Example #1
        public static MDagPath AddParentCircle(MDagPath targetDagPath, bool createParallelGrp)
            string   ctlName    = "ctl_" + targetDagPath.partialPathName;
            MDagPath ctlDagPath = BasicFunc.CreateCircle(ctlName);

            ctlName = ctlDagPath.fullPathName;
            MFnTransform targetTrans = new MFnTransform(targetDagPath);

            if (createParallelGrp)
                MFnTransform parellelGrpTrans = new MFnTransform(AddEmptyGroup(new MFnTransform(targetTrans.parent(0))));
                parellelGrpTrans.setTranslation(targetTrans.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kTransform), MSpace.Space.kTransform);
                MEulerRotation rot = new MEulerRotation();
                SetTransformParent(ctlName, parellelGrpTrans.fullPathName);

            MFnTransform circleTransform = new MFnTransform(ctlDagPath);

            circleTransform.setTranslation(new MVector(0, 0, 0), MSpace.Space.kTransform);
            circleTransform.setRotation(new MEulerRotation(0, 90 / ConstantValue.DPR, 0));
Example #2
        public override void connectToDependNode(MObject node)
            // Find the rotate and rotatePivot plugs on the node.  These plugs will
            // be attached either directly or indirectly to the manip values on the
            // rotate manip.
            MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
            MPlug             rPlug  = nodeFn.findPlug("rotate");
            MPlug             rcPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("rotatePivot");

            // If the translate pivot exists, it will be used to move the state manip
            // to a convenient location.
            MPlug tPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("translate");

            // To avoid having the object jump back to the default rotation when the
            // manipulator is first used, extract the existing rotation from the node
            // and set it as the initial rotation on the manipulator.
            MEulerRotation existingRotation    = new MEulerRotation(vectorPlugValue(rPlug));
            MVector        existingTranslation = new MVector(vectorPlugValue(tPlug));

            // The following code configures default settings for the rotate
            // manipulator.

            MFnRotateManip rotateManip = new MFnRotateManip(fRotateManip);


            // Add a callback function to be called when the rotation value changes

            //rotatePlugIndex = addManipToPlugConversionCallback( rPlug, (manipToPlugConversionCallback)&exampleRotateManip::rotationChangedCallback );
            ManipToPlugConverion[rPlug] = rotationChangedCallback;
            // get the index of plug
            rotatePlugIndex = this[rPlug];

            // Create a direct (1-1) connection to the rotation center plug

            // Place the state manip at a distance of 2.0 units away from the object
            // along the X-axis.
            MFnStateManip stateManip = new MFnStateManip(fStateManip);
            MVector       delta      = new MVector(2, 0, 0);

            stateManip.setTranslation(existingTranslation + delta,

Example #3
        public override void connectToDependNode(MObject node)
            // Find the rotate and rotatePivot plugs on the node.  These plugs will
            // be attached either directly or indirectly to the manip values on the
            // rotate manip.
            MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
            MPlug rPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("rotate");
            MPlug rcPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("rotatePivot");

            // If the translate pivot exists, it will be used to move the state manip
            // to a convenient location.
            MPlug tPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("translate");

            // To avoid having the object jump back to the default rotation when the
            // manipulator is first used, extract the existing rotation from the node
            // and set it as the initial rotation on the manipulator.
            MEulerRotation existingRotation = new MEulerRotation(vectorPlugValue(rPlug));
            MVector existingTranslation = new MVector(vectorPlugValue(tPlug));

            // The following code configures default settings for the rotate
            // manipulator.

