Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Autocropping of image
        ///     - Adapative threshold
        ///     - Border following
        ///     - Check if size of components matches size of a number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Image <Gray, Byte> preprocessMaterialID(Image <Gray, Byte> img)
            Image <Gray, Byte> preprocessed   = img.Convert <Gray, Byte>();
            Image <Gray, Byte> found_contours = new Image <Gray, Byte>(img.Size);

            imgMaterialID = null;

            preprocessed = preprocessed.ThresholdAdaptive(new Gray(255), ADAPTIVE_THRESHOLD_TYPE.CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,
                                                          THRESH.CV_THRESH_BINARY, 33, new Gray(15));

            using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())
                for (Contour <Point> contours = preprocessed.FindContours(); contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)
                    Rectangle rect = contours.BoundingRectangle;
                    // Check if size is ok for a number
                    if (
                        rect.Width > 15 && rect.Width < 40
                        rect.Height > 10 && rect.Height < 35)
                        found_contours.Draw(rect, new Gray(255), 3);

            MCvBox2D box = minAreaRect(found_contours);

            if (box.size.Width > 0 && box.size.Height > 0)
                imgMaterialID = preprocessed.Copy(box);

Example #2
        private static LineSegment2D GetLineH(int count, int n, MCvBox2D box)
        {   //egy vízszintes vonalat ad vissza, a megfelőle pocízióra téve
            LineSegment2D result = new LineSegment2D();
            Point         lineBeg;
            Point         lineEnd;

            double doloesszog = box.angle;
            double atfogoC    = box.size.Height;
            //cosinus tétellel először ezt tudom kiszámolni legegyszerűbben
            //cos(dőlésszög) = (szög melletti befogó)/(átfogó) ebből a befogó kell, átfogó és szög ismert
            double befogoA = Math.Cos(toRadian(doloesszog)) * atfogoC;
            double befogoB = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(atfogoC, 2) - Math.Pow(befogoA, 2));

            double offX = befogoA / count;
            double offY = befogoB / count;
            int    cx   = (int)(box.center.X - (((count - 2) / 2.0) - n) * offY);
            int    cy   = (int)(box.center.Y - (((count - 2) / 2.0) - n) * offX);

            double leptekX = (Math.Cos(toRadian(doloesszog)) * box.size.Width);
            double leptekY = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(box.size.Width, 2) - Math.Pow(leptekX, 2));

            lineBeg = new Point((int)(cx + leptekX / 2.0), (int)(cy - leptekY / 2.0));
            lineEnd = new Point((int)(cx - leptekX / 2.0), (int)(cy + leptekY / 2.0));

            result = new LineSegment2D(lineBeg, lineEnd);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// A paraméterként kapott kameraképre rárajzolja a detektált négyzethálót a megfelelő dőlésszöggel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">Az adott kép, amire rajzol a metódus.</param>
        /// <param name="bigBox">A négyzetháló kerete.</param>
        /// <param name="avgSmallSize">A tábla mezőinek nagysága.</param>
        /// <param name="color">A szín, amilyen színű legyen a kirajzolt négyzetháló.</param>
        /// <returns>A kapott képet ad vissza, a rárajzolt négyzethálóval.</returns>
        public static Image <Bgr, Byte> DrawCage(Image <Bgr, Byte> img, MCvBox2D bigBox, float avgSmallSize, Bgr color)
            Image <Bgr, Byte> result = img.Copy();

            float cageWidth  = bigBox.size.Width + 10;        //Négyzetháló szélessége.
            float cageHeight = bigBox.size.Height + 10;       //Négyzetháló magassága.

            int colNumber = (int)(cageWidth / avgSmallSize);  //Oszlopok száma.
            int rowNumber = (int)(cageHeight / avgSmallSize); //Sorok száma.

            result.Draw(bigBox, color, 2);                    //Először csak maga a négyzetháló kerete kerül a képre.

            if (colNumber > 0 && rowNumber > 0)               //Ezt követően a vízszintes és függőleges vonalak is felkerülnek.
                for (int i = 0; i < colNumber - 1; i++)       //Függőleges vonalak kirajzolása.
                    result.Draw(GetLine(colNumber, i, false, bigBox), color, 2);

                for (int i = 0; i < rowNumber - 1; i++) //Vízszintes vonalak kirajzolása.
                    result.Draw(GetLine(rowNumber, i, true, bigBox), color, 2);

Example #4
 public bool updateBoundingBox(MCvBox2D box)
     // this is for determining orientation of square objects
     // we'll get this done in M5 or later
     this.boundingBox = box;
Example #5
        public HandGeastureWindows()
            //grabber = new Emgu.CV.Capture(@".\..\..\..\M2U00253.MPG");
            grabber = new Emgu.CV.Capture();
            frameWidth  = grabber.Width;
            frameHeight = grabber.Height;
            detector    = new AdaptiveSkinDetector(1, AdaptiveSkinDetector.MorphingMethod.NONE);
            hsv_min     = new Hsv(0, 45, 0);
            hsv_max     = new Hsv(20, 255, 255);
            YCrCb_min   = new Ycc(0, 131, 80);
            YCrCb_max   = new Ycc(255, 185, 135);
            box         = new MCvBox2D();
            ellip       = new Emgu.CV.Structure.Ellipse();

            //Application.Idle += new EventHandler(FrameGrabber);

            worker         = new BackgroundWorker();
            worker.DoWork += FrameGrabber;
            worker.RunWorkerCompleted += (object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) =>
        /// <summary>
        /// Fit an ellipse to the points collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">The points to be fitted</param>
        /// <returns>An ellipse</returns>
        public static Ellipse EllipseLeastSquareFitting(PointF[] points)
            IntPtr   seq    = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(StructSize.MCvSeq);
            IntPtr   block  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(StructSize.MCvSeqBlock);
            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(points, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                CvInvoke.CV_MAKETYPE((int)CvEnum.MAT_DEPTH.CV_32F, 2),
            Ellipse e = new Ellipse(CvInvoke.cvFitEllipse2(seq));

            //The angle returned by cvFitEllipse2 has the wrong sign.
            //Returned angle is clock wise rotation, what we need for the definition of MCvBox is the counter clockwise rotation.
            //For this, we needs to change the sign of the angle
            MCvBox2D b = e.MCvBox2D;

            b.angle = -b.angle;
            if (b.angle < 0)
                b.angle += 360;
            e.MCvBox2D = b;

Example #7
 private void sensor_AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
     using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
         if (colorFrame != null)
                 new Int32Rect(0, 0, this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth, this.colorBitmap.PixelHeight),
                 this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth * sizeof(int),
             int sx = (int)this.sld_c1_sX.Value;
             int sy = (int)this.sld_c1_sY.Value;
             int dx = (int)this.sld_c1_dX.Value;
             int dy = (int)this.sld_c1_dY.Value;
             int w  = 0;
             int h  = 0;
             if (dx >= sx)
                 w = (dx - sx);
             if (dy >= sy)
                 h = (dy - sy);
             float             cx        = (float)sx + ((float)w) / 2;
             float             cy        = (float)sy + ((float)h) / 2;
             Image <Bgr, Byte> openCVImg = new Image <Bgr, byte>(colorBitmap.ToBitmap());
             box = new MCvBox2D(new PointF(cx, cy), new SizeF(new PointF((float)w, (float)h)), 0);
             openCVImg.Draw(box, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.Green), 4);
             this.cimg_cage4.Source = ImageHelpers.ToBitmapSource(openCVImg);
Example #8
    /// <summary>交換McvBox2D的寬高</summary>
    public static void SwapMcvBox2DHeightWidth(ref MCvBox2D box)
        float temp = box.size.Height;

        box.size.Height = box.size.Width;
        box.size.Width  = temp;
Example #9
        private PointF avgCenter; //Mezők alkotta pálya középpontja.

        /// <summary>
        /// A kapott képen található négyzetháló keretét keresi.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">A kép, amin keressük a tábla keretét.</param>
        /// <returns>A detektált négyzetháló keretét adja vissza.</returns>
        public DetectedField GeneralField(Image <Bgr, Byte> img)
            List <MCvBox2D> allBoxes      = RealBoxes(Boxes(img), 400);
            List <MCvBox2D> uniqueBoxes   = UniqueBoxes(allBoxes);
            List <MCvBox2D> relevantBoxes = RelevantBoxes(uniqueBoxes);

            //Beállítunk néhány táblára jellenző értéket, melyet később felhasználunk.
            avgCenter = AvgCenter(relevantBoxes);
            avgAngle  = AvgAngle(relevantBoxes);
            avgSize   = AvgSize(relevantBoxes);

            MCvBox2D frameBox = new MCvBox2D();

