private void LibraryExploreButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory() != "")
Example #2
        private void LibraryListView_BeforeLabelEdit(object sender, LabelEditEventArgs e)
            ListViewItem renamedAsset = LibraryListView.Items[e.Item];
            string       fullName     = GetItemFullName(renamedAsset);

            // We can only rename assets that are not checked into MOG
            if (fullName.StartsWith(MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory()) == false)
                e.CancelEdit = true;
        override public void Refresh()
            // We only need to call the ListView's Deinitialize becasue the TreeView will eventually cause it to be repopulated
            // Refresh the tree view

            // Show our sync target
            this.LibraryTargetTextBox.Text = "(" + MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory() + ")";
            this.LibraryTargetTextBox.Tag  = MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory();

        private void LibraryTreeView_AfterSelect(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e)

            // We do not allow any items to be shown in classifications that are not in the library folder
            if (e.Node.FullPath.ToLower().IndexOf("library") != -1)

            LibraryTargetTextBox.Text = "(" + MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory() + ")" + "\\" + e.Node.FullPath.Replace("~", "\\");
        private void LibraryBrowseButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            dialog.RootFolder          = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop;
            dialog.ShowNewFolderButton = true;
            dialog.SelectedPath        = MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory();
            dialog.Description         = "Select a location to be the Library target.";

            DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                LibraryTargetTextBox.Text = "(" + MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory() + ")";
                LibraryTargetTextBox.Tag  = MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory();

                MogUtils_Settings.MogUtils_Settings.SaveSetting("Library", "TargetDirectory", dialog.SelectedPath);
Example #6
        public void RefreshItem(MOG_Command command)
            // No reason to bother if they have no library working directory
            if (MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory().Length == 0)

            // Make sure this contains an encapsulated command?
            MOG_Command encapsulatedCommand = command.GetCommand();

            if (encapsulatedCommand != null)
                // No reason to bother if they are in a different project
                if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName(), encapsulatedCommand.GetProject(), true) != 0)

                // Check if this encapsulatedCommand contains a valid assetFilename?
                if (encapsulatedCommand.GetAssetFilename().GetFilenameType() == MOG_FILENAME_TYPE.MOG_FILENAME_Asset)
                    // No reason to bother if this asset's classification doesn't match their mCurrentClassification
                    if (string.Compare(CurrentClassification, encapsulatedCommand.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetClassification(), true) != 0)

                // Can we find the asset node of this file?
                int itemid = FindListItem(encapsulatedCommand.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetFullName());
                if (itemid == -1)
                    // Check if this was a post command?
                    if (encapsulatedCommand.GetCommandType() == MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_Post)
                        // Create a new item
                        ListViewItem item = CreateListViewItemForAsset(encapsulatedCommand.GetAssetFilename());
                        if (item != null)
                            itemid = FindListItem(encapsulatedCommand.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetFullName());

                // Now check if we finally found our itemid?
                if (itemid != -1)
                    ListViewItem item = LibraryListView.Items[itemid];
                    if (item != null)
                        int classificationIdx  = FindColumn("Classification");
                        int nameIdx            = FindColumn("Name");
                        int statusIdx          = FindColumn("Status");
                        int userIdx            = FindColumn("User");
                        int commentIdx         = FindColumn("Comment");
                        int localFileIdx       = FindColumn("LocalFile");
                        int repositoryFileIdx  = FindColumn("RepositoryFile");
                        int localTimestampIdx  = FindColumn("Local Timestamp");
                        int serverTimestampIdx = FindColumn("Server Timestamp");
                        int fullname           = FindColumn("Fullname");
                        int extensionIdx       = FindColumn("Extension");

                        // Determin the type of encapsulated command
                        switch (encapsulatedCommand.GetCommandType())
                        case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRelease:
                        case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRelease:

                        case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRequest:
                        case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRequest:
                            string status   = "";
                            string comment  = encapsulatedCommand.GetDescription();
                            string username = encapsulatedCommand.GetUserName();
                            if (String.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName(), encapsulatedCommand.GetUserName(), true) == 0)
                                status = "CheckedOut";
                                status = "Locked";

