Example #1
        // Called from an ingredient to request a load of external content.
        public void RequestExternalContent(MHIngredient pRequester)
            // It seems that some MHEG applications contain active ingredients with empty contents
            // This isn't correct but we simply ignore that.
            if (!pRequester.ContentRef.IsSet())
            // Remove any existing content requests for this ingredient.
            string csPath = GetPathName(pRequester.ContentRef.ContentRef);

            // Is this actually a carousel object?  It could be a stream.  We should deal
            // with that separately.
            if (csPath.Length == 0)
            byte[] text;
            if (m_Context.CheckCarouselObject(csPath) && m_Context.GetCarouselData(csPath, out text))
                // Available now - pass it to the ingredient.
                pRequester.ContentArrived(text, this);
                // Need to record this and check later.
                MHExternContent pContent = new MHExternContent();
                pContent.FileName  = csPath;
                pContent.Requester = pRequester;
Example #2
        // This isn't an MHEG action as such but is used as part of the implementation of "Clone"
        public override void MakeClone(MHRoot pTarget, MHRoot pRef, MHEngine engine)
            MHIngredient pClone = pTarget.Clone(engine);                      // Clone it.

            pClone.ObjectIdentifier.GroupId.Copy(m_ObjectIdentifier.GroupId); // Group id is the same as this.
            pClone.ObjectIdentifier.ObjectNo = ++m_nLastId;                   // Create a new object id.
            // Set the object reference result to the newly constructed ref.
            pRef.SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(pClone.ObjectIdentifier));
            pClone.Preparation(engine); // Prepare the clone.
Example #3
 public void CancelExternalContentRequest(MHIngredient pRequester)
     foreach (MHExternContent content in m_ExternContentTable)
         if (content.Requester == pRequester)
Example #4
 public override void Preparation(MHEngine engine)
     // Prepare the ingredients first if they are initially active or are initially available programs.
     for (int i = 0; i < m_Items.Size; i++)
         MHIngredient pIngredient = m_Items.GetAt(i);
         if (pIngredient.InitiallyActive() || pIngredient.InitiallyAvailable())
     base.Preparation(engine); // Prepare the root object and send the IsAvailable event.
Example #5
 public override void Activation(MHEngine engine)
     if (RunningStatus)
     // Run any start-up actions.
     // Activate the ingredients in order.
     for (int i = 0; i < m_Items.Size; i++)
         MHIngredient pIngredient = m_Items.GetAt(i);
         if (pIngredient.InitiallyActive())
     m_fRunning = true;
     // Record the time here.  This is the basis for absolute times.
     m_StartTime = MHTimer.getCurrentTimeSpan();
     // Don't generate IsRunning here - that's done by the sub-classes.
Example #6
        // Set this up from the parse tree.
        public override void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
            // Set to empty before we start (just in case).

            base.Initialise(p, engine);

            // Must be an external reference with an object number of zero.
            Logging.Assert(m_ObjectIdentifier.ObjectNo == 0 && m_ObjectIdentifier.GroupId.Size != 0);

            // Set the group id for the rest of the group to this.

            // Some of the information is irrelevant.
            //  MHParseNode pStdId = p.GetNamedArg(C_STANDARD_IDENTIFIER);
            //  MHParseNode pStdVersion = p.GetNamedArg(C_STANDARD_VERSION);
            //  MHParseNode pObjectInfo = p.GetNamedArg(C_OBJECT_INFORMATION);

            MHParseNode pOnStartUp = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_ON_START_UP);

            if (pOnStartUp != null)
                m_StartUp.Initialise(pOnStartUp, engine);
            MHParseNode pOnCloseDown = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_ON_CLOSE_DOWN);

            if (pOnCloseDown != null)
                m_CloseDown.Initialise(pOnCloseDown, engine);
            MHParseNode pOriginalGCPrio = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_ORIGINAL_GC_PRIORITY);

            if (pOriginalGCPrio != null)
                m_nOrigGroupCachePriority = pOriginalGCPrio.GetArgN(0).GetIntValue();

            // Ignore the other stuff at the moment.
            MHParseNode pItems = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_ITEMS);

            if (pItems == null)
                p.Failure("Missing :Items block");
            for (int i = 0; i < pItems.GetArgCount(); i++)
                MHParseNode  pItem       = pItems.GetArgN(i);
                MHIngredient pIngredient = null;

                // Generate the particular kind of ingredient.
                switch (pItem.GetTagNo())
                case ASN1Codes.C_RESIDENT_PROGRAM: pIngredient = new MHResidentProgram(); break;

