public void Setup()
            TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(8, 2);

            if (Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR && IntPtr.Size == 4)
                // There's a bug in the i386 version of objc_msgSend where it doesn't preserve SIMD arguments
                // when resizing the cache of method selectors for a type. So here we call all selectors we can
                // find, so that the subsequent tests don't end up producing any cache resize (radar #21630410).
                object dummy;
                using (var obj = new MDLNoiseTexture(1.0f, "texture", Vector2i.Zero, MDLTextureChannelEncoding.Float16)) {
                    dummy = obj.ChannelCount;
                    dummy = obj.ChannelEncoding;
                    dummy = obj.Dimensions;
                    dummy = obj.IsCube;
                    dummy = obj.MipLevelCount;
                    dummy = obj.Name;
                    dummy = obj.RowStride;
                    obj.GetTexelDataWithBottomLeftOrigin(1, false);
                    obj.GetTexelDataWithTopLeftOrigin(1, false);
                using (var obj = new MDLTexture()) {
Example #2
        public void Setup()
            if (!UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(9, 0))
                Assert.Ignore("Requires iOS9+");

            if (Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR && IntPtr.Size == 4)
                // There's a bug in the i386 version of objc_msgSend where it doesn't preserve SIMD arguments
                // when resizing the cache of method selectors for a type. So here we call all selectors we can
                // find, so that the subsequent tests don't end up producing any cache resize (radar #21630410).
                object dummy;
                using (var obj = new MDLTexture(null, true, null, Vector2i.Zero, 12, 2, MDLTextureChannelEncoding.Float16, false)) {
                    dummy = obj.ChannelCount;
                    dummy = obj.ChannelEncoding;
                    dummy = obj.Dimensions;
                    dummy = obj.IsCube;
                    dummy = obj.MipLevelCount;
                    dummy = obj.Name;
                    dummy = obj.RowStride;
                    obj.GetTexelDataWithBottomLeftOrigin(1, false);
                    obj.GetTexelDataWithTopLeftOrigin(1, false);
                using (var obj = new MDLTexture()) {
Example #3
        public void DimensionsTest()
            var V2 = new Vector2i(123, 456);

            using (var txt = new MDLTexture()) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(Vector2i.Zero, txt.Dimensions, "a");
Example #4
        public void Ctor()
            var V2 = new Vector2i(123, 456);

            using (var obj = new MDLTexture(null, true, null, V2, 12, 2, MDLTextureChannelEncoding.Float16, false)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(V2, obj.Dimensions, "dimensions");
Example #5
        public void CreateIrradianceTextureCubeTest_b()
            var V2 = new Vector2i(3, 3);

            using (var obj = new MDLTexture()) {
                using (var txt = MDLTexture.CreateIrradianceTextureCube(obj, "name", V2, 0.1234f)) {
                    Assert.IsNotNull(txt, "Ain't Null");
                    Assert.AreEqual(4, txt.ChannelCount, "ChannelCount");
                    Assert.AreEqual(MDLTextureChannelEncoding.UInt8, txt.ChannelEncoding, "ChannelEncoding");
                    Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2i(3, 18), txt.Dimensions, "Dimensions");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, txt.MipLevelCount, "MipLevelCount");
                    Assert.AreEqual(12, txt.RowStride, "RowStride");
Example #6
        public void CreateIrradianceTextureCubeTest_b()
            var V2 = new Vector2i(3, 3);

            using (var obj = new MDLTexture()) {
                using (var txt = MDLTexture.CreateIrradianceTextureCube(obj, "name", V2, 0.1234f)) {
                    if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion(8, 0))
                        Assert.IsNull(txt, "Is Null");                          // this is probably because the arguments to CreateIrradianceTextureCube are invalid, but I haven't been able to figure out valid values.
                        Assert.IsNotNull(txt, "Ain't Null");
                        Assert.AreEqual((nuint)4, txt.ChannelCount, "ChannelCount");
                        Assert.AreEqual(MDLTextureChannelEncoding.UInt8, txt.ChannelEncoding, "ChannelEncoding");
                        Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2i(3, 18), txt.Dimensions, "Dimensions");
                        Assert.AreEqual((nuint)1, txt.MipLevelCount, "MipLevelCount");
                        Assert.AreEqual((nint)12, txt.RowStride, "RowStride");