private MenuItem AddChangePropertiesToolsMenu(MOG_Ini specialMenuIni, string option, MogMenuItem_Click method)
            MenuItem subItem = new MenuItem();

            subItem.Text = option;

            if (specialMenuIni.SectionExist(option))
                for (int x = 0; x < specialMenuIni.CountKeys(option); x++)
                    string   label = specialMenuIni.GetKeyNameByIndex(option, x);
                    MenuItem child = AddChangePropertiesToolsMenu(specialMenuIni, label, method);
                    if (child != null)

                subItem.Click += new EventHandler(method);

Example #2
        private void MilestoneTargetTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Check if any other patches exist
            string patchInfo = string.Concat(MilestoneTargetTextBox.Text, "\\MOG\\Patches\\Patches.Info");

            if (DosUtils.FileExist(patchInfo))

                // Open it and add it to our patch list
                MOG_Ini patches = new MOG_Ini(patchInfo);

                // Add a key for our local build first.

                if (patches.SectionExist("PATCHES"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < patches.CountKeys("PATCHES"); i++)
                        PatchNameComboBox.Items.Add(patches.GetKeyNameByIndex("PATCHES", i));

                if (patches.SectionExist("Local") && patches.KeyExist("Local", "Current"))
                    PatchNameComboBox.Text = patches.GetString("Local", "Current");
                    PatchNameComboBox.Text = "Unknown";
        public bool GetTasksFromBox(string box, string section, Color textColor, System.Windows.Forms.ListView listViewToFill)
            MOG_Ini contents = new MOG_Ini();

            // Get a handle to the inbox\
            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(String.Concat(mParent.mMog.GetActiveUser().GetUserPath(), "\\", box, "\\"));

            // If the .info file exists, open it
            if (file.Exists)
                // Load the file

                // Find the items in the INBOX section
                if (contents.SectionExist(section))
                    for (int i = 0; i < contents.CountKeys(section); i++)
                        ListViewItem node = new ListViewItem();

                        String assetName = contents.GetKeyNameByIndex(section, i);

                        // Set the due date
                        MOG_Time t = new MOG_Time();
                        t.SetTimeStamp(contents.GetString(assetName, "DUEDATE"));
                        DateTime dueDate = t.ToDateTime();

                        node.Text = (contents.GetString(assetName, "TITLE"));                                           // Name
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "TIME"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "CREATOR"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "PRIORITY"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "STATUS"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "ASSET"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(String.Concat(file.DirectoryName, "\\", assetName));                          // Fullname
                        node.SubItems.Add(box);                                                                         // Current box
                        node.ForeColor = textColor;

                        node.ImageIndex = 0;                        //SetAssetIcon(String.Concat(mParent.mMog.GetActiveUser().GetUserPath(), "\\", box, "\\", assetName));


        public bool GetTasksFromBox(string box, string section, Color textColor, ListView listViewToFill)
            MOG_Ini contents = new MOG_Ini();

            // Get a handle to the inbox\
            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(String.Concat(mParent.mMog.GetActiveUser().GetUserPath(), "\\", box, "\\"));

            // If the .info file exists, open it
            if (file.Exists)
                // Load the file

                // Find the items in the INBOX section
                if (contents.SectionExist(section))
                    for (int i = 0; i < contents.CountKeys(section); i++)
                        ListViewItem node = new ListViewItem();

                        String assetName = contents.GetKeyNameByIndex(section, i);

                        node.Text = (contents.GetString(assetName, "SUBJECT"));                                         // Name
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "TO"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "TIME"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "FROM"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "STATUS"));
                        node.SubItems.Add(String.Concat(file.DirectoryName, "\\", assetName));                          // Fullname
                        node.SubItems.Add(box);                                                                         // Current box
                        node.ForeColor = textColor;

                        if (string.Compare(contents.GetString(assetName, "STATUS"), "New", true) == 0)
                            node.Font = new Font(node.Font, FontStyle.Bold);

                        node.ImageIndex = 0;                        //SetAssetIcon(String.Concat(mParent.mMog.GetActiveUser().GetUserPath(), "\\", box, "\\", assetName));

