Example #1
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine); // Get the target
            if (m_fIsIncluded)
            {                                  // Included content
                MHOctetString included = new MHOctetString();
                m_Included.GetValue(included, engine);
                engine.FindObject(target).SetData(included, engine);
                MHContentRef referenced = new MHContentRef();
                int          size, cc;
                m_Referenced.GetValue(referenced, engine);
                if (m_fSizePresent)
                    size = m_ContentSize.GetValue(engine);
                    size = 0;
                if (m_fCCPriorityPresent)
                    cc = m_CCPriority.GetValue(engine);
                    cc = 0;
                engine.FindObject(target).SetData(referenced, m_fSizePresent, size, m_fCCPriorityPresent, cc, engine);
Example #2
 public override void Activation(MHEngine engine)
     if (m_fRunning)
     // We're supposed to apply Activation to each of the "items" but it isn't clear
     // exactly what that means.  Assume it means each of the visibles.
     for (int i = 0; i < m_TokenGrpItems.Size; i++)
         MHObjectRef pObject = m_TokenGrpItems.GetAt(i).Object;
         // The object reference may be the null reference.
         // Worse: it seems that sometimes in BBC's MHEG the reference simply doesn't exist.
         if (pObject.IsSet())
             } catch (MHEGException) {}
     engine.EventTriggered(this, EventTokenMovedTo, new MHUnion(m_nTokenPosition));
     m_fRunning = true;
     engine.EventTriggered(this, EventIsRunning);
Example #3
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine); // Get the item to set.
            MHColour newColour = new MHColour();

            switch (m_ColourType)
            case CT_None:
                // If the colour is not specified use "transparent".

            case CT_Absolute:
                MHOctetString colour = new MHOctetString();
                m_Absolute.GetValue(colour, engine);

            case CT_Indexed:
            SetColour(newColour, engine); // Set the colour of the appropriate portion of the visible
Example #4
        // Look up the target
        protected MHRoot Target(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine);
Example #5
        private MHSequence <MHParameter> m_Parameters; // Arguments.

        public MHCall(string name, bool bIsFork)
            : base(name)
            m_Succeeded  = new MHObjectRef();
            m_Parameters = new MHSequence <MHParameter>();
            m_bIsFork    = bIsFork;
Example #6
        // Check this link to see if the event matches the requirements.  If the link does not specify
        // any event data the link fires whatever the value of the data.
        public void MatchEvent(MHObjectRef sourceRefRef, int ev, MHUnion evData, MHEngine engine)
            Logging.Assert(RunningStatus); // Should now be true if we call this.
            if (RunningStatus && m_nEventType == ev && sourceRefRef.Equal(m_EventSource, engine))
            {                              // Source and event type match.
                bool fMatch = false;
                switch (m_EventData.Type)
                case MHUnion.U_None: fMatch = true; break; // No data specified - always matches.

                case MHUnion.U_Bool: evData.CheckType(MHUnion.U_Bool);
                    fMatch = evData.Bool == m_EventData.Bool; break;

                case MHUnion.U_Int: evData.CheckType(MHUnion.U_Int); fMatch = evData.Int == m_EventData.Int; break;

                case MHUnion.U_String: evData.CheckType(MHUnion.U_String); fMatch = evData.String.Equal(m_EventData.String); break;

                default: Logging.Log(Logging.MHLogWarning, "Unmatched Event: " + m_EventData.Type); Logging.Assert(false); break; // Should only be the above types.
                // Fire the link
                if (fMatch)
                    Logging.Log(Logging.MHLogLinks, "Link fired - " + m_ObjectIdentifier.Printable());
Example #7
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine);
Example #8
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef reference = new MHObjectRef();

