} // prepare /// <summary> /// Perform Process. /// </summary> /// <returns>Message (clear text)</returns> protected override String DoIt() { int index = 1; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * " + "FROM S_TimeExpense e " + "WHERE e.Processed='Y'" + " AND e.AD_Client_ID=@param1"); // #1 if (_C_BPartner_ID != 0 && _C_BPartner_ID != -1) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.C_BPartner_ID=@param2"); // #2 } if (_DateFrom != null) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.DateReport >=@param3"); // #3 } if (_DateTo != null) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.DateReport <=@param4"); // #4 } // JID_0868 // chanegs done by Bharat on 12 September 2018 to handle the case if invoice is created with an expense for the selected Business Partner sql.Append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM S_TimeExpenseLine el " + "WHERE e.S_TimeExpense_ID=el.S_TimeExpense_ID" + " AND el.C_InvoiceLine_ID IS NULL" + " AND el.ConvertedAmt<>0) " + "ORDER BY e.C_BPartner_ID, e.S_TimeExpense_ID"); // int old_BPartner_ID = -1; MInvoice invoice = null; MTimeExpense te = null; // //PreparedStatement pstmt = null; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[index]; IDataReader idr = null; DataTable dt = null; try { //pstmt = DataBase.prepareStatement (sql.toString (), get_TrxName()); int par = 0; //pstmt.setInt(par++, getAD_Client_ID()); param[0] = new SqlParameter("@param1", GetAD_Client_ID()); if (_C_BPartner_ID != 0 && _C_BPartner_ID != -1) { par++; //pstmt.setInt (par++, _C_BPartner_ID); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param2", _C_BPartner_ID); } if (_DateFrom != null) { par++; //pstmt.setTimestamp (par++, _DateFrom); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param3", _DateFrom); } if (_DateTo != null) { par++; //pstmt.setTimestamp (par++, _DateTo); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param4", _DateTo); } //ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery (); idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql.ToString(), param, Get_TrxName()); dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(idr); idr.Close(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) // ********* Expense Line Loop { te = new MTimeExpense(GetCtx(), dr, Get_TrxName()); // New BPartner - New Order // if (te.GetC_BPartner_ID() != old_BPartner_ID) { CompleteInvoice(invoice, te); MBPartner bp = new MBPartner(GetCtx(), te.GetC_BPartner_ID(), Get_TrxName()); log.Info("New Invoice for " + bp); invoice = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), 0, Get_TrxName()); invoice.SetBPartner(bp); if (invoice.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "No BP Location: " + bp); AddLog(0, te.GetDateReport(), null, "No Location: " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + bp.GetName()); invoice = null; break; } // Siddheshwar: added a code to check for payment method if null if (bp.GetVA009_PO_PaymentMethod_ID() <= 0) { paymethod = GetPaymentMethod(te); if (paymethod <= 0) { if (!noPayMethEmp.Contains(bp.GetC_BPartner_ID())) { noPayMethEmp.Add(bp.GetC_BPartner_ID()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bpNameNoPM)) { bpNameNoPM = bp.GetName(); } else { bpNameNoPM += bp.GetName() + ", "; } return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "NoPayMethEmp") + bpNameNoPM); } } else { invoice.SetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID(paymethod); } } else { //JID_1783_1 if active paymentMethod not found ,then dont create the invoice. if (Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsActive FROM VA009_PaymentMethod WHERE VA009_PaymentMethod_ID=" + bp.GetVA009_PO_PaymentMethod_ID(), null, Get_Trx())).Equals("Y")) { invoice.SetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID(bp.GetVA009_PO_PaymentMethod_ID()); } else { return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "IsActivePaymentMethodInv"));; } } // Checking payment term if (bp.GetPO_PaymentTerm_ID() <= 0) { payterm = GetPaymentTerm(te); if (payterm <= 0) { if (!PayTermEmp.Contains(bp.GetC_BPartner_ID())) { PayTermEmp.Add(bp.GetC_BPartner_ID()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bpNamePT)) { bpNamePT = bp.GetName(); } else { bpNamePT += bp.GetName() + ", "; } return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "NoPayTerm") + bpNamePT); } } else { invoice.SetC_PaymentTerm_ID(payterm); } } else { //JID_1783_1 if active paymentTerm not found ,then dont create the invoice. if (Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsActive FROM C_PaymentTerm WHERE C_PaymentTerm_ID=" + bp.GetPO_PaymentTerm_ID(), null, Get_Trx())).Equals("Y")) { invoice.SetC_PaymentTerm_ID(bp.GetPO_PaymentTerm_ID()); } else { return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "IsActivePaymentTermInv")); } } invoice.SetIsExpenseInvoice(true); //added by