Example #1
        public MiniConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(bool includePrivate)
            System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(HasToken /* || HasReflectionType*/, "GetConstructors needs a token (or you should uncomment the support for Reflection types)");

            List <MiniConstructorInfo> ctors = new List <MiniConstructorInfo>();

             * if (HasReflectionType) {
             *  System.Reflection.BindingFlags visibility = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public;
             *  if (includePrivate)
             *      visibility |= System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic;
             *  foreach (System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ctor in _reflectionType.GetConstructors(visibility))
             *      ctors.Add(new MiniConstructorInfo(ctor));
             *  return ctors.ToArray();
             * }

            System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(_mdToken.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);

            PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;

            MDTables MetaData = peFile.MetaData;

            System.Reflection.TypeAttributes flags = (System.Reflection.TypeAttributes)peFile.B.ReadUInt32();
            System.Reflection.TypeAttributes vis   = System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask & flags;
            bool isPublic = (vis == System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Public); // don't support NestedPublic

            if (!includePrivate && !isPublic)
                return(new MiniConstructorInfo[0]);
            MetaData.ReadStringIndex();                                                                   // typename
            MetaData.ReadStringIndex();                                                                   // namespace

            MetadataToken baseClass        = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef); // Base class
            uint          firstMemberIndex = MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.FieldDef);             // Field list
            uint          firstMethodIndex = MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef);            // Method list
            uint          lastMethodIndex;

            // If this is the last entry in the TypeDef table, then all the rest of the methods in the MethodDef
            // table belong to this type.  Otherwise, look for the methods belonging to the next type.
            if (_mdToken.Index == MetaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.TypeDef))
                lastMethodIndex = MetaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef);
                MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.TypeDef, _mdToken.Index);            // Seek to next type (not off by 1!)
                peFile.B.ReadUInt32();                                                         // Flags
                MetaData.ReadStringIndex();                                                    // type name
                MetaData.ReadStringIndex();                                                    // namespace
                MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef);                   // Next type's base class
                MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.FieldDef);                               // field list;
                uint firstMethodOfNextType = MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef); // method list
                lastMethodIndex = firstMethodOfNextType - 1;

            // Now walk through list of methods, looking for ones w/ the name ".ctor".
            for (uint i = firstMethodIndex; i <= lastMethodIndex; i++)
                MetadataToken method = new MetadataToken(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef, i);
                UInt32 rva       = peFile.B.ReadUInt32();
                UInt16 implFlags = peFile.B.ReadUInt16();                                                             // MethodImplAttributes
                System.Reflection.MethodAttributes attrs = (System.Reflection.MethodAttributes)peFile.B.ReadUInt16(); // Flags - MethodAttributes
                // Visibility check
                if (!includePrivate && (attrs & System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.Public) == 0)
                String methodName = MetaData.ReadString();  // Name
                // @
                if (!String.Equals(methodName, ".ctor"))

                byte[] sig = MetaData.ReadBlob();
                    MiniParameterInfo[] parameters = ParseSig(sig);
                    ctors.Add(new MiniConstructorInfo(parameters));
                catch (GenericsNotImplementedException)
                    // may be caused by a Generic contract.  The user will be warned elsewhere that generic contracts are not supported.

                     * if (Warnings != null) {
                     *  lock (Warnings) {
                     *      Warnings.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.UnparsibleConstructorSignature, this.Name, e.GetType().Name, e.Message));
                     *  }
                     * }
            } // for each .ctor