == typeof(DateTime))
                        //cell[r+1,c+1] = new MWNumericArray( convertToMATLABDateNum((DateTime)table.Rows[r][c]) );
                        cell[r + 1, c + 1] = convertToMATLABDateNum((DateTime)table.Rows[r][c]);
                    else if (t == typeof(string))
                        //cell[r+1,c+1] = new MWCharArray( (string)table.Rows[r][c] );
                        cell[r + 1, c + 1] = (string)table.Rows[r][c];
                        //cell[r+1,c+1] = new MWNumericArray( (double)table.Rows[r][c] );
                        cell[r + 1, c + 1] = (double)table.Rows[r][c];
            // call MATLAB function
            CellClass obj = new CellClass();


            // Wait for user to exit application
Example #9
        public float MatlabPeek(List <float> zPosList, List <byte[, ]> byteList, int maxCnt)
            float rect = 0;

                MWCellArray mwcell = new MWCellArray(maxCnt, 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < maxCnt; i++)
                    MWNumericArray mwarr = byteList[i];
                    mwcell[i + 1, 1] = mwarr;
                MWNumericArray mwz   = zPosList.ToArray();
                MWArray        mwret = this.gfPrep.GlobalFocusOfSinglePointROIForDll(mwz, mwcell);
                float[,] ret = (float[, ])((MWNumericArray)mwret).ToArray(MWArrayComponent.Real);
                float new_z_pos_m = ret[0, 0];
                rect = new_z_pos_m;
            catch (Exception ex)
            { LogHelper.AppLoger.Error(ex); }
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the shape features vector of the current image
        /// </summary>
        public List <Feature> ShapeFeaturesVector(int X, int Y, int W, int H)
            List <Feature> FV = new List <Feature>();

                MWArray res = new MWCellArray(7, 1);
                res = FEC.ExtractShapeInfo(this.imagePath, X, Y, W, H);
                FV.Add(new Feature("ShapeM1", double.Parse(res[1].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("ShapeM2", double.Parse(res[2].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("ShapeM3", double.Parse(res[3].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("ShapeM4", double.Parse(res[4].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("ShapeM5", double.Parse(res[5].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("ShapeM6", double.Parse(res[6].ToString())));
                FV.Add(new Feature("ShapeM7", double.Parse(res[7].ToString())));
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #11
        public List <Vector3d> ICPCalculation(List <Vector3d> pointsToTransform, List <Vector3d> pointsOrig)
            int j = 0;
            int m = 0;

            double[,] map_points = new double[3, pointsToTransform.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < map_points.Length / 3; i++, j++)
                map_points.SetValue(pointsToTransform[i].X, 0, j);
                map_points.SetValue(pointsToTransform[i].Y, 1, j);
                map_points.SetValue(pointsToTransform[i].Z, 2, j);
            double[,] map_pointsToTransform = ThinPointCloud(pointsToTransform, 0, 50);
            m += 10;
            double[,] map_pointsOrig = new double[3, pointsOrig.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointsOrig.Count; i++)
                map_pointsOrig.SetValue(pointsOrig[i].X, 0, i);
                map_pointsOrig.SetValue(pointsOrig[i].Y, 1, i);
                map_pointsOrig.SetValue(pointsOrig[i].Z, 2, i);
            //IterativeClosestPointClass icp = new IterativeClosestPointClass();
            ICP icpTest = new ICP();
            // ICP icpTest = new ICP();
            MWCellArray outMapedPointsNew = null;
            MWCellArray outMapedPointsOld = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Start of ICP algorithm");
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            outMapedPointsNew = (MWCellArray)icpTest.getIterativeClosestPoints((MWNumericArray)map_pointsOrig, (MWNumericArray)map_pointsToTransform, (MWNumericArray)map_points, (MWNumericArray)20);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                m += 5;
                MWNumericArray  newoutmappedPoints = (MWNumericArray)outMapedPointsNew[1];
                List <Vector3d> newPoints          = new List <Vector3d>();

                double   newx, newy, newz;
                Vector3d newact_point;
                for (int k = 1; k < newoutmappedPoints.Dimensions[1]; k++)
                    newx = (double)newoutmappedPoints[1, k];
                    newy = (double)newoutmappedPoints[2, k];
                    newz = (double)newoutmappedPoints[3, k];

                    newact_point = new Vector3d(newx, newy, newz);

                map_pointsToTransform = ThinPointCloud(newPoints, m, 50);
                outMapedPointsOld     = outMapedPointsNew;

