public override void setPoint(MPoint pnt)
     if (mGeometry != null)
         mGeometry[index()] = new MVector(pnt);
Example #2
        public override void connectToDependNode(MObject node)
            // Find the rotate and rotatePivot plugs on the node.  These plugs will
            // be attached either directly or indirectly to the manip values on the
            // rotate manip.
            MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
            MPlug rPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("rotate");
            MPlug rcPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("rotatePivot");

            // If the translate pivot exists, it will be used to move the state manip
            // to a convenient location.
            MPlug tPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("translate");

            // To avoid having the object jump back to the default rotation when the
            // manipulator is first used, extract the existing rotation from the node
            // and set it as the initial rotation on the manipulator.
            MEulerRotation existingRotation = new MEulerRotation(vectorPlugValue(rPlug));
            MVector existingTranslation = new MVector(vectorPlugValue(tPlug));

            // The following code configures default settings for the rotate
            // manipulator.

            MFnRotateManip rotateManip = new MFnRotateManip(fRotateManip);

            // Add a callback function to be called when the rotation value changes

            //rotatePlugIndex = addManipToPlugConversionCallback( rPlug, (manipToPlugConversionCallback)&exampleRotateManip::rotationChangedCallback );
            ManipToPlugConverion[rPlug] = rotationChangedCallback;
            // get the index of plug
            rotatePlugIndex = this[rPlug];

            // Create a direct (1-1) connection to the rotation center plug

            // Place the state manip at a distance of 2.0 units away from the object
            // along the X-axis.
            MFnStateManip stateManip = new MFnStateManip(fStateManip);
            MVector delta = new MVector(2, 0, 0);
            stateManip.setTranslation(existingTranslation + delta,

Example #3
        void Process()
            if (input.Input.Data == null || input2.Input.Data == null || input3.Input.Data == null)

            object from  = input.Input.Data;
            object to    = input.Input.Data;
            float  delta = (float)input.Input.Data;

            if (from is float && to is MVector)
                MVector f = new MVector((float)from, (float)from, (float)from, (float)from);
                MVector r = MVector.Lerp(f, (MVector)to, delta);
                output.Data = r;
            else if (from is float && to is float)
                float r = Utils.Lerp((float)from, (float)to, delta);
                output.Data = r;
            else if (from is MVector && to is float)
                MVector f = new MVector((float)from, (float)from, (float)from, (float)from);
                MVector r = MVector.Lerp((MVector)from, f, delta);
                output.Data = r;
            else if (from is MVector && to is MVector)
                output.Data = MVector.Lerp((MVector)from, (MVector)to, delta);
                output.Data = 0;

            if (ParentGraph != null)
                FunctionGraph g = (FunctionGraph)ParentGraph;

                if (g != null && g.OutputNode == this)
                    g.Result = output.Data;
Example #4
        public override void TryAndProcess()
            NodeInput input  = Inputs[1];
            NodeInput input2 = Inputs[2];

            if (!input.IsValid || !input2.IsValid)

            NodeType t1 = input.Reference.Type;
            NodeType t2 = input2.Reference.Type;

                if ((t1 == NodeType.Float2 || t1 == NodeType.Float3 || t1 == NodeType.Float4) && (t2 == NodeType.Float2 || t2 == NodeType.Float3 || t2 == NodeType.Float4))
                    MVector v1 = (MVector)input.Data;
                    MVector v2 = (MVector)input2.Data;

                    output.Data = v1 / v2;
                else if ((t1 == NodeType.Float2 || t1 == NodeType.Float3 || t1 == NodeType.Float4) && t2 == NodeType.Float)
                    MVector v1 = (MVector)input.Data;
                    float   v2 = input2.Data.ToFloat();

                    output.Data = v1 / v2;
                else if (t1 == NodeType.Float && (t2 == NodeType.Float2 || t2 == NodeType.Float3 || t2 == NodeType.Float4))
                    float   v1 = input.Data.ToFloat();
                    MVector v2 = (MVector)input2.Data;

                    output.Data = v1 / v2;
                else if (t1 == NodeType.Float && t2 == NodeType.Float)
                    float v1 = input.Data.ToFloat();
                    float v2 = input2.Data.ToFloat();

                    output.Data = v1 / (v2 + float.Epsilon);

                result = output.Data?.ToString();

            catch (Exception e)
Example #5
			public bool setPlane(MPoint pointOnPlane, MVector normalToPlane)
				MVector _normalToPlane = new MVector(normalToPlane);

				// Calculate a,b,c,d based on input
				a = _normalToPlane.x;
				b = _normalToPlane.y;
				c = _normalToPlane.z;
				d = -(a * pointOnPlane.x + b * pointOnPlane.y + c * pointOnPlane.z);
				return true;
Example #6
        public static void ConvertToLAB(ref MVector v)
            Vector3 xyz   = ConvertRGBToXYZ(ref v);
            float   yfunc = LABFunc(xyz.Y / LabYn);
            float   L     = 116 * yfunc - 16;
            float   a     = 500 * (LABFunc(xyz.X / LabXn) - yfunc);
            float   b     = 200 * (yfunc - LABFunc(xyz.Z / LabZn));

            v.X = L;
            v.Y = a;
            v.Z = b;
Example #7
        void Process()
            if (input.Input.Data == null)

            object o = input.Input.Data;

            if (o is float || o is int)
                float v = (float)o;
                output.Data = (float)Math.Floor(v);
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)
            else if (o is MVector)
                MVector v = (MVector)o;
                MVector d = new MVector();
                d.X = (float)Math.Floor(v.X);
                d.Y = (float)Math.Floor(v.Y);
                d.Z = (float)Math.Floor(v.Z);
                d.W = (float)Math.Floor(v.W);

                output.Data = d;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)
                output.Data = 0;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)

            if (ParentGraph != null)
                FunctionGraph g = (FunctionGraph)ParentGraph;

                if (g != null && g.OutputNode == this)
                    g.Result = output.Data;
        public void Write(BinaryWriter bw, int nameOffset)
            if (!this.IsLegacy)
                bw.Write(nameOffset - (int)bw.BaseStream.Position);