            //Ha megfelelő szögben áll a pálya, akkor egy egyszerűbb metódus fut le.
            if (Math.Abs(avgAngle) < 3 || Math.Abs(avgAngle) > 87)
                frameBox = StraightFrame(avgSize, relevantBoxes);
            else //Ferde négyzethálót kell keresni.
                frameBox = CrossFrame(avgSize, relevantBoxes);

            return(new DetectedField(frameBox, avgSize));
Example #10
    public void ProcessImage(Emgu.CV.Image<Emgu.CV.Structure.Bgr, byte> image) {
      MCvBox2D mybox = new MCvBox2D(new System.Drawing.PointF(100, 100), new System.Drawing.Size(50, 30), 110);
      MCvBox2D mybox2 = new MCvBox2D(new System.Drawing.PointF(100, 100), new System.Drawing.Size(50, 30), 0);

      image.Draw(new Ellipse(mybox), new Bgr(0,0,255), 2);
      image.Draw(new Ellipse(mybox2), new Bgr(0, 255, 0), 2);
Example #11
        public Form1()

            grabber = new Emgu.CV.Capture("C:/Users/L33549.CITI/Desktop/a.avi");
            frameWidth = grabber.Width;
            frameHeight = grabber.Height;
            //detector = new AdaptiveSkinDetector(1, AdaptiveSkinDetector.MorphingMethod.NONE);
            hsv_min = new Hsv(0, 45, 0);
            hsv_max = new Hsv(20, 255, 255);
            YCrCb_min = new Ycc(0, 129, 40);
            YCrCb_max = new Ycc(255, 185, 135);
            box = new MCvBox2D();
            ellip = new Ellipse();

            contourStorage = new MemStorage();
            approxStorage = new MemStorage();
            hullStorage = new MemStorage();
            defectsStorage = new MemStorage();

            tipPts = new Point[MAX_POINTS];   // coords of the finger tips
            foldPts = new Point[MAX_POINTS];  // coords of the skin folds between fingers
            depths = new float[MAX_POINTS];   // distances from tips to folds
            cogPt = new Point();
            fingerTips = new List<Point>();
            face = new CascadeClassifier("C:/Users/L33549.CITI/Desktop/AbuseAnalysis/HandGestureRecognition/HandGestureRecognition/HandGestureRecognition/haar/Original/haarcascade_hand.xml");

            Application.Idle += new EventHandler(FrameGrabber);

            /*foreach (var potentialSensor in KinectSensor.KinectSensors)
                if (potentialSensor.Status == KinectStatus.Connected)
                    this.sensor = potentialSensor;

            if (null != this.sensor)
                // Turn on the color stream to receive color frames

                // Allocate space to put the pixels we'll receive
                this.colorPixels = new byte[this.sensor.ColorStream.FramePixelDataLength];

                // This is the bitmap we'll display on-screen
                this.colorBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(this.sensor.ColorStream.FrameWidth, this.sensor.ColorStream.FrameHeight, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);

                // Set the image we display to point to the bitmap where we'll put the image data
                //this.Image.Source = this.colorBitmap;

                // Add an event handler to be called whenever there is new color frame data
                this.sensor.ColorFrameReady += this.SensorColorFrameReady;

                // Start the sensor!
        //1. 畫面上選取要追蹤的區域這裡我稱為 物件 (Object),也就是要被追蹤的東東
        //2. 計算出物件的 直方圖 (Histogram)
        //3. 將物件的直方圖與輸入畫面進行 反向投影(Backproject) 計算
        //4. 透過 物件追蹤演算法(Camshift) 快速地框出反向投影計算出的結果
        //5. 回傳追蹤區域
        //於是一直重複 3~5 的過程,我們的物件追蹤程式就大功告成了!

        public ObjectTracking(Image <Bgr, Byte> image, Rectangle ROI)
            // Initialize parameters

            //A boundary box
            trackbox = new MCvBox2D();
            trackcomp = new MCvConnectedComp();
            hue = new Image <Gray, byte>(image.Width, image.Height);
            mask = new Image <Gray, byte>(image.Width, image.Height);
            hist = new DenseHistogram(30, new RangeF(0, 180));
            backproject = new Image <Gray, byte>(image.Width, image.Height);

            // Assign Object's ROI from source image.
            // Region of Interest 只針對特定區域進行處理
            trackingWindow = ROI;

            // Producing Object's hist
Example #13
        public static Image <Bgr, Byte> DrawCage(Image <Bgr, Byte> img, MCvBox2D bigBox, float avgSmallSize, Bgr color)
        {   //It draws to camera picture the field
            Image <Bgr, Byte> result = img.Copy();

            float cageWidth  = bigBox.size.Width + 10;
            float cageHeight = bigBox.size.Height + 10;

            int colNumber = (int)(cageWidth / avgSmallSize);
            int rowNumber = (int)(cageHeight / avgSmallSize);

            result.Draw(bigBox, color, 2);

            //Draw cage
            if (colNumber > 0 && rowNumber > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < colNumber - 1; i++)
                    result.Draw(GetLineV(colNumber, i, bigBox), color, 2);

                for (int i = 0; i < rowNumber - 1; i++)
                    result.Draw(GetLineH(rowNumber, i, bigBox), color, 2);

Example #14
        public static Image <Bgr, byte> DrawBorder(this Image <Bgr, byte> image, int offset, Color color, int tickness = 5)
            MCvBox2D box = new MCvBox2D(new PointF(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2), new SizeF(image.Width - offset, image.Height - offset), 0);

            image.Draw(box, new Bgr(color), tickness);
Example #15
        public DetectedField GeneralField(Image <Bgr, Byte> img)
            //Detect all possible boxes by opencv
            List <MCvBox2D> allBoxes = RealBoxes(Boxes(img));

            //Opencv can recognise redundant boxes at the same place so I have to remove some of them
            List <MCvBox2D> uniqueBoxes = UniqueBoxes(allBoxes);

            //There can be more boxes out of the field but we need only the boxes on field
            //List<MCvBox2D> relevantBoxes = Coherent(RelevantBoxes(uniqueBoxes));
            List <MCvBox2D> relevantBoxes = RelevantBoxes(uniqueBoxes);

            //Some avarage properties
            avgCenter = AvgCenter(relevantBoxes);
            avgAngle  = AvgAngle(relevantBoxes);
            avgSize   = AvgSize(relevantBoxes);

            //csinálok egy pályakeretet
            MCvBox2D frameBox = new MCvBox2D();

            //ha megfelelő szögben áll
            if (Math.Abs(avgAngle) < 3 || Math.Abs(avgAngle) > 87)
                frameBox = StraightFrame(avgSize, relevantBoxes);
                frameBox = CrossFrame(avgSize, relevantBoxes);

            return(new DetectedField(frameBox, avgSize));
Example #16
 void Region_Detection(int id)
     using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage()) //allocate storage for contour(轮廓) approximation
         for (
             Contour <Point> contours = slide_gray_img[id].FindContours(
             contours != null;
             contours = contours.HNext)
             Contour <Point> currentContour = contours.ApproxPoly(contours.Perimeter * 0.05, storage); //逼近多边形曲线
             if (currentContour.Area < size_of_roi)                                                    //only consider contours with area greater than 250
                 tempbox = currentContour.GetMinAreaRect();
                 if (tempbox.size.Height >= 10 && tempbox.size.Width >= 10 &&
                     tempbox.center.X > slide[id].Width * 0.17 && tempbox.center.X < slide[id].Width * 0.83)
                     roi[id] = tempbox.MinAreaRect();
                     Rectangle         absRoi         = ConvertToAbsolute(roi[id], slide[id]);
                     Image <Bgr, Byte> RectangleImage = frame;
                     RectangleImage.Draw(absRoi, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);
                     imageBox3.Image = RectangleImage;
                     if (id == maxNum)
                         scanDone = true;
Example #17
        public static BitmapSource DetectObject(DepthImageFrame depthFrame, double firstGray, double secGray, double sliderMinSize, double sliderMaxSize)
            BitmapSource depthBmp = depthFrame.SliceDepthImage(300, 1100);

            Image <Bgr, Byte>  openCVImg  = new Image <Bgr, byte>(depthBmp.ToBitmap());
            Image <Gray, byte> gray_image = openCVImg.Convert <Gray, byte>().PyrDown().PyrUp();
            Image <Gray, Byte> cannyEdges = gray_image.Canny(firstGray, secGray);

            using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
                //Find contours with no holes try CV_RETR_EXTERNAL to find holes
                Contour <System.Drawing.Point> contours = cannyEdges.FindContours(

                for (int i = 0; contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)

                    if (contours.Area > sliderMinSize && contours.Area < sliderMaxSize)
                        MCvBox2D box = contours.GetMinAreaRect();
                        openCVImg.Draw(box, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.Red), 2);

Example #18
        public HandRecognition()
            //  grabber = new Emgu.CV.Capture(@"E:\HandGestureRecognition\M2U00253.mpg");
                grabber = new Emgu.CV.Capture();
            catch (Exception e)
                grabber = new Emgu.CV.Capture(@"E:\HandGestureRecognition\M2U00253.mpg");
            frameWidth  = grabber.Width;
            frameHeight = grabber.Height;
            detector    = new AdaptiveSkinDetector(1, AdaptiveSkinDetector.MorphingMethod.NONE);
            hsv_min     = new Hsv(0, 45, 0);
            hsv_max     = new Hsv(20, 255, 255);
            YCrCb_min   = new Ycc(0, 131, 80);
            YCrCb_max   = new Ycc(255, 185, 135);
            box         = new MCvBox2D();
            ellip       = new Ellipse();