Example #5
        public void Update()
            if (DosUtils.FileExist(string.Concat(mMog.GetProject().GetProjectPath(), "\\Surveys\\")))
                MOG_Ini contentsInfo = new MOG_Ini(string.Concat(mMog.GetProject().GetProjectPath(), "\\Surveys\\"));

                for (int i = 0; i < contentsInfo.CountKeys("SURVEYS"); i++)
                    string       SurveyName = contentsInfo.GetKeyNameByIndex("SURVEYS", i);
                    ListViewItem item       = new ListViewItem(contentsInfo.GetString(SurveyName, "Title"));
                    item.SubItems.Add(contentsInfo.GetString(SurveyName, "Time"));
                    item.SubItems.Add(contentsInfo.GetString(SurveyName, "Category"));
                    item.SubItems.Add(contentsInfo.GetString(SurveyName, "Status"));
                    item.SubItems.Add(contentsInfo.GetString(SurveyName, "Priority"));

        private void InitializeXboxList()
            if (mMog.IsUser())
                // Get the project ini
                MOG_Ini configFile = new MOG_Ini(mMog.GetProject().GetProjectConfigFilename());

                // Clear our target combo box

                // Add each target to the combo box
                if (configFile.SectionExist("Xboxes"))
                    for (int x = 0; x < configFile.CountKeys("Xboxes"); x++)
                        mainForm.AssetManagerLocalDataXboxTargetComboBox.Items.Add(configFile.GetKeyNameByIndex("Xboxes", x));

                // Check for a user defined console list
                string userPath       = mMog.GetUser().GetUserToolsPath();
                string consoleIniFile = string.Concat(userPath, "\\consoles.ini");

                if (DosUtils.FileExist(consoleIniFile))
                    MOG_Ini userConsoleIni = new MOG_Ini(consoleIniFile);

                    // Add each target to the combo box
                    if (userConsoleIni.SectionExist("Xboxes"))
                        for (int x = 0; x < userConsoleIni.CountKeys("Xboxes"); x++)
                            mainForm.AssetManagerLocalDataXboxTargetComboBox.Items.Add(userConsoleIni.GetKeyNameByIndex("Xboxes", x));
Example #7
        /// <summary> InitializeAssetIcons
        /// Loads all the bmp's specified in the asset declarations
        /// in the Project.ini files.  Each bmp is added to a
        /// list allong with its key added to a corresponding list
        /// for later searching.
        /// </summary>
        static public void AssetIconInitialize()
            // Check to see if our project is loaded
            if (!MOG_ControllerProject.IsProject())

            // Only allow population of the images array once
            if (mAssetTypes.Count > 0)

            // Add the active item icon first
            // Get the image
            if (DosUtils.FileExist(string.Concat(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath(), "\\Images\\SelectIcon.bmp")))
                // Get the group image
                Image myImage = new Bitmap(string.Concat(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath(), "\\Images\\SelectIcon.bmp"));

                // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists

            // Open the project.ini
            MOG_Ini ini = new MOG_Ini(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetProjectConfigFilename());

            // Walk through all the assets
            for (int x = 0; x < ini.CountKeys("Assets"); x++)
                // Get the asset name
                string imageName = ini.GetString(ini.GetKeyNameByIndex("Assets", x), "Icon");
                // Check if we have an image?
                if (imageName.Length > 0)
                    string assetKey = ini.GetKeyNameByIndex("Assets", x).ToLower();
                    LoadIcon(imageName, ini.GetKeyNameByIndex("Assets", x).ToLower());

                    // Check for a lock image
                    string lockImageName     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName) + "_locked";
                    string lockFullImageName = imageName.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName), lockImageName);
                    LoadIcon(lockFullImageName, assetKey + "_locked");

                    // Check for a ReadLock image
                    lockImageName     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName) + "_readlocked";
                    lockFullImageName = imageName.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName), lockImageName);
                    LoadIcon(lockFullImageName, assetKey + "_readlocked");

            if (DosUtils.FileExist(string.Concat(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath(), "\\Images\\Group.bmp")))
                // Get the group image
                Image myImage = new Bitmap(string.Concat(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath(), "\\Images\\Group.bmp"));

                // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists

            mAssetTypeImages.TransparentColor = Color.Magenta;

            // Initialize state icons
            if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath() + "\\Images\\States"))
                FileInfo [] stateImages = DosUtils.FileGetList(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath() + "\\Images\\States", "*.bmp");

                foreach (FileInfo stateImage in stateImages)
                    LoadRawIcon(mStateTypeImages, mStateTypes, stateImage.FullName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(stateImage.Name));
        public void RefreshTab()
            int     newItems = 0;
            MOG_Ini contents = new MOG_Ini();