            void WriteLocal()
                MVector translation = this.Local.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                double rotationX = 0;
                double rotationY = 0;
                double rotationZ = 0;
                double rotationW = 0;
                this.Local.getRotationQuaternion(ref rotationX, ref rotationY, ref rotationZ, ref rotationW, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                double[] scale = new double[3];
                this.Local.getScale(scale, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //Who the f**k designed this stupid API
                new Vector3((float)translation.x, (float)translation.y, (float)translation.z).Write(bw);
                new Vector3((float)scale[0], (float)scale[1], (float)scale[2]).Write(bw);
                new Quaternion((float)rotationX, (float)rotationY, (float)rotationZ, (float)rotationW).Write(bw);
            void WriteInverseGlobal()
                MVector translation = this.InverseGlobal.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld);

                double rotationX = 0;
                double rotationY = 0;
                double rotationZ = 0;
                double rotationW = 0;
                this.InverseGlobal.getRotationQuaternion(ref rotationX, ref rotationY, ref rotationZ, ref rotationW, MSpace.Space.kWorld);

                double[] scale = new double[3];
                this.InverseGlobal.getScale(scale, MSpace.Space.kWorld);

                //Who the f**k designed this stupid API
                new Vector3((float)translation.x, (float)translation.y, (float)translation.z).Write(bw);
                new Vector3((float)scale[0], (float)scale[1], (float)scale[2]).Write(bw);
                new Quaternion((float)rotationX, (float)rotationY, (float)rotationZ, (float)rotationW).Write(bw);
Example #9
        public TriangleMeshAdapater(MFnMesh mesh)
            MIntArray   indices        = new MIntArray();
            MIntArray   triangleCounts = new MIntArray();
            MPointArray points         = new MPointArray();

            mesh.getTriangles(triangleCounts, indices);

            // Get the triangle indices
            Indices = new Int32Collection((int)indices.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; ++i)

            // Get the control points (vertices)
            Points = new Point3DCollection((int)points.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.length; ++i)
                MPoint pt = points[i];
                Points.Add(new Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z));

            // Get the number of triangle faces and polygon faces
            Debug.Assert(indices.length % 3 == 0);
            int triFaces  = (int)indices.length / 3;
            int polyFaces = mesh.numPolygons;

            // We have normals per polygon, we want one per triangle.
            Normals = new Vector3DCollection(triFaces);
            int nCurrentTriangle = 0;

            // Iterate over each polygon
            for (int i = 0; i < polyFaces; ++i)
                // Get the polygon normal
                var maya_normal = new MVector();
                mesh.getPolygonNormal((int)i, maya_normal);
                System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D normal = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(maya_normal.x, maya_normal.y, maya_normal.z);

                // Iterate over each tri in the current polygon
                int nTrisAtFace = triangleCounts[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < nTrisAtFace; ++j)
                    Debug.Assert(nCurrentTriangle < triFaces);
            Debug.Assert(nCurrentTriangle == triFaces);
Example #10
        void Process()
            if (input.Input.Data == null || input2.Input.Data == null || input3.Input.Data == null)

            object from  = input.Input.Data;
            object to    = input2.Input.Data;
            float  delta = Convert.ToSingle(input3.Input.Data);

            if ((from is float || from is double || from is int || from is long) && to is MVector)
                float   vt = Convert.ToSingle(from);
                MVector f  = new MVector(vt, vt, vt, vt);
                MVector r  = MVector.Lerp(f, (MVector)to, delta);
                output.Data = r;
            else if ((from is float || from is double || from is int || from is long) && (to is float || to is double || to is int || to is long))
                float r = Utils.Lerp(Convert.ToSingle(from), Convert.ToSingle(to), delta);
                output.Data = r;
            else if (from is MVector && (to is float || to is double || to is int || to is long))
                float   vt = Convert.ToSingle(to);
                MVector f  = new MVector(vt, vt, vt, vt);
                MVector r  = MVector.Lerp((MVector)from, f, delta);
                output.Data = r;
            else if (from is MVector && to is MVector)
                output.Data = MVector.Lerp((MVector)from, (MVector)to, delta);
                output.Data = 0;

            result = output.Data.ToString();

            if (ParentGraph != null)
                FunctionGraph g = (FunctionGraph)ParentGraph;

                if (g != null && g.OutputNode == this)
                    g.Result = output.Data;
Example #11
        void Process()
            if (input.Input.Data == null)

            MVector v = (MVector)input.Input.Data;

            output.Data  = v.X;
            output2.Data = v.Y;
            output3.Data = v.Z;
Example #12
        public override void applySpringLaw(double stiffness, double damping, double restLength, double endMass1, 
            double endMass2, MVector endP1, MVector endP2, MVector endV1, MVector endV2, MVector forceV1, MVector forceV2)
            MVector distV = endP1 - endP2;
            double L = distV.length;

            double F = factor * (L - restLength);
            forceV1 = - F * distV;
            forceV2 = - forceV1;

Example #13
            public bool setPlane(MPoint pointOnPlane, MVector normalToPlane)
                MVector _normalToPlane = new MVector(normalToPlane);


                // Calculate a,b,c,d based on input
                a = _normalToPlane.x;
                b = _normalToPlane.y;
                c = _normalToPlane.z;
                d = -(a * pointOnPlane.x + b * pointOnPlane.y + c * pointOnPlane.z);
Example #14
        public ColorSelect(PropertyInfo p, object owner)
            property      = p;
            propertyOwner = owner;

            MVector m = (MVector)p.GetValue(owner);

            current = m;

            c = D.Color.FromArgb((int)(current.W * 255), (int)(current.X * 255), (int)(current.Y * 255), (int)(current.Z * 255));
            SelectColor.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B));
Example #15
        public static void ConvertLABToRGB(ref MVector v)
            float x = LabXn * InvLABFunc((v.X + 16) / 116 + v.Y / 500);
            float y = LabYn * InvLABFunc((v.X + 16) / 116);
            float z = LabZn * InvLABFunc((v.X + 16) / 116 - v.Z / 200);

            Vector3 xyz = new Vector3(x, y, z);
            MVector rgb = ConvertXYZtoRGB(ref xyz);

            v.X = rgb.X;
            v.Y = rgb.Y;
            v.Z = rgb.Z;
Example #16
        public override void TryAndProcess()
            if (!input.IsValid || !input2.IsValid || !input3.IsValid)

