private static string ExtractInternalFile(string internalResourceName, bool fullname, string destination = null, bool overwrite = false, Stream destStream = null)
     MERLog.Information("Extracting file: " + internalResourceName);
     if (destStream != null || (destination != null && (!File.Exists(destination) || overwrite)))
         // Todo: might need adjusted for ME3
         using Stream stream = MERUtilities.GetResourceStream(fullname ? internalResourceName : "ME2Randomizer.staticfiles." + internalResourceName);
         bool close = destStream != null;
         if (destStream == null)
             destStream = new FileStream(destination, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
         if (close)
     else if (destination != null && !overwrite)
         MERLog.Warning("File already exists");
         MERLog.Warning("Invalid extraction parameters!");
        public static long GetInstalledRamAmount()
            long memKb;

            GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory(out memKb);
            if (memKb == 0L)
                uint   errorcode    = GetLastError();
                string errorMessage = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
                MERLog.Warning("Failed to get RAM amount. This may indicate a potential (or soon coming) hardware problem. The error message was: " + errorMessage);
Example #3
        private static void PerformUACCheck()
            bool isAdmin = Utilities.IsAdministrator();

            //Check if UAC is off
            bool   uacIsOn     = true;
            string softwareKey = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System";

            int?value = (int?)Registry.GetValue(softwareKey, "EnableLUA", null);

            if (value != null)
                uacIsOn = value > 0;
                MERLog.Information("UAC is on: " + uacIsOn);
            if (isAdmin && uacIsOn)
                MERLog.Warning("This session is running as administrator.");
                //await this.ShowMessageAsync($"{Utilities.GetAppPrefixedName()} Installer should be run as standard user", $"Running {Utilities.GetAppPrefixedName()} Installer as an administrator will disable drag and drop functionality and may cause issues due to the program running in a different user context. You should restart the application without running it as an administrator unless directed by the developers.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Swap the vowels around. Optional hard mode allows swapping 2 consonants to make it extra difficult to read
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Tlks"></param>
        public static bool RandomizeVowels(RandomizationOption option)
            // Map of what letter maps to what other letter
            MERLog.Information("Randomizing vowels in words");
            var hardMode = option.HasSubOptionSelected(RTexts.SUBOPTIONKEY_VOWELS_HARDMODE);

            var existingTLK = TLKHandler.GetBuildingTLK();
            var skipIDs     = existingTLK.StringRefs.Select(x => x.StringID).ToList();
            var MERTLKs     = TLKHandler.GetMERTLKs();
            Dictionary <char, char> vowels      = null;
            List <char>             vowelValues = null;

            bool retryMapping = true;

            while (retryMapping)
                bool failed = false;
                vowels      = GetVowelMap();
                vowelValues = vowels.Values.ToList();

                int numAttemptsRemaining = 10;

                foreach (var sourceVowel in vowels.Keys)
                    var value = vowelValues.RandomElement();
                    while (hardMode && value == sourceVowel && numAttemptsRemaining > 0)
                        value = vowelValues.RandomElement();

                    if (numAttemptsRemaining == 0 && hardMode && value == sourceVowel)
                        // This attempt has failed
                        MERLog.Warning(@"Hard mode vowel randomization failed, retrying");
                        failed = true;

                    vowelValues.Remove(value); // Do not allow reassignment of same vowel
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Vowel Randomizer: {sourceVowel} -> {value}");
                    vowels[sourceVowel] = value;

                if (!failed)
                    retryMapping = false;

            var consonants = GetConsonantMap();

            if (hardMode)
                // Swap some consontants around
                var numConsonantsToRandomize = 2;
                var consonantValues          = consonants.Values.ToList();
                while (numConsonantsToRandomize > 0)
                    var sourceValue = consonantValues.RandomElement();
                    var value       = consonantValues.RandomElement();
                    while (sourceValue == value)
                        value = consonantValues.RandomElement();
                    consonantValues.Remove(value);       // Do not allow reassignment of same vowel
                    consonantValues.Remove(sourceValue); // Do not allow reassignment of same vowel

                    Debug.WriteLine($"Vowel Randomizer Hard Mode: {sourceValue} -> {value}");

                    consonants[sourceValue] = value;
                    consonants[value]       = sourceValue;

            // Build full translation map (uppercase)
            var translationMapUC = new[] { vowels, consonants }.SelectMany(dict => dict)
            .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            // Add lowercase translation
            var lowerCaseMap = translationMapUC.ToDictionary(x => char.ToLowerInvariant(x.Key), x => char.ToLowerInvariant(x.Value));

            // Build a full translation
            var translationMap = new[] { translationMapUC, lowerCaseMap }.SelectMany(dict => dict)
            .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            var nonMERTLKs = TLKHandler.GetAllTLKs().Where(x => !MERTLKs.Contains(x)).ToList();

            // MER

            option.ProgressValue         = 0;
            option.ProgressMax           = nonMERTLKs.Sum(x => x.StringRefs.Count(y => y.StringID > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y.Data)));
            option.ProgressMax          += MERTLKs.Sum(x => x.StringRefs.Count(y => y.StringID > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y.Data)));
            option.ProgressIndeterminate = false;

            foreach (var merTLK in MERTLKs)
                RandomizeVowelsInternal(merTLK, skipIDs, translationMap, true, option);

            // Non MER
            Parallel.ForEach(nonMERTLKs, tf =>
                RandomizeVowelsInternal(tf, skipIDs, translationMap, false, option);