            Application.Idle += new EventHandler(FrameGrabber);
Example #19
        // chiết xuất ra đường viền bao bọc bàn tay
        private void ExtractContourAndHull(Image <Gray, byte> skin)
                // tìm đường viền bao bọc bàn tay
                Contour <Point> contours = skin.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, storage);
                // biggest contour chính là đường biểu thị đường bao bọc bàn tay
                Contour <Point> biggestContour = null;
                // class contour() đê taọ đường viền, sử dụng bộ nhớ storage
                Double Result1 = 0;
                Double Result2 = 0;
                while (contours != null)
                    Result1 = contours.Area;
                    if (Result1 > Result2)
                        Result2        = Result1;
                        biggestContour = contours;
                    contours = contours.HNext;

                if (biggestContour != null)
                    // class ApproxPoly(Double, MemStorage) xấp xỉ 1 đường cong và trả về kết quả xấp xỉ
                    Contour <Point> currentContour = biggestContour.ApproxPoly(biggestContour.Perimeter * 0.0025, storage);
                    // dung màu xanh là cây để biểu diễn đường viền bao tay
                    currentFrame.Draw(currentContour, new Bgr(Color.LimeGreen), 2);

                    biggestContour = currentContour;

                    hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    box  = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect();
                    PointF[] points = box.GetVertices();

                    Point[] ps = new Point[points.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                        ps[i] = new Point((int)points[i].X, (int)points[i].Y);

                    currentFrame.DrawPolyline(hull.ToArray(), true, new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);
                    currentFrame.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);

                    filteredHull = new Seq <Point>(storage);
                    for (int i = 0; i < hull.Total; i++)
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hull[i].X - hull[i + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(hull[i].Y - hull[i + 1].Y, 2)) > box.size.Width / 10)

                    defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);

                    defectArray = defects.ToArray();
Example #20
        public void ProcessImage(Emgu.CV.Image <Emgu.CV.Structure.Bgr, byte> image)
            MCvBox2D mybox  = new MCvBox2D(new System.Drawing.PointF(100, 100), new System.Drawing.Size(50, 30), 110);
            MCvBox2D mybox2 = new MCvBox2D(new System.Drawing.PointF(100, 100), new System.Drawing.Size(50, 30), 0);

            image.Draw(new Ellipse(mybox), new Bgr(0, 0, 255), 2);
            image.Draw(new Ellipse(mybox2), new Bgr(0, 255, 0), 2);
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CardDetector()
     //Setting the pot default position
     potRegion = new MCvBox2D(new PointF(515, 246), new SizeF(150, 22), 0);
     //load the templates from disk to memory
Example #22
        public static Image <Bgr, Byte> GameImage(int[,] matrix)
        {   //It draws the game view
            Image <Bgr, Byte> result = new Image <Bgr, byte>(640, 480);
            int col = matrix.GetLength(0);
            int row = matrix.GetLength(1);

            //Boxes size
            int      size   = 80;
            MCvBox2D bigBox = new MCvBox2D(new PointF(50 + (int)((size * col) / 2), 240), new SizeF(size * col, size * row), 0);

            result.Draw(bigBox, new Bgr(0, 255, 0), 2);

            //Horizontal, Vertical lines
            int line_u = (int)(bigBox.center.Y - bigBox.size.Height / 2);
            int line_d = (int)(bigBox.center.Y + bigBox.size.Height / 2);
            int line_l = (int)(bigBox.center.X - bigBox.size.Width / 2);
            int line_r = (int)(bigBox.center.X + bigBox.size.Width / 2);

            for (int i = 1; i < col; i++)
                LineSegment2D horLine;
                horLine = new LineSegment2D(new Point(line_l + i * size, line_u), new Point(line_l + i * size, line_d));

                result.Draw(horLine, new Bgr(0, 255, 0), 2);

            for (int i = 1; i < row; i++)
                LineSegment2D verLine;
                verLine = new LineSegment2D(new Point(line_l, line_u + i * size), new Point(line_r, line_u + i * size));

                result.Draw(verLine, new Bgr(0, 255, 0), 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < col; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < row; j++)
                    if (matrix[i, j] == 1)
                    {   //Draw X
                        List <LineSegment2D> x = GameX(new PointF((float)(line_l + (i + 0.5) * size),
                                                                  (float)(line_u + (j + 0.5) * size)), size);
                        foreach (LineSegment2D line in x)
                            result.Draw(line, new Bgr(255, 0, 0), 2);
                    if (matrix[i, j] == 0)
                    {       //Draw O
                        result.Draw(GameO(new PointF((float)(line_l + (i + 0.5) * size),
                                                     (float)(line_u + (j + 0.5) * size)), size), new Bgr(0, 0, 255), 2);
Example #23
        private void GetContour_Hull(Image <Gray, byte> skin)
            using (MemStorage Mem = new MemStorage())
                Contour <Point> Contours = skin.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE,
                                                             Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, Mem);
                Contour <Point> Maxium = null;

                Double area_cur = 0, area_max = 0;
                while (Contours != null)
                    area_cur = Contours.Area;
                    if (area_cur > area_max)
                        area_max = area_cur;
                        Maxium   = Contours;
                    Contours = Contours.HNext;

                if (Maxium != null)
                    Contour <Point> CurrentContour = Maxium.ApproxPoly(Maxium.Perimeter * 0.0025, Mem);
                    Cam_Income.Draw(CurrentContour, new Bgr(Color.LimeGreen), 2);
                    Maxium = CurrentContour;

                    hull = Maxium.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    box  = Maxium.GetMinAreaRect();
                    PointF[] points = box.GetVertices();
                    //box.center.Y += 30;
                    judge.X = (float)(box.center.X - (box.size.Width - box.center.X) * 0.20);
                    judge.Y = (float)(box.center.Y + (box.size.Height - box.center.Y) * 0.40);
                    //dif = box.center.Y + (box.size.Height - box.center.Y) * 0.30;
                    Point[] P_To_int = new Point[points.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                        P_To_int[i] = new Point((int)points[i].X, (int)points[i].Y);

                    Cam_Income.DrawPolyline(hull.ToArray(), true, new Bgr(Color.Pink), 2);
                    Cam_Income.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(Color.DarkOrchid), 5);
                    Cam_Income.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(judge.X, judge.Y), 3), new Bgr(Color.Cyan), 5);

                    FilterHull = new Seq <Point>(Mem);
                    for (int i = 0; i < hull.Total - 1; i++)
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hull[i].X - hull[i + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(hull[i].Y - hull[i + 1].Y, 2)) > box.size.Width / 10)
                    Defects     = Maxium.GetConvexityDefacts(Mem, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    DefectArray = Defects.ToArray();
		internal void InitializeBoxes(MCvBox2D outerBox, List<MCvBox2D> allFoundRectangles, int startIndex)
			m_OuterBox = outerBox;
			List<MCvBox2D> insideBoxes = GetOrderedInsideBoxes(allFoundRectangles, startIndex);
			for (int i = 0; i < m_CellInfos.Length; i++)
				m_CellInfos[i].Box = insideBoxes[i];
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Use camshift to track the feature
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observedFeatures">The feature found from the observed image</param>
        /// <param name="initRegion">The predicted location of the model in the observed image. If not known, use MCvBox2D.Empty as default</param>
        /// <param name="priorMask">The mask that should be the same size as the observed image. Contains a priori value of the probability a match can be found. If you are not sure, pass an image fills with 1.0s</param>
        /// <returns>If a match is found, the homography projection matrix is returned. Otherwise null is returned</returns>
        public HomographyMatrix CamShiftTrack(SURFFeature[] observedFeatures, MCvBox2D initRegion, Image <Gray, Single> priorMask)
            using (Image <Gray, Single> matchMask = new Image <Gray, Single>(priorMask.Size))
                #region get the list of matched point on the observed image
                Single[, ,] matchMaskData = matchMask.Data;

                //Compute the matched features
                MatchedSURFFeature[] matchedFeature = _matcher.MatchFeature(observedFeatures, 2, 20);
                matchedFeature = VoteForUniqueness(matchedFeature, 0.8);

                foreach (MatchedSURFFeature f in matchedFeature)
                    PointF p = f.ObservedFeature.Point.pt;
                    matchMaskData[(int)p.Y, (int)p.X, 0] = 1.0f / (float)f.SimilarFeatures[0].Distance;

                Rectangle startRegion;
                if (initRegion.Equals(MCvBox2D.Empty))
                    startRegion = matchMask.ROI;
                    startRegion = PointCollection.BoundingRectangle(initRegion.GetVertices());
                    if (startRegion.IntersectsWith(matchMask.ROI))

                CvInvoke.cvMul(matchMask.Ptr, priorMask.Ptr, matchMask.Ptr, 1.0);

                MCvConnectedComp comp;
                MCvBox2D         currentRegion;
                //Updates the current location
                CvInvoke.cvCamShift(matchMask.Ptr, startRegion, new MCvTermCriteria(10, 1.0e-8), out comp, out currentRegion);

                #region find the SURF features that belongs to the current Region
                MatchedSURFFeature[] featuesInCurrentRegion;
                using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
                    Contour <System.Drawing.PointF> contour = new Contour <PointF>(stor);
                    contour.PushMulti(currentRegion.GetVertices(), Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BACK_OR_FRONT.BACK);

                    CvInvoke.cvBoundingRect(contour.Ptr, 1); //this is required before calling the InContour function

                    featuesInCurrentRegion = Array.FindAll(matchedFeature,
                                                           delegate(MatchedSURFFeature f)
                                                           { return(contour.InContour(f.ObservedFeature.Point.pt) >= 0); });

                return(GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(VoteForSizeAndOrientation(featuesInCurrentRegion, 1.5, 20)));
Example #26
        public static MCvBox2D ToCvBox2D(this Rectangle r)
            var box = new MCvBox2D();

            box.center = new PointF(r.GetXCenter(), r.GetYCenter());
            box.size   = new SizeF(r.Width, r.Height);
            box.angle  = 0;
        private void sensor_AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
            BitmapSource depthBmp = null;

            blobCount = 0;

            using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
                using (DepthImageFrame depthFrame = e.OpenDepthImageFrame())
                    if (depthFrame != null)
                        blobCount = 0;