            m_RefObject.GetValue(reference, engine);
            CallAction(engine, Target(engine), engine.FindObject(reference));
Example #9
 public MHVisible()
     m_OriginalPaletteRef = new MHObjectRef();
     m_PaletteRef = new MHObjectRef();
     m_nOriginalBoxWidth = m_nOriginalBoxHeight = -1; // Should always be specified.
     m_nOriginalPosX = m_nOriginalPosY = 0; // Default values.
Example #10
 public virtual void SI_GetBasicSI(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     // Returns basic SI information about the service indicated by an index
     // returned by GSI.
     // Returns networkID, origNetworkID, transportStreamID, serviceID
Example #11
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef item = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Item.GetValue(item, engine);
            Target(engine).AddItem(m_Index.GetValue(engine), engine.FindObject(item), engine);
Example #12
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine); // Get the target
Example #13
 public MHPersistent(string name, bool bIsLoad)
     : base(name)
     m_bIsLoad   = bIsLoad;
     m_Succeeded = new MHObjectRef();
     m_Variables = new MHSequence <MHObjectRef>();
     m_FileName  = new MHGenericOctetString();
Example #14
 public virtual void SearchAndExtractSubString(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     if (args.Size == 5)
         // Find a substring within a string and return an index to the position
         // and the prefix to the substring.
         MHOctetString str          = new MHOctetString();
         MHOctetString searchString = new MHOctetString();
         GetString(args.GetAt(0), str, engine);
         int nStart = GetInt(args.GetAt(1), engine);
         if (nStart < 1)
             nStart = 1;
         GetString(args.GetAt(2), searchString, engine);
         // Strings are indexed from one.
         int nPos;
         for (nPos = nStart - 1; nPos <= str.Size - searchString.Size; nPos++)
             int i;
             for (i = 0; i < searchString.Size; i++)
                 if (searchString.GetAt(i) != str.GetAt(i + nPos))
                     break;                                               // Doesn't match
             if (i == searchString.Size)
                 break;                         // Found a match.
         // Set the results.
         MHParameter pResString = args.GetAt(3);
         MHParameter pResInt    = args.GetAt(4);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, true, engine); // Set this first.
         if (nPos <= str.Size - searchString.Size)
             // Found
             // Set the index to the position AFTER the string, counting from 1.
             engine.FindObject(pResInt.GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(nPos + 1 + searchString.Size));
             // Return the sequence from nStart - 1 of length nPos - nStart + 1
             MHOctetString resultString = new MHOctetString(str, nStart - 1, nPos - nStart + 1);
             engine.FindObject(pResString.GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(resultString));
             // Not found.  Set the result string to empty and the result index to -1
             engine.FindObject(pResInt.GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(-1));
             engine.FindObject(pResString.GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(new MHOctetString("")));
         SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);
Example #15
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine); // Get the target
            MHUnion testValue = new MHUnion();

            testValue.GetValueFrom(m_Comparison, engine);                           // Get the actual value to compare.
            engine.FindObject(target).TestVariable(m_nOperator, testValue, engine); // Do the test.
Example #16
 public MHVisible(MHVisible reference) : base(reference)
     m_OriginalPaletteRef = new MHObjectRef();
     m_PaletteRef = new MHObjectRef();
     m_nOriginalBoxWidth = reference.m_nOriginalBoxWidth;
     m_nOriginalBoxHeight = reference.m_nOriginalBoxHeight;
     m_nOriginalPosX = reference.m_nOriginalPosX;
     m_nOriginalPosY = reference.m_nOriginalPosY;
Example #17
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine); // Get the target
            MHUnion newValue = new MHUnion();

            newValue.GetValueFrom(m_NewValue, engine);            // Get the actual value to set.
            engine.FindObject(target).SetVariableValue(newValue); // Set the value.
Example #18
        public override void CallAction(MHEngine engine, MHRoot pTarget, MHRoot pObj)
            // We need to get the group (scene or application) that contains the target.
            MHObjectRef groupRef = new MHObjectRef();

            groupRef.ObjectNo = 0; // The group always has object ref zero.
            MHRoot pGroup = engine.FindObject(groupRef);

            // Get the group to make the clone and add it to its ingredients.
            pGroup.MakeClone(pTarget, pObj, engine);
Example #19
 public override void GetListItem(int nCell, MHObjectRef itemDest, MHEngine engine)
     if (m_fWrapAround)
         nCell = AdjustIndex(nCell);
     if (nCell < 1 || nCell > m_ItemList.Count)
         return;                                        // Ignore it if it's out of range and not wrapping
     engine.FindObject(itemDest).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(m_ItemList[nCell - 1].Visible.ObjectIdentifier));
Example #20
 public override void GetItemStatus(int nCell, MHObjectRef itemDest, MHEngine engine)
     if (m_fWrapAround)
         nCell = AdjustIndex(nCell);
     if (nCell < 1 || nCell > (int)m_ItemList.Count)
     engine.FindObject(itemDest).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(m_ItemList[nCell - 1].Selected));
Example #21
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine); // Get the target - this should always be the application
            MHOctetString fileName = new MHOctetString();

            m_FileName.GetValue(fileName, engine);
            bool fResult = engine.LoadStorePersistent(m_bIsLoad, fileName, m_Variables);