                            item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetLockedBinaryIcon(item.SubItems[repositoryFileIdx].Text);
                            item.SubItems[commentIdx].Text = comment;
                            item.SubItems[userIdx].Text    = username;
                            item.SubItems[statusIdx].Text  = status;

                            UpdateListViewItemColors(item, status);

                        case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_Post:
                            item.SubItems[repositoryFileIdx].Text = MOG_ControllerLibrary.ConstructBlessedFilenameFromAssetName(encapsulatedCommand.GetAssetFilename());

                        case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RemoveAssetFromProject:
                            // Make sure to remove this file just incase it had been previously synced
                            // Proceed to delete this item

                        // Update the item's colors
                        UpdateListViewItemColors(item, item.SubItems[statusIdx].Text);
Example #7
        public void Populate(string classification)
            CurrentClassification            = classification;
            mCurrentClassificationProperties = new MOG_Properties(CurrentClassification);

            // For speed purposes, create 3 HybridDictionary lists
            // Populate the files that exist on the local hardrive
            string drivePath = Path.Combine(MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory(), MOG_Filename.GetClassificationPath(classification));

            string[] files = new string[] { };
            if (DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(drivePath))
                files = Directory.GetFiles(drivePath);
            HybridDictionary filesOnDisk = new HybridDictionary();

            foreach (string file in files)
                filesOnDisk[Path.GetFileName(file)] = file;
            // Populate the assets that exist in MOG
            ArrayList        assets      = MOG_ControllerAsset.GetAssetsByClassification(classification);
            HybridDictionary assetsInMOG = new HybridDictionary();

            foreach (MOG_Filename asset in assets)
                assetsInMOG[asset.GetAssetLabel()] = asset;
            // Create a master list
            HybridDictionary masterList = new HybridDictionary();

            foreach (string file in filesOnDisk.Values)
                masterList[Path.GetFileName(file)] = Path.GetFileName(file);
            foreach (MOG_Filename asset in assetsInMOG.Values)
                masterList[asset.GetAssetLabel()] = asset.GetAssetLabel();

            // Rebuild our LibraryListView
            mLibrarySortManager.SortEnabled = false;


            foreach (string file in masterList.Keys)
                // Check if this file is in MOG?
                if (assetsInMOG.Contains(file))
                    MOG_Filename asset = assetsInMOG[file] as MOG_Filename;

                    // Create the ListView item  for this asset
                    ListViewItem item = CreateListViewItemForAsset(asset);
                    string fullFilename = filesOnDisk[file] as string;
                    bool   bIsValid     = true;

                    // Check the classification's inclusion filter.
                    if (mCurrentClassificationProperties.FilterInclusions.Length > 0)
                        MOG.FilePattern inclusions = new MOG.FilePattern(mCurrentClassificationProperties.FilterInclusions);
                        if (inclusions.IsFilePatternMatch(Path.GetFileName(fullFilename)) == false)
                            bIsValid = false;
                    // Check the classification's exclusion filter.
                    if (mCurrentClassificationProperties.FilterExclusions.Length > 0)
                        MOG.FilePattern exclusions = new MOG.FilePattern(mCurrentClassificationProperties.FilterExclusions);
                        if (exclusions.IsFilePatternMatch(Path.GetFileName(fullFilename)) == true)
                            bIsValid = false;

                    // Check if we determined this to be a valid file to show?
                    if (bIsValid)
                        ListViewItem item = CreateListViewItemForFile(fullFilename);
                        UpdateListViewItemColors(item, "Unknown");

            mLibrarySortManager.SortEnabled = true;

            // Check if we have a mLastTopItem specified?
            if (mLastTopItem.Length > 0)
                LibraryListView.TopItem = LibraryListView.FindItemWithText(mLastTopItem);
                mLastTopItem            = "";
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the local branches data to locate all binaries that do not have a counterpart in the project database
        /// </summary>
        private bool LocateNonMogAssetsScanFiles(BackgroundWorker worker, string path, ArrayList rogueFiles, HybridDictionary MergeableAssets, string targetProjectPath, MOG_Properties classificationProperties)
            // Check if this is a library path?
            if (MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory().Length > 0 &&
                path.StartsWith(MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                // Build us our library classification for this library path
                string classification = MOG_ControllerLibrary.ConstructLibraryClassificationFromPath(path);
                // Check if this library classification exists?
                if (MOG_ControllerProject.IsValidClassification(classification))
                    // Obtain the properties for this library classification
                    classificationProperties = new MOG_Properties(classification);