                        depthBmp = depthFrame.SliceDepthImage((int)sliderMin.Value, (int)sliderMax.Value);

                        Image <Bgr, Byte>  openCVImg  = new Image <Bgr, byte>(depthBmp.ToBitmap());
                        Image <Gray, byte> gray_image = openCVImg.Convert <Gray, byte>();

                        using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
                            //Find contours with no holes try CV_RETR_EXTERNAL to find holes
                            Contour <System.Drawing.Point> contours = gray_image.FindContours(

                            for (int i = 0; contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)

                                if ((contours.Area > Math.Pow(sliderMinSize.Value, 2)) && (contours.Area < Math.Pow(sliderMaxSize.Value, 2)))
                                    MCvBox2D box = contours.GetMinAreaRect();
                                    openCVImg.Draw(box, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.Red), 2);

                        this.outImg.Source = ImageHelpers.ToBitmapSource(openCVImg);
                        txtBlobCount.Text  = blobCount.ToString();

                if (colorFrame != null)
                        new Int32Rect(0, 0, this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth, this.colorBitmap.PixelHeight),
                        this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth * sizeof(int),
Example #28
    /// <summary>將1D的磁磚陣列轉為2D陣列</summary>
    public static MCvBox2D[,] TileArrayToTile2DArray(Point theGridRD, Point theGridLT, List <MCvBox2D> BaseMcvBox2DList)
        #region 定位磁磚

        MCvBox2D[,] tiles        = new MCvBox2D[SquareGrids.COLUMN_COUNT, SquareGrids.ROW_COUNT];
        bool[,] PositionOccupied = new bool[SquareGrids.ROW_COUNT, SquareGrids.COLUMN_COUNT];
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < SquareGrids.ROW_COUNT; rowIndex++)
            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < SquareGrids.COLUMN_COUNT; columnIndex++)
                PositionOccupied[columnIndex, rowIndex] = false;

        PointF LeftTop   = PointF.Empty;
        double minDis    = double.MaxValue;
        PointF RightDown = PointF.Empty;
        double maxDis    = double.MinValue;
        foreach (var item in BaseMcvBox2DList)
            if (myMath.GetDistance(item.center, new PointF(0, 0)) < minDis)
                minDis  = myMath.GetDistance(item.center, new PointF(0, 0));
                LeftTop = item.center;
            if (myMath.GetDistance(item.center, new PointF(0, 0)) > maxDis)
                maxDis    = myMath.GetDistance(item.center, new PointF(0, 0));
                RightDown = item.center;
        double avgGridSpacingH_Pixel = (RightDown.X - LeftTop.X) / (SquareGrids.COLUMN_COUNT - 1);
        double avgGridSpacingV_Pixel = (RightDown.Y - LeftTop.Y) / (SquareGrids.ROW_COUNT - 1);

        for (int index = 0; index < BaseMcvBox2DList.Count; index++)
            //int columnOfBox = (int)((BaseMcvBox2DList[index].center.X - myGrid.get_GridsLT.X) / myGrid.get_gridSpacingInPixel);
            int columnOfBox = (int)((BaseMcvBox2DList[index].center.X - theGridLT.X) / avgGridSpacingH_Pixel);

            //int rowOfBox = (int)((BaseMcvBox2DList[index].center.Y - myGrid.get_GridsLT.Y) / myGrid.get_gridSpacingInPixel);
            int rowOfBox = (int)((BaseMcvBox2DList[index].center.Y - theGridLT.Y) / avgGridSpacingV_Pixel);

            if (PositionOccupied[columnOfBox, rowOfBox] == false)
                tiles[columnOfBox, rowOfBox]            = BaseMcvBox2DList[index];
                PositionOccupied[columnOfBox, rowOfBox] = true;
                throw new Exception("tile" + index + "位置與其他tile重複");

        #endregion 定位磁磚
        internal void InitializeBoxes(MCvBox2D outerBox, List <MCvBox2D> allFoundRectangles, int startIndex)
            m_OuterBox = outerBox;
            List <MCvBox2D> insideBoxes = GetOrderedInsideBoxes(allFoundRectangles, startIndex);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_CellInfos.Length; i++)
                m_CellInfos[i].Box = insideBoxes[i];
Example #30
        public bool callButtonVisible(Image <Bgr, byte> img)
            //Using optical character recognition
            VirtualMouse1 vr = new VirtualMouse1();

            Rectangle[]       buttons    = vr.getButtonsRectangles();
            Rectangle         callButton = buttons[1];
            PointF            center     = new PointF(callButton.X + callButton.Width / 2, callButton.Y + callButton.Height / 2);
            SizeF             size       = new SizeF(callButton.Width, callButton.Height);
            Image <Bgr, byte> image      = cropImage(img, new MCvBox2D(center, size, 0));

            if (image != null)
                image = image.Resize(3.0, INTER.CV_INTER_CUBIC);
                string[] recong = OCR(image);
                if (recong[0].Contains("Pago") || recong[0].Contains("Passo"))
            //If it does not work, using template matching
            Image <Bgr, Byte> region;

            double[] min1, max1;
            Point[]  pointMin1, pointMax1;
            MCvBox2D box = new MCvBox2D(new PointF(653, 646), new SizeF(311, 106), 0);

            region = cropImage(img, box);
            if (region != null)
                Image <Bgr, Byte> buttonTemplate1 = new Image <Bgr, Byte>("ButtonsTemplate/call.png");
                Image <Bgr, Byte> buttonTemplate2 = new Image <Bgr, Byte>("ButtonsTemplate/call2.png");
                //Template match the template with the region containing the comunitary cards
                Image <Gray, float> comparationImage1 = region.MatchTemplate(buttonTemplate1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.TM_TYPE.CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
                Image <Gray, float> comparationImage2 = region.MatchTemplate(buttonTemplate2, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.TM_TYPE.CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
                comparationImage1.MinMax(out min1, out max1, out pointMin1, out pointMax1);
                //If the max correlation exceds some minimum value
                if (max1[0] > MIN_TMPLT_MATCHING_DEALER)
                double[] min2, max2;
                Point[]  pointMin2, pointMax2;
                comparationImage2.MinMax(out min2, out max2, out pointMin2, out pointMax2);
                //If the max correlation exceds some minimum value
                if (max2[0] > MIN_TMPLT_MATCHING_DEALER)
Example #31
        public bool IsFilled(int x, int y, Image <Gray, Byte> image)
            MCvBox2D box = this.InsideRectangles[x, y];

            using (Image <Gray, Byte> cellImage = image.Copy(box))
                int nonZeroCount = cellImage.CountNonzero()[0];
                return(nonZeroCount > 60);
Example #32
    public static MCvBox2D AvgBox(MCvBox2D box1, MCvBox2D box2)
        float Width  = (box1.size.Width + box2.size.Width) / 2;
        float Height = (box1.size.Height + box2.size.Height) / 2;
        float X      = (box1.center.X + box2.center.X) / 2;
        float Y      = (box1.center.Y + box2.center.Y) / 2;
        float A      = (box1.angle + box2.angle) / 2;

        return(new MCvBox2D(new System.Drawing.PointF(X, Y),
                            new System.Drawing.SizeF(Width, Height), A));
Example #33
      /// <summary>
      /// Use camshift to track the feature
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="observedFeatures">The feature found from the observed image</param>
      /// <param name="initRegion">The predicted location of the model in the observed image. If not known, use MCvBox2D.Empty as default</param>
      /// <param name="priorMask">The mask that should be the same size as the observed image. Contains a priori value of the probability a match can be found. If you are not sure, pass an image fills with 1.0s</param>
      /// <returns>If a match is found, the homography projection matrix is returned. Otherwise null is returned</returns>
      public HomographyMatrix CamShiftTrack(SURFFeature[] observedFeatures, MCvBox2D initRegion, Image<Gray, Single> priorMask)
         using (Image<Gray, Single> matchMask = new Image<Gray, Single>(priorMask.Size))
            #region get the list of matched point on the observed image
            Single[, ,] matchMaskData = matchMask.Data;

            //Compute the matched features
            MatchedSURFFeature[] matchedFeature = _matcher.MatchFeature(observedFeatures, 2, 20);
            matchedFeature = VoteForUniqueness(matchedFeature, 0.8);

            foreach (MatchedSURFFeature f in matchedFeature)
               PointF p = f.ObservedFeature.Point.pt;
               matchMaskData[(int)p.Y, (int)p.X, 0] = 1.0f / (float) f.SimilarFeatures[0].Distance;

            Rectangle startRegion;
            if (initRegion.Equals(MCvBox2D.Empty))
               startRegion = matchMask.ROI;
               startRegion = PointCollection.BoundingRectangle(initRegion.GetVertices());
               if (startRegion.IntersectsWith(matchMask.ROI))

            CvInvoke.cvMul(matchMask.Ptr, priorMask.Ptr, matchMask.Ptr, 1.0);

