Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a TLK file into memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public void LoadTlkData(string fileName)
            path = fileName;
            name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);

            /* **************** STEP ONE ****************
             *          -- load TLK file header --
             * reading first 28 (4 * 7) bytes

            Stream       fs = File.OpenRead(fileName);
            BinaryReader r  = new BinaryReader(fs);

            Header = new TLKHeader(r);


            /* **************** STEP TWO ****************
             *  -- read and store Huffman Tree nodes --
            /* jumping to the beginning of Huffmann Tree stored in TLK file */
            long pos = r.BaseStream.Position;

            r.BaseStream.Seek(pos + (Header.MaleEntryCount + Header.FemaleEntryCount) * 8, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            CharacterTree = new List <HuffmanNode>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Header.treeNodeCount; i++)
                CharacterTree.Add(new HuffmanNode(r));

            /* **************** STEP THREE ****************
             *  -- read all of coded data into memory --
            byte[] data = new byte[Header.dataLen];
            r.BaseStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
            /* and store it as raw bits for further processing */
            Bits = new BitArray(data);

            /* rewind BinaryReader just after the Header
             * at the beginning of TLK Entries data */
            r.BaseStream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            /* **************** STEP FOUR ****************
             * -- decode (basing on Huffman Tree) raw bits data into actual strings --
             * and store them in a Dictionary<int, string> where:
             *   int: bit offset of the beginning of data (offset starting at 0 and counted for Bits array)
             *        so offset == 0 means the first bit in Bits array
             *   string: actual decoded string */
            Dictionary <int, string> rawStrings = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            int offset = 0;

            // int maxOffset = 0;
            while (offset < Bits.Length)
                int key = offset;
                // if (key > maxOffset)
                // maxOffset = key;
                /* read the string and update 'offset' variable to store NEXT string offset */
                string s = GetString(ref offset);
                rawStrings.Add(key, s);

            // Console.WriteLine("Max offset = " + maxOffset);

            /* **************** STEP FIVE ****************
             *         -- bind data to String IDs --
             * go through Entries in TLK file and read it's String ID and offset
             * then check if offset is a key in rawStrings and if it is, then bind data.
             * Sometimes there's no such key, in that case, our String ID is probably a substring
             * of another String present in rawStrings.
            StringRefs = new List <ME1Explorer.Unreal.Classes.TalkFile.TLKStringRef>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Header.MaleEntryCount + Header.FemaleEntryCount; i++)
                ME1Explorer.Unreal.Classes.TalkFile.TLKStringRef sref = new ME1Explorer.Unreal.Classes.TalkFile.TLKStringRef(r, false);
                sref.Index = i;
                if (sref.BitOffset >= 0)
                    if (!rawStrings.ContainsKey(sref.BitOffset))
                        int    tmpOffset  = sref.BitOffset;
                        string partString = GetString(ref tmpOffset);

                        /* actually, it should store the fullString and subStringOffset,
                         * but as we don't have to use this compression feature,
                         * we will store only the part of string we need */

                        /* int key = rawStrings.Keys.Last(c => c < sref.BitOffset);
                         * string fullString = rawStrings[key];
                         * int subStringOffset = fullString.LastIndexOf(partString);
                         * sref.StartOfString = subStringOffset;
                         * sref.Data = fullString;
                        sref.Data = partString;
                        sref.Data = rawStrings[sref.BitOffset];
Example #2
        /* for sorting */
        private static int CompareTlkStringRef(ME1Explorer.Unreal.Classes.TalkFile.TLKStringRef strRef1, ME1Explorer.Unreal.Classes.TalkFile.TLKStringRef strRef2)
            int result = strRef1.StringID.CompareTo(strRef2.StringID);
