internal void DoSearch(string srch, bool inclSubDirs) { Srch = srch; if (_inclSubDirs != inclSubDirs) { _inclSubDirs = inclSubDirs; loadAll(_fMode, inclSubDirs); } //MUs = fvm.MediaUnits.Where(r => r.FileName.ToLower().Contains(srch.ToLower())); // MUs = new ObservableCollection <MediaUnit>(MUs.Where(r => r.FileName.ToLower().Contains(srch.ToLower()))); }
private static void LoadSettings( SpreadsheetsService sheetService, WorksheetEntry wsSettings, MUs MUList, List<string> blackList) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Loading settings..."); #region Query cells AtomLink cellLink = wsSettings.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.CellRel, null); CellQuery query = new CellQuery(cellLink.HRef.ToString()); query.ReturnEmpty = ReturnEmptyCells.yes; query.MaximumColumn = 4; CellFeed feed = sheetService.Query(query); List<ItemStorage> lines = new List<ItemStorage>(); #endregion #region Load cells lines.Clear(); foreach (CellEntry curCell in feed.Entries) { if (curCell.Cell.Row < 2) continue; if (curCell.Cell.Column == 1) // fomMU { MUList.formMUs.Add(curCell.Cell.Value); } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 2) // erepMU { MUList.erepMUs.Add(curCell.Cell.Value); } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 4) // BlackList { blackList.Add(curCell.Cell.Value); } } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Setting items loaded: " + lines.Count); #endregion ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Loaded MUs: "); foreach (var mu in MUList.formMUs) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mu)) ConsoleLog.WriteLine(mu + "=" + MUList[mu]); } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Loaded blacklist: "); foreach (var mu in blackList) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mu)) ConsoleLog.WriteLine(mu); } }
public static void GDocSupply(string[] args) { MUs MUList = new MUs(); List<string> blackList = new List<string>(); if (args.Length != 16) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Usage: armysupply eLogin ePassword ePin gLogin gPassword document_name sheet_name do_tanks do_food food_q period max_tanks max_health validation_type(none/MU/citizenship) do_init_block"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Example: armysupply snab_org 123456 1111 [email protected] 54321 \"Army supply\" \"Sheet1\" true true 5 60 8 300 MU false"); return; } string eLogin = args[1]; string ePassword = args[2]; string ePin = args[3]; string gLogin = args[4]; string gPassword = args[5]; string sDocumentName = args[6]; string sSheetName = args[7]; bool bDoTanks = Convert.ToBoolean(args[8]); bool bDoFood = Convert.ToBoolean(args[9]); int iFoodQ = Convert.ToInt32(args[10]); int iPeriod = Convert.ToInt32(args[11]); int iMaxTanks = Convert.ToInt32(args[12]); int iMaxHP = Convert.ToInt32(args[13]); string sValidation = args[14]; bool bDoInitBlock = Convert.ToBoolean(args[15]); string token = ""; ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Loading document..."); #region Open sheet SpreadsheetsService sheetService = new SpreadsheetsService("EArmy supply"); sheetService.setUserCredentials(gLogin, gPassword); SpreadsheetQuery sheetQuery = new SpreadsheetQuery(); SpreadsheetFeed sheetFeed = sheetService.Query(sheetQuery); SpreadsheetEntry sheetSnab = null; foreach (SpreadsheetEntry entry in sheetFeed.Entries) { if (entry.Title.Text == sDocumentName) { sheetSnab = entry; break; } } if (sheetSnab == null) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Document '" + sDocumentName + "' not found"); return; } AtomLink sheetLink = sheetSnab.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.WorksheetRel, null); WorksheetQuery wsQuery = new WorksheetQuery(sheetLink.HRef.ToString()); WorksheetFeed wsFeed = sheetService.Query(wsQuery); WorksheetEntry wsSnab = null; WorksheetEntry wsSettings = null; foreach (WorksheetEntry ws in wsFeed.Entries) { if (ws.Title.Text == sSheetName) { wsSnab = ws; } if (ws.Title.Text == "Settings") { wsSettings = ws; } } if (wsSnab == null) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Page '" + sSheetName + "' not found"); return; } if (wsSettings != null) { LoadSettings(sheetService, wsSettings, MUList, blackList); } #endregion #region Login to supplier DonaterBot bt = new DonaterBot( eLogin, eLogin, ePassword, ePin, "Mozilla//4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)", Globals.BotConfig.AntiGateKey, Globals.BotConfig.precaptchaBufferSize); bt.HttpClient.SetProxy(null, null); bool loggedIn = false; int iTryToConnect = 0; System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); #endregion while (true) { try { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Loading cells..."); #region Query cells AtomLink cellLink = wsSnab.