            MCvConnectedComp comp;
            MCvBox2D currentRegion;
            //Updates the current location
            CvInvoke.cvCamShift(matchMask.Ptr, startRegion, new MCvTermCriteria(10, 1.0e-8), out comp, out currentRegion);

            #region find the SURF features that belongs to the current Region
            MatchedSURFFeature[] featuesInCurrentRegion;
            using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
               Contour<System.Drawing.PointF> contour = new Contour<PointF>(stor);
               contour.PushMulti(currentRegion.GetVertices(), Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BACK_OR_FRONT.BACK);

               CvInvoke.cvBoundingRect(contour.Ptr, 1); //this is required before calling the InContour function

               featuesInCurrentRegion = Array.FindAll(matchedFeature,
                  delegate(MatchedSURFFeature f)
                  { return contour.InContour(f.ObservedFeature.Point.pt) >= 0; });

            return GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(VoteForSizeAndOrientation(featuesInCurrentRegion, 1.5, 20 ));
        void ExtractContourAndHull(Image <Gray, Byte> skin)
            Contour <Point> contours       = skin.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST);
            Contour <Point> biggestContour = null;

            Double result1 = 0;
            Double result2 = 0;

            while (contours != null)
                result1 = contours.Area;
                if (result1 > result2)
                    result2        = result1;
                    biggestContour = contours;
                contours = contours.HNext;
            if (biggestContour != null)
                Contour <Point> currentContour = biggestContour.ApproxPoly(biggestContour.Perimeter * 0.0025, storage);
                currentFrame.Draw(currentContour, new Bgr(Color.LimeGreen), 2);
                biggestContour = currentContour;

                hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                box  = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect();
                PointF[] points = box.GetVertices();

                Point[] ps = new Point[points.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    ps[i] = new Point((int)points[i].X, (int)points[i].Y);
                currentFrame.DrawPolyline(hull.ToArray(), true, new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);
                currentFrame.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);

                PointF center;
                float  radius;

                filterredHull = new Seq <Point>(storage);
                for (int i = 0; i < hull.Total; i++)
                    if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hull[i].X - hull[i + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(hull[i].Y - hull[i + 1].Y, 2)) > box.size.Width / 10)

                defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);

                defectArray = defects.ToArray();
        //:::::::::::::::::fin variables::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        //:::::::::::::Method for make the image binary::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        //the binarization is inspired in NiBlanck banarization, but in this case, we use just the average of the image. 
        //openinOperation() remove the noise of the binarized image, using morphological operation, we use opening. 

        private Image<Gray, Byte> binaryNiBlack(Image<Gray, Byte> handFrame)
            int widthFrame = handFrame.Width;
            int heigthFrame = handFrame.Height;

            int sizeSW = 4;
            int sizeSW_w = sizeSW; //Size of the slinding window 
            int sizeSW_h = sizeSW; //Size of the slinding window 
            int halfWidth = (int)(Math.Floor((double)sizeSW / 2));
            int halfHeigth = (int)(Math.Floor((double)sizeSW / 2));
            int binaryWidth = widthFrame + halfWidth * 2;
            int binaryHeigth = heigthFrame + halfHeigth * 2;
            double k = .6;

            Image<Gray, Byte> binaryFrameCalculation = new Image<Gray, Byte>(binaryWidth, binaryHeigth);
            Rectangle roiHand = new Rectangle(halfWidth, halfHeigth, widthFrame, heigthFrame);
            binaryFrameCalculation.ROI = roiHand;
            binaryFrameCalculation.ROI = Rectangle.Empty;

            byte[, ,] byteData = handFrame.Data;

            for (int i = halfHeigth; i < heigthFrame + halfHeigth; i++)
                for (int j = halfWidth; j < widthFrame + halfWidth; j++)
                    Gray media;
                    MCvScalar desest;
                    MCvScalar mediaValue;
                    double threshold;
                    MCvBox2D roi;

                    Image<Gray, Byte> imageCalculate = new Image<Gray, Byte>(sizeSW_w, sizeSW_h);
                    roi = new MCvBox2D(new System.Drawing.Point(j, i), new System.Drawing.Size(sizeSW_w, sizeSW_h), 0);

                    imageCalculate = binaryFrameCalculation.Copy(roi);
                    binaryFrameCalculation.ROI = Rectangle.Empty;
                    imageCalculate.AvgSdv(out media, out desest);
                    mediaValue = media.MCvScalar;
                    threshold = mediaValue.v0 + (k * desest.v0);

                    if (byteData[i - halfHeigth, j - halfWidth, 0] < threshold)
                        byteData[i - halfHeigth, j - halfWidth, 0] = 255;
                        byteData[i - halfHeigth, j - halfWidth, 0] = 0;

            handFrame.Data = byteData;
            return handFrame;
Example #36
        public Form1()
            grabber = new Emgu.CV.Capture(@".\..\..\..\M2U00253.MPG");
            frameWidth = grabber.Width;
            frameHeight = grabber.Height;
            detector = new AdaptiveSkinDetector(1, AdaptiveSkinDetector.MorphingMethod.NONE);
            hsv_min = new Hsv(0, 45, 0);
            hsv_max = new Hsv(20, 255, 255);
            YCrCb_min = new Ycc(0, 131, 80);
            YCrCb_max = new Ycc(255, 185, 135);
            box = new MCvBox2D();
            ellip = new Ellipse();

            Application.Idle += new EventHandler(FrameGrabber);
        public ObjectTracking(Image<Bgr, Byte> image, Rectangle ROI)
            // Initialize parameters
            trackbox = new MCvBox2D();
            trackcomp = new MCvConnectedComp();
            hue = new Image<Gray, byte>(image.Width, image.Height);
            mask = new Image<Gray, byte>(image.Width, image.Height);
            hist = new DenseHistogram(30, new RangeF(0, 180));
            backproject = new Image<Gray, byte>(image.Width, image.Height);

            // Assign Object's ROI from source image.
            trackingWindow = ROI;

            // Producing Object's hist
Example #38
 public MainWindow()
     box = new MCvBox2D();
     mouse = new MouseDriver();
     touchPoints = new ArrayList();
     thickness = 100;
     cropWidth = 480;
     cropHeight = 360;
     recalibrate = true;
     // show status for each sensor that is found now.
     foreach (KinectSensor kinect in KinectSensor.KinectSensors)
         kinect.DepthStream.Range = (DepthRange)1;
         kinect.DepthFrameReady += new EventHandler<DepthImageFrameReadyEventArgs>(DepthImageReady);
 public Form1()
     grabber = new Emgu.CV.Capture();
     frameWidth = grabber.Width;
     frameHeight = grabber.Height;
     detector = new AdaptiveSkinDetector(1, AdaptiveSkinDetector.MorphingMethod.NONE);
     hsv_min = new Hsv(0, 45, 0);
     hsv_max = new Hsv(20, 255, 255);
     YCrCb_min = new Ycc(0, 131, 80);
     YCrCb_max = new Ycc(255, 185, 135);
     box = new MCvBox2D();
     // ellip = new Ellipse();
     _face = new HaarCascade("haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml");
     eyes = new HaarCascade("haarcascade_mcs_eyepair_big.xml");
     reye = new HaarCascade("haarcascade_mcs_lefteye.xml");
     leye = new HaarCascade("haarcascade_mcs_righteye.xml");
Example #40
        public void DetectRect(Image<Bgr, byte> img, List<Image<Gray, Byte>> stopSignList, List<Rectangle> boxList, List<Contour<Point>> contourSignFound)
            imagecolor = img;
            Image<Bgr, Byte> smoothImg = img.SmoothGaussian(5, 5, 1.5, 1.5);
            Image<Gray, Byte> smoothedBlackMask = GetColorPixelMask(smoothImg, 0, 180, 0, 94, 0, 100);
            imageGray = smoothedBlackMask;

            //Use Dilate followed by Erode to eliminate small gaps in some countour.

            using (Image<Gray, Byte> canny = smoothedBlackMask.Canny(new Gray(100), new Gray(50)))//Canny(100,50))
            using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
                Contour<Point> contours = canny.FindContours(
                FindRect(img, stopSignList, boxList, contours, 5);
            CvInvoke.cvAnd(imageGray, imageSelector, imageGray, IntPtr.Zero);
            using (Image<Gray, Byte> cannySelector = imageSelector.Canny(new Gray(100), new Gray(50)))//Canny(100,50))
            using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
                Contour<Point> contours = cannySelector.FindContours(
                imageGray.Draw(contours, new Gray(255), 1);

            //imageGray.Draw(joinContour.GetMinAreaRect(),new Gray(180),1);

            CvInvoke.cvShowImage("Image Black", imageGray);
            PointF temp = new PointF();
            MCvBox2D tempbox = new MCvBox2D();
            bool swapped = false;
            //bubble sort for making following sorting
            //   0
            // 1   2
            //   4
                swapped = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (pointBlack[i].Y > pointBlack[i + 1].Y)
                        temp = pointBlack[i];
                        tempbox= minBoxesBlack[i];

                        pointBlack[i] = pointBlack[i + 1];
                        minBoxesBlack[i] = minBoxesBlack[i + 1];