arpit asked by Surya Sir on DEC 28,2015 invoice.SetClientOrg(te.GetAD_Client_ID(), te.GetAD_Org_ID()); //invoice.SetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID(bp.GetVA009_PO_PaymentMethod_ID()); // JID_0868 // chanegs done by Bharat on 12 September 2018 to set the document type where Expense Invoice checkbox is true. // String qry = "SELECT C_DocType_ID FROM C_DocType " //+ "WHERE AD_Client_ID=@param1 AND DocBaseType=@param2" //+ " AND IsActive='Y' AND IsExpenseInvoice = 'Y' " //+ "ORDER BY C_DocType_ID DESC , IsDefault DESC"; String qry = "SELECT C_DocType_ID FROM C_DocType " + "WHERE AD_Client_ID=" + GetAD_Client_ID() + @" AND DocBaseType='" + MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE + @"'" + " AND IsActive='Y' AND IsExpenseInvoice = 'Y' AND AD_Org_ID IN(0," + te.GetAD_Org_ID() + ") " + " ORDER BY AD_Org_ID Desc, C_DocType_ID DESC , IsDefault DESC"; //int C_DocType_ID = DB.GetSQLValue(null, qry, GetAD_Client_ID(), MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); int C_DocType_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry)); if (C_DocType_ID <= 0) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Not found for AC_Client_ID=" + GetAD_Client_ID() + " - " + MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "NoDocTypeExpInvoice")); } else { log.Fine(MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); } invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(C_DocType_ID); //invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); // API //commented by Arpit on Jan 4,2015 Mentis issue no. 0000310 //invoice.SetDocumentNo(te.GetDocumentNo()); // invoice.SetM_PriceList_ID(te.GetM_PriceList_ID()); invoice.SetSalesRep_ID(te.GetDoc_User_ID()); String descr = Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "S_TimeExpense_ID") + ": " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + DisplayType.GetDateFormat(DisplayType.Date).Format(te.GetDateReport()); invoice.SetDescription(descr); if (!invoice.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(invoice, "Cannot save Invoice")); // new Exception("Cannot save Invoice"); } //added by arpit asked by Surya Sir on 29/12/2015******* else { old_BPartner_ID = bp.GetC_BPartner_ID(); } //end*************** } // JID_0868 //Description include all document numbers which is come from Time And Expense Recording window to expense invoice in case of multiple records else if (old_BPartner_ID > 0) { String descr = invoice.GetDescription() + "\n" + Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "S_TimeExpense_ID") + ": " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + DisplayType.GetDateFormat(DisplayType.Date).Format(te.GetDateReport()); invoice.SetDescription(descr); } MTimeExpenseLine[] tel = te.GetLines(false); for (int i = 0; i < tel.Length; i++) { MTimeExpenseLine line = tel[i]; // Already Invoiced or nothing to be reimbursed if (line.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID() != 0 || Env.ZERO.CompareTo(line.GetQtyReimbursed()) == 0 || Env.ZERO.CompareTo(line.GetPriceReimbursed()) == 0) { continue; } // Update Header info if (line.GetC_Activity_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Activity_ID() != invoice.GetC_Activity_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Activity_ID(line.GetC_Activity_ID()); } if (line.GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Campaign_ID() != invoice.GetC_Campaign_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Campaign_ID(line.GetC_Campaign_ID()); } if (line.GetC_Project_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Project_ID() != invoice.GetC_Project_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Project_ID(line.GetC_Project_ID()); } if (!invoice.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(invoice, "Cannot save Invoice")); //new Exception("Cannot save Invoice"); } // Create OrderLine MInvoiceLine il = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); // if (line.GetM_Product_ID() != 0) { il.SetM_Product_ID(line.GetM_Product_ID(), true); } //added by arpit asked by Surya Sir on 28/12/2015_____*************************** if (line.GetC_Charge_ID() != 0) { il.SetC_Charge_ID(line.GetC_Charge_ID()); } //end here ***************************** il.SetQty(line.GetQtyReimbursed()); // Entered/Invoiced il.SetDescription(line.GetDescription()); // il.SetC_Project_ID(line.GetC_Project_ID()); il.SetC_ProjectPhase_ID(line.GetC_ProjectPhase_ID()); il.SetC_ProjectTask_ID(line.GetC_ProjectTask_ID()); il.SetC_Activity_ID(line.GetC_Activity_ID()); il.SetC_Campaign_ID(line.GetC_Campaign_ID()); // // il.setPrice(); // not really a list/limit price for reimbursements il.SetPrice(line.GetPriceReimbursed()); // il.SetC_UOM_ID(line.GetC_UOM_ID()); // JID_0868 // chanegs done by Bharat on 12 September 2018 to set the Amount in List price column. il.SetPriceList(line.GetPriceReimbursed()); il.SetTax(); if (!il.