            // Get all the files withing this directory
            FileInfo [] files = DosUtils.FileGetList(path, "*.*");
            if (files != null)
                // For each file, check to see if we have a DB link for that filename
                foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                    if (worker.CancellationPending)

                        // Check to see if we have a DB link for that filename
                        if (MergeableAssets.Contains(file.FullName) == false)
                            // Check if we have a classificationProperties?
                            if (classificationProperties != null)
                                // Make sure this does not violate the classification filters
                                // Check the classification's inclusion filter.
                                if (classificationProperties.FilterInclusions.Length > 0)
                                    FilePattern inclusions = new FilePattern(classificationProperties.FilterInclusions);
                                    if (inclusions.IsFilePatternMatch(file.FullName) == false)
                                        // Skip this file as it is not included
                                // Check the classification's exclusion filter.
                                if (classificationProperties.FilterExclusions.Length > 0)
                                    FilePattern exclusions = new FilePattern(classificationProperties.FilterExclusions);
                                    if (exclusions.IsFilePatternMatch(file.FullName) == true)
                                        // Skip this file as it is excluded

                            // Make sure it is not hidden
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(file.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == false)
                                // If no match was found, add to our list of rogue assets
                        // Needed just in case we have some files larger than 260 in length

            // Now check all these subDirs
            DirectoryInfo [] dirs = DosUtils.DirectoryGetList(path, "*.*");
            if (dirs != null)
                foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs)
                    // Make sure it is not hidden
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(dir.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == false)
                        // Scan their respective files
                        if (!LocateNonMogAssetsScanFiles(worker, dir.FullName, rogueFiles, MergeableAssets, targetProjectPath, classificationProperties))

Example #9
        private void LocateNonMogAssets_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            string           path   = e.Argument as string;

            // Determin our workspaceDirectory and platformName
            string workspaceDirectory = "";
            string relativePath       = "";
            string platformName       = "";

            // Check if this is a library path?
            if (MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory().Length > 0 &&
                path.StartsWith(MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                // Determin proper settings for the library
                workspaceDirectory = MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory();
                relativePath       = path.Substring(workspaceDirectory.Length).Trim("\\".ToCharArray());
                platformName       = "All";

                // Get the list of known MOG files within the workspace
                string    classification  = MOG_ControllerLibrary.ConstructLibraryClassificationFromPath(path);
                ArrayList containedAssets = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAllAssetsByParentClassification(classification);
                foreach (MOG_Filename thisAsset in containedAssets)
                    string thisPath     = MOG_ControllerLibrary.ConstructPathFromLibraryClassification(thisAsset.GetAssetClassification());
                    string thisFilename = Path.Combine(thisPath, thisAsset.GetAssetLabel());
                    mKnownSyncFiles.Add(thisFilename, thisFilename);
            // Check if this is a workspace path?
                workspaceDirectory = MOG_ControllerSyncData.DetectWorkspaceRoot(path);
                if (workspaceDirectory.Length > 0)
                    relativePath = path.Substring(workspaceDirectory.Length).Trim("\\".ToCharArray());
                    MOG_ControllerSyncData sync = MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController();
                    if (sync != null)
                        platformName = sync.GetPlatformName();

                        // Get the list of known MOG files within the workspace
                        ArrayList allFiles = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAllProjectSyncTargetFilesForPlatform(platformName);
                        foreach (string thisFile in allFiles)
                            // Trim thisFile just in case it has an extra '\' at the beginning (Needed for BioWare's formulaic sync target booboo)
                            string tempFile = thisFile.Trim("\\".ToCharArray());
                            // Check if this relative directory matches?
                            if (tempFile.StartsWith(relativePath, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                string filename = Path.Combine(workspaceDirectory, tempFile);
                                mKnownSyncFiles[filename] = filename;

            // Continue as long as we got at least one asset from the database
            ArrayList rogueFiles = new ArrayList();

            LocateNonMogAssetsScanFiles(worker, path, rogueFiles, mKnownSyncFiles, path, null);
            e.Result = rogueFiles;