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.CellRel, null); CellQuery query = new CellQuery(cellLink.HRef.ToString()); query.ReturnEmpty = ReturnEmptyCells.yes; query.MaximumColumn = 13; CellFeed feed = sheetService.Query(query); List<ItemStorage> lines = new List<ItemStorage>(); ItemStorage item = null; #endregion #region Load cells lines.Clear(); foreach (CellEntry curCell in feed.Entries) { if (curCell.Cell.Row < 2) continue; item = lines.Find(l => l.row == curCell.Cell.Row); if (item == null) { item = new ItemStorage(); lines.Add(item); item.row = curCell.Cell.Row; } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 1) // time { item.time = curCell.Cell.Value; } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 2) // login { item.login = curCell.Cell.Value; } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 3) // link to profile { item.personID = curCell.Cell.Value; try { item.personID = item.personID.Substring(item.personID.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); Convert.ToInt64(item.personID); } catch { item.personID = ""; } // Cut ID from link } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 4) // wellness { try { item.wellness = Convert.ToInt32(curCell.Cell.Value); } catch { item.wellness = 0; } } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 5) // needed tanks { try { item.tanks = Convert.ToInt32(curCell.Cell.Value); } catch { item.tanks = 0; } } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 6) // military unit { item.militaryUnit = curCell.Cell.Value; } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 8) // done tanks { item.doneTanksCell = curCell; try { item.doneTanks = Convert.ToInt32(curCell.Cell.Value); } catch { item.wellness = 0; } } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 9) // done food q { try { item.doneFoodQ = Convert.ToInt32(curCell.Cell.Value); } catch { item.doneFoodQ = 0; } item.doneFoodQCell = curCell; } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 10) // done food { item.doneFoodCell = curCell; try { item.doneFood = Convert.ToInt32(curCell.Cell.Value); } catch { item.doneFood = 0; } } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 11) // autocomment cell { item.comment = curCell.Cell.Value; item.commentCell = curCell; } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 12) // tanks limit cell { try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(curCell.Cell.Value)) item.tanksLimit = Convert.ToInt32(curCell.Cell.Value); else item.tanksLimit = -1; } catch { item.tanksLimit = -1; } item.tanksLimitCell = curCell; } if (curCell.Cell.Column == 13) // HP limit cell { try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(curCell.Cell.Value)) item.foodLimit = Convert.ToInt32(curCell.Cell.Value); else item.foodLimit = -1; } catch { item.foodLimit = -1; } item.foodLimitCell = curCell; } } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Items loaded: " + lines.Count); #endregion #region Parce cells int row = 0; List<ItemStorage> tmpList = new List<ItemStorage>(lines); foreach (ItemStorage testItem in tmpList) { row++; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testItem.time)) { lines.Remove(testItem); continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(testItem.comment)) { lines.Remove(testItem); continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testItem.personID)) { lines.Remove(testItem); testItem.commentCell.Cell.InputValue = "Bad profile"; testItem.commentCell.Update(); continue; } if (blackList.Contains(testItem.login)) { lines.Remove(testItem); testItem.commentCell.Cell.InputValue = "Blacklist"; testItem.commentCell.Update(); continue; } if ((sValidation.ToLower() == "mu") && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MUList[testItem.militaryUnit]))) { lines.Remove(testItem); testItem.commentCell.Cell.InputValue = "MU not in list"; testItem.commentCell.Update(); continue; } if ((testItem.wellness == 0) && (testItem.tanks == 0)) { lines.Remove(testItem); testItem.commentCell.Cell.InputValue = "Bad wellness/tanks"; testItem.commentCell.Update(); continue; } //if (testItem.tanks > 30) //{ // lines.Remove(testItem); // testItem.commentCell.Cell.InputValue = "Bad tanks"; // testItem.commentCell.Update(); // continue; //} if (tmpList.Find(o => (o.personID == testItem.personID && o.viewedForDuplicate)) != null) { lines.Remove(testItem); testItem.commentCell.Cell.InputValue = "Duplicate record"; testItem.commentCell.Update(); continue; } if (testItem.tanksLimit == -1) { if (bDoInitBlock) { testItem.tanksLimit = 0; } else { testItem.tanksLimit = iMaxTanks; } testItem.tanksLimitCell.Cell.InputValue = testItem.tanksLimit.ToString(); testItem.tanksLimitCell.Update(); } if (testItem.foodLimit == -1) { if (bDoInitBlock) { testItem.foodLimit = 0; } else { testItem.foodLimit = iMaxHP; } testItem.foodLimitCell.Cell.InputValue = testItem.foodLimit.ToString(); testItem.foodLimitCell.Update(); } testItem.viewedForDuplicate = true; ConsoleLog.WriteLine( row + ": " + testItem.time + ";" + testItem.login + ";" + testItem.personID + ";" + testItem.wellness + ";" + testItem.tanks + ";" + testItem.doneTanks + ";" + testItem.doneFoodQ + ";" + testItem.doneFood ); } #endregion #region Log in if (!loggedIn) { iTryToConnect++; if (iTryToConnect > 10) break; ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Trying to login (" + (iTryToConnect).ToString() + ")..."); if (bt.Login()) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Logged in!"); iTryToConnect = 0; loggedIn = true; } else { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Login failed!"