Example #1
        public void GetReport()
            var logQuery = new MSUtil.LogQueryClass();

            var input = new MSUtil.COMTSVInputContextClass
                iSeparator = Separator

            var resultDataSet = logQuery.Execute($@"SELECT Level, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM {_sourcePath}\*.log GROUP BY Level", input);

            while (!resultDataSet.atEnd())
                var record = resultDataSet.getRecord();

            resultDataSet = logQuery.Execute($@"SELECT * FROM {_sourcePath}\*.log WHERE Level='ERROR'", input);
            while (!resultDataSet.atEnd())
                var record = resultDataSet.getRecord();
                Console.WriteLine($"{record.getValue("Level")} : {record.getValue("Date")} : {record.getValue("Message")}");
 public override void Open()
     if (state != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
         this.query      = new LogQuery();
         this.connection = new IISLogInputFormat();
     state = System.Data.ConnectionState.Open;
Example #3
        public DataTable readFromEvt(string sql)
                DataTable datat = new DataTable();
                datat.Columns.Add("事件ID", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("日期", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("来源", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("描述", typeof(string));
                // Instantiate the LogQuery object
                LogQuery oLogQuery = new LogQuery();
                // Instantiate the Event Log Input Format object
                EvtInputFormat oEvtInputFormat = new EvtInputFormat();
                // Set its "direction" parameter to "BW"
                //oEvtInputFormat.direction = "BW";
                // Create the query
                string query = sql;
                // Execute the query
                LogRecordSet oRecordSet = oLogQuery.Execute(query, oEvtInputFormat);
                while (!oRecordSet.atEnd())
                    var     itemData = oRecordSet.getRecord();
                    DataRow dr       = datat.NewRow();
                    dr["事件ID"] = itemData.getValue("EventID").ToString();
                    dr["日期"]   = itemData.getValue("TimeGenerated").ToString();
                    dr["来源"]   = itemData.getValue("SourceName").ToString();
                    dr["描述"]   = itemData.getValue("Message").ToString();

                // Close the recordset
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Unexpected error: " + exc.Message);
Example #4
        static int Main(string[] args)
            bool binst = false;
            bool bdelete = false;
            bool bnorun = false;

            string evtid = "4625"; //The ID in the Security Log for the event that we're looking for ("An account failed to log on.")
            string evtrshld = "10"; //adjust this number to determine what should be the threshold for the max # of failed events before an IP is flagged

            currdir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            //check directory write permissions as the first step. If we can't output the netsh script, we can't be useful.
            if (!HasFilePermissions())
                Console.WriteLine("You don't have the required file access permissions to run this application.");
                return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrFilePermission;

            mydb = "Data Source=\"" + currdir + "\\bannedips.dat\";Version=3;";

            if (args.Length > 0) //check args for "--install", "--remove", "--norun" or "--debug"
               foreach (string s in args)
                   switch(s.ToLower()) {
                       case "--debug":
                           bdebug = true; break;
                       case "--install":
                           binst = true; break;
                       case "--remove":
                           bdelete = true; break;
                       case "--norun":
                           bnorun = true; break;

               if (binst && bdelete)  //if providing both install & delete options
                   OutputMsg("Options --install and --remove are mutually exclusive. Please choose only one.");
                   return 0;

            if (bdebug) OutputMsg("SQLite DB Connection String: " + mydb);

            if (binst) //original setup for firewall rule and scheduled task
                //check to see if the rule is already there. We don't want to have extra copies
                if (!FirewallRuleExists())
                    if (!AddFirewallRule())  //now add the rule if it's not already there
                        OutputMsg("Failed creating the firewall rule to block IPs. Unable to continue.");
                        return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrFirewall;

                if (!ScheduleTask())  //now add scheduled task, if exists it will be overwritten
                    OutputMsg("Failed creating a scheduled task to update list of blocked IP addresses. Unable to continue.");
                    return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrScheduler;

                //it will continue to run once after the installation unless "--norun" is specified
                if (bnorun)
                    OutputMsg("Installation was successful. Exiting app until next scheduled run.");
                    return 0;

            if (bdelete)   //remove firewall rule and the scheduled task (if they exist), then exit the app
                if (!DeleteFirewallRule())
                    OutputMsg("Failed deleting the firewall rule: \"Banned IP Addresses\". Unable to continue.");
                    return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrFirewall;

                if (!RemoveScheduledTask())
                    OutputMsg("Failed removing the scheduled task to update banned IP address list. Unable to continue.");
                    return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrScheduler;
                OutputMsg("Scheduled System Task and Firewall Rule are now uninstalled.");
                return 0;

            //we're starting the scheduled run. It could be happening without required installation
            if (!binst && !FirewallRuleExists()) //skip if right after installation
                OutputMsg("Firewall rule not found. Run the app with \"--install\" parameter to set it up.");
                return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrFirewall;

