Example #1
    public void LoadVOXData(byte[] data, bool asIndividualVoxels)

        MVMainChunk v = MVImporter.LoadVOXFromData(data);

        if (v != null)
            Material mat = (this.voxMaterial != null) ? this.voxMaterial : MVImporter.DefaultMaterial;

            if (paletteToTex)
                mat.mainTexture = v.PaletteToTexture();

            if (!asIndividualVoxels)
                MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);
                MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);

            this.vox = v;
Example #2
    public void LoadVOXData(byte[] data, bool asIndividualVoxels, byte[] alphaMaskData = null)

        MVVoxelChunk alphaMask = null;

        if (alphaMaskData != null)
            MVMainChunk mc = MVImporter.LoadVOXFromData(alphaMaskData, generateFaces: false);
            if (mc != null)
                alphaMask = mc.voxelChunk;
        MVMainChunk v = MVImporter.LoadVOXFromData(data, alphaMask);

        if (v != null)
            Material mat = (this.voxMaterial != null) ? this.voxMaterial : MVImporter.DefaultMaterial;
            if (!asIndividualVoxels)
                MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);
                MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);

            this.vox = v;
Example #3
    public void DrawVoxel()
        MVMainChunk chunk   = LoadVOX($"Assets\\{path}", false);
        var         texture = new Texture3D(chunk.sizeX, chunk.sizeY, chunk.sizeZ, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

        texture.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

        for (int x = 0; x < chunk.sizeX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < chunk.sizeY; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunk.sizeZ; z++)
                    var voxel = chunk.voxelChunk.voxels[x, y, z];
                    var color = chunk.palatte[voxel];
                    color.a = voxel == 0 ? 0f : 2f;
                    texture.SetPixel(x, y, z, color);
//                    Debug.Log($"{x},{y},{z}: {voxel} - {color}");
        _vfx.SetTexture("Voxel Texture", texture);
        _vfx.SetVector3("Voxel Texture Size", new Vector3(texture.width, texture.height, texture.depth));
Example #4
    public void DrawVoxel(string filePath)
        MVMainChunk chunk = LoadVOX(filePath, false);

        var paletteTexture = new Texture2D(chunk.palatte.Length, 1, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

        paletteTexture.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        paletteTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

        for (var i = 0; i < chunk.palatte.Length; i++)
            var color = chunk.palatte[i];
            paletteTexture.SetPixel(i, 1, color);

        var colorArray = new List <Color>();

        for (int x = 0; x < chunk.sizeX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < chunk.sizeY; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunk.sizeZ; z++)
                    var voxel = chunk.voxelChunk.voxels[x, y, z];
                    if (voxel != 0)
                        colorArray.Add(new Color(x, y, z, voxel));

        int     voxelCount             = colorArray.Count;
        Vector2 voxelTextureDimensions = unpackTexIndex(voxelCount);

        voxelTextureDimensions.x = voxelTextureDimensions.y < 1?voxelTextureDimensions.x + 1:MAX_TEXTURE_WIDTH;
        voxelTextureDimensions.y = (int)voxelTextureDimensions.y + 1;
        var voxelTexture = new Texture2D((int)voxelTextureDimensions.x, (int)voxelTextureDimensions.y, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

        voxelTexture.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        voxelTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

        for (var i = 0; i < colorArray.Count; i++)
            var     color = colorArray[i];
            Vector2 voxelTextureCoords = unpackTexIndex(i);
            voxelTexture.SetPixel((int)voxelTextureCoords.x, (int)voxelTextureCoords.y, color);

        _vfx.SetTexture("Voxel Texture", voxelTexture);
        _vfx.SetTexture("Palette Texture", paletteTexture);
        _vfx.SetInt("Voxel Count", voxelCount);
        _vfx.SetVector3("Voxel Scene Dimensions", new Vector3(chunk.sizeX, chunk.sizeY, chunk.sizeZ));
        _vfx.SetVector2("Voxel Texture Dimensions", voxelTextureDimensions);
        _vfx.SetInt("Palette Size", paletteTexture.width);
Example #5
    public void LoadVOXFile(string path, string alphaMaskPath, bool asIndividualVoxels)

        if (path != null && path.Length > 0)
            MVVoxelChunk alphaChunk = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alphaMaskPath))
                MVMainChunk mc = MVImporter.LoadVOX(alphaMaskPath, generateFaces: false);
                if (mc != null)
                    alphaChunk = mc.voxelChunk;