            engine.FindObject(m_Succeeded).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(fResult));
Example #22
 public virtual void SI_TuneIndex(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     // Tunes to an index returned by GSI
     if (args.Size == 1)
         int  nChannel = GetInt(args.GetAt(0), engine);
         bool res      = engine.GetContext().TuneTo(nChannel);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, res, engine);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);
Example #23
        public override void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
            base.Initialise(p, engine); // Target
            m_Succeeded.Initialise(p.GetArgN(1), engine);
            MHParseNode pVarSeq = p.GetArgN(2);

            for (int i = 0; i < pVarSeq.GetSeqCount(); i++)
                MHObjectRef pVar = new MHObjectRef();
                pVar.Initialise(pVarSeq.GetSeqN(i), engine);
            m_FileName.Initialise(p.GetArgN(3), engine);
Example #24
 public virtual void SearchSubString(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     if (args.Size == 4)
         // Find a substring within a string and return an index to the position.
         MHOctetString str          = new MHOctetString();
         MHOctetString searchString = new MHOctetString();
         GetString(args.GetAt(0), str, engine);
         int nStart = GetInt(args.GetAt(1), engine);
         if (nStart < 1)
             nStart = 1;
         GetString(args.GetAt(2), searchString, engine);
         // Strings are indexed from one.
         int nPos;
         for (nPos = nStart - 1; nPos <= str.Size - searchString.Size; nPos++)
             int i;
             for (i = 0; i < searchString.Size; i++)
                 if (searchString.GetAt(i) != str.GetAt(i + nPos))
             if (i == searchString.Size)
                 break;                         // Found a match.
         // Set the result.
         MHParameter pResInt = args.GetAt(3);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, true, engine); // Set this first.
         if (nPos <= str.Size - searchString.Size)
         {                                      // Found
             // Set the index to the position of the string, counting from 1.
             engine.FindObject(pResInt.GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(nPos + 1));
         { // Not found.  Set the result index to -1
             engine.FindObject(pResInt.GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(-1));
         SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);
Example #25
 public virtual void Random(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     if (args.Size == 2)
         int         nLimit          = GetInt(args.GetAt(0), engine);
         MHParameter pResInt         = args.GetAt(1);
         Random      randomGenerator = new Random();
         engine.FindObject((pResInt.GetReference())).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(randomGenerator.Next(nLimit) + 1));
         SetSuccessFlag(success, true, engine);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);
Example #26
        public override void Perform(MHEngine engine)
            // This is a special case.  If the object does not exist we set the result to false.
            MHObjectRef target = new MHObjectRef();

            m_Target.GetValue(target, engine); // Get the target
            MHRoot pObject = engine.FindObject(target, false);
            bool   fResult = false;            // Default result.

            if (pObject == null)
                fResult = pObject.AvailabilityStatus;
            engine.FindObject(m_ResultVar).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(fResult));
Example #27
 public virtual void CastToObjectRef(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     // Converts a string and an integer to an ObjectRef.
     if (args.Size == 3)
         MHObjectRef result = new MHObjectRef();
         GetString(args.GetAt(0), result.GroupId, engine);
         result.ObjectNo = GetInt(args.GetAt(1), engine);
         engine.FindObject(args.GetAt(2).GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(result));
         SetSuccessFlag(success, true, engine);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);
Example #28
 public virtual void GetStringLength(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     if (args.Size == 2)
         // Find a substring within a string and return an index to the position.
         MHOctetString str = new MHOctetString();
         GetString(args.GetAt(0), str, engine);
         MHParameter pResInt = args.GetAt(1);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, true, engine);
         engine.FindObject(pResInt.GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(str.Size));
         SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);
Example #29
        public virtual void GetDayOfWeek(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
            if (args.Size == 2)
                int      date       = GetInt(args.GetAt(0), engine); // Date as produced in GCD
                DateTime dt         = new DateTime(1858, 11, 17);
                int      nDayOfWeek = (int)dt.AddDays(date).DayOfWeek;

                engine.FindObject(args.GetAt(1).GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(nDayOfWeek));
                SetSuccessFlag(success, true, engine);
                SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);
Example #30
 public virtual void CastToContentRef(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     // Converts a string to a ContentRef.
     if (args.Size == 2)
         MHOctetString str = new MHOctetString();
         GetString(args.GetAt(0), str, engine);
         MHContentRef result = new MHContentRef();
         engine.FindObject(args.GetAt(1).GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(result));
         SetSuccessFlag(success, true, engine);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);