private void OnUserAvatarClicked(User publicUser) { if (GetSocial.GetCurrentUser().Id.Equals(publicUser.Id)) { var popup = new MNPopup("Action", "Choose Action"); popup.AddAction("Show My Feed", () => OpenUserGlobalFeed(publicUser)); popup.AddAction("Cancel", () => { }); popup.Show(); } else { Communities.IsFriend(UserId.Create(publicUser.Id), isFriend => { if (isFriend) { var popup = new MNPopup("Action", "Choose Action"); popup.AddAction("Show " + publicUser.DisplayName + " Feed", () => OpenUserGlobalFeed(publicUser)); popup.AddAction("Remove from Friends", () => RemoveFriend(publicUser)); popup.AddAction("Cancel", () => { }); popup.Show(); } else { var popup = new MNPopup("Action", "Choose Action"); popup.AddAction("Show " + publicUser.DisplayName + " Feed", () => OpenUserGlobalFeed(publicUser)); popup.AddAction("Add to Friends", () => AddFriend(publicUser)); popup.AddAction("Cancel", () => { }); popup.Show(); } }, error => _console.LogE("Failed to check if friends with " + publicUser.DisplayName + ", error:" + error.Message)); } }
private void ShowPromoCode(string promoCode) { var popup = new MNPopup("Promo Code Info", promoCode); popup.AddAction("Share", () => SharePromoCode(promoCode)); popup.AddAction("Info", () => LoadInfoAndShow(promoCode)); popup.AddAction("Cancel", () => { }); popup.Show(); }
private void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) { if (!pauseStatus) { GetSocial.WhenInitialized(() => { if (_latestChatId != null) { ShowChat(); } else { GetSocial.GetReferralData( data => { var referralToken = ""; var message = "Referral data: " + data; string promoCode = null; if (data == null) { message = "No referral data"; } else { promoCode = data.ReferralLinkParams.ContainsKey(LinkParams.KeyPromoCode) ? data.ReferralLinkParams[LinkParams.KeyPromoCode] : null; referralToken = data.Token; } if (!referralToken.Equals(_latestReferralData)) { // show popup only if chat is not shown if (_latestChatId == null) { if (promoCode != null) { message += "\n\nPROMO CODE: " + promoCode; } var popup = new MNPopup("Referral Data", message); popup.AddAction("OK", () => { }); if (promoCode != null) { popup.AddAction("Claim Promo Code", () => PromoCodesSection.ClaimPromoCode(promoCode)); } popup.Show(); } _console.LogD(message); _latestReferralData = referralToken; } }, error => _console.LogE("Failed to get referral data: " + error.Message) ); } }); } else { GetSocialUi.CloseView(false); } }
void ReportActivityById() { var popup = new MNPopup("Report Activity", "What's wrong ?"); popup.AddAction("Spam", _ReportActivityById(ReportingReason.Spam)); popup.AddAction("Inappropriate Content", _ReportActivityById(ReportingReason.InappropriateContent)); popup.AddAction("Cancel", () => { }); popup.Show(); }
private static void ShowFullInfo(PromoCode promoCode) { var code = promoCode.Code; var popup = new MNPopup("Promo Code Info", FormatInfo(promoCode)); popup.AddAction("Share", () => SharePromoCode(code)); popup.AddAction("Copy", () => GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = code); popup.AddAction("Cancel", () => { }); popup.Show(); }
// BackToMap public void AskBackToMap() { if (!cancelWindowOpen) { cancelWindowOpen = true; MNPopup p = new MNPopup("Retour", "Voulez-vous retourner à la carte ?"); p.AddAction("Oui", () => { leavingWindowOpen = false; BackToMap(); }); p.AddAction("Non", () => { leavingWindowOpen = false; }); p.AddDismissListener(() => { leavingWindowOpen = false; }); p.Show(); } }
//////////////// Pop-up windows // Leave public void AskLeave() { if (!leavingWindowOpen) { leavingWindowOpen = true; MNPopup p = new MNPopup("Quitter", "Voulez-vous quitter l'application ?"); p.AddAction("Oui", () => { Leave(); }); p.AddAction("Non", () => { leavingWindowOpen = false; }); p.AddDismissListener(() => { leavingWindowOpen = false; }); p.Show(); } }
void OnGUI() { UpdateToStartPos(); GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Native Pop Ups", style); StartY += YLableStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Rate PopUp with events")) { MNRateUsPopup rateUs = new MNRateUsPopup("rate us", "rate us, please", "Rate Us", "No, Thanks", "Later"); rateUs.SetAppleId(appleId); rateUs.SetAndroidAppUrl(androidAppUrl); rateUs.AddDeclineListener(() => { Debug.Log("rate us declined"); }); rateUs.AddRemindListener(() => { Debug.Log("remind me later"); }); rateUs.AddRateUsListener(() => { Debug.Log("rate us!!!"); }); rateUs.AddDismissListener(() => { Debug.Log("rate us dialog dismissed :("); }); rateUs.Show(); } StartX += XButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Dialog PopUp")) { MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("title", "dialog message"); popup.AddAction("action1", () => { Debug.Log("action 1 action callback"); }); popup.AddAction("action2", () => { Debug.Log("action 2 action callback"); }); popup.AddDismissListener(() => { Debug.Log("dismiss listener"); }); popup.Show(); } StartX += XButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Message PopUp")) { MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("title", "dialog message"); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); popup.AddDismissListener(() => { Debug.Log("dismiss listener"); }); popup.Show(); } StartY += YButtonStep; StartX = XStartPos; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Show Prealoder")) { MNP.ShowPreloader("Title", "Message"); Invoke("OnPreloaderTimeOut", 3f); } StartX += XButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Hide Prealoder")) { MNP.HidePreloader(); } }