            NodeType t  = input.Reference.Type;
            NodeType t2 = input2.Reference.Type;

            float delta = input3.Data.ToFloat();

                if (t == NodeType.Float && t2 == NodeType.Float)
                    float v1 = input.Data.ToFloat();
                    float v2 = input2.Data.ToFloat();
                    output.Data = Utils.Lerp(v1, v2, delta);
                else if ((t == NodeType.Float2 || t == NodeType.Float3 || t == NodeType.Float4) &&
                         (t2 == NodeType.Float2 || t2 == NodeType.Float3 || t2 == NodeType.Float4))
                    MVector v1 = (MVector)input.Data;
                    MVector v2 = (MVector)input2.Data;

                    output.Data = MVector.Lerp(v1, v2, delta);
                else if (t == NodeType.Float && (t2 == NodeType.Float2 || t2 == NodeType.Float3 || t2 == NodeType.Float4))
                    float   f  = input.Data.ToFloat();
                    MVector v1 = new MVector(f, f, f, f);
                    MVector v2 = (MVector)input2.Data;
                    output.Data = MVector.Lerp(v1, v2, delta);
                else if ((t == NodeType.Float2 || t == NodeType.Float3 || t == NodeType.Float4) && t2 == NodeType.Float)
                    float   f  = input2.Data.ToFloat();
                    MVector v2 = new MVector(f, f, f, f);
                    MVector v1 = (MVector)input.Data;
                    output.Data = MVector.Lerp(v1, v2, delta);

                result = output.Data?.ToString();
            catch (Exception e)

Example #17
        void AddHandle(Point p, MVector c, bool updateProperty = false)
            GradientHandle h = new GradientHandle();

            h.Position = (float)Math.Min(1, Math.Max(0, (p.X / (HandleHolder.ActualWidth - 4))));
            h.MouseDown      += H_MouseDown;
            h.OnColorChanged += H_OnColorChanged;
            Canvas.SetLeft(h, h.Position * (HandleHolder.ActualWidth - 4));

Example #18
        public VectorSlider(PropertyInfo prop, object owner, float min = 0, float max = 1, NodeType type = NodeType.Float4)
            property      = prop;
            propertyOwner = owner;
            this.min      = min;
            this.max      = max;

            switch (type)
            case NodeType.Float2:
                ZView.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                WView.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            case NodeType.Float3:
                ZView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                WView.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            case NodeType.Float4:
                ZView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                WView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            object b = prop.GetValue(owner);

            if (b == null)
                pc = new PropertyContainer(new MVector());
                MVector vec = (MVector)b;
                pc = new PropertyContainer(vec);

            pc.OnUpdate += Pc_OnUpdate;

            var xprop = pc.GetType().GetProperty("XProp");
            var yprop = pc.GetType().GetProperty("YProp");
            var zprop = pc.GetType().GetProperty("ZProp");
            var wprop = pc.GetType().GetProperty("WProp");

            XValue.Set(min, max, xprop, pc);
            YValue.Set(min, max, yprop, pc);
            ZValue.Set(min, max, zprop, pc);
            WValue.Set(min, max, wprop, pc);
Example #19
        public TriangleMeshAdapater(MFnMesh mesh)
            MIntArray indices = new MIntArray();
            MIntArray triangleCounts = new MIntArray();
            MPointArray points = new MPointArray();

            mesh.getTriangles(triangleCounts, indices);

            // Get the triangle indices
            Indices = new Int32Collection((int)indices.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; ++i)

            // Get the control points (vertices)
            Points = new Point3DCollection((int)points.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.length; ++i)
                MPoint pt = points[i];
                Points.Add(new Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z));

            // Get the number of triangle faces and polygon faces 
            Debug.Assert(indices.length % 3 == 0);
            int triFaces = (int)indices.length / 3;
            int polyFaces = mesh.numPolygons;

            // We have normals per polygon, we want one per triangle. 
            Normals = new Vector3DCollection(triFaces);
            int nCurrentTriangle = 0;

            // Iterate over each polygon
            for (int i = 0; i < polyFaces; ++i)
                // Get the polygon normal
                var maya_normal = new MVector();
                mesh.getPolygonNormal((int)i, maya_normal);
                System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D normal = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(maya_normal.x, maya_normal.y, maya_normal.z);

                // Iterate over each tri in the current polygon
                int nTrisAtFace = triangleCounts[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < nTrisAtFace; ++j)
                    Debug.Assert(nCurrentTriangle < triFaces);
            Debug.Assert(nCurrentTriangle == triFaces);
Example #20
        private void GetParams()
            pangle = angle;

            pscaleX = this.scale.X;
            pscaleY = this.scale.Y;

            pxoffset = offset.X;
            pyoffset = offset.Y;

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "XOffset"))
                pxoffset = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "XOffset"));

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "YOffset"))
                pyoffset = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "YOffset"));

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Offset"))
                MVector v = ParentGraph.GetParameterValue <MVector>(Id, "Offset");
                pxoffset = v.X;
                pyoffset = v.Y;

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "ScaleX"))
                pscaleX = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "ScaleX"));

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "ScaleY"))
                pscaleY = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "ScaleY"));

            if (parentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Scale"))
                MVector v = ParentGraph.GetParameterValue <MVector>(Id, "Scale");
                pscaleX = v.X;
                pscaleY = v.Y;

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Angle"))
                pangle = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "Angle"));
Example #21
        public override void applySpringLaw(double stiffness, double damping, double restLength, double endMass1,
                                            double endMass2, MVector endP1, MVector endP2, MVector endV1, MVector endV2, MVector forceV1, MVector forceV2)
            MVector distV = endP1 - endP2;
            double  L     = distV.length;


            double F = factor * (L - restLength);

            forceV1 = -F * distV;
            forceV2 = -forceV1;