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(il, "Cannot save Invoice")); //new Exception("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } // Update TEL line.SetC_InvoiceLine_ID(il.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID()); line.SetIsInvoiced(true); line.Save(); } // for all expense lines } } else { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "NoRecForInv"); } // ********* Expense Line Loop dt = null; //dt.Clear(); } catch (Exception e) { if (dt != null) { dt = null; } if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql.ToString(), e); } finally { if (dt != null) { dt = null; } if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } } CompleteInvoice(invoice, te); //if (_noInvoices == 0) //{ // message = " @No Record Found for Invoice Creation@"; //} //Code for Showing Message when PaymentTerm is null if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bpNamePT)) { message += Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "NoPayTerm") + bpNamePT + "\n"; } //code for showing Error Message when Invoice is not completed if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bpNameInvoice)) { message += Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "NoInvoiceCreated") + bpNameInvoice + "\n"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bpNameNoPM)) { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "NoPayMethEmp") + bpNameNoPM + "\n"; } if (_noInvoices > 0) { message += "" + _noInvoices + " " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InvGenerated"); } //return "" + _noInvoices + " @Invoices Generated Successfully@"; return(message); } // doIt
} // prepare /// <summary> /// Perform Process. /// </summary> /// <returns>Message to be translated</returns> protected override String DoIt() { int index = 1; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM S_TimeExpenseLine el " + "WHERE el.AD_Client_ID=@param1" // #1 + " AND el.C_BPartner_ID>0 AND el.IsInvoiced='Y'" // Business Partner && to be invoiced + " AND el.C_OrderLine_ID IS NULL" // not invoiced yet + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM S_TimeExpense e " // processed only + "WHERE el.S_TimeExpense_ID=e.S_TimeExpense_ID AND e.Processed='Y')"); if (_C_BPartner_ID != 0 && _C_BPartner_ID != -1) { index++; sql.Append(" AND el.C_BPartner_ID=@param2"); // #2 } if (_DateFrom != null || _DateTo != null) { sql.Append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM S_TimeExpense e " + "WHERE el.S_TimeExpense_ID=e.S_TimeExpense_ID"); if (_DateFrom != null) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.DateReport >= @param3"); // #3 } if (_DateTo != null) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.DateReport <= @param4"); // #4 } sql.Append(")"); } sql.Append(" ORDER BY el.C_BPartner_ID, el.C_Project_ID, el.S_TimeExpense_ID, el.Line"); // MBPartner oldBPartner = null; int old_Project_ID = -1; MTimeExpense te = null; // SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[index]; IDataReader idr = null; DataTable dt = null; try { //pstmt = DataBase.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName()); int par = 0; //pstmt.setInt(par++, getAD_Client_ID()); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param1", GetAD_Client_ID()); if (_C_BPartner_ID != 0 && _C_BPartner_ID != -1) { //pstmt.setInt(par++, _C_BPartner_ID); par++; param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param2", _C_BPartner_ID); } if (_DateFrom != null) { par++; //pstmt.setTimestamp(par++, _DateFrom); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param3", _DateFrom); } if (_DateTo != null) { //pstmt.setTimestamp(par++, _DateTo); par++; param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param4", _DateTo); } //ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql.ToString(), param, Get_TrxName()); dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(idr); idr.Close(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) // ********* Expense Line Loop { MTimeExpenseLine tel = new MTimeExpenseLine(GetCtx(), dr, Get_TrxName()); if (!tel.IsInvoiced()) { continue; } // New BPartner - New Order if (oldBPartner == null || oldBPartner.GetC_BPartner_ID() != tel.GetC_BPartner_ID()) { CompleteOrder(); oldBPartner = new MBPartner(GetCtx(), tel.GetC_BPartner_ID(), Get_TrxName()); } // New Project - New Order if (old_Project_ID != tel.GetC_Project_ID()) { CompleteOrder(); old_Project_ID = tel.GetC_Project_ID(); } if (te == null || te.GetS_TimeExpense_ID() != tel.GetS_TimeExpense_ID()) { te = new MTimeExpense(GetCtx(), tel.GetS_TimeExpense_ID(), Get_TrxName()); } // ProcessLine(te, tel, oldBPartner); } // ********* Expense Line Loop dt = null; // dt.Clear(); } catch (Exception e) { if (dt != null) { dt = null; } if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql.ToString(), e); } finally { if (dt != null) { dt = null; } if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } } CompleteOrder(); return("" + _noOrders + "@Invoices Generated Successfully@"); } // doIt