private static void ShowAlert(string title, string message) { var popup = new MNPopup(title, message); popup.AddAction("OK", () => {}); popup.Show(); }
public void ShowSuccessMessage() { MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("Success", "Skin Changed"); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); popup.Show(); }
protected void Update() { deltaTime += (Time.unscaledDeltaTime - deltaTime) * 0.1f; HandleAndroidBackButton(); if (_notification != null) { var notification = _notification; _notification = null; var popup = new MNPopup(notification.Title, notification.Text); notification.ActionButtons.ForEach(button => { popup.AddAction(button.Title, () => { ProcessAction(button.ActionId, notification); }); }); popup.AddAction("Dismiss", () => { }); popup.Show(); } }
public void ShowDialog(string title, string message) { //MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("title", "dialog message"); MNPopup popup = new MNPopup(title, message); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("OK action callback"); }); popup.AddAction("Cancel", () => { Debug.Log("Cancel action callback"); }); popup.AddDismissListener(() => { Debug.Log("dismiss listener"); }); popup.Show(); }
public static void ShowPopup(string title, string message) { var popup = new MNPopup(title, message); popup.AddAction("OK", () => {}); popup.Show(); }
void buttonClicked() { CommonData storeData = _common.gameObject.GetComponent <CommonData>(); if (DataObj.isScan == false || DataObj.isUserOwn == true) { if (detailIntro.text.Length == 0) { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Info", "Add some information about this step"); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); mNPopup.Show(); //EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Add some information about this step", "OK"); return; } StepDetail detail = storeData.newStrategy.steps[storeData.chosenStepIndex]; detail.stepDetailInfo = detailIntro.text; foreach (GameObject item in storeData.Operators) { Destroy(item); } } _common.cancelDetailBtn.SetActive(false); storeData.finishClicked = true; _common.IndetailActions = false; Destroy(gameObject); }
public void changeNickNameConfirm() { if (changeNickName.text.Length == 0) { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Error", "Please Input Correct!"); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); mNPopup.Show(); } else { ParseUser.CurrentUser["nickName"] = changeNickName.text; //MNP.ShowPreloader("", ""); ParseUser.CurrentUser.SaveAsync().ContinueWith(t => { MNP.HidePreloader(); if (t.IsFaulted) { // Errors from Parse Cloud and network interactions using (IEnumerator <System.Exception> enumerator = t.Exception.InnerExceptions.GetEnumerator()) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ParseException error = (ParseException)enumerator.Current; // error.Message will contain an error message // error.Code will return "OtherCause" UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(showErrorWithMessage(error.Message)); } } } else { UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(changedNickname()); } }); } }
public void forgetSendEmail() { if (forgetEmail.text.Length == 0) { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Error", "Please Input Correct!"); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); mNPopup.Show(); } else { //MNP.ShowPreloader("", ""); ParseUser.RequestPasswordResetAsync(forgetEmail.text).ContinueWith(t => { MNP.HidePreloader(); if (t.IsFaulted) { // Errors from Parse Cloud and network interactions using (IEnumerator <System.Exception> enumerator = t.Exception.InnerExceptions.GetEnumerator()) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ParseException error = (ParseException)enumerator.Current; // error.Message will contain an error message // error.Code will return "OtherCause" UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(showErrorWithMessage(error.Message)); } } } else { UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(showSuccessWithMessage("Send Email Successful!")); } }); } }
/*********** FIN BOUTONS ***********/ public void Error(string msg) { MNPopup p = new MNPopup("Erreur", msg); p.AddAction("Ok", () => { }); p.Show(); }
public void GetStrategyBySearchId() { if (searchNumberId.text.Length == 0) { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Error", "Please Input Correct!"); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); mNPopup.Show(); return; } //MNP.ShowPreloader("", "..."); amountNow = 0; var query = ParseObject.GetQuery("Strategy").WhereEqualTo("numberId", searchNumberId.text).WhereEqualTo("mapName", mapName); amountNow += 10; query = query.Limit(10); Debug.Log("searchClicked"); query.FindAsync().ContinueWith(t => { Debug.Log("searchDone"); results = t.Result.ToList(); getData = true; Debug.Log(results); //MNP.HidePreloader(); //AddButtonList(results); //Debug.Log(results); AggregateException ex = t.Exception as AggregateException; if (ex != null) { ParseException inner = ex.InnerExceptions[0] as ParseException; Debug.Log(inner.Code + "///////" + inner.Message); } }); searchNumberId.text = ""; }
private static void ShowFullInfoWithoutActions(PromoCode promoCode, string title) { var code = promoCode.Code; var popup = new MNPopup(title, FormatInfo(promoCode)); popup.AddAction("OK", () => { }); popup.Show(); }