            MFnRotateManip rotateManip = new MFnRotateManip(fRotateManip);

            // Add a callback function to be called when the rotation value changes

            //rotatePlugIndex = addManipToPlugConversionCallback( rPlug, (manipToPlugConversionCallback)&exampleRotateManip::rotationChangedCallback );
            ManipToPlugConverion[rPlug] = rotationChangedCallback;
            // get the index of plug
            rotatePlugIndex = this[rPlug];

            // Create a direct (1-1) connection to the rotation center plug

            // Place the state manip at a distance of 2.0 units away from the object
            // along the X-axis.
            MFnStateManip stateManip = new MFnStateManip(fStateManip);
            MVector delta = new MVector(2, 0, 0);
            stateManip.setTranslation(existingTranslation + delta,

        protected override MEulerRotation applyRotationLimits(MEulerRotation unlimitedRotation, MDataBlock block)
            // For demonstration purposes we limit the rotation to 60
            // degrees and bypass the rotation limit attributes
            DegreeRadianConverter conv = new DegreeRadianConverter();
            double degrees             = conv.radiansToDegrees(unlimitedRotation.x);

            if (degrees < 60)
            MEulerRotation euler = new MEulerRotation();

            euler.x = conv.degreesToRadians(60.0);
 public static void ClearHierachyJointsRotation(MSelectionList selectionList = null)
     if (selectionList == null || selectionList.length == 0)
         selectionList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList();
     foreach (MDagPath dag in selectionList.DagPaths())
         List <MFnTransform> transList = BasicFunc.GetHierachyAllTrans(dag, MFn.Type.kJoint);
         foreach (MFnTransform trans in transList)
             //Debug.Log("trans:" + trans.fullPathName);
             trans.setRotation(new MEulerRotation(0, 0, 0));
             MEulerRotation result = new MEulerRotation();
             //Debug.LogEuler(result, "value");
Example #6
        internal static CoordinateSystem mLocatorFromName(string dagName, string space)
            MDagPath dagPath = DMInterop.getDagNode(dagName);

            MSpace.Space mspace = MSpace.Space.kWorld;
            Enum.TryParse(space, out mspace);
            //  MObject obj = DMInterop.getDependNode(dagName);

            MMatrix worldPos = dagPath.inclusiveMatrix;
            double  x        = worldPos[3, 0];
            double  y        = worldPos[3, 1];
            double  z        = worldPos[3, 2];

            MEulerRotation rot = new MEulerRotation();

            double xr = worldPos[3, 0];
            double yr = worldPos[3, 1];
            double zr = worldPos[3, 2];

            //MFnTransform loc = new MFnTransform(dagShape.node);
            //var vec = loc.transformation.getTranslation(mspace);
            //return Point.ByCoordinates(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); ;
            CoordinateSystem cs;

            if (MGlobal.isZAxisUp)
                cs = CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin(x, y, z);
                cs.Rotate(cs.Origin, Vector.XAxis(), x);
                cs.Rotate(cs.Origin, Vector.YAxis(), y);
                cs.Rotate(cs.Origin, Vector.ZAxis(), z);
                cs = CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin(x, -z, y);
                cs.Rotate(cs.Origin, Vector.XAxis(), x);
                cs.Rotate(cs.Origin, Vector.YAxis(), y);
                cs.Rotate(cs.Origin, Vector.ZAxis(), z);
        public override MMatrix asMatrix(double percent)
            MPxTransformationMatrix m = new MPxTransformationMatrix(this);
            //	Apply the percentage to the matrix components
            MVector trans = m.translation();

            trans *= percent;
            MPoint rotatePivotTrans = m.rotatePivot();

            rotatePivotTrans = rotatePivotTrans * percent;
            MPoint scalePivotTrans = new MPoint(m.scalePivotTranslation());

            scalePivotTrans = scalePivotTrans * percent;
            m.setScalePivotTranslation(new MVector(scalePivotTrans));

            //	Apply the percentage to the rotate value.  Same
            // as above + the percentage gets applied
            MQuaternion           quat = rotation();
            DegreeRadianConverter conv = new DegreeRadianConverter();
            double newTheta            = conv.degreesToRadians(getRockInX());

            MEulerRotation eulRotate = m.eulerRotation();

            m.rotateTo(eulRotate.multiply(percent), MSpace.Space.kTransform);