Example #22
        public override void FromJson(string data)
            TextNodeData d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TextNodeData>(data);

            text       = d.text;
            fontSize   = d.fontSize;
            fontFamily = d.fontFamily;
            style      = (FontStyle);
            rotation   = d.rotation;
            scale      = new MVector(d.scaleX, d.scaleY);
            position   = new MVector(d.positionX, d.positionY);
            alignment  = (TextAlignment)d.alignment;
            spacing    = d.spacing;
Example #23
        public void Reset()
            position.X = 0;
            position.Y = 2;
            position.Z = 2;
            position.W = 0;

            color = new MVector(1, 1, 1, 1);
            power = 1;

            if (OnLightingUpdated != null)
Example #24
        public VectorInput(PropertyInfo prop, object owner, NodeType type = NodeType.Float4, NumberInputType ntype = NumberInputType.Float)
            property      = prop;
            propertyOwner = owner;

            switch (type)
            case NodeType.Float2:
                ZPos.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                WPos.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            case NodeType.Float3:
                ZPos.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                WPos.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            case NodeType.Float4:
                ZPos.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                WPos.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            object b = prop.GetValue(owner);

            if (b == null)
                pc = new VectorPropertyContainer(new MVector());
                MVector vec = (MVector)b;
                pc = new VectorPropertyContainer(vec);

            pc.OnUpdate += Pc_OnUpdate;

            var xprop = pc.GetType().GetProperty("XProp");
            var yprop = pc.GetType().GetProperty("YProp");
            var zprop = pc.GetType().GetProperty("ZProp");
            var wprop = pc.GetType().GetProperty("WProp");

            XPos.Set(ntype, pc, xprop);
            YPos.Set(ntype, pc, yprop);
            ZPos.Set(ntype, pc, zprop);
            WPos.Set(ntype, pc, wprop);
Example #25
        public override void FromJson(string data)
            MeshDepthNodeData d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MeshDepthNodeData>(data);


            path         = d.path;
            Resource     = d.resource;
            relativePath = d.relativePath;

            position = new MVector(d.translateX, d.translateY, d.translateZ);
            scale    = new MVector(d.scaleX, d.scaleY, d.scaleZ);
            rotation = new MVector(d.rotationX, d.rotationY, d.rotationZ);

            cameraZoom = d.cameraZoom;
Example #26
        void Process()
            if (input.Input.Data == null)
            if (!(input.Input.Data is MVector))

            MVector v = (MVector)input.Input.Data;

            output.Data  = v.X;
            output2.Data = v.Y;
Example #27
        void AddHandle(System.Windows.Point p, MVector c, bool updateProperty = false)
            GradientHandle h = new GradientHandle();

            h.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            h.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            h.Position            = (float)Math.Min(1, Math.Max(0, ((p.X + HANDLE_HALF_WIDTH) / HandleHolder.ActualWidth)));
            h.MouseDown      += H_MouseDown;
            h.OnColorChanged += H_OnColorChanged;
            Canvas.SetLeft(h, h.Position * HandleHolder.ActualWidth - HANDLE_HALF_WIDTH);

Example #28
        void Process()
            if (input.Input.Data == null)

            object o = input.Input.Data;

            if (o is float || o is int)
                float v = (float)o;
                output.Data = v * -1;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)
            else if (o is MVector)
                MVector v = (MVector)o;

                output.Data = v * -1;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)
                output.Data = 0;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)

            if (ParentGraph != null)
                FunctionGraph g = (FunctionGraph)ParentGraph;

                if (g != null && g.OutputNode == this)
                    g.Result = output.Data;
Example #29
        void Process()
            object o = input.Input.Data;

            if (o is float || o is int)
                float v = (float)o;
                output.Data = (float)Math.Sqrt(v);
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)
            else if (o is MVector)
                MVector m = (MVector)o;
                m.X = (float)Math.Sqrt(m.X);
                m.Y = (float)Math.Sqrt(m.Y);
                m.Z = (float)Math.Sqrt(m.Z);
                m.W = (float)Math.Sqrt(m.W);

                output.Data = m;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)
                output.Data = 0;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)

            if (ParentGraph != null)
                FunctionGraph g = (FunctionGraph)ParentGraph;

                if (g != null && g.OutputNode == this)
                    g.Result = output.Data;
Example #30
            public bool intersect(MPoint linePoint, MVector lineDirection, ref MPoint intersectPoint)
                double denominator = a * lineDirection.x + b * lineDirection.y + c * lineDirection.z;

                // Verify that the vector and the plane are not parallel.
                if (denominator < .00001)

                double t = -(d + a * linePoint.x + b * linePoint.y + c * linePoint.z) / denominator;

                // Calculate the intersection point.
                intersectPoint = linePoint + t * lineDirection;

Example #31
        void Process()
            if (input.Input.Data == null || input2.Input.Data == null)

            float seed = 0;

            if (ParentGraph != null)
                seed = ParentGraph.RandomSeed;

            object o  = input.Input.Data;
            object o2 = input2.Input.Data;

            if (o is MVector && (o2 is float || o2 is int || o2 is double))
                MVector v  = (MVector)o + seed;
                MVector v2 = new MVector(rand(ref v), Convert.ToSingle(o2)) + seed;
                output.Data = rand(ref v2);
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)
                output.Data = 0;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)

            if (ParentGraph != null)
                FunctionGraph g = (FunctionGraph)ParentGraph;

                if (g != null && g.OutputNode == this)
                    g.Result = output.Data;
Example #32
 public override void TryAndProcess()
     if (!input.IsValid)
         MVector v = (MVector)input.Data;
         output.Data = v.Normalized;
         result      = output.Data?.ToString();
     catch (Exception e)
Example #33
        public static MDagPath AddRPIKPole(MDagPath middleDagPath = null)
            if (middleDagPath == null)
                middleDagPath = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0);
                if (middleDagPath == null)
                    Debug.Log("please select middle joint");

            MDagPath   rootDagPath = new MDagPath(), endDagPath = new MDagPath();
            MFnIkJoint middleJoint = new MFnIkJoint(middleDagPath);

            if (middleJoint.parentCount > 0)
                MDagPath.getAPathTo(middleJoint.parent(0), rootDagPath);
                MFnIkJoint rootJoint = new MFnIkJoint(rootDagPath);
                if (middleJoint.childCount > 0)
                    MDagPath.getAPathTo(middleJoint.child(0), endDagPath);
                    MFnIkJoint endJoint  = new MFnIkJoint(endDagPath);
                    MVector    rootPos   = rootJoint.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld);
                    MVector    middlePos = middleJoint.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld);
                    MVector    endPos    = endJoint.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld);

