/// <summary>
        /// This is an helper method, it will provide a list with all unknown assemblies, it will filter
        /// any Game, Unity, System and Guu assemblies as all as any assembly loaded by Guu when loading
        /// mods and any assembly loaded by SRML if SRML is present.
        /// NOTE THAT in terms of SRML false positives might appear, some assemblies get loaded that are
        /// not considered mods, this means they will still appear on this list.
        /// However most results will, most likely be, UMF Mods or some other kind.
        /// The file can be found in the root of the game's folder
        /// </summary>
        public static void GetAllUnknownAssemblies()
            HashSet <string> ignoreList = new HashSet <string>
                "0Harmony", "INIFileParser", "Newtonsoft.Json", "discord-rpc", "InControlNative", "steam_api64",
                "XInputInterface64", "DOTween", "InControl", "InControl.Examples", "Logger", "mscorlib", "SRML",
                "SRML.Editor", "System", "UnityEngine", "HarmonySharedState", "uModFramework", "PluginManager.Core",
                "BouncyCastle.Crypto", "Ionic.Zip.Unity"

            FileInfo dump = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "../unknownAssemblies.txt"));

            using (StreamWriter writer = dump.CreateText())
                foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                    string name = assembly.GetName().Name;

                    if (name.StartsWith("Assembly-") || name.StartsWith("System.") || name.StartsWith("Unity.") ||
                        name.StartsWith("UnityEngine.") || name.StartsWith("Guu.") || name.StartsWith("Mono.") ||
                        name.StartsWith("uModFramework.") || name.StartsWith("Eden.") || name.StartsWith("EdenUnity."))

                    if (MOD_CONTEXTS.ContainsKey(assembly))
                    if (GuuCore.ADDON_ASSEMBLIES.Contains(assembly))
                    if (ignoreList.Contains(name))
                    if (IsSRMLAssembly(assembly))


 /// <summary>Gets the mod context for the given type (searching from it's assembly). Or null if none if found</summary>
 public static ModContext GetModContext(Type typeForContext) => MOD_CONTEXTS.ContainsKey(typeForContext.Assembly) ? MOD_CONTEXTS[typeForContext.Assembly] : null;
 /// <summary>Gets the mod context for the given mod assembly. Or null if none if found</summary>
 public static ModContext GetModContext(Assembly modAssembly) => MOD_CONTEXTS.ContainsKey(modAssembly) ? MOD_CONTEXTS[modAssembly] : null;