            //	Apply the percentage to the scale
            MVector s = new MVector(scale(MSpace.Space.kTransform));

            s.x = 1.0 + (s.x - 1.0) * percent;
            s.y = 1.0 + (s.y - 1.0) * percent;
            s.z = 1.0 + (s.z - 1.0) * percent;
            m.scaleTo(s, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

        private void OrientFix(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (joints == null && joints.Count == 0)
            if (joints.Count == 1)
                //set for the one
            MVector lastJointWorldPos  = joints[joints.Count - 1].getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld);
            MVector firstJointWorldPos = joints[0].getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld);

            //string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("D:\temp\testValue.txt");
            //float valueX = float.Parse(text_x.Text);
            //float valueY = float.Parse(text_y.Text);
            //float valueZ = float.Parse(text_z.Text);
            //MVector direction = (lastJointWorldPos - firstJointWorldPos).normal;
            //MVector yzDirect = direction;
            //yzDirect.x = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < joints.Count - 1; i++)
                //MVector originOrient = joints[i].getOrientation()
                MQuaternion    mq    = new MQuaternion(new MVector(1, 0, 0), lastJointWorldPos - firstJointWorldPos);
                MEulerRotation euler = mq.asEulerRotation;
                //text_x.Text = euler.x + "";
                //text_y.Text = euler.y + "";
                //text_z.Text = euler.z + "";
                //joints[i].setOrientation(new MEulerRotation(valueX, valueY, valueZ));
        //    Calls applyRotationLocks && applyRotationLimits
        //    This method verifies that the passed value can be set on the
        //    rotate plugs. In the base class, limits as well as locking are
        //    checked by this method.
        //    The compute, validateAndSetValue, and rotateTo functions
        //    all use this method.
        protected override void checkAndSetRotation(MDataBlock block, MPlug plug, MEulerRotation newRotation, MSpace.Space space)
            MDGContext context = block.context;

            MEulerRotation outRotation = newRotation;
            if (context.isNormal) {
                //	For easy reading.
                MPxTransformationMatrix xformMat = baseTransformationMatrix;

                //	Get the current translation in transform space for
                //	clamping and locking.
                MEulerRotation savedRotation =

                //	Translate to transform space, since the limit test needs the
                //	values in transform space. The locking test needs the values
                //	in the same space as the savedR value - which is transform
                //	space as well.
                baseTransformationMatrix.rotateTo(newRotation, space);

                outRotation = xformMat.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Now that everything is in the same space, apply limits
                //	and change the value to adhere to plug locking.
                outRotation = applyRotationLimits(outRotation, block);
                outRotation = applyRotationLocks(outRotation, savedRotation);

                //	The value that remain is in transform space.
                xformMat.rotateTo(outRotation, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Get the value that was just set. It needs to be in transform
                //	space since it is used to set the datablock values at the
                //	end of this method. Getting the vaolue right before setting
                //	ensures that the transformation matrix and data block will
                //	be synchronized.
                outRotation = xformMat.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);
                //	Get the rotation for clamping and locking. This will get the
                //	rotate value in transform space.
                double[] s3 = block.inputValue(rotate).Double3;
                MEulerRotation savedRotation = new MEulerRotation(s3[0], s3[1], s3[2]);

                //	Create a local transformation matrix for non-normal context
                //	calculations.
                MPxTransformationMatrix local = createTransformationMatrix();
                if (null == local)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("rockingTransformCheck::checkAndSetRotation internal error");

                //	Fill the newly created transformation matrix.
                computeLocalTransformation(local, block);

                //	Translate the values to transform space. This will allow the
                //	limit and locking tests to work properly.
                local.rotateTo(newRotation, space);

                outRotation = local.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Apply limits
                outRotation = applyRotationLimits(outRotation, block);

                outRotation = applyRotationLocks(outRotation, savedRotation);

                local.rotateTo(outRotation, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Get the rotate value in transform space for placement in the
                //	data block.
                outRotation = local.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);