            // Determine which boxes we are looking at, Inbox or outBox
            string  boxName     = "Unknown";
            TabPage pagePointer = null;

            if (string.Compare(mParent.mainForm.AssetManagerBoxesTabControl.SelectedTab.Name, "AssetManagerInboxTabPage") == 0)
                boxName     = "Inbox";
                pagePointer = mParent.mainForm.AssetManagerInboxTabControl.TabPages[(int)guiAssetManager.InboxTabOrder.MESSAGES];
            else if (string.Compare(mParent.mainForm.AssetManagerBoxesTabControl.SelectedTab.Name, "AssetManagerOutboxTabPage") == 0)
                boxName     = "Outbox";
                pagePointer = mParent.mainForm.AssetManagerOutboxTabControl.TabPages[(int)guiAssetManager.OutboxTabOrder.MESSAGES];
                MOG_REPORT.ShowMessageBox("ERROR", "No valid box selected in mAssetManager.Messages.RefreshTab", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Check all tasks for the new status
            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(String.Concat(mParent.mMog.GetActiveUser().GetUserPath(), "\\", boxName, "\\"));

            // If the .info file exists, open it
            if (file.Exists)
                // Load the file

                // Find the items in the TASKS section
                if (contents.SectionExist("Messages"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < contents.CountKeys("Messages"); i++)
                        string messageName   = contents.GetKeyNameByIndex("Messages", i);
                        string messageStatus = contents.GetString(messageName, "Status");
                        if (string.Compare(messageStatus, "New", true) == 0)

            // If we have new items, update the tab
            string tabName;

            if (newItems > 0)
                tabName = string.Concat("Messages ", boxName, "(", newItems.ToString(), ") New");
                tabName = string.Concat("Messages ", boxName);

            // Store this count
            mNewMessageCount = newItems;

            // Set the tab name
            if (pagePointer != null)
                pagePointer.Text = tabName;
Example #9
        private void PopulatePermissions()
            // Clear the file info tree
            PriviledgesTreeView.Sorted = true;

            string     groupSection  = MOG_Priviledges.MainSections.Group.ToString();
            SortedList groupNodeList = new SortedList();

            if (mPriviledgesIni.SectionExist(groupSection))
                int groupsCount = mPriviledgesIni.CountKeys(groupSection);
                for (int i = 0; i < groupsCount; ++i)
                    string   groupName = mPriviledgesIni.GetKeyNameByIndex(groupSection, i);
                    TreeNode groupNode = new TreeNode(groupName);
                    groupNodeList.Add(groupName, groupNode);

            string userSection = MOG_Priviledges.MainSections.Users.ToString();

            // If [Users] exists...
            if (mPriviledgesIni.SectionExist(userSection))
                int      usersCount = mPriviledgesIni.CountKeys(userSection);
                string[] users      = new string[usersCount];
                string[] groups     = new string[usersCount];

                // Foreach user...
                for (int i = 0; i < usersCount; ++i)
                    // Get user's name and group
                    string userName  = mPriviledgesIni.GetKeyNameByIndex(userSection, i);
                    string userGroup = mPriviledgesIni.GetKeyByIndex(userSection, i);

                    // Create our use's node
                    TreeNode userNode = new TreeNode(userName);

                    SortedList availablePermissions = new SortedList();

                    // If the userGroup exists...
                    if (mPriviledgesIni.SectionExist(userGroup))
                        int    permissionsCount = mPriviledgesIni.CountKeys(userGroup);
                        string key, value;

                        // Foreach permission in userGroup...
                        for (int j = 0; j < permissionsCount; ++j)
                            key   = mPriviledgesIni.GetKeyNameByIndex(userGroup, j);
                            value = mPriviledgesIni.GetKeyByIndex(userGroup, j);

                            // Populate the permissions sorted list
                            availablePermissions.Add(key, value);
                        }                         // end for on permissions

                        if (mPriviledgesIni.SectionExist(userName))
                            int userPermissionsCount = mPriviledgesIni.CountKeys(userName);

                            // Foreach userPermission...
                            for (int k = 0; k < userPermissionsCount; ++k)
                                key   = mPriviledgesIni.GetKeyNameByIndex(userName, k);
                                value = mPriviledgesIni.GetKeyByIndex(userName, k);

                                string currentValue = (string)availablePermissions.GetByIndex(availablePermissions.IndexOfKey(key));

                                if (availablePermissions.ContainsKey(key) &&
                                    currentValue != value)
                                    string   newPermissionEntry = key + "=" + value;
                                    TreeNode overrideNode       = new TreeNode(newPermissionEntry);
                                    overrideNode.ForeColor = Color.Red;

