Example #1
        public void listviewBindInter(string sql)
            this.dgv1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            DataSet  ds = MEOsub.QueryPartMiscProcListEPR(sql);
            DataView dv = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;

            dgv1.DataSource = dv;
        public void listviewBindInter(string sql)
            this.dgv1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            DataSet  ds = MEOsub.QueryPartMiscProcListEPR(sql);
            DataView dv = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;

            dgv1.DataSource = dv;
            if (dgv1.RowCount > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dgv1.RowCount; i++)
                    string  part_no    = dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["part_no"].Value.ToString();
                    string  requir_qty = dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["require_qty"].Value.ToString();
                    string  meo_no     = dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["meo_erp"].Value.ToString();
                    string  sqlstr     = "select  t.p_requisition_no MEO号,t.request_qty as 申请数量 from IFSAPP.PROJECT_MISC_PROCUREMENT t where PROJECT_ID = '" + Projectid + "' and site = '" + mSite + "' and issue_from_inv = 0 and PART_NO ='" + part_no + "'and p_requisition_no =" + meo_no + " and (select state from ifsapp.purchase_req_line_part q where q.requisition_no =p_requisition_no and q.part_no=t.part_no) <>'Cancelled'";
                    DataSet dsnew      = PartParameter.QueryPartERPInventory(sqlstr);
                    if (dsnew.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
                        dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["ISEXISTED"].Value = "存在";
                        string  req_qty = dsnew.Tables[0].Rows[i]["申请数量"].ToString();
                        decimal ecqty   = decimal.Parse(requir_qty);
                        decimal erpqty  = decimal.Parse(req_qty);
                        if (decimal.Round(ecqty, 2) == decimal.Round(erpqty, 2))
                            dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["ERP_QTY"].Value        = erpqty;
                            dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["compare_result"].Value = "数量一致";
                            dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["ERP_QTY"].Value        = erpqty;
                            dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["compare_result"].Value = "数量不一致";
                        dgv1.Rows[i].Cells["ISEXISTED"].Value = "不存在";
        public void listviewBind(string sql)
            this.dgv1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            DataSet  ds = MEOsub.QueryPartMiscProcListEPR(sql);
            DataView dv = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
            int      i  = 1;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dv.Table.Rows)
                string        projectid = dr[1].ToString();
                string        partno    = dr[2].ToString();
                string        site      = dr[0].ToString();
                PartParameter pp        = PartParameter.Find(0, projectid, partno, site, "weijun.qu");
                decimal       preQty    = 0;
                decimal       singleW   = 0;
                decimal       preAlert  = 0;
                if (pp != null)
                    preQty   = pp.PREDICTION_QTY;
                    singleW  = pp.WEIGHT_SINGLE;
                    preAlert = pp.PREDICTION_ALERT;
                PartRelative pr = new PartRelative();
                pr.ERP_PART_NO = partno;
                pr.STA_PART_NO = partno;
                pr.SITE        = site;
                pr.PROJECTID   = projectid;
                pr.ACTIVITYSEQ = Convert.ToInt32(Str_activity);
                string isStandPart = "";
                string isMerged    = "";
                if (pr.IFStandardPart())
                    isStandPart = "是";
                if (pr.IFmerged1())
                    isMerged = "是";
                string          StnPartno = PartRelative.FindRelativeStnPartno(partno, projectid, Convert.ToInt32(Str_activity), site);
                DataGridViewRow r         = new DataGridViewRow();
                r.Cells[1].Value             = i.ToString();
                r.Cells[2].Value             = dr[0].ToString();
                r.Cells[3].Value             = dr[2].ToString();
                r.Cells[4].Value             = dr[3].ToString();
                r.Cells[5].Value             = dr[4].ToString();
                dgv1.Columns[4].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.DisplayedCells;
                r.Cells[6].Value             = pp == null ? string.Empty : pp.PREDICTION_QTY.ToString();
                r.Cells[7].Value             = pp == null ? string.Empty : pp.WEIGHT_SINGLE.ToString();
                r.Cells[8].Value             = isMerged;
                r.Cells[9].Value             = isStandPart;
                r.Cells[10].Value            = StnPartno;
                //r.Cells[8].Value = MeoNo;
                //r.Cells[9].Value = MeoQty.ToString();
                //r.Cells[10].Value = Str_MeoPcs;

                //r.Cells[11].Value = Str_Meotime;
                //r.Cells[12].Value = restQty.ToString();
                //r.Cells[13].Value = MssQty.ToString();
