public static List <Curve> getSmothMeshEdges(MFnMesh mayaMesh, bool createInMaya = false) { //MCommandResult result = new MCommandResult(); int ne = mayaMesh.numEdges; MFnTransform group = new MFnTransform(); List <Curve> curveObjects = new List <Curve>(ne); MStringArray resultStr = new MStringArray(); var fullName = mayaMesh.fullPathName.Split('|'); string transformName = fullName[fullName.Length - 2]; if (createInMaya) { for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { using (MCommandResult result = new MCommandResult()) { MGlobal.executeCommand( $"polyToCurve -name {transformName}Curves -form 2 -degree 3 -conformToSmoothMeshPreview 1 {transformName}.e[{i}]", result); result.getResult(resultStr); curveObjects.Add( DMCurve.CurveFromMfnNurbsCurveFromName(resultStr[0], MSpace.Space.kPostTransform.ToString())); } } } else { //Parallel.For(0, ne, i => { for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { using (MCommandResult result = new MCommandResult()) { MGlobal.executeCommand( $"polyToCurve -name deleteMe11232204332AA -form 2 -degree 3 -conformToSmoothMeshPreview 1 {transformName}.e[{i}]", result); result.getResult(resultStr); curveObjects.Add( DMCurve.CurveFromMfnNurbsCurveFromName(resultStr[0], MSpace.Space.kPostTransform.ToString())); try { MGlobal.deleteNode(DMInterop.getDependNode(resultStr[0])); } catch { MGlobal.displayWarning("getSmothMeshEdges: unable to delete temp object"); } } } // }); } return(curveObjects); }
public static List <List <Curve> > getSmothMeshEdgesPerFace(MFnMesh mayaMesh, bool createInMaya = false) { MCommandResult ptcResult = new MCommandResult(); MCommandResult teResult = new MCommandResult(); int numPoly = mayaMesh.numPolygons; List <List <Curve> > curveObjects = new List <List <Curve> >(numPoly); MStringArray ptcResultStr = new MStringArray(); MStringArray teResultStr = new MStringArray(); MStringArray teResultStrFlat = new MStringArray(); List <Curve> tempCurveArray = null; if (createInMaya) { } else { for (int i = 0; i < numPoly; i++) { MGlobal.executeCommand($"polyListComponentConversion -te {}.f[{i}]", teResult); teResult.getResult(teResultStr); MGlobal.clearSelectionList(); foreach (var ters in teResultStr) { MGlobal.selectByName(ters, MGlobal.ListAdjustment.kAddToList); } MGlobal.executeCommand($"ls -sl -fl", teResult); teResult.getResult(teResultStrFlat); tempCurveArray = new List <Curve>((int)teResultStrFlat.length); foreach (var e in teResultStrFlat) { MGlobal.executeCommand($"polyToCurve -name deleteMe11232204332AA -form 2 -degree 3 -conformToSmoothMeshPreview 1 {e}", ptcResult); ptcResult.getResult(ptcResultStr); tempCurveArray.Add(DMCurve.CurveFromMfnNurbsCurveFromName(ptcResultStr[0], MSpace.Space.kPostTransform.ToString())); try { MGlobal.deleteNode(DMInterop.getDependNode(ptcResultStr[0])); } catch { MGlobal.displayWarning("getSmothMeshEdges: unable to delete temp object"); } } curveObjects.Add(tempCurveArray); } } return(curveObjects); }
protected void clearResults(MPx3dModelView view) { MObject cstObj = MObject.kNullObj; try { view.getCameraSet(cstObj); view.setCameraSet(MObject.kNullObj); MGlobal.deleteNode(cstObj); } catch (Exception) { } fCameraList.clear(); }
public static List <Surface> meshToNurbs(MFnMesh mayaMesh) { MFnSubd subDmesh = new MFnSubd(); subDmesh.isIntermediateObject = true; MPointArray mayaVerts = new MPointArray(); mayaMesh.getPoints(mayaVerts, MSpace.Space.kWorld); MIntArray polyVertct = new MIntArray(); MIntArray ids = new MIntArray(); MIntArray idList = new MIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < mayaMesh.numPolygons; i++) { mayaMesh.getPolygonVertices(i, ids); foreach (var id in ids) { idList.Add(id); } polyVertct.Add(ids.Count); } subDmesh.createBaseMesh(false, mayaMesh.numVertices, mayaMesh.numPolygons, mayaVerts, polyVertct, idList); try { MUintArray creaseEdgId = new MUintArray(); MDoubleArray creaseEdgeVal = new MDoubleArray(); mayaMesh.getCreaseEdges(creaseEdgId, creaseEdgeVal); foreach (var edgId in creaseEdgId) { subDmesh.edgeSetCrease(edgId, true); } } catch {} try { MUintArray creaseVertId = new MUintArray(); MDoubleArray creaseVertVal = new MDoubleArray(); mayaMesh.getCreaseVertices(creaseVertId, creaseVertVal); foreach (var vertId in creaseVertId) { subDmesh.vertexSetCrease(vertId, true); } } catch { } subDmesh.updateAllEditsAndCreases(); MObjectArray nurbsSurfs = new MObjectArray(); subDmesh.convertToNurbs(nurbsSurfs); List <MFnNurbsSurface> mfnSurfaceList = new List <MFnNurbsSurface>(nurbsSurfs.Count); foreach (var surf in nurbsSurfs) { mfnSurfaceList.Add(new MFnNurbsSurface(surf)); } List <Surface> dynSurfaceList = new List <Surface>(mfnSurfaceList.Count); foreach (var mfnNS in mfnSurfaceList) { dynSurfaceList.Add(DMSurface.mNurbsSurfaceToDynamoSurface(mfnNS, MSpace.Space.kObject)); } MGlobal.deleteNode(subDmesh.model); return(dynSurfaceList); }
public void DeleteSelection() { MObject sel = GetFirstSelectedObject(); MGlobal.deleteNode(sel); }