                    // Foreach permission for this user...
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry userPermission in availablePermissions)
                        string   permissionEntry = userPermission.Key.ToString() + "=" + userPermission.Value.ToString();
                        TreeNode permissionNode  = new TreeNode(permissionEntry);
                        if (userPermission.Value.ToString().ToLower() == "true")
                            permissionNode.Checked = true;
                            permissionNode.Checked = false;

                    TreeNode groupNode = (TreeNode)groupNodeList.GetByIndex(groupNodeList.IndexOfKey(userGroup));
                }         // end for on users
            }             // end if on [Users]
Example #10
        public void TargetConsoleRemoveSync()
            // Build a list of exactly what should be on the xbox
            mGetFileCount     = true;
            mTotalFilesToCopy = 0;
            bool success = true;

            string CopyFileMap = mSourcePath + "\\MOG\\platformSincMap." + mMog.GetActivePlatform().mPlatformName + ".info";

            if (DosUtils.FileExist(CopyFileMap))
                if (!DosUtils.FileDelete(CopyFileMap))

            // Create the new map
            mPendingCopy = new MOG_Ini(CopyFileMap);

            mFileMapCreate = true;

            // Initialize our progress dialog
            mProgress = new CallbackDialogForm();
            string message = "Preforming platform remove data Sync: \n" +
                             "   Project Sync file map:" + mProjectSyncFile + "\n" +
                             "   User Sync file map:" + mUserSyncFile + "\n";

            mProgress.DialogInitialize("(" + mTargetConsole + ")Platform Remove Data Sync", message, "");

            for (int i = 0; i < mPlatformSync.CountKeys("FileMap"); i++)
                string sourcePath  = FormatString(mPlatformSync.GetKeyNameByIndex("FileMap", i).ToLower());
                string targetPath  = sourcePath.Replace(mSourcePath, mSyncRoot);
                string filePattern = mPlatformSync.GetKeyByIndex("FileMap", i).ToLower();
                success = SyncDirectories(sourcePath, filePattern, mSyncRoot);

                mProgress.DialogUpdate((i * 100) / mPlatformSync.CountKeys("FileMap"), sourcePath + "\n" + targetPath);

                // Create the needed directory on the xbox
                string newDirName = RemapDirectoryString(targetPath);
                if (mConsoleCopy)
                    if (!XboxUtils.FileExist(newDirName))
                        mPendingCopy.PutSectionString("CREATE_DIR", newDirName);
                    if (!DosUtils.FileExist(newDirName))
                        mPendingCopy.PutSectionString("CREATE_DIR", newDirName);

            if (mConsoleCopy)
                // Logon to correct xbox
                XboxUtils.SetXboxName(mTargetConsole, false);

            mProgress.DialogInitialize("Sync Remove", "Scanning console for non-needed assets", "");

            ArrayList deletableAssets = new ArrayList();

            // Verify the xbox for each of these files
            for (int j = 0; j < mPlatformSync.CountKeys("FileMap"); j++)
                string sourcePath = FormatString(mPlatformSync.GetKeyNameByIndex("FileMap", j).ToLower());
                string targetPath = sourcePath.Replace(mSourcePath, mSyncRoot);
                string walkFiles  = XboxUtils.GetFiles(targetPath + "\\");

                mProgress.DialogUpdate((j * 100) / mPlatformSync.CountKeys("FileMap"), sourcePath + "\n" + targetPath);

                if (walkFiles.Length != 0 && walkFiles.IndexOf(",") != -1)
                    string [] files = walkFiles.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                    for (int k = 0; k < files.Length; k++)
                        string targetFile = files[k];

                        if (Path.GetExtension(targetFile) != "")
                            // Check to see if this file exists in the map
                            if (!mPendingCopy.KeyExist("MAP", targetFile))
                                // Get the list of deletable assets

            mProgress = null;

            if (deletableAssets.Count != 0)
                if (guiConfirmDialog.MessageBoxDialog("Console Remove Sync", "Is is OK to Delete the Following Assets?", deletableAssets, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
                    // Delete the assets in the list from off the xbox
                    foreach (string str in guiConfirmDialog.SelectedItems)
                        string [] parts = str.Split(",;".ToCharArray());
                        if (parts != null && parts.Length >= 2)
                            string assetDeleteName = parts[0];
                MOG_REPORT.ShowMessageBox("Sync Remove", "This target does not have any files that need to be deleted", MessageBoxButtons.OK);