Example #1
        private static void NormalTest(MQPairConfig mqConfig)
            using (var mqServer = mqConfig.GetServer())
                mqServer.RequestReceived += (s, e) =>
                    e.Response.Body = "Bienvenido!!!";

                using (var mqClient = mqConfig.GetClient())
                    var totalQ = 5000;

                    #region Sync Mode
                    Core.Log.Warning("Sync Mode Test, using Unique Response Queue");
                    using (var w = Watch.Create($"Hello World Example in Sync Mode for {totalQ} times"))
                        for (var i = 0; i < totalQ; i++)
                            var response = mqClient.SendAndReceiveAsync <string>("Hola mundo").WaitAndResults();
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Total time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds));
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Average time in ms: {0}. Press ENTER To Continue.", (w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds / totalQ));

                    #region Parallel Mode
                    Core.Log.Warning("Parallel Mode Test, using Unique Response Queue");
                    using (var w = Watch.Create($"Hello World Example in Parallel Mode for {totalQ} times"))
                            Enumerable.Range(0, totalQ).Select((i, mc) => (Task)mc.SendAndReceiveAsync <string>("Hola mundo"), mqClient).ToArray()
                        //Parallel.For(0, totalQ, i =>
                        //    var response = mqClient.SendAndReceiveAsync<string>("Hola mundo").WaitAndResults();
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Total time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds));
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Average time in ms: {0}. Press ENTER To Continue.", (w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds / totalQ));
Example #2
        private static async Task NormalTest(MQPairConfig mqConfig)
            using (var mqServer = mqConfig.GetServer())
                mqServer.RequestReceived += (s, e) =>
                    //Core.Trace.Write("Grupo", e.Request.CorrelationId.ToString(), e.Request.Body);
                    e.Response.Body = new SerializedObject("Bienvenido!!!");

                using (var mqClient = mqConfig.GetClient())
                    var totalQ = 50000;

                    #region Sync Mode
                    Core.Log.Warning("Sync Mode Test, using Unique Response Queue");
                    using (var w = Watch.Create($"Hello World Example in Sync Mode for {totalQ} times"))
                        for (var i = 0; i < totalQ; i++)
                            var response = await mqClient.SendAndReceiveAsync <string>("Hola mundo").ConfigureAwait(false);
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Total time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds));
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Average time in ms: {0}. Press ENTER To Continue.", (w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds / totalQ));

                    #region Parallel Mode
                    Core.Log.Warning("Parallel Mode Test, using Unique Response Queue");
                    using (var w = Watch.Create($"Hello World Example in Parallel Mode for {totalQ} times"))
                        await Task.WhenAll(
                            Enumerable.Range(0, totalQ).Select((i, mqc) => (Task)mqc.SendAndReceiveAsync <string>("Hola mundo"), mqClient).ToArray()

                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Total time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds));
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Average time in ms: {0}. Press ENTER To Continue.", (w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds / totalQ));
Example #3
        private static void NormalTest(MQPairConfig mqConfig)
            using (var mqServer = mqConfig.GetServer())
                mqServer.RequestReceived += (s, e) =>
                    //    await Task.Delay(int.MaxValue, e.ProcessResponseTimeoutCancellationToken);
                    //catch { }
                    e.Response.Body = new SerializedObject("Bienvenido!!!");

                using (var mqClient = mqConfig.GetClient())
                    var totalQ = 50000;

                    #region Sync Mode
                    Core.Log.Warning("Sync Mode Test, using Unique Response Queue");
                    using (var w = Watch.Create($"Hello World Example in Sync Mode for {totalQ} times"))
                        for (var i = 0; i < totalQ; i++)
                            var response = mqClient.SendAndReceiveAsync <string>("Hola mundo").WaitAsync();
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Total time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds));
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Average time in ms: {0}. Press ENTER To Continue.", (w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds / totalQ));

                    totalQ = 50000;

                    #region Parallel Mode
                    Core.Log.Warning("Parallel Mode Test, using Unique Response Queue");
                    using (var w = Watch.Create($"Hello World Example in Parallel Mode for {totalQ} times"))
                        var oldContext = Core.ContextGroupName;
                            Enumerable.Range(0, totalQ).Select((i, mc) =>
                            Core.ContextGroupName = "Message: " + i;
                            return((Task)mc.SendAndReceiveAsync <string>("Hola mundo"));
                                                               , mqClient).ToArray());
                        Core.ContextGroupName = oldContext;

                        //Parallel.For(0, totalQ, i =>
                        //    var response = mqClient.SendAndReceiveAsync<string>("Hola mundo").WaitAndResults();
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Total time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds));
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Average time in ms: {0}. Press ENTER To Continue.", (w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds / totalQ));

                mqConfig.ResponseOptions.ClientReceiverOptions.Parameters["SingleResponseQueue"] = "false";
                using (var mqClient = mqConfig.GetClient())
                    var totalQ = 50000;

                    #region Sync Mode
                    Core.Log.Warning("Sync Mode Test, using Multiple Response Queue");
                    using (var w = Watch.Create($"Hello World Example in Sync Mode for {totalQ} times"))
                        for (var i = 0; i < totalQ; i++)
                            var response = mqClient.SendAndReceiveAsync <string>("Hola mundo").WaitAndResults();
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Total time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds));
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Average time in ms: {0}. Press ENTER To Continue.", (w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds / totalQ));

                    #region Parallel Mode
                    Core.Log.Warning("Parallel Mode Test, using Multiple Response Queue");
                    using (var w = Watch.Create($"Hello World Example in Parallel Mode for {totalQ} times"))
                            Enumerable.Range(0, totalQ).Select((i, mc) => (Task)mc.SendAndReceiveAsync <string>("Hola mundo"), mqClient).ToArray()
                        //Parallel.For(0, totalQ, i =>
                        //    var response = mqClient.SendAndReceiveAsync<string>("Hola mundo").WaitAndResults();
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Total time: {0}", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds));
                        Core.Log.InfoBasic("Average time in ms: {0}. Press ENTER To Continue.", (w.GlobalElapsedMilliseconds / totalQ));