Example #1
        public void AppendMove(string moveStr)
            MGPosition mgPos    = MGPosition.FromPosition(FinalPosition);
            MGMove     thisMove = MGMoveFromString.ParseMove(mgPos, moveStr);

            if (thisMove.IsNull)
                throw new Exception("Unexpected null move");

            // Verify move is legal from this position
            MGMoveList moves = new MGMoveList();

            MGMoveGen.GenerateMoves(in mgPos, moves);
            if (Array.IndexOf(moves.MovesArray, thisMove) == -1)
                throw new Exception($"The move {moveStr} is not legal from position {FinalPosition.FEN}");

            Moves.Add(MGMoveFromString.ParseMove(mgPos, moveStr));
            if (haveFinalized)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a test batch of specified size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="evaluator"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <param name="fen"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static EncodedPositionBatchFlat MakeTestBatch(NNEvaluator evaluator, int count, string fen = null)
            EncodedPositionBatchFlat batch;

            if (fen == null)
                fen = Position.StartPosition.FEN;
            Position   rawPos = Position.FromFEN(fen);
            MGPosition mgPos  = MGPosition.FromPosition(rawPos);

            EncodedPositionWithHistory position = EncodedPositionWithHistory.FromFEN(fen);

            EncodedPositionWithHistory[] positions = new EncodedPositionWithHistory[count];
            Array.Fill(positions, position);

            batch = new EncodedPositionBatchFlat(positions, count);

            bool hasPositions = evaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Positions);
            bool hasMoves     = evaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Moves);
            bool hasHashes    = evaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Hashes);
            bool hasBoards    = evaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Boards);

            if (fen != null)
                if (hasPositions)
                    batch.Positions = new MGPosition[count];
                if (hasHashes)
                    batch.PositionHashes = new ulong[count];
                if (hasMoves)
                    batch.Moves = new MGMoveList[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    if (hasPositions)
                        batch.Positions[i] = MGChessPositionConverter.MGChessPositionFromFEN(fen);
                    if (hasHashes)
                        batch.PositionHashes[i] = (ulong)i + (ulong)batch.Positions[i].GetHashCode();
                    if (hasMoves)
                        MGMoveList moves = new MGMoveList();
                        MGMoveGen.GenerateMoves(in mgPos, moves);
                        batch.Moves[i] = moves;
Example #3
        public static MGMove ToMGMove(MGPosition mgPos, EncodedMove encodedMove)
            MGMoveList movesLegal = new MGMoveList();

            MGMoveGen.GenerateMoves(in mgPos, movesLegal);

            int indexLegalMove = MoveInMGMovesArrayLocator.FindMoveInMGMoves(in mgPos, movesLegal.MovesArray, encodedMove, 0, movesLegal.NumMovesUsed, mgPos.BlackToMove);

            if (indexLegalMove == -1)
                throw new Exception($"Move not found {encodedMove}");
            //  Move move = MGMoveConverter.ToMove(theMove);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the MGMove corresponding to a given Move.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="move"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MGMove MGMoveFromPosAndMove(Position pos, Move move)
            PositionWithMove moveAndPos = new PositionWithMove(pos, move);
            MGPosition       mgPos      = MGPosition.FromPosition(in moveAndPos.Position);

            MGMoveList moves = new MGMoveList();

            MGMoveGen.GenerateMoves(in mgPos, moves);
            for (int i = 0; i < moves.NumMovesUsed; i++)
                if (moves.MovesArray[i].EqualsMove(move))
            throw new Exception("Move not found");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the set of moves and positions possible as the next move in a position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startPos"></param>
        /// <param name="moveToIncludeFilter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <(MGMove, Position)> GenPositions(Position startPos, Predicate <MGMove> moveToIncludeFilter = null)
            MGPosition posMG = MGChessPositionConverter.MGChessPositionFromFEN(startPos.FEN); // TODO: more efficient?
            MGMoveList moves = new MGMoveList();

            MGMoveGen.GenerateMoves(in posMG, moves);

            for (int i = 0; i < moves.NumMovesUsed; i++)
                // Only consider captures (would reduce number of pieces into range of tablebase)
                if (moveToIncludeFilter == null || moveToIncludeFilter(moves.MovesArray[i]))
                    // Make this move and get new Position
                    MGPosition newPosMG = new MGPosition(posMG);
                    Position newPos = MGChessPositionConverter.PositionFromMGChessPosition(in newPosMG);

                    yield return(moves.MovesArray[i], newPos);
        public IEncodedPositionBatchFlat GetSubBatchCopied(int startIndex, int count)
            float[] w = null;
            float[] l = null;
            if (W != null)
                w = new float[count];
                Array.Copy(W, startIndex, w, 0, count);
            if (L != null)
                l = new float[count];
                Array.Copy(L, startIndex, l, 0, count);

            byte[] posPlaneValuesEncoded = new byte[count * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL];
            Array.Copy(PosPlaneValues, startIndex * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL, posPlaneValuesEncoded, 0, count * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL);

            ulong[] posPlaneBitmaps = new ulong[count * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL];
            Array.Copy(PosPlaneBitmaps, startIndex * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL, posPlaneBitmaps, 0, count * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL);

            EncodedPositionBatchFlat ret = new EncodedPositionBatchFlat(posPlaneBitmaps, posPlaneValuesEncoded, w, l, null, count);

            if (Positions != null)
                ulong[]      hashes      = new ulong[count];
                MGPosition[] positionsMG = new MGPosition[count];
                MGMoveList[] moves       = new MGMoveList[count];

                Array.Copy(PositionHashes, startIndex, hashes, 0, count);
                Array.Copy(Positions, startIndex, positionsMG, 0, count);
                Array.Copy(Moves, startIndex, moves, 0, count);

                ret.PositionHashes = hashes;
                ret.Positions      = positionsMG;
                ret.Moves          = moves;