                // Call function getIterativeClosestPoints which returns a new Array of map_points with rotation and translation
                //outMapedPoints= (MWCellArray)icp.getIterativeClosestPoints((MWNumericArray)map_pointsOrig, (MWNumericArray)map_points, (MWNumericArray)map_pointsToTransform,(MWNumericArray)15);
                outMapedPointsNew = (MWCellArray)icpTest.getIterativeClosestPoints((MWNumericArray)map_pointsOrig, (MWNumericArray)map_pointsToTransform, outMapedPointsOld[1], (MWNumericArray)30);

            // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
            TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;

            Console.WriteLine("End of ICP algorithm, it took : {0} minuts and {1} seconds!", ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds);
            MWNumericArray mappedPoints    = (MWNumericArray)outMapedPointsNew[1];
            MWNumericArray rotation_vec    = (MWNumericArray)outMapedPointsNew[2];
            MWNumericArray translation_vec = (MWNumericArray)outMapedPointsNew[3];

            Vector3d act_point;

            List <Vector3d> points = new List <Vector3d>();

            double x, y, z;

            for (int i = 1; i <= mappedPoints.Dimensions[1]; i++)
                x = (double)mappedPoints[1, i];
                y = (double)mappedPoints[2, i];
                z = (double)mappedPoints[3, i];

                act_point = new Vector3d(x, y, z);


            List <Vector4d> matrix = new List <Vector4d>();
            Vector4d        column;

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                x = (double)mappedPoints[1, i];
                y = (double)mappedPoints[2, i];
                z = (double)mappedPoints[3, i];

                column = new Vector4d((double)rotation_vec[i, 1], (double)rotation_vec[i, 2], (double)rotation_vec[i, 3], (double)translation_vec[i, 1]);

            column = new Vector4d(0, 0, 0, 1);
            //WriteTransformationMatrix(matrix, "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\03Daten\\registratedData\\MeshTomo_to_SimulatedTransformation.txt");
            transMatrix = matrix;
            //GetNearestPoints(points, pointsOrig);
Example #12
        public List <int> GetNearestPoints(List <Vector3d> points, List <Vector3d> pointsOrig, Dictionary <String, List <float> > scalarDataRegistratedPoints, Dictionary <String, List <float> > scalarDataOriginalPoints)
            //Dictionary<string, List<float>>.KeyCollection KeyCollRegistrated = scalarDataRegistratedPoints.Keys;
            //int nKeysRegistrated = KeyCollRegistrated.Count();
            //Dictionary<string, List<float>>.KeyCollection KeyCollOriginal = scalarDataOriginalPoints.Keys;
            //int nKeysOriginal = KeyCollOriginal.Count();

            //List<float> scalarValuesX = new List<float>();
            //scalarDataOriginalPoints.TryGetValue(KeyCollOriginal.ElementAt<string>(0), out scalarValuesX);
            //List<float> scalarValuesY = new List<float>();
            //scalarDataOriginalPoints.TryGetValue(KeyCollOriginal.ElementAt<string>(1), out scalarValuesY);
            //List<float> scalarValuesZ = new List<float>();
            //scalarDataOriginalPoints.TryGetValue(KeyCollOriginal.ElementAt<string>(2), out scalarValuesZ);

            //// create vectorfield
            //List<Vector3d> vectorFielRegistratedPoints = new List<Vector3d>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < scalarValuesX.Count(); i++)
            //    Vector3d vec = new Vector3d(scalarValuesX[i], scalarValuesY[i], scalarValuesZ[i]);

            //    vectorFielRegistratedPoints.Add(vec);

            //scalarDataRegistratedPoints.TryGetValue("x_velocity", out scalarValuesX);

            //scalarDataRegistratedPoints.TryGetValue("y_velocity", out scalarValuesY);