                        pointBlack[i + 1] = temp;
                        minBoxesBlack[i + 1] = tempbox;
                        swapped = true;
            } while (swapped);

            if (pointBlack[1].X > pointBlack[2].X)
                temp = pointBlack[1];
                tempbox = minBoxesBlack[1];
                pointBlack[1] = pointBlack[2];
                minBoxesBlack[1] = minBoxesBlack[2];
                pointBlack[2] = temp;
                minBoxesBlack[2] = tempbox;
            MCvFont f = new MCvFont(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FONT.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.8, 0.8);
            //for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
            //    imageGray.Draw("    " + i, ref f, new Point((int)pointBlack[i].X, (int)pointBlack[i].Y), new Gray(200));
            //    imageGray.Draw(minBoxesBlack[i], new Gray(100), 2);
            LineSegment2DF[]lines  = new LineSegment2DF[9];

            lines[0] = new LineSegment2DF(pointBlack[0], pointBlack[3]);
            lines[1] = new LineSegment2DF(pointBlack[1], pointBlack[2]);
            lines[2] = translatationLineXNeg(lines[0], lines[1]);
            lines[3] = translatationLineXPos(lines[0], lines[1]);
            imageGray.Draw(lines[0], new Gray(100), 2);
            imageGray.Draw(lines[1], new Gray(100), 2);
            imageGray.Draw(lines[2], new Gray(100), 2);
            imageGray.Draw(lines[3], new Gray(100), 2);
            Image<Gray, Byte> smoothedWhiteMask = GetColorPixelMask(smoothImg, 0, 180, 0, 94, 92, 255);
            imageGray = smoothedWhiteMask;

            //Use Dilate followed by Erode to eliminate small gaps in some countour.
            CvInvoke.cvAnd(smoothedWhiteMask, imageSelector, smoothedWhiteMask, IntPtr.Zero);

            using (Image<Gray, Byte> canny = smoothedWhiteMask.Canny(new Gray(100), new Gray(50)))//Canny(100,50))
            using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
                Contour<Point> contours = canny.FindContours(
                FindRect(img, stopSignList, boxList, contours,6);
            CvInvoke.cvShowImage("Image White", smoothedWhiteMask);
Example #41
 public void TestGetBox2DPoints()
     MCvBox2D box = new MCvBox2D(
     new PointF(3.0f, 2.0f),
     new SizeF(4.0f, 6.0f),
      PointF[] vertices = box.GetVertices();
      Assert.IsTrue(vertices[0].Equals(new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f)));
      Assert.IsTrue(vertices[1].Equals(new PointF(6.0f, 0.0f)));
Example #42
        private void FindContourAndConvexHull(Image<Gray, byte> skin, Image<Bgr, byte> imageFrame)
            using (MemStorage cacheStorage = new MemStorage())
                //getting the countours by simplest algorithm and list in retourn (tree isn't necessary)
                Contour<Point> contours = skin.FindContours(

                //this variable will contain the biggest countour (if any avaiable)
                Contour<Point> largestContour = null;

                //searching for biggest countour
                Double CurrArea = 0, MaxArea = 0;
                while (contours != null)
                    CurrArea = contours.Area;
                    if (CurrArea > MaxArea)
                        MaxArea = CurrArea;
                        largestContour = contours;
                    contours = contours.HNext;

                if (largestContour != null)
                    //drawing oryginal countour on image:
                    imageFrame.Draw(largestContour, new Bgr(Color.DarkViolet), 2);

                    //smoothing a bit the countour to make less amout of defects + draw:
                    Contour<Point> currentContour = largestContour.ApproxPoly(largestContour.Perimeter * 0.0025, cacheStorage);
                    imageFrame.Draw(currentContour, new Bgr(Color.LimeGreen), 2);
                    largestContour = currentContour;

                    //computing and drawing convex hull (smallest polygon that covers whole hand):
                    hull = largestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    imageFrame.DrawPolyline(hull.ToArray(), true, new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);

                    //computing smallest box (with angle), that covers the hull, and drawing without angle:
                    box = largestContour.GetMinAreaRect();
                    handRect = box.MinAreaRect();
                    imageFrame.Draw(handRect, new Bgr(200, 0, 0), 1);

                    //drawing the center of the box iwth hull:
                    imageFrame.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);

                    //drawing ellipse ("E") that containts most of the foun pixels:
                    if (largestContour.Count() >= 5)
                        ellip.MCvBox2D = CvInvoke.cvFitEllipse2(largestContour.Ptr);
                        imageFrame.Draw(new Ellipse(ellip.MCvBox2D), new Bgr(Color.LavenderBlush), 3);

                    //computing and drawing minimal enclosing circle, that contains whole contour:
                    PointF center;
                    float radius;
                    CvInvoke.cvMinEnclosingCircle(largestContour.Ptr, out  center, out  radius);
                    imageFrame.Draw(new CircleF(center, radius), new Bgr(Color.Gold), 2);

                    //drawing center of ellipse "E":
                    imageFrame.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(ellip.MCvBox2D.center.X, ellip.MCvBox2D.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(100, 25, 55), 2);
                    imageFrame.Draw(ellip, new Bgr(Color.DeepPink), 2);

                    //computing and drawing ellipse ("F") that shows the direction of hand:
                        new Point((int)ellip.MCvBox2D.center.X, (int)ellip.MCvBox2D.center.Y),
                        new Size((int)ellip.MCvBox2D.size.Width, (int)ellip.MCvBox2D.size.Height),
                        new MCvScalar(120, 233, 88),

                    //drawing ellipse, that's small, but also shows the direction of hand:
                        new Ellipse(
                            new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y),
                            new SizeF(box.size.Height, box.size.Width),
                        new Bgr(0, 0, 0), 2);

                    //algorithm that fiters convex hull. It saves only those points, that have distance
                    //between next point bigger than 1/10th of the box size. Small ones are removed.
                    filteredHull = new Seq<Point>(cacheStorage);
                    for (int i = 0; i < hull.Total; i++)
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hull[i].X - hull[i + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(hull[i].Y - hull[i + 1].Y, 2)) > box.size.Width / 10)

                    //finding convex hull defects:
                    defects = largestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(cacheStorage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    defectsArr = defects.ToArray();
Example #43
        private void sensor_AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
            using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
                if (colorFrame != null)
                        new Int32Rect(0, 0, this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth, this.colorBitmap.PixelHeight),
                        this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth * sizeof(int),
                    int sx = (int)this.sld_c1_sX.Value;
                    int sy = (int)this.sld_c1_sY.Value;
                    int dx = (int)this.sld_c1_dX.Value;
                    int dy = (int)this.sld_c1_dY.Value;
                    int w = 0;
                    int h = 0;
                    if (dx >= sx)
                        w = (dx - sx);
                    if (dy >= sy)
                        h = (dy - sy);
                    float cx = (float)sx + ((float)w) / 2;
                    float cy = (float)sy + ((float)h) / 2;
                    Image<Bgr, Byte> openCVImg = new Image<Bgr, byte>(colorBitmap.ToBitmap());
                    box = new MCvBox2D(new PointF(cx, cy), new SizeF(new PointF((float)w, (float)h)), 0);
                    openCVImg.Draw(box, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.Green), 4);
                    this.cimg_cage4.Source = ImageHelpers.ToBitmapSource(openCVImg);

        private void ExtractContourAndHull(Image<Gray, byte> skin)
            using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())

                Contour<Point> contours = skin.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, storage);
                Contour<Point> biggestContour = null;

                Double Result1 = 0;
                Double Result2 = 0;
                while (contours != null)
                    Result1 = contours.Area;
                    if (Result1 > Result2)
                        Result2 = Result1;
                        biggestContour = contours;
                    contours = contours.HNext;

                if (biggestContour != null)
                    //currentFrame.Draw(biggestContour, new Bgr(Color.DarkViolet), 2);
                    Contour<Point> currentContour = biggestContour.ApproxPoly(biggestContour.Perimeter * 0.0025, storage);
                    currentFrame.Draw(currentContour, new Bgr(Color.LimeGreen), 2);
                    biggestContour = currentContour;
                    hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    box = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect();
                    PointF[] points = box.GetVertices();
                    mv = biggestContour.GetMoments();
                    CvInvoke.cvMoments(biggestContour,ref mv, 1);
                    double m00 = CvInvoke.cvGetSpatialMoment(ref mv, 0, 0) ;
                    double m10 = CvInvoke.cvGetSpatialMoment(ref mv, 1, 0) ;
                    double m01 = CvInvoke.cvGetSpatialMoment(ref mv, 0, 1) ;
                    if (m00 != 0) { // calculate center
                    int xCenter = (int) Math.Round(m10/m00)*2;  //scale = 2
                    int yCenter = (int) Math.Round(m01/m00)*2;
                    cogPt.X =xCenter;
                    cogPt.Y =yCenter;

                    double m11 = CvInvoke.cvGetCentralMoment(ref mv, 1, 1);
                    double m20 = CvInvoke.cvGetCentralMoment(ref mv, 2, 0);
                    double m02 = CvInvoke.cvGetCentralMoment(ref mv, 0, 2);
                    contourAxisAngle = calculateTilt(m11, m20, m02);
                    Point[] ps = new Point[points.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                        ps[i] = new Point((int)points[i].X, (int)points[i].Y);

                    currentFrame.DrawPolyline(hull.ToArray(), true, new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);
                    currentFrame.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);

                    filteredHull = new Seq<Point>(storage);
                    for (int i = 0; i < hull.Total; i++)
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hull[i].X - hull[i + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(hull[i].Y - hull[i + 1].Y, 2)) > box.size.Width / 10)

                    defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    defectArray = defects.ToArray();
Example #45
        private Image<Gray, Byte> CalculateConvexityDefacts(Image<Gray, Byte> image)
            Gray cannyThreshold = new Gray(80);
            Gray cannyThresholdLinking = new Gray(80);