//  NOT UK                  case ASN1Codes.C_REMOTE_PROGRAM: pIngredient = new MHRemoteProgram(); break;
//  NOT UK                  case ASN1Codes.C_INTERCHANGED_PROGRAM: pIngredient = new MHInterChgProgram(); break;
//  NOT UK                  case ASN1Codes.C_PALETTE: pIngredient = new MHPalette(); break;
//  NOT UK                  case ASN1Codes.C_FONT: pIngredient = new MHFont(); break;
//  NOT UK                  case ASN1Codes.C_CURSOR_SHAPE: pIngredient = new MHCursorShape(); break;
                case ASN1Codes.C_BOOLEAN_VARIABLE: pIngredient = new MHBooleanVar(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_INTEGER_VARIABLE: pIngredient = new MHIntegerVar(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_OCTET_STRING_VARIABLE: pIngredient = new MHOctetStrVar(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_OBJECT_REF_VARIABLE: pIngredient = new MHObjectRefVar(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_CONTENT_REF_VARIABLE: pIngredient = new MHContentRefVar(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_LINK: pIngredient = new MHLink(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_STREAM: pIngredient = new MHStream(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_BITMAP: pIngredient = new MHBitmap(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_LINE_ART: pIngredient = new MHLineArt(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_DYNAMIC_LINE_ART: pIngredient = new MHDynamicLineArt(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_RECTANGLE: pIngredient = new MHRectangle(); break;

// NOT UK                   case ASN1Codes.C_HOTSPOT: pIngredient = new MHHotSpot(); break;
// NOT UK                   case ASN1Codes.C_SWITCH_BUTTON: pIngredient = new MHSwitchButton(); break;
// NOT UK                   case ASN1Codes.C_PUSH_BUTTON: pIngredient = new MHPushButton(); break;
                case ASN1Codes.C_TEXT: pIngredient = new MHText(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_ENTRY_FIELD: pIngredient = new MHEntryField(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_HYPER_TEXT: pIngredient = new MHHyperText(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_SLIDER: pIngredient = new MHSlider(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_TOKEN_GROUP: pIngredient = new MHTokenGroup(); break;

                case ASN1Codes.C_LIST_GROUP: pIngredient = new MHListGroup(); break;

                    // So we find out about these when debugging.
                    Logging.Log(Logging.MHLogError, "'" + pItem.GetTagNo() + "' tag not in switch");

                    // Future proofing: ignore any ingredients that we don't know about.
                    // Obviously these can only arise in the binary coding.
                if (pIngredient != null)
                    // Initialise it from its argments.
                    pIngredient.Initialise(pItem, engine);
                    // Remember the highest numbered ingredient
                    if (pIngredient.ObjectIdentifier.ObjectNo > m_nLastId)
                        m_nLastId = pIngredient.ObjectIdentifier.ObjectNo;
                    // Add it to the ingedients of this group.
Example #7
        public void TransitionToScene(MHObjectRef target)
            int i;

            if (m_fInTransition)
                // TransitionTo is not allowed in OnStartUp or OnCloseDown actions.
                Logging.Log(Logging.MHLogWarning, "TransitionTo during transition - ignoring");
            if (target.GroupId.Size == 0)
                return;                           // No file name.
            string csPath = GetPathName(target.GroupId);

            // Check that the file exists before we commit to the transition.
            byte[] text;
            if (!m_Context.GetCarouselData(csPath, out text))

            // Parse and run the file.
            MHGroup pProgram = ParseProgram(text);

            if (pProgram.IsApp)
                throw new MHEGException("Expected a scene");
            // Clear the action queue of anything pending.

            // At this point we have managed to load the scene.
            // Deactivate any non-shared ingredients in the application.
            MHApplication pApp = CurrentApp();

            for (i = pApp.Items.Size; i > 0; i--)
                MHIngredient pItem = pApp.Items.GetAt(i - 1);
                if (!pItem.IsShared())
                    pItem.Deactivation(this);                    // This does not remove them from the display stack.
            m_fInTransition = true; // TransitionTo etc are not allowed.
            if (pApp.CurrentScene != null)
                pApp.CurrentScene.Deactivation(this); // This may involve a call to RunActions
            // Everything that belongs to the previous scene should have been removed from the display stack.

            // At this point we may have added actions to the queue as a result of synchronous
            // events during the deactivation.

            // Remove any events from the asynch event queue unless they derive from
            // the application itself or a shared ingredient.
            List <MHAsynchEvent> removeEvents = new List <MHAsynchEvent>();

            foreach (MHAsynchEvent e in m_EventQueue)
                if (!e.EventSource.IsShared())
            foreach (MHAsynchEvent e in removeEvents)

            // Can now actually delete the old scene.
            if (pApp.CurrentScene != null)
                pApp.CurrentScene = null;

            // Switch to the new scene.
            CurrentApp().CurrentScene = (MHScene)pProgram;

            m_redrawRegion = new Region(new Rectangle(0, 0, CurrentScene().SceneCoordX, CurrentScene().SceneCoordY)); // Redraw the whole screen

            if ((Logging.GetLoggingLevel() & Logging.MHLogScenes) != 0)
            { // Print it so we know what's going on.
                pProgram.Print(Logging.GetLoggingStream(), 0);

            m_fInTransition = false; // The transition is complete