} // doIt /// <summary> /// Process Expense Line /// </summary> /// <param name="te">header</param> /// <param name="tel">line</param> /// <param name="bp">bp</param> private void ProcessLine(MTimeExpense te, MTimeExpenseLine tel, MBPartner bp) { if (_order == null) { log.Info("New Order for " + bp + ", Project=" + tel.GetC_Project_ID()); _order = new MOrder(GetCtx(), 0, Get_TrxName()); _order.SetAD_Org_ID(tel.GetAD_Org_ID()); _order.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Standard); // _order.SetBPartner(bp); if (_order.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "No BP Location: " + bp); AddLog(0, te.GetDateReport(), null, "No Location: " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + bp.GetName()); _order = null; return; } _order.SetM_Warehouse_ID(te.GetM_Warehouse_ID()); ////Added By Arpit asked by Surya Sir..................29-12-2015 //_order.SetSalesRep_ID(GetCtx().GetAD_User_ID()); //End if (tel.GetC_Activity_ID() != 0) { _order.SetC_Activity_ID(tel.GetC_Activity_ID()); } if (tel.GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0) { _order.SetC_Campaign_ID(tel.GetC_Campaign_ID()); } if (tel.GetC_Project_ID() != 0) { _order.SetC_Project_ID(tel.GetC_Project_ID()); // Optionally Overwrite BP Price list from Project MProject project = new MProject(GetCtx(), tel.GetC_Project_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (project.GetM_PriceList_ID() != 0) { _order.SetM_PriceList_ID(project.GetM_PriceList_ID()); } } _order.SetSalesRep_ID(te.GetDoc_User_ID()); // if (!_order.Save()) { throw new Exception("Cannot save Order"); } } else { // Update Header info if (tel.GetC_Activity_ID() != 0 && tel.GetC_Activity_ID() != _order.GetC_Activity_ID()) { _order.SetC_Activity_ID(tel.GetC_Activity_ID()); } if (tel.GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0 && tel.GetC_Campaign_ID() != _order.GetC_Campaign_ID()) { _order.SetC_Campaign_ID(tel.GetC_Campaign_ID()); } if (!_order.Save()) { new Exception("Cannot save Order"); } } // OrderLine MOrderLine ol = new MOrderLine(_order); // if (tel.GetM_Product_ID() != 0) { ol.SetM_Product_ID(tel.GetM_Product_ID(), tel.GetC_UOM_ID()); } if (tel.GetS_ResourceAssignment_ID() != 0) { ol.SetS_ResourceAssignment_ID(tel.GetS_ResourceAssignment_ID()); } // Set charge ID if (tel.GetC_Charge_ID() != 0) { ol.SetC_Charge_ID(tel.GetC_Charge_ID()); ol.SetPriceActual(tel.GetExpenseAmt()); ol.SetQty(tel.GetQty()); } ol.SetQty(tel.GetQtyInvoiced()); // ol.SetDescription(tel.GetDescription()); // ol.SetC_Project_ID(tel.GetC_Project_ID()); ol.SetC_ProjectPhase_ID(tel.GetC_ProjectPhase_ID()); ol.SetC_ProjectTask_ID(tel.GetC_ProjectTask_ID()); ol.SetC_Activity_ID(tel.GetC_Activity_ID()); ol.SetC_Campaign_ID(tel.GetC_Campaign_ID()); // Decimal price = tel.GetPriceInvoiced(); // if (price.CompareTo(Env.ZERO) != 0) { if (tel.GetC_Currency_ID() != _order.GetC_Currency_ID()) { price = MConversionRate.Convert(GetCtx(), price, tel.GetC_Currency_ID(), _order.GetC_Currency_ID(), _order.GetAD_Client_ID(), _order.GetAD_Org_ID()); } ol.SetPrice(price); } else { ol.SetPrice(); } if (tel.GetC_UOM_ID() != 0 && ol.GetC_UOM_ID() == 0) { ol.SetC_UOM_ID(tel.GetC_UOM_ID()); } ol.SetTax(); if (!ol.Save()) { throw new Exception("Cannot save Order Line"); } // Update TimeExpense Line tel.SetC_OrderLine_ID(ol.GetC_OrderLine_ID()); if (tel.Save()) { log.Fine("Updated " + tel + " with C_OrderLine_ID"); } else { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Not Updated " + tel + " with C_OrderLine_ID"); } } // processLine
} // doIt /// <summary> /// Process Expense Line /// </summary> /// <param name="te">header</param> /// <param name="tel">line</param> /// <param name="bp">bp</param> private void ProcessLine(MTimeExpense te, MTimeExpenseLine tel, MBPartner bp) { if (_order == null) { log.Info("New Order for " + bp + ", Project=" + tel.GetC_Project_ID()); _order = new MOrder(GetCtx(), 0, Get_TrxName()); _order.SetAD_Org_ID(tel.GetAD_Org_ID()); _order.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Standard); // _order.SetBPartner(bp); if (_order.