                    //double len0 = (middlePos - rootPos).length;
                    //double len1 = (endPos - middlePos).length;

                    MVector fitLinePos            = (rootPos + endPos) * 0.5;
                    MVector direct_pole           = middlePos - fitLinePos;
                    MVector direct_fitLine        = rootPos - endPos;
                    MVector direct_projectPolePos = BasicFunc.VerticalProject(direct_pole, direct_fitLine).normal;

                    //MVector nmPos = (rootPos * len0 + endPos * len1) * (1 / (len0 + len1));
                    float   factor  = (float)((rootPos - endPos).length / 3);
                    MVector polePos = factor * direct_projectPolePos + middlePos;

                    string locName = "loc_" + + "_" +;
                    return(BasicFunc.CreateLocator(polePos, locName));
Example #34
			public bool intersect(MPoint linePoint, MVector lineDirection, ref MPoint intersectPoint)
				double denominator = a * lineDirection.x + b * lineDirection.y + c * lineDirection.z;

				// Verify that the vector and the plane are not parallel.
				if (denominator < .00001)
					return false;

				double t = -(d + a * linePoint.x + b * linePoint.y + c * linePoint.z) / denominator;

				// Calculate the intersection point.
				intersectPoint = linePoint + t * lineDirection;

				return true;
Example #35
        public override void TryAndProcess()
            if (!input.IsValid)
                MVector v = (MVector)input.Data;
                output.Data = v.Length;

                result = output.Data?.ToString();
            catch (Exception e)
Example #36
        void Process()
            object d1 = Inputs[1].Input.Data;
            object d2 = Inputs[2].Input.Data;

            if (d1 == null || d2 == null)

            var t1 = Inputs[1].Input.Type;
            var t2 = Inputs[2].Input.Type;

            if ((t1 == NodeType.Float2 && t2 == NodeType.Float2) ||
                (t1 == NodeType.Float3 && t2 == NodeType.Float3) ||
                (t1 == NodeType.Float4 && t2 == NodeType.Float4))
                MVector f1 = (MVector)d1;
                MVector f2 = (MVector)d2;

                output.Data = (f1 - f2).Length;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)
                output.Data = 0;
                if (Outputs.Count > 0)

            if (ParentGraph != null)
                FunctionGraph g = (FunctionGraph)ParentGraph;

                if (g != null && g.OutputNode == this)
                    g.Result = output.Data;
Example #37
        public lineManip()
            plane = new planeMath();
            mousePointGlName = new MPoint();

            // Setup the plane with a point on the
            // plane along with a normal
            MPoint pointOnPlane = lineGeometry.topPoint();
            // Normal = cross product of two vectors on the plane
            MVector _topPoint = new MVector(lineGeometry.topPoint());
            MVector _bottomPoint = new MVector(lineGeometry.bottomPoint());
            MVector _otherPoint = new MVector(lineGeometry.otherPoint());

            MVector normalToPlane = (_topPoint - _otherPoint).crossProduct(_otherPoint - _bottomPoint);
            // Necessary to normalize
            // Plane defined by a point and a normal
            plane.setPlane( pointOnPlane, normalToPlane );
Example #38
 // This function is a utility that can be used to extract vector values from
 // plugs.
 private MVector vectorPlugValue(MPlug plug)
     if (plug.numChildren == 3)
         double x, y, z;
         MPlug rx = plug.child(0);
         MPlug ry = plug.child(1);
         MPlug rz = plug.child(2);
         x = rx.asDouble();
         y = ry.asDouble();
         z = rz.asDouble();
         MVector result = new MVector(x, y, z);
         return result;
         MGlobal.displayError("Expected 3 children for plug " +;
         MVector result = new MVector(0, 0, 0);
         return result;
Example #39
		override public void doIt(MArgList args)
			MSyntax syntax = new MSyntax();

			MArgDatabase argData = new MArgDatabase(syntax, args);

			MVector vector = MVector.xAxis ;
			if ( args.length == 1 ) {
				vector.x =args.asDouble (0) ;
			} else if ( args.length == 2 ) {
				vector.x =args.asDouble (0) ;
				vector.y =args.asDouble (1) ;
			} else if ( args.length == 3 ) {
				uint i =0 ;
				vector = args.asVector(ref i);
			__delta = vector;
			__action (MoveToolAction.kDoIt) ;
Example #40
 private string MVectorToString(MVector vector)
     string str = string.Format("(%f, %f, %f)", vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
     return str;
Example #41
        private void computeMeshData()
            foreach( MayaMesh mesh in allMeshes )
                // Get the Maya mesh
                MFnMesh mayaMesh = new MFnMesh(mesh.mayaObjectPath);

                // Does the maya mesh have UVs?
                MStringArray uvSetNames = new MStringArray();
                bool hasUvs = (uvSetNames.length > 0) && (mayaMesh.numUVs(uvSetNames[0]) > 0);

                // Iterate through all of the vertices and build the data.
                MItMeshFaceVertex it = new MItMeshFaceVertex(mesh.mayaObjectPath);
                while( !it.isDone )
                    // Create a new vertex and populate its data.
                    Vertex vert = new Vertex();

                    // Get the local position relative to the world origin.
                    MPoint mayaPos = it.position(MSpace.Space.kObject);
                    vert.position = new Vector3((float)mayaPos.x, (float)mayaPos.y, (float)mayaPos.z);
                    //vert.position = new Vector3((float)mayaPos.x - mesh.sourceXForm.mayaWorldPosition.x,
                                                                            //(float)mayaPos.y - mesh.sourceXForm.mayaWorldPosition.y,
                                                                            //(float)mayaPos.z - mesh.sourceXForm.mayaWorldPosition.z);

                    // Get the normal.
                    MVector mayaNrm = new MVector();
                    it.getNormal(mayaNrm, MSpace.Space.kObject);
                    vert.normal = new Vector3((float)mayaNrm.x, (float)mayaNrm.y, (float)mayaNrm.z);

                    // Texcoords.
                    if( hasUvs && it.hasUVsProperty )
                        float[] mayaUvs = new float[2];
                        it.getUV(mayaUvs, uvSetNames[0]);
                        vert.texcoord = new Vector2(mayaUvs[0], mayaUvs[1]);

                    // Append the vertex.