            MDataHandle handle = block.outputValue(plug);

            if (plug.equalEqual(rotate)) {
                handle.set(outRotation.x, outRotation.y, outRotation.z);
            } else if (plug.equalEqual(rotateX)) {
            } else if (plug.equalEqual(rotateY)) {
            } else {

 protected override MEulerRotation applyRotationLocks(MEulerRotation toTest, MEulerRotation savedRotation)
     return toTest;
 protected override MEulerRotation applyRotationLimits(MEulerRotation unlimitedRotation, MDataBlock block)
     // For demonstration purposes we limit the rotation to 60
     // degrees and bypass the rotation limit attributes
     DegreeRadianConverter conv = new DegreeRadianConverter();
     double degrees = conv.radiansToDegrees( unlimitedRotation.x );
     if ( degrees < 60 )
         return unlimitedRotation;
     MEulerRotation euler = new MEulerRotation();
     euler.x = conv.degreesToRadians( 60.0 );
     return euler;
Example #12
        // Callback function
        MManipData rotationChangedCallback(object sender, ManipConversionArgs args)
            MObject obj = MObject.kNullObj;

            // If we entered the callback with an invalid index, print an error and
            // return.  Since we registered the callback only for one plug, all 
            // invocations of the callback should be for that plug.

            MFnNumericData numericData = new MFnNumericData();
            if (args.ManipIndex != rotatePlugIndex)
                MGlobal.displayError("Invalid index in rotation changed callback!");

                // For invalid indices, return vector of 0's
                obj = numericData.create(MFnNumericData.Type.k3Double);
                numericData.setData(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                return new MManipData(obj);

            // Assign function sets to the manipulators
            MFnStateManip stateManip = new MFnStateManip(fStateManip);
            MFnRotateManip rotateManip = new MFnRotateManip(fRotateManip);

            // Adjust settings on the rotate manip based on the state of the state 
            // manip.
            uint mode = stateManip.state;
            if (mode != 3)
                // State 3 enables snapping for an object space manip.  In this case,
                // we snap every 15.0 degrees.
                rotateManip.snapIncrement = 15.0;

            // The following code creates a data object to be returned in the 
            // MManipData.  In this case, the plug to be computed must be a 3-component
            // vector, so create data as MFnNumericData::k3Double
            obj = numericData.create(MFnNumericData.Type.k3Double);

            // Retrieve the value for the rotation from the manipulator and return it
            // directly without modification.  If the manipulator should eg. slow down
            // rotation, this method would need to do some math with the value before
            // returning it.
            MEulerRotation manipRotation = new MEulerRotation();
                getConverterManipValue(rotateManip.rotationIndex, manipRotation);
                numericData.setData(manipRotation.x, manipRotation.y, manipRotation.z);
            catch (System.Exception)
                MGlobal.displayError("Error retrieving manip value");
                numericData.setData(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            return new MManipData(obj);
Example #13
 public static void LogEuler(MEulerRotation euler, string tag)
     Log(string.Format("{0}:({1},{2},{3})", tag, euler.x, euler.y, euler.z));
        //	Calls applyRotationLocks && applyRotationLimits
        //	This method verifies that the passed value can be set on the
        //	rotate plugs. In the base class, limits as well as locking are
        //	checked by this method.
        //	The compute, validateAndSetValue, and rotateTo functions
        //	all use this method.
        protected override void checkAndSetRotation(MDataBlock block, MPlug plug, MEulerRotation newRotation, MSpace.Space space)
            MDGContext context = block.context;


            MEulerRotation outRotation = newRotation;

            if (context.isNormal)
                //	For easy reading.
                MPxTransformationMatrix xformMat = baseTransformationMatrix;

                //	Get the current translation in transform space for
                //	clamping and locking.
                MEulerRotation savedRotation =