            //scalarDataRegistratedPoints.TryGetValue("z_velocity", out scalarValuesZ);

            //// create vectorfield
            //List<Vector3d> vectorFielOriginalPoints = new List<Vector3d>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < scalarValuesX.Count(); i++)
            //    Vector3d vec = new Vector3d(scalarValuesX[i], scalarValuesY[i], scalarValuesZ[i]);

            //    vectorFielOriginalPoints.Add(vec);

            NearestNeighbor.NearestNeighbor interpolation = new NearestNeighbor.NearestNeighbor();

            double[,] mappedPointsArray = new double[points.Count(), 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++)
                //if (vectorFielRegistratedPoints[i] != new Vector3d(0, 0, 0))
                mappedPointsArray.SetValue(points[i].X, i, 0);
                mappedPointsArray.SetValue(points[i].Y, i, 1);
                mappedPointsArray.SetValue(points[i].Z, i, 2);
            double[,] _pointsOrig = new double[pointsOrig.Count(), 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < _pointsOrig.GetLength(0); i++)
                //if (vectorFielRegistratedPoints[i] != new Vector3d(0, 0, 0))
                _pointsOrig.SetValue(pointsOrig[i].X, i, 0);
                _pointsOrig.SetValue(pointsOrig[i].Y, i, 1);
                _pointsOrig.SetValue(pointsOrig[i].Z, i, 2);
            MWCellArray outInterpolatedArray = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Start of nearest point interpolation algorithm");
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();


            // Interpolate between outNewPointsMono and map_pointsStereo
            // finds the nearest neighbor in _pointsOrig for each point in mappedPointsArray. outInterpolatedArray is a column vector with my rows.
            // Each row in outInterpolatedArray contains the index of nearest neighbor in _pointsOrig for the corresponding row in mappedPointsArray.
            outInterpolatedArray = (MWCellArray)interpolation.getnearestPosition((MWNumericArray)_pointsOrig, (MWNumericArray)mappedPointsArray);
            // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
            TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;

            Console.WriteLine("End of NNInterpolation algorithm, it took : {0} minuts and {1} seconds!", ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds);

            MWNumericArray outInterpolatedNumericArray = (MWNumericArray)outInterpolatedArray[1];

            List <int>      l_interpolatedPoints     = new List <int>();
            List <Vector3d> interpolatedMappedPoints = new List <Vector3d>();

            for (int i = 1; i < outInterpolatedNumericArray.Dimensions[0] + 1; i++)
                int interpolatedPoint = (int)outInterpolatedNumericArray[i, 1];
Example #13
        public FrequencyInfo realtimeAnalyze()
             * MWCellArray EPCArray = new MWCellArray(tagInfoQueue.Count, 1);
             * int count = 0;
             * ulong[] timestamp = new ulong[tagInfoQueue.Count];
             * ushort[] phase = new ushort[tagInfoQueue.Count];
             * int[] frequency = new int[tagInfoQueue.Count];
             * foreach(TagInfo tagInfo in tagInfoQueue)
             * {
             *  timestamp[count] = tagInfo.TimeStamp;
             *  phase[count] = tagInfo.RawPhase;
             *  frequency[count] = tagInfo.Frequency;
             *  EPCArray[++count, 1] = tagInfo.EPC;
             * }
             * MWNumericArray timeStampArray = timestamp;
             * MWNumericArray phaseArray = phase;
             * MWNumericArray frequencyIndex = frequency;
             * MWArray[] argsIn = new MWArray[] { EPCArray, timeStampArray, phaseArray, frequencyIndex,0,1,10 };
             * MWArray[] result = new MWArray[3];
             * VitalSignsExtract vitalSignsExtract = new VitalSignsExtract();
             * vitalSignsExtract.vitalSignsExtract(3,ref result,argsIn);
            Console.WriteLine("Realtime Analyzing...");
            long[]         timestampArray = timestampQueue.ToArray();
            MWNumericArray timeStampArray = timestampArray;

            double[]       phaseArray1 = phaseQueue.ToArray();
            MWNumericArray phaseArray  = phaseArray1;

            int[]          frequencyArray = frequencyQueue.ToArray();
            MWNumericArray frequencyIndex = frequencyArray;

            string[] epcArray = epcQueue.ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("array size : " + epcArray.Length);
            MWCellArray EPCArray = new MWCellArray(epcArray.Length, 1);