                // Get all index data.
                MIntArray mia1 = new MIntArray();
                MIntArray mia2 = new MIntArray();
                mayaMesh.getTriangleOffsets(mia1, mia2);
                foreach( int idx in mia2 )
Example #42
		// Description
		//     This function takes an input surface of type kMeshData and converts
		//     the geometry into this nodes attributes.
		//     Returns false if nothing is connected.
		public bool computeInputMesh(MPlug plug,
									 MDataBlock datablock,
									 MPointArray vertices,
									 MIntArray counts,
									 MIntArray connects,
									 MVectorArray normals,
									 apiMeshGeomUV uvs)
			// Get the input subdiv
			MDataHandle inputData = datablock.inputValue( inputMesh );
			MObject surf = inputData.asMesh;

			// Check if anything is connected
			MObject thisObj = thisMObject();
			MPlug surfPlug = new MPlug( thisObj, inputMesh );
			if ( !surfPlug.isConnected )
				datablock.setClean( plug );
				return false;

			// Extract the mesh data
			MFnMesh surfFn = new MFnMesh(surf);
			surfFn.getPoints( vertices, MSpace.Space.kObject );

			// Check to see if we have UVs to copy.
			bool hasUVs = surfFn.numUVsProperty > 0;
			surfFn.getUVs( uvs.ucoord, uvs.vcoord );

			for ( int i=0; i<surfFn.numPolygons; i++ )
				MIntArray polyVerts = new MIntArray();
				surfFn.getPolygonVertices( i, polyVerts );
				int pvc = (int)polyVerts.length;
				counts.append( pvc );
				int uvId;
				for ( int v=0; v<pvc; v++ )
					if ( hasUVs )
						surfFn.getPolygonUVid( i, v, out uvId );
						uvs.faceVertexIndex.append( uvId );
					connects.append( polyVerts[v] );

			for ( int n=0; n<(int)vertices.length; n++ )
				MVector normal = new MVector();
				surfFn.getVertexNormal( n, normal );
				normals.append( normal );

			return true;
Example #43
        // Description:
        //     Bounding box drawing routine
        // Arguments:
        //     request - request to be drawn
        //     view    - view to draw into
        public void drawBoundingBox( MDrawRequest request, M3dView view )
            // Get the surface shape
            MPxSurfaceShape shape = (MPxSurfaceShape)surfaceShape;
            if ( shape == null )

            // Get the bounding box
            MBoundingBox box = shape.boundingBox();
            float w = (float) box.width;
            float h = (float) box.height;
            float d = (float) box.depth;

            // Below we just two sides and then connect
            // the edges together

            MPoint minVertex = box.min;

            // Draw first side
            MPoint vertex = minVertex;
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0], (float)vertex[1], (float)vertex[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0] + w, (float)vertex[1], (float)vertex[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0] + w, (float)vertex[1] + h, (float)vertex[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0], (float)vertex[1] + h, (float)vertex[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0], (float)vertex[1], (float)vertex[2]);

            // Draw second side
            MVector sideFactor = new MVector(0, 0, d);
            MPoint vertex2 = sideFactor );
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0], (float)vertex2[1], (float)vertex2[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0] + w, (float)vertex2[1], (float)vertex2[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0] + w, (float)vertex2[1] + h, (float)vertex2[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0], (float)vertex2[1] + h, (float)vertex2[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0], (float)vertex2[1], (float)vertex2[2]);

            // Connect the edges together
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0], (float)vertex2[1], (float)vertex2[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0], (float)vertex[1], (float)vertex[2]);

            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0] + w, (float)vertex2[1], (float)vertex2[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0] + w, (float)vertex[1], (float)vertex[2]);

            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0] + w, (float)vertex2[1] + h, (float)vertex2[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0] + w, (float)vertex[1] + h, (float)vertex[2]);

            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex2[0], (float)vertex2[1] + h, (float)vertex2[2]);
            OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)vertex[0], (float)vertex[1] + h, (float)vertex[2]);

        public override MMatrix asMatrix(double percent)
            MPxTransformationMatrix m = new MPxTransformationMatrix(this);
            //	Apply the percentage to the matrix components
            MVector trans = m.translation();
            trans *= percent;
            m.translateTo( trans );
            MPoint rotatePivotTrans = m.rotatePivot();
            rotatePivotTrans = rotatePivotTrans * percent;
            m.setRotatePivot( rotatePivotTrans );
            MPoint scalePivotTrans = new MPoint(m.scalePivotTranslation());
            scalePivotTrans = scalePivotTrans * percent;
            m.setScalePivotTranslation( new MVector(scalePivotTrans));

            //	Apply the percentage to the rotate value.  Same
            // as above + the percentage gets applied
            MQuaternion quat = rotation();
            DegreeRadianConverter conv = new DegreeRadianConverter();
            double newTheta = conv.degreesToRadians( getRockInX() );
            quat.setToXAxis( newTheta );
            m.rotateBy( quat );
            MEulerRotation eulRotate = m.eulerRotation();
            m.rotateTo(  eulRotate.multiply(percent), MSpace.Space.kTransform);

            //	Apply the percentage to the scale
            MVector s = new MVector(scale(MSpace.Space.kTransform));
            s.x = 1.0 + (s.x - 1.0)*percent;
            s.y = 1.0 + (s.y - 1.0)*percent;
            s.z = 1.0 + (s.z - 1.0)*percent;
            m.scaleTo(s, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

            return m.asMatrix();
Example #45
		public moveCmd() {
			commandString = "moveToolCmdCSharp";
			__delta =new MVector () ;
Example #46
		private void doSimpleSolver()
		// Solve single joint in the x-y plane
		// - first it calculates the angle between the handle and the end-effector.
		// - then it determines which way to rotate the joint.
			// Get the handle and create a function set for it
			MIkHandleGroup handle_group = handleGroup;
			if (null == handle_group) {
				throw new System.InvalidOperationException("invalid handle group.");