            //get records from the Security Logs
                MSUtil.LogQueryClass lq = new MSUtil.LogQueryClass();
                MSUtil.ILogRecordset rs = lq.Execute("SELECT EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 19, '|') AS [IP4Detected], MAX(TimeWritten) AS [DateLastSeen]," +
                    " COUNT(*) AS [InstanceCount] FROM Security WHERE EventID=" + evtid +
                    " AND TimeWritten>SUB(TO_LOCALTIME(SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP()), TIMESTAMP('0000-01-01 23:59:59', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))" +
                    " GROUP BY EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 19, '|') HAVING COUNT(*)>" + evtrshld);
                while (!rs.atEnd())
                    MSUtil.ILogRecord rec = rs.getRecord();

                    FoundInLog tmp = new FoundInLog();
                    tmp.IP4Detected = rec.getValue(0);
                    tmp.DateLastSeen = rec.getValue(1);
                    tmp.InstanceCount = rec.getValue(2);


                    if (bdebug) OutputMsg(tmp.IP4Detected.ToString() + ", " + tmp.DateLastSeen.ToShortDateString() + ", " + tmp.InstanceCount.ToString());

                if (spmrs.Count == 0)
                    OutputMsg("Run successfully completed, no new records were found.");
                    return 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                OutputMsg("Unable to query Event Log. Make sure LogParser is installed (see README for details)." , e.ToString());
                return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrLogParser;

            //add the new records to the local sqlite3 database
            if (!UpdateDBRecords())
                OutputMsg("Problem writing to the \"bannedips.dat\" database");
                return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrSQLiteDB;

            //export updated records to a script file to be used with netsh
            if (!ExportDBRecords())
                OutputMsg("Problem writing to the netsh script file");
                return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrInputOutput;

            //replace IP list in the firewall rule with the new set from the DB
            if (!UpdateFirewallRule())
                OutputMsg("Problem calling netsh.exe to update firewall rule.");
                return (int)ErrorLevel.ErrNetShell;

            //final step - record our activity
            if (!StampLastRun())
                //nothing to do

            //every step is nicely completed. Report success and be done.
            OutputMsg("IP Address Blacklist was successfully updated with data from last 24 hours.");
            return 0;
 public override void Open()
     if (state != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
         this.query = new LogQuery();
         this.connection = new IISLogInputFormat();
     state = System.Data.ConnectionState.Open;
Example #6
        private void btIIS(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (Common.checkLogParser())
                #region 日志分析
                //string filename = "";
                Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dialogOpenFile = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
                dialogOpenFile.Filter           = "IIS日志文件(*.log)|*.log";
                dialogOpenFile.RestoreDirectory = true;
                dialogOpenFile.Multiselect      = true;//允许同时选择多个文件
                //dialogOpenFile.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";
                //dialogOpenFile.FilterIndex = 2;
                List <string> filenames = new List <string>();
                if (dialogOpenFile.ShowDialog() == true)
                    //filename = dialogOpenFile.FileName;
                    for (int fi = 0; fi < dialogOpenFile.FileNames.Length; fi++)

                LogQuery       oLogQuery       = new LogQuery();
                IISInputFormat oIISInputFormat = new IISInputFormat();
                DataTable      datat           = new DataTable();
                datat.Columns.Add("date", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("time", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("method", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("uri", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("query", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("ip", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("status", typeof(string));
                datat.Columns.Add("useragent", typeof(string));

                foreach (string filename in filenames)
                    string       query      = @"SELECT date,time,cs-method,cs-uri-stem,cs-uri-query,c-ip,sc-status,cs(User-Agent)  from '" + filename + "'";// GROUP BY c-ip
                    LogRecordSet oRecordSet = oLogQuery.Execute(query, oIISInputFormat);
                    while (!oRecordSet.atEnd())
                        var     itemData = oRecordSet.getRecord();
                        DataRow dr       = datat.NewRow();
                        dr["date"]      = itemData.getValue("date").ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        dr["time"]      = itemData.getValue("time").ToString("hh:mm:ss");
                        dr["method"]    = itemData.getValue("cs-method").ToString();
                        dr["uri"]       = itemData.getValue("cs-uri-stem").ToString();
                        dr["query"]     = itemData.getValue("cs-uri-query").ToString();
                        dr["ip"]        = itemData.getValue("c-ip").ToString();
                        dr["status"]    = itemData.getValue("sc-status").ToString();
                        dr["useragent"] = itemData.getValue("cs(User-Agent)").ToString();
                dgQueryResult.Columns[0].Header = (object)("日期");
                dgQueryResult.Columns[1].Header = (object)("时间");
                dgQueryResult.Columns[2].Header = (object)("方法");
                dgQueryResult.Columns[3].Header = (object)("相对路径");
                dgQueryResult.Columns[4].Header = (object)("查询");
                dgQueryResult.Columns[5].Header = (object)("IP");
                dgQueryResult.Columns[6].Header = (object)("状态");
                dgQueryResult.Columns[7].Header = (object)("用户代理");
                dgQueryResult.DataContext       = datat.DefaultView;
                Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show("该功能需要安装LogParser.", "警告", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);

                System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo Info = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();

                Info.FileName = "LogParser.msi";

                //设置外部程序工作目录为   C:\ 
                //Info.WorkingDirectory = @"D:\常用软件\eclipse";

                //Info.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;

                System.Diagnostics.Process Proc;

                    Proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Info);
                catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)