            MVMainChunk v = MVImporter.LoadVOX(path, alphaChunk);

            if (v != null)
                Material mat = (this.voxMaterial != null) ? this.voxMaterial : MVImporter.DefaultMaterial;

                if (!asIndividualVoxels)
                    if (meshOrigin != null)
                        MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox, meshOrigin.localPosition);
                        MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);
                    if (meshOrigin != null)
                        MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox, meshOrigin.localPosition);
                        MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);

                this.vox = v;
            Debug.LogError("[MVVoxModel] Invalid file path");
Example #6
    public void LoadVOXFile(string path, bool asIndividualVoxels)

        if (path != null && path.Length > 0)
            MVMainChunk v = MVImporter.LoadVOX(path);

            if (v != null)
                Material mat = (this.voxMaterial != null) ? this.voxMaterial : MVImporter.DefaultMaterial;
                if (paletteToTex)
                    mat.mainTexture = v.PaletteToTexture();

                if (!asIndividualVoxels)
                    if (meshOrigin != null)
                        MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox, meshOrigin.localPosition);
                        MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);
                    if (meshOrigin != null)
                        MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox, meshOrigin.localPosition);
                        MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);

                this.vox = v;
            Debug.LogError("[MVVoxModel] Invalid file path");
Example #7
	public void LoadVOXFile(string path, string alphaMaskPath, bool asIndividualVoxels) {
		ClearVoxMeshes ();

		if (path != null && path.Length > 0)
			MVVoxelChunk alphaChunk = null;
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alphaMaskPath))
				MVMainChunk mc = MVImporter.LoadVOX(alphaMaskPath, generateFaces: false);
				if(mc != null)
					alphaChunk = mc.voxelChunk;

			MVMainChunk v = MVImporter.LoadVOX (path, alphaChunk);

			if (v != null) {
				Material mat = (this.voxMaterial != null) ? this.voxMaterial : MVImporter.DefaultMaterial;

				if (!asIndividualVoxels) {

					if (meshOrigin != null)
						MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox, meshOrigin.localPosition);
						MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects (v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);

				} else {

					if (meshOrigin != null)
						MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox, meshOrigin.localPosition);
						MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects (v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);


				this.vox = v;

		} else {
			Debug.LogError ("[MVVoxModel] Invalid file path");
Example #8
    static int ReadSizeChunk(BinaryReader br, MVMainChunk mainChunk)
        int chunkSize    = br.ReadInt32();
        int childrenSize = br.ReadInt32();

        mainChunk.sizeX = br.ReadInt32();
        mainChunk.sizeZ = br.ReadInt32();
        mainChunk.sizeY = br.ReadInt32();

        mainChunk.voxelChunk        = new MVVoxelChunk();
        mainChunk.voxelChunk.voxels = new byte[mainChunk.sizeX, mainChunk.sizeY, mainChunk.sizeZ];

        Debug.Log(string.Format("[MVImporter] Voxel Size {0}x{1}x{2}", mainChunk.sizeX, mainChunk.sizeY, mainChunk.sizeZ));

        if (childrenSize > 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("[MVImporter] Nested chunk not supported");

        return(chunkSize + childrenSize + 4 * 3);
Example #9
 public static GameObject[] CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(MVMainChunk chunk, Transform parent, Material mat, float sizePerVox, Vector3 origin)
     return(CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjectsForChunk(chunk.voxelChunk, chunk.palatte, parent, mat, sizePerVox, chunk.alphaMaskChunk, origin));
Example #10
 public static Mesh[] CreateMeshes(MVMainChunk chunk, float sizePerVox)
     return(CreateMeshesFromChunk(chunk.voxelChunk, chunk.palatte, sizePerVox, chunk.alphaMaskChunk));
Example #11
    public static MVMainChunk LoadVOXFromData(byte[] data, MVVoxelChunk alphaMask = null, bool generateFaces = true)
        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data)) {
            using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms)) {
                MVMainChunk mainChunk = new MVMainChunk();

                // "VOX "
                // "VERSION "
                mainChunk.version = br.ReadBytes(4);

                byte[] chunkId = br.ReadBytes(4);
                if (chunkId [0] != 'M' ||
                    chunkId [1] != 'A' ||
                    chunkId [2] != 'I' ||
                    chunkId [3] != 'N')
                    Debug.LogError("[MVImport] Invalid MainChunk ID, main chunk expected");

                int chunkSize    = br.ReadInt32();
                int childrenSize = br.ReadInt32();

                // main chunk should have nothing... skip

                int readSize = 0;
                while (readSize < childrenSize)
                    chunkId = br.ReadBytes(4);
                    if (chunkId [0] == 'S' &&
                        chunkId [1] == 'I' &&
                        chunkId [2] == 'Z' &&
                        chunkId [3] == 'E')
                        readSize += ReadSizeChunk(br, mainChunk);
                    else if (chunkId [0] == 'X' &&
                             chunkId [1] == 'Y' &&
                             chunkId [2] == 'Z' &&
                             chunkId [3] == 'I')
                        readSize += ReadVoxelChunk(br, mainChunk.voxelChunk);
                    else if (chunkId [0] == 'R' &&
                             chunkId [1] == 'G' &&
                             chunkId [2] == 'B' &&
                             chunkId [3] == 'A')
                        mainChunk.palatte = new Color[256];
                        readSize         += ReadPalattee(br, mainChunk.palatte);
                        Debug.LogError("[MVImport] Chunk ID not recognized, got " + System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(chunkId));

                mainChunk.alphaMaskChunk = alphaMask;

                if (generateFaces)
                    GenerateFaces(mainChunk.voxelChunk, alphaMask);

                if (mainChunk.palatte == null)
                    mainChunk.palatte = MVMainChunk.defaultPalatte;