			MObject handle = handle_group.handle( 0 );
			MDagPath handlePath = MDagPath.getAPathTo( handle );
			MFnIkHandle fnHandle = new MFnIkHandle( handlePath );

			// Get the position of the end_effector
			MDagPath end_effector = new MDagPath();
			MFnTransform tran = new MFnTransform( end_effector );
			MPoint effector_position = tran.rotatePivot( MSpace.Space.kWorld );

			// Get the position of the handle
			MPoint handle_position = fnHandle.rotatePivot( MSpace.Space.kWorld );

			// Get the start joint position
			MDagPath start_joint = new MDagPath();
			fnHandle.getStartJoint( start_joint );
			MFnTransform start_transform = new MFnTransform( start_joint );
			MPoint start_position = start_transform.rotatePivot( MSpace.Space.kWorld );

			// Calculate the rotation angle
			MVector v1 = start_position.minus( effector_position );
			MVector v2 = start_position.minus( handle_position );
			double angle = v1.angle( v2 );

			// -------- Figure out which way to rotate --------
			//  define two vectors U and V as follows
			//  U   =   EndEffector(E) - StartJoint(S)
			//  N   =   Normal to U passing through EndEffector
			//  Clip handle_position to half-plane U to determine the region it
			//  lies in. Use the region to determine  the rotation direction.
			//             U
			//             ^              Region      Rotation
			//             |  B           
			//            (E)---N            A          C-C-W
			//         A   |                 B           C-W
			//             |  B
			//             |
			//            (S)
			double rot = 0.0;	// Rotation about Z-axis

			// U and N define a half-plane to clip the handle against
			MVector U = effector_position.minus( start_position );

			// Get a normal to U
			MVector zAxis = new MVector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
			MVector N = U.crossProduct( zAxis );	// Cross product

			// P is the handle position vector
			MVector P = handle_position.minus( effector_position );

			// Determine the rotation direction
			double PdotN = P[0]*N[0] + P[1]*N[1];
			if ( PdotN < 0 ) {
				// counter-clockwise
				rot = angle;
			} else {
				// clockwise
				rot = -1.0 * angle;

			// get and set the Joint Angles 
			MDoubleArray jointAngles = new MDoubleArray();
			getJointAngles( jointAngles );
			jointAngles.set( jointAngles[0] + rot, 0 );
			setJointAngles( jointAngles );
        public override void readDoubleVectorArray(MVectorArray array, uint arraySize)
            Trace.Assert(myCurrentChanelNode != null);

            XmlNode doubleVectorArrayNode = myCurrentChanelNode.SelectSingleNode(doubleVectorArrayTag);
            XmlNodeList valueNodeList = doubleVectorArrayNode.SelectNodes("value");
            uint i = 0;
            array.length = arraySize;
            foreach (XmlNode valueNode in valueNodeList)
                XmlNode xNode = valueNode.SelectSingleNode("x");
                double valueX = Convert.ToDouble(xNode.InnerText);

                XmlNode yNode = valueNode.SelectSingleNode("y");
                double valuey = Convert.ToDouble(yNode.InnerText);

                XmlNode zNode = valueNode.SelectSingleNode("z");
                double valuez = Convert.ToDouble(zNode.InnerText);

                MVector v = new MVector(valueX, valuey, valuez);
                array.set(v, i);
Example #48
		public void updateDragInformation()
			// Find the mouse point in local space
			MPoint localMousePoint = new MPoint();
			MVector localMouseDirection = new MVector();
				mouseRay(localMousePoint, localMouseDirection);
			catch (System.Exception)

			// Find the intersection of the mouse point with the
			// manip plane
			MPoint mouseIntersectionWithManipPlane = new MPoint();
			if (!plane.intersect(localMousePoint, localMouseDirection, ref mouseIntersectionWithManipPlane))


			uint active = 0;
				glActiveName(ref active);
			catch (System.Exception)

			if (active == lineName && active != 0)
				lineMath line = new lineMath();

				bool rightLine = true;
				if (affectTranslate)
					rightLine = false;

				// Find a vector on the plane
				MPoint a = lineGeometry.topPoint(rightLine);
				MPoint b = lineGeometry.bottomPoint(rightLine);

				MVector vab = a.minus(b);
				// Define line with a point and a vector on the plane
				line.setLine(a, vab);
				MPoint cpt = new MPoint();
				// Find the closest point so that we can get the
				// delta change of the mouse in local space
				if (line.closestPoint(mousePointGlName, ref cpt))
					mousePointGlName.x -= cpt.x;
					mousePointGlName.y -= cpt.y;
					mousePointGlName.z -= cpt.z;
Example #49
			public bool setLine(MPoint linePoint, MVector lineDirection)
				return true;
Example #50
		// Support the move tools normal/u/v mode (components)
		public override bool vertexOffsetDirection( MObject component,
													MVectorArray direction,
													MVertexOffsetMode mode,
													bool normalize )
		// Description
		//    Returns offsets for the given components to be used my the
		//    move tool in normal/u/v mode.
		// Arguments
		//    component - components to calculate offsets for
		//    direction - array of offsets to be filled
		//    mode      - the type of offset to be calculated
		//    normalize - specifies whether the offsets should be normalized
		// Returns
		//    true if the offsets could be calculated, false otherwise
			bool offsetOkay = false ;

			MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( component );
			if ( component.apiType != MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent ) {
				return false;

			offsetOkay = true ;

			apiMeshGeom geomPtr = meshGeom();
			if ( null == geomPtr ) {
				return false;