            //image = image.Canny(cannyThreshold, cannyThresholdLinking);
            image = image.ThresholdBinary(cannyThreshold, cannyThresholdLinking);
            //image = image.Erode(1);
            //image = image.SmoothBilatral(1, 1, 1);
            //image = image.SmoothMedian(5);
            //image = image.SmoothBlur(1,1);
            using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())

                Contour<Point> contours = image.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, storage);
                Contour<Point> biggestContour = null;

                Double Result1 = 0;
                Double Result2 = 0;

                //takes the biggest contour to track (not really relevant if u paint only the hand.)
                while (contours != null)
                    Result1 = contours.Area;
                    if (Result1 > Result2)
                        Result2 = Result1;
                        biggestContour = contours;
                    contours = contours.HNext;
                double contourArea = biggestContour.Area;

                if (biggestContour != null)
                    //Drawing the contour of the hand
                    Contour<Point> currentContour = biggestContour.ApproxPoly(biggestContour.Perimeter * 0.0025, storage);
                    image.Draw(currentContour, new Gray(250), 1);

                    biggestContour = currentContour;

                    hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    box = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect();

                    PointF[] points = box.GetVertices();
                    Point[] ps = new Point[points.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                        ps[i] = new Point((int)points[i].X, (int)points[i].Y);

                    image.DrawPolyline(hull.ToArray(), true, new Gray(255), 1);
                    image.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 2), new Gray(255), 1);

                    filteredHull = new Seq<Point>(storage);
                    for (int i = 0; i < hull.Total; i++)
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hull[i].X - hull[i + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(hull[i].Y - hull[i + 1].Y, 2)) > box.size.Width / 10)

                    defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                    defectArray = defects.ToArray();
            return image;
Example #46
 public static extern void cvBoxPoints(
    MCvBox2D box,
    PointF[] pt);
        private static MCvBox2D GetLargest(List<MCvBox2D> boxes)
            MCvBox2D ret = new MCvBox2D();
            int i = 0;
            foreach(MCvBox2D b in boxes)
                if (i == 0)
                    ret = b;

                if ((b.size.Height * b.size.Width) > (ret.size.Height * ret.size.Width))
                    ret = b;


            return ret;
Example #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the end points of the major and minor axes of an ellipse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ellipse"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PointF[] EllipseAxes(MCvBox2D ellipse)
            var vertices = ellipse.GetVertices();
              var midPoints = new PointF[vertices.Length];
              for (int i = 0; i < midPoints.Length; i++) {
            var p1 = vertices[i];
            var p2 = vertices[(i + 1) % vertices.Length];
            var mid = new PointF((p1.X + p2.X) / 2, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2);
            // Correct the bug in the angle of the ellipse in OpenCV.
            midPoints[i] = Rotate(mid, ellipse.center, Math.PI / 2);

              return midPoints;
Example #49
 private List<Contour<Point>> findDiffContour(Image<Gray, Byte> imgThreshed)
     List<Contour<Point>> contourList = new List<Contour<Point>>();
     Contour<Point> bigContour = null;
     Contour<Point> secondContour = null;
     Contour<Point> thirdContour = null;
     float maxArea = 500.0f;
     float nxtMaxArea = 300.0f;
     float lastMaxArea = 250.0f;
     MCvBox2D box = new MCvBox2D();
     // generate all the contours in the threshold image as a list
     for (Contour<Point> contours = imgThreshed.FindContours(CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, contourStorage); contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)
         // find the largest contour in the list based on bounded box size
         if (contours.MCvSeq.elem_size > 0)
             box = CvInvoke.cvMinAreaRect2(contours, contourStorage);
             SizeF size = box.size;
             float area = size.ToPointF().X * size.ToPointF().Y;
             if (area > maxArea)
                 maxArea = area;
                 bigContour = contours;
             if ((area < maxArea) && (area > nxtMaxArea) & (area > lastMaxArea))
                 nxtMaxArea = area;
                 secondContour = contours;
             if ((area < maxArea) && (area < nxtMaxArea) && (area > lastMaxArea))
                 lastMaxArea = area;
                 thirdContour = contours;
     return contourList;
Example #50
 ///Create an ellipse with specific parameters
 ///<param name="center"> The center of the ellipse</param>
 ///<param name="size"> The width and height of the ellipse</param>
 ///<param name="angle"> The rotation angle in radian for the ellipse</param>
 public Ellipse(PointF center, SizeF size, float angle)
     _box2D = new MCvBox2D(center, size, angle);
Example #51
        private void ExtractContourAndHull(Image<Gray, byte> skin)
            List<Contour<Point>> contourList = new List<Contour<Point>>();
            Contour<Point> contours = skin.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, contourStorage);
            Contour<Point> biggestContour = null;

            Double current = 0;
            Double largest = 0;

            while (contours != null)
                current = contours.Area;
                if (current > largest)
                    largest = current;
                    biggestContour = contours;
                contours = contours.HNext;

            if (biggestContour != null)
                //currentFrame.Draw(biggestContour, new Bgr(Color.DarkViolet), 2);
                Contour<Point> currentContour = biggestContour.ApproxPoly(biggestContour.Perimeter * 0.0025, contourStorage);
                currentFrame.Draw(currentContour, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.LimeGreen), 2);
                biggestContour = currentContour;

                hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                box = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect();
                PointF[] points = box.GetVertices();
                //handRect = box.MinAreaRect();
                //currentFrame.Draw(handRect, new Bgr(200, 0, 0), 1);

                Point[] ps = new Point[points.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    ps[i] = new Point((int)points[i].X, (int)points[i].Y);

                currentFrame.DrawPolyline(hull.ToArray(), true, new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);
                currentFrame.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);

                //ellip.MCvBox2D= CvInvoke.cvFitEllipse2(biggestContour.Ptr);
                //currentFrame.Draw(new Ellipse(ellip.MCvBox2D), new Bgr(Color.LavenderBlush), 3);

                PointF center;
                float radius;
                //CvInvoke.cvMinEnclosingCircle(biggestContour.Ptr, out  center, out  radius);
                //currentFrame.Draw(new CircleF(center, radius), new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.Gold), 2);

                //currentFrame.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(ellip.MCvBox2D.center.X, ellip.MCvBox2D.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(100, 25, 55), 2);
                //currentFrame.Draw(ellip, new Bgr(Color.DeepPink), 2);

                //CvInvoke.cvEllipse(currentFrame, new Point((int)ellip.MCvBox2D.center.X, (int)ellip.MCvBox2D.center.Y), new System.Drawing.Size((int)ellip.MCvBox2D.size.Width, (int)ellip.MCvBox2D.size.Height), ellip.MCvBox2D.angle, 0, 360, new MCvScalar(120, 233, 88), 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LINE_TYPE.EIGHT_CONNECTED, 0);
                //currentFrame.Draw(new Ellipse(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), new SizeF(box.size.Height, box.size.Width), box.angle), new Bgr(0, 0, 0), 2);

                filteredHull = new Seq<Point>(contourStorage);
                for (int i = 0; i < hull.Total; i++)
                    if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hull[i].X - hull[i + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(hull[i].Y - hull[i + 1].Y, 2)) > box.size.Width / 10)

                defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(contourStorage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);

                defectArray = defects.ToArray();
Example #52
 private void SensorColorFrameReady(object sender, ColorImageFrameReadyEventArgs e)
     using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
         if (colorFrame != null)
             Bitmap b = convertFromColorFrame(colorFrame);
             frameHeight = b.Height;
             frameWidth = b.Width;
             currentFrame = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(b);
             if (currentFrame != null)
                 skinDetector = new YCrCbSkinDetector();
                 Image<Gray, Byte> skin = skinDetector.DetectSkin(currentFrame, YCrCb_min, YCrCb_max);
                 Contour<Point> bContour = biggestContour(skin);
                 if (bContour != null)
                     box = bContour.GetMinAreaRect();
                     currentFrame.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 3), new Bgr(200, 125, 75), 2);
                     currentFrame.Draw(bContour, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.LimeGreen), 2);
                     extractContourInfo(bContour, 5, currentFrame);
                     findFingerTips(bContour, 5);
                     drawTips(tipPts, foldPts);
                 imageBoxSkin.Image = skin;
                 imageBoxFrameGrabber.Image = currentFrame;
        // Extrait la "coque" du contour et les verticles afin de pouvoir calculer plus tard le nombre de doigts détectés
        // Ce code vient en partie de ce projet : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjj9gqTCTfc
        public void ExtractHull()
                // Récupère la "coque" du plus grand contour ainsi que le rectangle qui l'englobe
                hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                box = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect();

                // Récupère les vertexes de la box
                PointF[] points = box.GetVertices();

                // On va créer un tableau de "Point" avec tous les points trouvés par "GetVerticles"
                Point[] ps = new Point[points.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    ps[i] = new Point((int)points[i].X, (int)points[i].Y);

                // Dessine la "coque" (qui entoure tous les verticles) en rouge sur l'image traitée
                imgProc.DrawPolyline(hull.ToArray(), true, new Bgr(Color.Red), 2);

                // Dessine un cercle bleu au centre de la box
                imgProc.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y), 5), new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);