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "No BP Location: " + bp); AddLog(0, te.GetDateReport(), null, "No Location: " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + bp.GetName()); _order = null; return; } _order.SetM_Warehouse_ID(te.GetM_Warehouse_ID()); //Bhupendra: Add payment term // to check for if payment term is null if (bp.GetC_PaymentTerm_ID() == 0) { // set the default payment method as check int payTerm = GetPaymentTerm(); if (payTerm <= 0) { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "IsActivePaymentTerm"); return; } else { _order.SetC_PaymentTerm_ID(payTerm); } } else { //check weather paymentterm is active or not if (Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsActive FROM C_PaymentTerm WHERE C_PaymentTerm_ID=" + bp.GetC_PaymentTerm_ID(), null, Get_Trx())).Equals("Y")) { _order.SetC_PaymentTerm_ID(bp.GetC_PaymentTerm_ID()); } else { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "IsActivePaymentTerm"); return; } } // Bhupendra: added a cond to check for payment method if null // Added by mohit - to set payment method and sales rep id. if (bp.GetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID() == 0) { // set the default payment method as check int paymethod = GetPaymentMethod(); if (paymethod <= 0) { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "IsActivePaymentMethod"); return; } else { _order.SetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID(paymethod); } } else { //check weather the PaymentMethod is active or not if (Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsActive FROM VA009_PaymentMethod WHERE VA009_PaymentMethod_ID=" + bp.GetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID(), null, Get_Trx())).Equals("Y")) { _order.SetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID(bp.GetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID()); } else { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "IsActivePaymentMethod"); return; } } _order.SetSalesRep_ID(te.GetDoc_User_ID()); ////Added By Arpit asked by Surya Sir..................29-12-2015 //_order.SetSalesRep_ID(GetCtx().GetAD_User_ID()); //End if (tel.GetC_Activity_ID() != 0) { _order.SetC_Activity_ID(tel.GetC_Activity_ID()); } if (tel.GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0) { _order.SetC_Campaign_ID(tel.GetC_Campaign_ID()); } if (tel.GetC_Project_ID() != 0) { _order.SetC_Project_ID(tel.GetC_Project_ID()); // Optionally Overwrite BP Price list from Project MProject project = new MProject(GetCtx(), tel.GetC_Project_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (project.GetM_PriceList_ID() != 0) { //check weather the PriceList is active or not if (Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsActive FROM M_PriceList WHERE M_PriceList_ID=" + project.GetM_PriceList_ID(), null, Get_Trx())).Equals("Y")) { _order.SetM_PriceList_ID(project.GetM_PriceList_ID()); } else { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "IsActivePriceList"); return; } } } else { if (bp.GetM_PriceList_ID() != 0) { if (Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsActive FROM M_PriceList WHERE M_PriceList_ID=" + bp.GetM_PriceList_ID(), null, Get_Trx())).Equals("Y")) { _order.SetM_PriceList_ID(bp.GetM_PriceList_ID()); } else { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "IsActivePriceList"); return; } } } _order.SetSalesRep_ID(te.GetDoc_User_ID()); // if (!_order.Save()) { Rollback(); ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { message = pp.GetName(); //if GetName is Empty then it will check GetValue if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = Msg.GetMsg("", pp.GetValue()); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "CantSaveOrder"); } return; //throw new Exception("Cannot save Order"); } } else { // Update Header info if (tel.GetC_Activity_ID() != 0 && tel.GetC_Activity_ID() != _order.GetC_Activity_ID()) { _order.SetC_Activity_ID(tel.GetC_Activity_ID()); } if (tel.GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0 && tel.GetC_Campaign_ID() != _order.GetC_Campaign_ID()) { _order.SetC_Campaign_ID(tel.GetC_Campaign_ID()); } if (!_order.Save()) { Rollback(); //get error message from ValueNamePair ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { message = pp.GetName(); //if GetName is Empty then it will check GetValue if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = Msg.GetMsg("", pp.GetValue()); } } //it will check message is null or not if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "CantSaveOrder"); } return; //new Exception("Cannot save Order"); } } // OrderLine MOrderLine ol = new MOrderLine(_order); // if (tel.GetM_Product_ID() != 0) { ol.SetM_Product_ID(tel.GetM_Product_ID(), tel.GetC_UOM_ID()); } if (tel.GetS_ResourceAssignment_ID() != 0) { ol.SetS_ResourceAssignment_ID(tel.GetS_ResourceAssignment_ID()); } // Set charge ID if (tel.GetC_Charge_ID() != 0) { ol.SetC_Charge_ID(tel.GetC_Charge_ID()); ol.SetPriceActual(tel.GetExpenseAmt()); ol.SetQty(tel.GetQty()); } ol.SetQty(tel.GetQtyInvoiced()); // ol.SetDescription(tel.GetDescription()); // ol.SetC_Project_ID(tel.GetC_Project_ID()); ol.SetC_ProjectPhase_ID(tel.GetC_ProjectPhase_ID()); ol.SetC_ProjectTask_ID(tel.GetC_ProjectTask_ID()); ol.SetC_Activity_ID(tel.GetC_Activity_ID()); ol.SetC_Campaign_ID(tel.GetC_Campaign_ID()); // Decimal price = tel.GetPriceInvoiced(); // if (price.CompareTo(Env.ZERO) != 0) { if (tel.GetC_Currency_ID() != _order.GetC_Currency_ID()) { price = MConversionRate.Convert(GetCtx(), price, tel.GetC_Currency_ID(), _order.GetC_Currency_ID(), _order.GetAD_Client_ID(), _order.GetAD_Org_ID()); } ol.SetPrice(price); // added by Bhupendra to set the entered price ol.SetPriceEntered(price); } else { ol.SetPrice(); } if (tel.GetC_UOM_ID() != 0 && ol.GetC_UOM_ID() == 0) { ol.SetC_UOM_ID(tel.GetC_UOM_ID()); } ol.SetTax(); if (!ol.Save()) { Rollback(); //get error message from ValueNamePair ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { message = pp.GetName(); //if GetName is Empty then it will check GetValue if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = Msg.GetMsg("", pp.GetValue()); } } //it will check message is null or not if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "CantSaveOrderLine"); } return; //throw new Exception("Cannot save Order Line"); } // Update TimeExpense Line tel.SetC_OrderLine_ID(ol.GetC_OrderLine_ID()); if (tel.Save()) { log.Fine("Updated " + tel + " with C_OrderLine_ID"); } else { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Not Updated " + tel + " with C_OrderLine_ID"); } } // processLine
} // prepare /// <summary> /// Perform Process. /// </summary> /// <returns>Message (clear text)</returns> protected override String DoIt() { int index = 1; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * " + "FROM S_TimeExpense e " + "WHERE e.Processed='Y'" + " AND e.AD_Client_ID=@param1"); // #1 if (_C_BPartner_ID != 0 && _C_BPartner_ID != -1) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.C_BPartner_ID=@param2"); // #2 } if (_DateFrom != null) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.DateReport >=@param3"); // #3 } if (_DateTo != null) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.DateReport <=@param4"); // #4 } // JID_0868 // chanegs done by Bharat on 12 September 2018 to handle the case if invoice is created with an expense for the selected Business Partner sql.Append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM S_TimeExpenseLine el " + "WHERE e.S_TimeExpense_ID=el.S_TimeExpense_ID" + " AND el.C_InvoiceLine_ID IS NULL" + " AND el.ConvertedAmt<>0) " + "ORDER BY e.C_BPartner_ID, e.S_TimeExpense_ID"); // int old_BPartner_ID = -1; MInvoice invoice = null; // //PreparedStatement pstmt = null; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[index]; IDataReader idr = null; DataTable dt = null; try { //pstmt = DataBase.prepareStatement (sql.toString (), get_TrxName()); int par = 0; //pstmt.setInt(par++, getAD_Client_ID()); param[0] = new SqlParameter("@param1", GetAD_Client_ID()); if (_C_BPartner_ID != 0 && _C_BPartner_ID != -1) { par++; //pstmt.setInt (par++, _C_BPartner_ID); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param2", _C_BPartner_ID); } if (_DateFrom != null) { par++; //pstmt.setTimestamp (par++, _DateFrom); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param3", _DateFrom); } if (_DateTo != null) { par++; //pstmt.setTimestamp (par++, _DateTo); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param4", _DateTo); } //ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery (); idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql.ToString(), param, Get_TrxName()); dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(idr); idr.Close(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) // ********* Expense Line Loop { MTimeExpense te = new MTimeExpense(GetCtx(), dr, Get_TrxName()); // New BPartner - New Order if (te.GetC_BPartner_ID() != old_BPartner_ID) { CompleteInvoice(invoice); MBPartner bp = new MBPartner(GetCtx(), te.GetC_BPartner_ID(), Get_TrxName()); // log.Info("New Invoice for " + bp); invoice = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), 0, null); invoice.SetIsExpenseInvoice(true); //added by arpit asked by Surya Sir on DEC 28,2015 invoice.SetClientOrg(te.GetAD_Client_ID(), te.GetAD_Org_ID()); // JID_0868 // chanegs done by Bharat on 12 September 2018 to set the document type where Expense Invoice checkbox is true. String qry = "SELECT C_DocType_ID FROM C_DocType " + "WHERE AD_Client_ID=@param1 AND DocBaseType=@param2" + " AND IsActive='Y' AND IsExpenseInvoice = 'Y' " + "ORDER BY C_DocType_ID DESC , IsDefault DESC"; int C_DocType_ID = DB.GetSQLValue(null, qry, GetAD_Client_ID(), MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); if (C_DocType_ID <= 0) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Not found for AC_Client_ID=" + GetAD_Client_ID() + " - " + MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); } else { log.Fine(MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); } invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(C_DocType_ID); //invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); // API //commented by Arpit on Jan 4,2015 Mentis issue no. 0000310 //invoice.SetDocumentNo(te.GetDocumentNo()); // invoice.SetBPartner(bp); if (invoice.