private void Reset() { reaction = MTools.GetInstance <ModeReaction>("Damaged"); stats = this.FindComponent <Stats>(); Root = transform.root.GetComponent <MDamageable>(); //Check if there's a Damageable on the Root if (Root == this) { Root = null; } if (stats == null) { stats = gameObject.AddComponent <Stats>(); var health = MTools.GetInstance <StatID>("Health"); if (health != null) { stats.stats = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Stat>(); var HealthStat = new Stat() { ID = health, MaxValue = 100, MinValue = 0, value = new FloatReference(100) }; stats.stats.Add(HealthStat); } } }
private void Reset() { reaction = MTools.GetInstance <ModeReaction>("Damaged"); stats = this.FindComponent <Stats>(); Root = transform.root.GetComponent <MDamageable>(); //Check if there's a Damageable on the Root if (Root == this) { Root = null; } }
private void AddReaction(Type NewReaction) { MReaction reaction = (MReaction)CreateInstance(NewReaction); // Pull all the information from the target of the serializedObject. reactions_List.serializedObject.Update(); reactions_List.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(0); reactions_List.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).objectReferenceValue = reaction; reactions_List.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(reaction); EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); }