                // Va filtrer les points de la "coque" afin de ne garder que ceux qui sont vraiment utiles
                filteredHull = new Seq<Point>(hullStorage);
                for (int i = 0; i < hull.Total; i++)
                    if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hull[i].X - hull[i + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(hull[i].Y - hull[i + 1].Y, 2)) > box.size.Width / 10)

                defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(hullStorage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);

                defectArray = defects.ToArray();
            } catch(Exception ex) {
Example #54
 public static extern int cvCamShift(
     IntPtr probImage,
     Rectangle window,
     MCvTermCriteria criteria,
     out MCvConnectedComp comp,
     out MCvBox2D box);
        //::::::::::::Method to calculate the convex hull:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        public List<object> HandConvexHull(Image<Gray, Byte> frame, Rectangle Roi)
            List<object> ListReturn = new List<object>(); 
            Image<Gray, Byte> BinaryImage;
            //PointF centerPalm; 

            BinaryImage = frame.Copy(Roi);
            BinaryImage = openingOperation(BinaryImage);
            BinaryImage = closeOperation(BinaryImage);
            BinaryImage.Save(path1 + numFrames.ToString() + ".png");  
            BinaryImage = binaryNiBlack(BinaryImage); 
            //naryImage = binaryThresholdNiBlack(BinaryImage);

            using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())
                Double result1 = 0;
                Double result2 = 0;
                Contour<System.Drawing.Point> contours = BinaryImage.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, storage);
                Contour<System.Drawing.Point> biggestContour = null;

                while (contours != null)
                    result1 = contours.Area;
                    if (result1 > result2)
                        result2 = result1;
                      biggestContour = contours;
                    contours = contours.HNext;

                if (biggestContour != null)
                    Contour<System.Drawing.Point> concurrentContour = biggestContour.ApproxPoly(biggestContour.Perimeter * 0.0025, storage);
                    biggestContour = concurrentContour;

                    Hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE);
                    defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE);
                    defectsArray = defects.ToArray();

                    box = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect();
                    points = box.GetVertices();

                    contourArea = result2;
                    contourPerimeter = biggestContour.Perimeter;
                    convexHullArea = Hull.Area;
                    convexHullPerimeter = Hull.Perimeter;

                    BinaryImage.Draw(Hull, new Gray(155), 1);
                    //ABinaryImage.Save(path1 + "ConvexHull_" + numFrames.ToString() + ".png");

                    ListReturn = GetFingersHand(BinaryImage);

            return ListReturn;
        }//end HandConvexHull  
        //::::::::::::Method to calculate the convex hull:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        public List<object> HandConvexHull(Image<Gray, Byte> frame, Rectangle Roi)
            List<object> ListReturn = new List<object>(); 
            Image<Gray, Byte> BinaryImage;
            Image<Gray,Byte> frameImagePtr;  

            BinaryImage = frame.Copy(Roi);
            //BinaryImage.Save(path1 + numFrames.ToString() + ".png");

            //Binarization using Otsu algortihm 
            frameImagePtr= BinaryImage; 

            IntPtr framePtr = frameImagePtr.Ptr;
            IntPtr binaryPrt = BinaryImage.Ptr; 
            CvInvoke.cvThreshold(framePtr, binaryPrt, 0, 255, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.THRESH.CV_THRESH_OTSU);
            BinaryImage.Save(path1 + numFrames.ToString() + "B_Otsu.png");
            BinaryImage = openingOperation(BinaryImage);
            BinaryImage = closeOperation(BinaryImage);
            //BinaryImage.Save(path1 + numFrames.ToString() + "B_OC.png");

            using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())
                Double result1 = 0;
                Double result2 = 0;
                Contour<System.Drawing.Point> contours = BinaryImage.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, storage);
                Contour<System.Drawing.Point> biggestContour = null;

                while (contours != null)
                    result1 = contours.Area;
                    if (result1 > result2)
                        result2 = result1;
                      biggestContour = contours;
                    contours = contours.HNext;

                if (biggestContour != null)
                    Contour<System.Drawing.Point> concurrentContour = biggestContour.ApproxPoly(biggestContour.Perimeter * 0.0025, storage);
                    biggestContour = concurrentContour;

                    Hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE);
                    defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(storage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE);
                    defectsArray = defects.ToArray();

                    box = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect(); 
                    points = box.GetVertices();

                    CircleF centerBoxDraw = new CircleF(box.center, 4f); 

                    contourArea = result2;
                    contourPerimeter = biggestContour.Perimeter;
                    convexHullArea = Hull.Area;
                    convexHullPerimeter = Hull.Perimeter;

                    BinaryImage.Draw(Hull, new Gray(155), 1);
                    BinaryImage.Draw(box, new Gray(100), 1);
                    BinaryImage.Draw(centerBoxDraw, new Gray(200), 1); 
                    BinaryImage.Save(path1 + "ConvexHull_" + numFrames.ToString() + ".png");

                    ListReturn = GetFingers(BinaryImage);
                    //::::::Old features

            return ListReturn;
        }//end HandConvexHull  
Example #57
        private bool detectAndDrawHand(Contour<Point> hand)
            bool realHand = false;
            double first = 0;

            Contour<Point> currentContour = hand.ApproxPoly(hand.Perimeter * 0.0025, contourStorage);

            hull = currentContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
            box = currentContour.GetMinAreaRect();

            //Calculate the center of the hand
            PointF center = new PointF(box.center.X, box.center.Y);
            float centerX = box.center.X;
            float centerY = box.center.Y;

            //Find all defects in the contour
            defects = currentContour.GetConvexityDefacts(contourStorage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
            defectArray = defects.ToArray();

            if (defects != null)
                List<double> tipDistance = new List<double>();

                for (int i = 0; i < defects.Total; i++)
                    float sX = defectArray[i].StartPoint.X;
                    float sY = defectArray[i].StartPoint.Y;
                    double distance = (Math.Pow(sX - centerX, 2) + Math.Pow(sY - centerY, 2));

                for (int i = 0; i < tipDistance.Count(); i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        first = tipDistance.ElementAt(i);
                    else if (i > 0)
                        double difference = first - tipDistance.ElementAt(i);
                        if ((difference < 10) && (tipDistance.ElementAt(i) > -10))
                            realHand = true;

                if (realHand == true)
                    //Draw hand
                    drawHand(currentContour, center);

                    //Analysis hand gesture
                    string gesture = analysisHandGesture(center);
                    if ((gesture.Equals("Left Palm")) || (gesture.Equals("Left Fist")) || (gesture.Equals("Right Palm")) || (gesture.Equals("Right Fist")))
                        PointF newCenter = new PointF(centerX, centerY);
                        runTimes.Add(time / 1000);
            return realHand;
Example #58
        public Form1()

            faceHaar = new CascadeClassifier(@"..\..\haar\haarcascade_frontalface.xml");

            hsv_min = new Hsv(0, 45, 0);
            hsv_max = new Hsv(20, 255, 255);
            //YCrCb_min = new Ycc(0, 131, 80);
            YCrCb_min = new Ycc(0, 140, 0);
            YCrCb_max = new Ycc(255, 185, 135);

            currentFrameList = new List<Image<Bgr, byte>>();
            grayFrameList = new List<Image<Gray, byte>>();
            handMotionList = new List<Image<Gray, byte>>();

            contourStorage = new MemStorage();
            box = new MCvBox2D();
            fingers = new List<LineSegment2D>();
            motionPoints = new List<PointF>();
            gestures = new List<string>();
            runTimes = new List<long>();
            faceEmotions = new List<string>();
Example #59
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an ellipse from the specific MCvBox2D
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box2d">The MCvBox2D representation of this ellipse</param>
 public Ellipse(MCvBox2D box2d)
     _box2D = box2d;
        private void TrackBlobs()
                using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
                    //Find contours with no holes try CV_RETR_EXTERNAL to find holes
                    Contour<System.Drawing.Point> contours = thresholdedImage.FindContours(
                    int contourCounter = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)

                        if ((contours.Area > Math.Pow(sliderMinSize.Value, 2)) &&
                            (contours.Area < Math.Pow(sliderMaxSize.Value, 2)))
                            box = contours.GetMinAreaRect();

                            openCVImg.Draw(box, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.Red), 2);
                            thresholdedImage.Draw(box, new Gray(255), 2);
                            if (reverseX.IsChecked == true) {
                                reverseXMult = -1;
                                reverseXMult = 1;
                            if (reverseY.IsChecked == true) {
                                reverseYMult = -1;
                                reverseYMult = 1;
                            var x = box.center.X/sensor.ColorStream.FrameWidth;
                            var y = box.center.Y/sensor.ColorStream.FrameHeight;
                            xPos = (reverseXMult * (x - (float)centerXOffset.Value) + (reverseXMult * (float)xOffset.Value * x)) * (float)xMultiplier.Value ;
                            yPos = (reverseYMult * (y - (float)centerYOffset.Value) + (reverseYMult * (float)yOffset.Value * y)) * (float)yMultiplier.Value;

                            /* calculating moving avarage */
                            var smoothFactor = (float)smoothingFactor.Value / 100;
                            oldX = (1 - smoothFactor) * xPos + oldX * smoothFactor;
                            oldY = (1 - smoothFactor) * yPos + oldY * smoothFactor;

                            // send osc data
                                SendOsc(oldX, oldY);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed to send osc: ");

                Console.WriteLine("Failed to do tracking");