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "No BP Location: " + bp); AddLog(0, te.GetDateReport(), null, "No Location: " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + bp.GetName()); invoice = null; break; } invoice.SetM_PriceList_ID(te.GetM_PriceList_ID()); invoice.SetSalesRep_ID(te.GetDoc_User_ID()); String descr = Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "S_TimeExpense_ID") + ": " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + DisplayType.GetDateFormat(DisplayType.Date).Format(te.GetDateReport()); invoice.SetDescription(descr); if (!invoice.Save()) { //return GetReterivedError(invoice, "Cannot save Invoice"); new Exception("Cannot save Invoice"); } //added by arpit asked by Surya Sir on 29/12/2015******* else { old_BPartner_ID = bp.GetC_BPartner_ID(); } //end*************** } // JID_0868 //Description include all document numbers which is come from Time And Expense Recording window to expense invoice in case of multiple records else if (old_BPartner_ID > 0) { String descr = invoice.GetDescription() + "\n" + Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "S_TimeExpense_ID") + ": " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + DisplayType.GetDateFormat(DisplayType.Date).Format(te.GetDateReport()); invoice.SetDescription(descr); } MTimeExpenseLine[] tel = te.GetLines(false); for (int i = 0; i < tel.Length; i++) { MTimeExpenseLine line = tel[i]; // Already Invoiced or nothing to be reimbursed if (line.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID() != 0 || Env.ZERO.CompareTo(line.GetQtyReimbursed()) == 0 || Env.ZERO.CompareTo(line.GetPriceReimbursed()) == 0) { continue; } // Update Header info if (line.GetC_Activity_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Activity_ID() != invoice.GetC_Activity_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Activity_ID(line.GetC_Activity_ID()); } if (line.GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Campaign_ID() != invoice.GetC_Campaign_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Campaign_ID(line.GetC_Campaign_ID()); } if (line.GetC_Project_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Project_ID() != invoice.GetC_Project_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Project_ID(line.GetC_Project_ID()); } if (!invoice.Save()) { //return GetReterivedError(invoice, "Cannot save Invoice"); new Exception("Cannot save Invoice"); } // Create OrderLine MInvoiceLine il = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); // if (line.GetM_Product_ID() != 0) { il.SetM_Product_ID(line.GetM_Product_ID(), true); } //added by arpit asked by Surya Sir on 28/12/2015_____*************************** if (line.GetC_Charge_ID() != 0) { il.SetC_Charge_ID(line.GetC_Charge_ID()); } //end here ***************************** il.SetQty(line.GetQtyReimbursed()); // Entered/Invoiced il.SetDescription(line.GetDescription()); // il.SetC_Project_ID(line.GetC_Project_ID()); il.SetC_ProjectPhase_ID(line.GetC_ProjectPhase_ID()); il.SetC_ProjectTask_ID(line.GetC_ProjectTask_ID()); il.SetC_Activity_ID(line.GetC_Activity_ID()); il.SetC_Campaign_ID(line.GetC_Campaign_ID()); // // il.setPrice(); // not really a list/limit price for reimbursements il.SetPrice(line.GetPriceReimbursed()); // // JID_0868 // chanegs done by Bharat on 12 September 2018 to set the Amount in List price column. il.SetPriceList(line.GetPriceReimbursed()); il.SetTax(); if (!il.Save()) { //return GetReterivedError(il, "Cannot save Invoice"); new Exception("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } // Update TEL line.SetC_InvoiceLine_ID(il.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID()); line.SetIsInvoiced(true); line.Save(); } // for all expense lines } // ********* Expense Line Loop dt = null; //dt.Clear(); } catch (Exception e) { if (dt != null) { dt = null; } if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql.ToString(), e); } finally { if (dt != null) { dt = null; } if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } } CompleteInvoice(invoice); if (_noInvoices == 0) { return(" @No Record Found for Invoice Creation@"); } return("" + _noInvoices + " @Invoices Generated Successfully@"); } // doIt
} // prepare /// <summary> /// Perform Process. /// </summary> /// <returns>Message (clear text)</returns> protected override String DoIt() { int index = 1; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * " + "FROM S_TimeExpense e " + "WHERE e.Processed='Y'" + " AND e.AD_Client_ID=@param1"); // #1 if (_C_BPartner_ID != 0 && _C_BPartner_ID != -1) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.C_BPartner_ID=@param2"); // #2 } if (_DateFrom != null) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.DateReport >=@param3"); // #3 } if (_DateTo != null) { index++; sql.Append(" AND e.DateReport <=@param4"); // #4 sql.Append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM S_TimeExpenseLine el " + "WHERE e.S_TimeExpense_ID=el.S_TimeExpense_ID" + " AND