public static void InfoBox(string title, string message) { MNPopup popup = new MNPopup(title, message); popup.AddAction("Continue", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); popup.AddDismissListener(() => { Debug.Log("dismiss listener"); }); popup.Show(); }
IEnumerator showSuccessWithMessage(string message) { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Succeed!", message); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); mNPopup.Show(); yield return(null); }
public static void TransitionalPopUp(string title, string message) { // Always transitions to world! MNPopup popup = new MNPopup(title, message); popup.AddAction("Continue", () => { GameController.SwitchToWorld(); }); popup.AddDismissListener(() => { GameController.SwitchToWorld(); }); popup.Show(); }
void OnActivityActionClicked(string actionId, ActivityPost post) { var message = string.Format("Activity feed button clicked, action type: {0}", actionId); var popup = new MNPopup("Info", message); popup.AddAction("OK", () => {}); popup.Show(); _console.LogD(message); }
IEnumerator createSuccess() { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Succeed!", "Create Successful!"); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { createSuccessConfirm(); }); mNPopup.Show(); yield return(null); }
private void OnPushIdLoaded(UM_PushRegistrationResult res) { if (res.IsSucceeded) { MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("Succeeded", "Device Id: " + res.deviceId); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => {}); popup.Show(); } else { MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("Failed", "No device id"); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => {}); popup.Show(); } }
public void JoinNow() { if (roomName.text.Length > 0) { DataObj.isJoin = true; DataObj.roomNameString = roomName.text; DataObj.lbc.AddCallbackTarget(contentPanel.GetComponent <MapListScrollview>()); DataObj.lbc.ConnectToRegionMaster(DataObj.regionCode); } else { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Error", "Please Input Correct!"); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); mNPopup.Show(); } }
void OnImageSaved(UM_ImageSaveResult result) { UM_Camera.Instance.OnImageSaved -= OnImageSaved; if (result.IsSucceeded) { //no image path for IOS MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("Image Saved", result.imagePath); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => {}); popup.Show(); } else { MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("Failed", "Image Save Failed"); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => {}); popup.Show(); } }
public void confirmAction() { if (ControlObj.GetComponent <CommonControl>().canDrawLine || ControlObj.GetComponent <PaintOnMap>().isModify) { descriptionText.text = textField.text; gameObject.SetActive(false); ControlObj.GetComponent <PaintOnMap>().isModify = false; } else { if (textField.text.Length == 0) { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Info", "Add some information about this step"); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); mNPopup.Show(); //EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Add some information about this step", "OK", "Cancel"); return; } OperatorData objdata = operatorObj.GetComponent <OperatorData>(); CommonData storeData = ControlObj.GetComponent <CommonData>(); StepDetail detail = storeData.newStrategy.steps[storeData.chosenStepIndex]; Debug.Log(JsonUtility.ToJson(objdata)); //Text infotext = textCanvas.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(); //infotext.text = "Detail"; //int stepIndex = objdata.actionNumber; foreach (StepDetailAction step in detail.detailActions) { if (step.createTime.Equals(objdata.createTime)) { step.actionInfo = textField.text; } } objdata.actionInfo = textField.text; Debug.Log(JsonUtility.ToJson(storeData)); textField.text = ""; storeData.isUpdated = true; gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public void createUserClicked() { if (createEmail.text.Length == 0 || createPassword.text.Length == 0 || createUsername.text.Length == 0) { MNPopup mNPopup = new MNPopup("Error", "Please Input Correct!"); mNPopup.AddAction("Ok", () => { Debug.Log("Ok action callback"); }); mNPopup.Show(); } else { var user = new ParseUser(); user.Username = createUsername.text; user.Password = createPassword.text; user.Email = createEmail.text; // other fields can be set just like with ParseObject user["nickName"] = createUsername.text; //MNP.ShowPreloader("", "Creating..."); user.SignUpAsync().ContinueWith(t => { MNP.HidePreloader(); if (t.IsFaulted) { // Errors from Parse Cloud and network interactions using (IEnumerator <System.Exception> enumerator = t.Exception.InnerExceptions.GetEnumerator()) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ParseException error = (ParseException)enumerator.Current; // error.Message will contain an error message // error.Code will return "OtherCause" UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(showErrorWithMessage(error.Message)); } } } else { UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(createSuccess()); } }); } }
void OnImageSaved(UM_ImageSaveResult result) { if (result.IsSucceeded) { //no image path for IOS MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("Image Saved", result.imagePath); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => {}); popup.Show(); activeSomeButtons(); } else { MNPopup popup = new MNPopup("Failed", "Image Save Failed"); popup.AddAction("Ok", () => {}); popup.Show(); activeSomeButtons(); } }