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } } #endregion //Process donations foreach (ItemStorage donateItem in lines) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating to: login="******", id=" + donateItem.personID); #region Calculate quantities int foodQty; if ((bDoFood) && (donateItem.wellness > 0) && (donateItem.doneFoodQ == 0)) { foodQty = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((double)((double)Math.Min(donateItem.wellness, donateItem.foodLimit) / (iFoodQ * 2)))); foodQty = foodQty - donateItem.doneFood; } else { foodQty = 0; } int tankQty; if (bDoTanks) { tankQty = Math.Min(donateItem.tanks, donateItem.tanksLimit); tankQty = tankQty - donateItem.doneTanks; } else { tankQty = 0; } if ((foodQty <= 0) && (tankQty <= 0)) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Nothing to donate"); continue; } #endregion #region Open pages and validate string srcPage = "" + donateItem.personID; bt.CustomRequest(srcPage); if (!bt.GetLastResponse().Contains("career_tab_content")) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Profile page loading failed. Try to relogin..."); loggedIn = false; break; } if (bt.GetLastResponse().IndexOf("alt=\"" + donateItem.login.Trim() + "\"", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating login validation failed"); donateItem.commentCell.Cell.InputValue = "Profile != Login"; donateItem.commentCell.Update(); continue; } else { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Login validated"); } if ((sValidation.ToLower() == "mu") && (bt.GetLastResponse().IndexOf("alt=\"" + MUList[donateItem.militaryUnit.Trim()] + "\"", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating MU validation failed (" + MUList[donateItem.militaryUnit.Trim()] + ")"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine(bt.GetLastResponse(), "Storage page"); donateItem.commentCell.Cell.InputValue = "Profile != MU"; donateItem.commentCell.Update(); continue; } else { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("MU validated"); } srcPage = "" + donateItem.personID; bt.CustomRequest(srcPage); if (bt.CheckPin(true)) { bt.SubmitPin(); } if (bt.CheckPin(true)) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Pin validation failed"); break; } if (!bt.GetLastResponse().Contains("<th colspan=\"4\" valign=\"middle\">Your storage</th>")) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donate page loading failed. Try to relogin..."); loggedIn = false; break; } token = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween( bt.GetLastResponse(), "donate_form[_csrf_token]\" value=\"", "\""); #endregion #region Donate food if (foodQty > 0) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating food: " + foodQty + " (q" + iFoodQ + ")"); if (bt.DonateItem(foodQty.ToString(), Goods.Food.ToString(), iFoodQ.ToString(), token, srcPage)) //if (true) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating food success"); donateItem.doneFoodQCell.Cell.InputValue = iFoodQ.ToString(); donateItem.doneFoodQCell.Update(); donateItem.doneFoodCell.Cell.InputValue = (donateItem.doneFood + foodQty).ToString(); donateItem.doneFoodCell.Update(); } else { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating food failed"); //ConsoleLog.WriteLine(bt.GetLastResponse(), "DonateLog.txt"); } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Wait 5 sec..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); } else { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("No food needed"); } #endregion #region Donate tanks if (tankQty > 0) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating tanks: " + tankQty); if (bt.DonateItem(tankQty.ToString(), Goods.Weapon.ToString(), 5.ToString(), token, srcPage)) //if (true) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating tanks success"); donateItem.doneTanksCell.Cell.InputValue = (donateItem.doneTanks + tankQty).ToString(); donateItem.doneTanksCell.Update(); } else { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donating tanks failed"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine(bt.GetLastResponse(), "DonateLog.txt"); } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Wait 5 sec..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); } else { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("No tanks needed"); } #endregion } } catch (System.Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Donater error: " + e.Message); ConsoleLog.WriteLine(bt.GetLastResponse(), "Responses.txt"); } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Waiting for next check"); //break; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(iPeriod * 1000); } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("It's OK :)"); }