                //	Translate to transform space, since the limit test needs the
                //	values in transform space. The locking test needs the values
                //	in the same space as the savedR value - which is transform
                //	space as well.
                baseTransformationMatrix.rotateTo(newRotation, space);

                outRotation = xformMat.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Now that everything is in the same space, apply limits
                //	and change the value to adhere to plug locking.
                outRotation = applyRotationLimits(outRotation, block);
                outRotation = applyRotationLocks(outRotation, savedRotation);

                //	The value that remain is in transform space.
                xformMat.rotateTo(outRotation, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Get the value that was just set. It needs to be in transform
                //	space since it is used to set the datablock values at the
                //	end of this method. Getting the vaolue right before setting
                //	ensures that the transformation matrix and data block will
                //	be synchronized.
                outRotation = xformMat.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);
                //	Get the rotation for clamping and locking. This will get the
                //	rotate value in transform space.
                double[]       s3            = block.inputValue(rotate).Double3;
                MEulerRotation savedRotation = new MEulerRotation(s3[0], s3[1], s3[2]);

                //	Create a local transformation matrix for non-normal context
                //	calculations.
                MPxTransformationMatrix local = createTransformationMatrix();
                if (null == local)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("rockingTransformCheck::checkAndSetRotation internal error");

                //	Fill the newly created transformation matrix.
                computeLocalTransformation(local, block);

                //	Translate the values to transform space. This will allow the
                //	limit and locking tests to work properly.
                local.rotateTo(newRotation, space);

                outRotation = local.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Apply limits
                outRotation = applyRotationLimits(outRotation, block);

                outRotation = applyRotationLocks(outRotation, savedRotation);

                local.rotateTo(outRotation, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Get the rotate value in transform space for placement in the
                //	data block.
                outRotation = local.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);


            MDataHandle handle = block.outputValue(plug);

            if (plug.equalEqual(rotate))
                handle.set(outRotation.x, outRotation.y, outRotation.z);
            else if (plug.equalEqual(rotateX))
            else if (plug.equalEqual(rotateY))

 protected override MEulerRotation applyRotationLocks(MEulerRotation toTest, MEulerRotation savedRotation)
Example #16
        // Callback function
        MManipData rotationChangedCallback(object sender, ManipConversionArgs args)
            MObject obj = MObject.kNullObj;

            // If we entered the callback with an invalid index, print an error and
            // return.  Since we registered the callback only for one plug, all
            // invocations of the callback should be for that plug.

            MFnNumericData numericData = new MFnNumericData();

            if (args.ManipIndex != rotatePlugIndex)
                MGlobal.displayError("Invalid index in rotation changed callback!");

                // For invalid indices, return vector of 0's
                obj = numericData.create(MFnNumericData.Type.k3Double);
                numericData.setData(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                return(new MManipData(obj));

            // Assign function sets to the manipulators
            MFnStateManip  stateManip  = new MFnStateManip(fStateManip);
            MFnRotateManip rotateManip = new MFnRotateManip(fRotateManip);

            // Adjust settings on the rotate manip based on the state of the state
            // manip.
            uint mode = stateManip.state;

            if (mode != 3)
                // State 3 enables snapping for an object space manip.  In this case,
                // we snap every 15.0 degrees.
                rotateManip.snapIncrement = 15.0;

            // The following code creates a data object to be returned in the
            // MManipData.  In this case, the plug to be computed must be a 3-component
            // vector, so create data as MFnNumericData::k3Double
            obj = numericData.create(MFnNumericData.Type.k3Double);

            // Retrieve the value for the rotation from the manipulator and return it
            // directly without modification.  If the manipulator should eg. slow down
            // rotation, this method would need to do some math with the value before
            // returning it.
            MEulerRotation manipRotation = new MEulerRotation();

                getConverterManipValue(rotateManip.rotationIndex, manipRotation);
                numericData.setData(manipRotation.x, manipRotation.y, manipRotation.z);
            catch (System.Exception)
                MGlobal.displayError("Error retrieving manip value");
                numericData.setData(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            return(new MManipData(obj));