            //MWNumericArray filter = 0;
            //MWNumericArray method = 1;
            //MWNumericArray T = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < epcArray.Length; i++)
                EPCArray[i + 1, 1] = epcArray[i];

            MWArray[]     argsIn = new MWArray[] { EPCArray, timeStampArray, phaseArray, frequencyIndex, 0, 1, 10 };
            MWArray[]     result = new MWArray[3];
            FrequencyInfo fre    = new FrequencyInfo();

                vitalSignsExtract.vitalSignsExtract(3, ref result, argsIn);
                double[,] breathAndHb = (double[, ])(result[0].ToArray());

                int fail = (int)(MWNumericArray)result[2];
                Console.WriteLine("fail: " + fail);
                fre.meanBreath    = breathAndHb[0, 1];
                fre.meanHeartbeat = breathAndHb[0, 3];
                Console.WriteLine("breath:" + breathAndHb[0, 1] + " " + breathAndHb[0, 2]);
                Console.WriteLine("heartbeat:" + fre.meanHeartbeat + " " + breathAndHb[0, 4]);
                fre.fail = fail;
            }catch (Exception ex)

        public void IdentifyComputation()
            //set generic simulator behavior - strategy
            //GenericSimulator.SimulatorBehavior = new MySincSimulatorBehavior2(); //useless - matlab DLL have different static instance
                BroadcastIdentifyStateMessage("Starting calculation ..." + DateTime.Now);
                logger.Log(NLog.LogLevel.Info, "starting calculation ");
                //invoke matlab Identification algorithm - does it use the GenericSimulator instance configured before???
                Class1 class1 = new Class1();
                logger.Log(NLog.LogLevel.Debug, "class1 init");
                //set experiment variables and values
                MWArray v_names = new MWCellArray(new MWCharArray(Enumerable.ToArray(variable_names)));
                MWArray experiment = new MWNumericArray(variable_values);
                //set identification parameters
                MWArray p_names = new MWCellArray(new MWCharArray(Enumerable.ToArray(parameters.Keys)));
                //set worker nodes urls
                //var host = AppHostBase.Instance.Config.ServiceEndpointsMetadataConfig.DefaultMetadataUri;
                //var myrepository = ((AppHostBase) EndpointHost.AppHost).Container.Resolve<WorkersRepository>();
                //MWArray worker_urls = new MWCellArray(new MWCharArray(myrepository.GetByModelName(modelname).Select(x => x.RestUrl).ToArray()));

                MWArray p_val = new MWNumericArray(parameters.Values.Select(parameter => parameter.Value).ToArray());
                MWArray p_min = new MWNumericArray(parameters.Values.Select(parameter => parameter.Min).ToArray());
                MWArray p_max = new MWNumericArray(parameters.Values.Select(parameter => parameter.Max).ToArray());
                MWArray p_is_fixed =
                    new MWLogicalArray(parameters.Values.Select(parameter => !parameter.IsActive).ToArray());
                //calculate identification
                Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                if (IAgenerations > 0) //set gaoptions
                    MWArray generations = new MWNumericArray(IAgenerations);
                    MWArray populationsize = new MWNumericArray(IApopulationsize);
                    MWArray tolfun = new MWNumericArray(IAtolfun);
                    class1.identify_gaoptimset(generations, populationsize, tolfun);
                } //otherwise the matlab algorithm has it's own default values
                logger.Log(NLog.LogLevel.Debug, "mwarray init");
                var result = class1.identify_main(experiment, p_names, p_val, p_min, p_max, p_is_fixed, v_names, modelname, masterserviceurl);
                logger.Log(NLog.LogLevel.Debug, "identify_main done");