			// For each vertex add the appropriate offset
			int count = fnComp.elementCount;
			for ( int idx=0; idx<count; idx++ )
				MVector normal = geomPtr.normals[ fnComp.element(idx) ];

				if( mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kNormal ) {
					if( normalize ) normal.normalize() ;
					direction.append( normal );
				else {
					// Construct an orthonormal basis from the normal
					// uAxis, and vAxis are the new vectors.
					MVector uAxis = new MVector();
					MVector vAxis = new MVector();
					uint i, j, k;
					double a;

					i = 0;
					a = Math.Abs( normal[0] );
					if ( a < Math.Abs(normal[1]) )
						i = 1;
						a = Math.Abs(normal[1]);

					if ( a < Math.Abs(normal[2]) )
						i = 2;

					j = (i+1)%3;
					k = (j+1)%3;

					a = Math.Sqrt(normal[i]*normal[i] + normal[j]*normal[j]);
					uAxis[i] = -normal[j]/a;
					uAxis[j] = normal[i]/a;
					uAxis[k] = 0.0;
					vAxis = normal.crossProduct( uAxis );

					if ( mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kUTangent ||
						 mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kUVNTriad )
						if( normalize ) uAxis.normalize() ;
						direction.append( uAxis );

					if ( mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kVTangent ||
						 mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kUVNTriad )
						if( normalize ) vAxis.normalize() ;
						direction.append( vAxis );

					if ( mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kUVNTriad ) {
						if( normalize ) normal.normalize() ;
						direction.append( normal );

			return offsetOkay;
Example #51
		public override void doDrag(MEvent eventArg)
			base.doDrag (eventArg) ;

			// If we are not in selecting mode (i.e. an object has been selected)
			// then do the translation.
			if ( !_isSelecting () ) {
				eventArg.getPosition (ref endPos_x, ref endPos_y) ;
				MPoint endW =new MPoint () ;
				MPoint startW =new MPoint () ;
				MVector vec =new MVector () ;
				view.viewToWorld (startPos_x, startPos_y, startW, vec) ;
				view.viewToWorld (endPos_x, endPos_y, endW, vec) ;
				downButton =eventArg.mouseButton;

				// We reset the the move vector each time a drag event occurs 
				// and then recalculate it based on the start position. 
				cmd.undoIt () ;

				switch ( currWin ) {
					case 0: // TOP
						switch ( downButton ) {
							case MEvent.MouseButtonType.kMiddleMouse:
								cmd.setVector (endW.x - startW.x, 0.0, 0.0) ;
								break ;
							case MEvent.MouseButtonType.kLeftMouse:
								cmd.setVector (endW.x - startW.x, 0.0, endW.z - startW.z) ;
								break ;
						break ;
					case 1: // FRONT
						switch ( downButton ) {
							case MEvent.MouseButtonType.kMiddleMouse:
								cmd.setVector (endW.x - startW.x, 0.0, 0.0) ;
								break ;
							case MEvent.MouseButtonType.kLeftMouse:
								cmd.setVector (endW.x - startW.x, endW.y - startW.y, 0.0) ;
								break ;
						break ;
					case 2: //SIDE
						switch ( downButton ) {
							case MEvent.MouseButtonType.kMiddleMouse:
								cmd.setVector (0.0, 0.0, endW.z - startW.z) ;
								break ;
							case MEvent.MouseButtonType.kLeftMouse:
								cmd.setVector (0.0, endW.y - startW.y, endW.z - startW.z) ;
								break ;
						break ;
					case 3: // PERSP

				cmd.redoIt () ;
				view.refresh (true,false) ;
Example #52
        // Description
        //    Returns offsets for the given components to be used my the
        //    move tool in normal/u/v mode.
        // Arguments
        //    component - components to calculate offsets for
        //    direction - array of offsets to be filled
        //    mode      - the type of offset to be calculated
        //    normalize - specifies whether the offsets should be normalized
        // Returns
        //    true if the offsets could be calculated, false otherwise
        // Support the move tools normal/u/v mode (components)
        public override bool vertexOffsetDirection( MObject component,
            MVectorArray direction,
            MVertexOffsetMode mode,
            bool normalize)
            bool offsetOkay = false ;

            MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( component );
            if ( component.apiType != MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent ) {
                return false;

            offsetOkay = true ;

            apiMeshGeom geomPtr = meshGeom();
            if ( null == geomPtr ) {
                return false;

            // For each vertex add the appropriate offset
            int count = fnComp.elementCount;
            for ( int idx=0; idx<count; idx++ )
                MVector normal = geomPtr.normals[ fnComp.element(idx) ];

                if( mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kNormal ) {
                    if( normalize ) normal.normalize() ;
                    direction.append( normal );
                else {
                    // Construct an orthonormal basis from the normal
                    // uAxis, and vAxis are the new vectors.
                    MVector uAxis = new MVector();
                    MVector vAxis = new MVector();
                    uint i, j, k;
                    double a;

                    i = 0;
                    a = Math.Abs( normal[0] );
                    if ( a < Math.Abs(normal[1]) )
                        i = 1;
                        a = Math.Abs(normal[1]);

                    if ( a < Math.Abs(normal[2]) )
                        i = 2;

                    j = (i+1)%3;
                    k = (j+1)%3;

                    a = Math.Sqrt(normal[i]*normal[i] + normal[j]*normal[j]);
                    uAxis[i] = -normal[j]/a;
                    uAxis[j] = normal[i]/a;
                    uAxis[k] = 0.0;
                    vAxis = normal.crossProduct( uAxis );

                    if ( mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kUTangent ||
                         mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kUVNTriad )
                        if( normalize ) uAxis.normalize() ;
                        direction.append( uAxis );

                    if ( mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kVTangent ||
                         mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kUVNTriad )
                        if( normalize ) vAxis.normalize() ;
                        direction.append( vAxis );

                    if ( mode == MVertexOffsetMode.kUVNTriad ) {
                        if( normalize ) normal.normalize() ;
                        direction.append( normal );

            return offsetOkay;
Example #53
        // Description
        //    If the shape has history, apply any tweaks (offsets) made
        //    to the control points.
        public void applyTweaks(MDataBlock datablock, apiMeshGeom meshGeom)
            MArrayDataHandle cpHandle = datablock.inputArrayValue( mControlPoints );

            // Loop through the component list and transform each vertex.
            uint elemCount = cpHandle.elementCount();
            for ( uint idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
                int elemIndex = (int)cpHandle.elementIndex();
                MDataHandle pntHandle = cpHandle.outputValue();
                double[] pnt = pntHandle.Double3;
                MVector offset = new MVector(pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2]);

                // Apply the tweaks to the output surface
                MPoint oldPnt = meshGeom.vertices[elemIndex];
                oldPnt = offset );


Example #54
			public lineMath()
				point = new MPoint();
				direction = new MVector();