Example #1
		void WriteProjects (SolutionFolder folder, string baseDirectory, StreamWriter writer, bool saveProjects, IProgressMonitor monitor)
			monitor.BeginStepTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Saving projects"), folder.Items.Count, 1); 
			foreach (SolutionItem ce in folder.Items.ToArray ())
				string[] l = null;
				if (ce is SolutionEntityItem) {
					SolutionEntityItem item = (SolutionEntityItem) ce;
					MSBuildHandler handler = MSBuildProjectService.GetItemHandler (item);
					if (saveProjects) {
						try {
							handler.SavingSolution = true;
							item.Save (monitor);
						} finally {
							handler.SavingSolution = false;

					l = handler.SlnProjectContent;

					writer.WriteLine (@"Project(""{0}"") = ""{1}"", ""{2}"", ""{3}""",
						FileService.NormalizeRelativePath (FileService.AbsoluteToRelativePath (
							baseDirectory, item.FileName)).Replace ('/', '\\'),
					DataItem data = handler.WriteSlnData ();
					if (data != null && data.HasItemData) {
						writer.WriteLine ("\tProjectSection(MonoDevelopProperties) = preProject");
						WriteDataItem (writer, data);
						writer.WriteLine ("\tEndProjectSection");
					if (item.ItemDependencies.Count > 0 || handler.UnresolvedProjectDependencies != null) {
						writer.WriteLine ("\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject");
						foreach (var dep in item.ItemDependencies)
							writer.WriteLine ("\t\t{0} = {0}", dep.ItemId);
						if (handler.UnresolvedProjectDependencies != null) {
							foreach (var dep in handler.UnresolvedProjectDependencies)
								writer.WriteLine ("\t\t{0} = {0}", dep);
						writer.WriteLine ("\tEndProjectSection");
				} else if (ce is SolutionFolder) {
					SlnData slnData = GetSlnData (ce);
					if (slnData == null) {
						// Solution folder
						slnData = new SlnData ();
						ce.ExtendedProperties [typeof (SlnFileFormat)] = slnData;

					l = slnData.Extra;
					writer.WriteLine (@"Project(""{0}"") = ""{1}"", ""{2}"", ""{3}""",
					// Folder files
					WriteFolderFiles (writer, (SolutionFolder) ce);
					//Write custom properties
					MSBuildSerializer ser = new MSBuildSerializer (folder.ParentSolution.FileName);
					DataItem data = (DataItem) ser.Serialize (ce, typeof(SolutionFolder));
					if (data.HasItemData) {
						writer.WriteLine ("\tProjectSection(MonoDevelopProperties) = preProject");
						WriteDataItem (writer, data);
						writer.WriteLine ("\tEndProjectSection");

				if (l != null) {
					foreach (string s in l)
						writer.WriteLine (s);

				writer.WriteLine ("EndProject");
				if (ce is SolutionFolder)
					WriteProjects (ce as SolutionFolder, baseDirectory, writer, saveProjects, monitor);
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();
Example #2
		void WriteFileInternal (string file, Solution solution, string baseDir, MSBuildFileFormat format, bool saveProjects, IProgressMonitor monitor)
			SolutionFolder c = solution.RootFolder;
			using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (file, false, Encoding.UTF8)) {
				sw.NewLine = "\r\n";

				SlnData slnData = GetSlnData (c);
				if (slnData == null) {
					// If a non-msbuild project is being converted by just
					// changing the fileformat, then create the SlnData for it
					slnData = new SlnData ();
					c.ExtendedProperties [typeof (SlnFileFormat)] = slnData;

				slnData.UpdateVersion (format);

				sw.WriteLine ();

				//Write Header
				sw.WriteLine ("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version " + slnData.VersionString);
				sw.WriteLine (slnData.HeaderComment);
				if (slnData.VisualStudioVersion != null)
					sw.WriteLine ("VisualStudioVersion = {0}", slnData.VisualStudioVersion);
				if (slnData.MinimumVisualStudioVersion != null)
					sw.WriteLine ("MinimumVisualStudioVersion = {0}", slnData.MinimumVisualStudioVersion);

				//Write the projects
				monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Saving projects"), 1);
				WriteProjects (c, baseDir, sw, saveProjects, monitor);
				monitor.EndTask ();

				//Write the lines for unknownProjects
				foreach (string l in slnData.UnknownProjects)
					sw.WriteLine (l);

				//Write the Globals
				sw.WriteLine ("Global");

				//Write SolutionConfigurationPlatforms
				//FIXME: SolutionConfigurations?
				sw.WriteLine ("\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution");

				foreach (SolutionConfiguration config in solution.Configurations)
					sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{0} = {0}", ToSlnConfigurationId (config));

				sw.WriteLine ("\tEndGlobalSection");

				//Write ProjectConfigurationPlatforms
				sw.WriteLine ("\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution");

				List<string> list = new List<string> ();
				WriteProjectConfigurations (solution, list);

				list.Sort (StringComparer.Create (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, true));
				foreach (string s in list)
					sw.WriteLine (s);

				//Write lines for projects we couldn't load
				if (slnData.SectionExtras.ContainsKey ("ProjectConfigurationPlatforms")) {
					foreach (string s in slnData.SectionExtras ["ProjectConfigurationPlatforms"])
						sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{0}", s);

				sw.WriteLine ("\tEndGlobalSection");

				//Write Nested Projects
				ICollection<SolutionFolder> folders = solution.RootFolder.GetAllItems<SolutionFolder> ();
				if (folders.Count > 1) {
					// If folders ==1, that's the root folder
					sw.WriteLine ("\tGlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution");
					foreach (SolutionFolder folder in folders) {
						if (folder.IsRoot)
						WriteNestedProjects (folder, solution.RootFolder, sw);
					sw.WriteLine ("\tEndGlobalSection");
				//Write custom properties
				MSBuildSerializer ser = new MSBuildSerializer (solution.FileName);
				DataItem data = (DataItem) ser.Serialize (solution, typeof(Solution));
				if (data.HasItemData) {
					sw.WriteLine ("\tGlobalSection(MonoDevelopProperties) = preSolution");
					WriteDataItem (sw, data);
					sw.WriteLine ("\tEndGlobalSection");
				// Write custom properties for configurations
				foreach (SolutionConfiguration conf in solution.Configurations) {
					data = (DataItem) ser.Serialize (conf);
					if (data.HasItemData) {
						sw.WriteLine ("\tGlobalSection(MonoDevelopProperties." + conf.Id + ") = preSolution");
						WriteDataItem (sw, data);
						sw.WriteLine ("\tEndGlobalSection");

				//Write 'others'
				if (slnData.GlobalExtra != null) {
					foreach (string s in slnData.GlobalExtra)
						sw.WriteLine (s);
				sw.WriteLine ("EndGlobal");