                /*var fitted_params = result[1];
                var fitted_param_L2Enorm = result[2];
                var fitted_variablevalues = result[3];
                 * */
                //string fittedparams = "";
                //for (int i=1;i < fitted_params.
                //BroadcastIdentifyStateMessage("Elapsed time " + sw.Elapsed.ToString() + " Results: " + result);//fitted_params+" "+fitted_param_L2Enorm+" " + fitted_variablevalues);
                //var myresult = result.ToArray();


            catch (Exception e)
                //TODO handle matlab exception
                logger.Log(NLog.LogLevel.Error,"exception during identification "+e.Message+" stacktrace:"+e.StackTrace,e);
                var f = e;//.InnerException;
                while (f.InnerException != null)
                    f = f.InnerException;
                    logger.Log(NLog.LogLevel.Error, "innerexception:" + f.Message + " stacktrace:" + f.StackTrace, f);
            //            StopIdentify();
Example #15
        void PlotAll()
            /* 不同年 同月的数据*/
            int            length = band.ToArray().Length;
            MWNumericArray band_1 = new MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, length, 1);
            MWNumericArray band_2 = new MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, length, 1);
            MWNumericArray band_3 = new MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, length, 1);
            MWNumericArray band_4 = new MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, length, 1);
            MWCellArray    time_1 = new MWCellArray(4);

            string   this_time = cover.time;
            DateTime this_date = Convert.ToDateTime(this_time + "-28");
            string   last1_time;
            string   last2_time;
            string   last3_time;

            if (Convert.ToDouble(this_date.Month) >= 10)
                last1_time = this_date.AddYears(-1).Year.ToString() + "-" + this_date.Month.ToString();
                last2_time = this_date.AddYears(-2).Year.ToString() + "-" + this_date.Month.ToString();
                last3_time = this_date.AddYears(-3).Year.ToString() + "-" + this_date.Month.ToString();
                last1_time = this_date.AddYears(-1).Year.ToString() + "-0" + this_date.Month.ToString();
                last2_time = this_date.AddYears(-2).Year.ToString() + "-0" + this_date.Month.ToString();
                last3_time = this_date.AddYears(-3).Year.ToString() + "-0" + this_date.Month.ToString();

            //MessageBox.Show(last1_time + last2_time + last3_time);

            band_2 = DataGet(last1_time);
            band_3 = DataGet(last2_time);
            band_4 = DataGet(last3_time);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                band_1[i + 1] = band[i];
            time_1[1] = this_time;
            time_1[2] = last1_time;
            time_1[3] = last2_time;
            time_1[4] = last3_time;

            /* 同年不同月 的数据*/
            MWNumericArray band_5 = new MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, length, 1);
            MWNumericArray band_6 = new MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, length, 1);
            MWNumericArray band_7 = new MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, length, 1);
            MWCellArray    time_2 = new MWCellArray(4);

            if (Convert.ToDouble(this_date.AddMonths(-1).Month) >= 10)
                last1_time = this_date.AddMonths(-1).Year.ToString() + "-" + this_date.AddMonths(-1).Month.ToString();
                last1_time = this_date.AddMonths(-1).Year.ToString() + "-0" + this_date.AddMonths(-1).Month.ToString();

            if (Convert.ToDouble(this_date.AddMonths(-2).Month) >= 10)
                last2_time = this_date.AddMonths(-2).Year.ToString() + "-" + this_date.AddMonths(-2).Month.ToString();
                last2_time = this_date.AddMonths(-2).Year.ToString() + "-0" + this_date.AddMonths(-2).Month.ToString();

            if (Convert.ToDouble(this_date.AddMonths(-3).Month) >= 10)
                last3_time = this_date.AddMonths(-3).Year.ToString() + "-" + this_date.AddMonths(-3).Month.ToString();
                last3_time = this_date.AddMonths(-3).Year.ToString() + "-0" + this_date.AddMonths(-3).Month.ToString();

            //MessageBox.Show(last1_time + last2_time + last3_time);

            band_5 = DataGet(last1_time);
            band_6 = DataGet(last2_time);
            band_7 = DataGet(last3_time);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                band_1[i + 1] = band[i];
            time_2[1] = this_time;
            time_2[2] = last1_time;
            time_2[3] = last2_time;
            time_2[4] = last3_time;

            plot_all.grid_all(cover.lon_max, cover.lon_min, cover.lat_max, cover.lat_min, band_1, band_2, band_3, band_4, band_5, band_6, band_7, 1, time_1, time_2);