el.C_InvoiceLine_ID IS NULL" + " AND el.ConvertedAmt<>0) " + "ORDER BY e.C_BPartner_ID, e.S_TimeExpense_ID"); } // int old_BPartner_ID = -1; MInvoice invoice = null; // //PreparedStatement pstmt = null; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[index]; IDataReader idr = null; DataTable dt = null; try { //pstmt = DataBase.prepareStatement (sql.toString (), get_TrxName()); int par = 0; //pstmt.setInt(par++, getAD_Client_ID()); param[0] = new SqlParameter("@param1", GetAD_Client_ID()); if (_C_BPartner_ID != 0 && _C_BPartner_ID != -1) { par++; //pstmt.setInt (par++, _C_BPartner_ID); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param2", _C_BPartner_ID); } if (_DateFrom != null) { par++; //pstmt.setTimestamp (par++, _DateFrom); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param3", _DateFrom); } if (_DateTo != null) { par++; //pstmt.setTimestamp (par++, _DateTo); param[par] = new SqlParameter("@param4", _DateTo); } //ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery (); idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql.ToString(), param, Get_TrxName()); dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(idr); idr.Close(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) // ********* Expense Line Loop { MTimeExpense te = new MTimeExpense(GetCtx(), dr, Get_TrxName()); // New BPartner - New Order if (te.GetC_BPartner_ID() != old_BPartner_ID) { CompleteInvoice(invoice); MBPartner bp = new MBPartner(GetCtx(), te.GetC_BPartner_ID(), Get_TrxName()); // log.Info("New Invoice for " + bp); invoice = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), 0, null); invoice.SetClientOrg(te.GetAD_Client_ID(), te.GetAD_Org_ID()); invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE); // API invoice.SetDocumentNo(te.GetDocumentNo()); // invoice.SetBPartner(bp); if (invoice.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "No BP Location: " + bp); AddLog(0, te.GetDateReport(), null, "No Location: " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + bp.GetName()); invoice = null; break; } invoice.SetM_PriceList_ID(te.GetM_PriceList_ID()); invoice.SetSalesRep_ID(te.GetDoc_User_ID()); String descr = Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "S_TimeExpense_ID") + ": " + te.GetDocumentNo() + " " + DisplayType.GetDateFormat(DisplayType.Date).Format(te.GetDateReport()); invoice.SetDescription(descr); if (!invoice.Save()) { new Exception("Cannot save Invoice"); } old_BPartner_ID = bp.GetC_BPartner_ID(); } MTimeExpenseLine[] tel = te.GetLines(false); for (int i = 0; i < tel.Length; i++) { MTimeExpenseLine line = tel[i]; // Already Invoiced or nothing to be reimbursed if (line.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID() != 0 || Env.ZERO.CompareTo(line.GetQtyReimbursed()) == 0 || Env.ZERO.CompareTo(line.GetPriceReimbursed()) == 0) { continue; } // Update Header info if (line.GetC_Activity_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Activity_ID() != invoice.GetC_Activity_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Activity_ID(line.GetC_Activity_ID()); } if (line.GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Campaign_ID() != invoice.GetC_Campaign_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Campaign_ID(line.GetC_Campaign_ID()); } if (line.GetC_Project_ID() != 0 && line.GetC_Project_ID() != invoice.GetC_Project_ID()) { invoice.SetC_Project_ID(line.GetC_Project_ID()); } if (!invoice.Save()) { new Exception("Cannot save Invoice"); } // Create OrderLine MInvoiceLine il = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); // if (line.GetM_Product_ID() != 0) { il.SetM_Product_ID(line.GetM_Product_ID(), true); } il.SetQty(line.GetQtyReimbursed()); // Entered/Invoiced il.SetDescription(line.GetDescription()); // il.SetC_Project_ID(line.GetC_Project_ID()); il.SetC_ProjectPhase_ID(line.GetC_ProjectPhase_ID()); il.SetC_ProjectTask_ID(line.GetC_ProjectTask_ID()); il.SetC_Activity_ID(line.GetC_Activity_ID()); il.SetC_Campaign_ID(line.GetC_Campaign_ID()); // // il.setPrice(); // not really a list/limit price for reimbursements il.SetPrice(line.GetPriceReimbursed()); // il.SetTax(); if (!il.Save()) { new Exception("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } // Update TEL line.SetC_InvoiceLine_ID(il.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID()); line.SetIsInvoiced(true); line.Save(); } // for all expense lines } // ********* Expense Line Loop dt = null; //dt.Clear(); } catch (Exception e) { if (dt != null) { dt = null; } if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql.ToString(), e); } finally { if (dt != null) { dt = null; } if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } } CompleteInvoice(invoice); if (_noInvoices == 0) { return(" @No Record Found for Invoice Creation@"); } return("" + _noInvoices + " @Invoices Generated Successfully@"); } // doIt