Example #12
	public static MVMainChunk LoadVOXFromData(byte[] data, MVVoxelChunk alphaMask = null, bool generateFaces = true) {
		using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (data)) {
			using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader (ms)) {
				MVMainChunk mainChunk = new MVMainChunk ();

				// "VOX "
				br.ReadInt32 ();
				// "VERSION "
				mainChunk.version = br.ReadBytes(4);

				byte[] chunkId = br.ReadBytes (4);
				if (chunkId [0] != 'M' ||
					chunkId [1] != 'A' ||
					chunkId [2] != 'I' ||
					chunkId [3] != 'N') {
					Debug.LogError ("[MVImport] Invalid MainChunk ID, main chunk expected");
					return null;

				int chunkSize = br.ReadInt32 ();
				int childrenSize = br.ReadInt32 ();

				// main chunk should have nothing... skip
				br.ReadBytes (chunkSize); 

				int readSize = 0;
				while (readSize < childrenSize) {
					chunkId = br.ReadBytes (4);
					if (chunkId [0] == 'S' &&
						chunkId [1] == 'I' &&
						chunkId [2] == 'Z' &&
						chunkId [3] == 'E') {

						readSize += ReadSizeChunk (br, mainChunk);

					} else if (chunkId [0] == 'X' &&
						chunkId [1] == 'Y' &&
						chunkId [2] == 'Z' &&
						chunkId [3] == 'I') {

						readSize += ReadVoxelChunk (br, mainChunk.voxelChunk);

					} else if (chunkId [0] == 'R' &&
						chunkId [1] == 'G' &&
						chunkId [2] == 'B' &&
						chunkId [3] == 'A') {

						mainChunk.palatte = new Color[256];
						readSize += ReadPalattee (br, mainChunk.palatte);

					else {
						Debug.LogError ("[MVImport] Chunk ID not recognized, got " + System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(chunkId));
						return null;

				mainChunk.alphaMaskChunk = alphaMask;

				if (generateFaces)
					GenerateFaces(mainChunk.voxelChunk, alphaMask);

				if (mainChunk.palatte == null)
					mainChunk.palatte = MVMainChunk.defaultPalatte;

				return mainChunk;
Example #13
 public static GameObject[] CreateVoxelGameObjects(MVMainChunk chunk, Transform parent, Material mat, float sizePerVox)
     return(CreateVoxelGameObjectsForChunk(chunk.voxelChunk, chunk.palatte, parent, mat, sizePerVox));
Example #14
	static int ReadSizeChunk(BinaryReader br, MVMainChunk mainChunk)
		int chunkSize = br.ReadInt32 ();
		int childrenSize = br.ReadInt32 ();

		mainChunk.sizeX = br.ReadInt32 ();
		mainChunk.sizeZ = br.ReadInt32 ();
		mainChunk.sizeY = br.ReadInt32 ();

		mainChunk.voxelChunk = new MVVoxelChunk ();
		mainChunk.voxelChunk.voxels = new byte[mainChunk.sizeX, mainChunk.sizeY, mainChunk.sizeZ];

		Debug.Log (string.Format ("[MVImporter] Voxel Size {0}x{1}x{2}", mainChunk.sizeX, mainChunk.sizeY, mainChunk.sizeZ));

		if (childrenSize > 0) {
			br.ReadBytes (childrenSize);
			Debug.LogWarning ("[MVImporter] Nested chunk not supported");

		return chunkSize + childrenSize + 4 * 3;
Example #15
	public void LoadVOXData(byte[] data, bool asIndividualVoxels, byte[] alphaMaskData = null) {
		ClearVoxMeshes ();

		MVVoxelChunk alphaMask = null;
		if(alphaMaskData != null)
			MVMainChunk mc = MVImporter.LoadVOXFromData(alphaMaskData, generateFaces: false);
			if (mc != null)
				alphaMask = mc.voxelChunk;
		MVMainChunk v = MVImporter.LoadVOXFromData(data, alphaMask);

		if (v != null) {
			Material mat = (this.voxMaterial != null) ? this.voxMaterial : MVImporter.DefaultMaterial;
			if (!asIndividualVoxels) {

				MVImporter.CreateVoxelGameObjects (v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);

			} else {

				MVImporter.CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects (v, this.gameObject.transform, mat, sizePerVox);


			this.vox = v;

Example #16
	public static GameObject[] CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjects(MVMainChunk chunk, Transform parent, Material mat, float sizePerVox, Vector3 origin)
		return CreateIndividualVoxelGameObjectsForChunk(chunk.voxelChunk, chunk.palatte, parent, mat, sizePerVox, chunk.alphaMaskChunk, origin);
Example #17
	public static Mesh[] CreateMeshes(MVMainChunk chunk, float sizePerVox)
		return CreateMeshesFromChunk(chunk.voxelChunk, chunk.palatte, sizePerVox, chunk.alphaMaskChunk);