Example #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if ((Time.time > Time_0) && (Time.time < Time_F))  //Perturbation start and finish time
            //print("Update time:" + Time.deltaTime);
            if (Counter == 0)
                xPos         = trackingInfo.headTranslX;
                xPosPrevious = xPosInit;
                TimeInit     = Time.time;

            if (Counter < PosArray.Length)
                daqInput = (PosArray[Counter] - Pos_min) * (5.0f / (Pos_max - Pos_min));
                xPos     = xPosInit + PosArray[Counter];
                MCCDAQwrap.writeVolts(1, daqInput);
                WriteLog(PosArray[Counter], daqInput, (Time.time - TimeInit));

                deltaX = (xPos - xPosPrevious);
                transform.Translate(new Vector3(deltaX, 0, 0));
            xPosPrevious = xPos;
            Counter      = Counter + 1;
        else if (Time.time > Time_F)
            Debug.Log("VR Input Finished!!!");
            MCCDAQwrap.writeVolts(1, 2.5f);
Example #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if ((Time.time > Time_0) && (Time.time < Time_F))  //Perturbation start and finish time
            //print("Update time:" + Time.deltaTime);
            if (Counter == 0)
                xEulerInit     = transform.eulerAngles.x;
                xEulerPrevious = xEulerInit;
                TimeInit       = Time.time;

            if (Counter < PosArray.Length)
                pertSignal = PosArray[Counter];
                daqInput   = (PosArray[Counter] - Pos_min) * (5.0f / (Pos_max - Pos_min));
                xEuler     = xEulerInit + PosArray[Counter];
                MCCDAQwrap.writeVolts(1, daqInput);
                WriteLog(PosArray[Counter], daqInput, (Time.time - TimeInit));

                deltaXori = (xEuler - xEulerPrevious);
                if (deltaXori > 180)
                    deltaXori = deltaXori - 360;
                if (deltaXori < -180)
                    deltaXori = deltaXori + 360;
                //transform.Rotate(new Vector3(deltaXori, yEuler, zEuler));
                transform.RotateAround(AnklePosition, new Vector3(1, 0, 0), deltaXori);
            xEulerPrevious = xEuler;
            Counter        = Counter + 1;
        else if (Time.time > Time_F)
            Debug.Log("VR Input Finished!!!");
            MCCDAQwrap.writeVolts(1, 2.5f);
Example #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        MCCDAQwrap.writeVolts(1, 0.0f);  // Set all voltages to zero
        //Using Random Class
        rndGen = new System.Random();

        xPos   = 0.0f;
        deltaX = 0.0f;

        Counter    = 0;
        daqInput   = 0.0f;
        pertSignal = 0.0f;

        // ******************************* Scene ***********************************
        SceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;

        // *******************************    EXPERIMENTS SETUP   *****************************

        bool bVRgui = false;

        if (bVRgui)
            //Load the GUI and wait until its finished
            ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
            startInfo.WorkingDirectory = "VR_GUI";
            startInfo.FileName         = "VR_GUI.exe";

            StreamReader csv_file = new StreamReader(@"VR_GUI\\ExpParams.csv");
            string       legends  = csv_file.ReadLine();
            string       Params   = csv_file.ReadLine();
            string[] ParamsList = Params.Split(',');

            flagExpNum  = (int)float.Parse(ParamsList[0]); // 0: Normal VR  1: Randomized Half Sinusoidal  2:PRTS    3:TrapZ    4:TrapV   5: Sum of Sins   6: PRBS
            P2P_Amp     = float.Parse(ParamsList[1]);      //deg
            Vel_max     = float.Parse(ParamsList[2]);      //dps
            minDeltaSec = float.Parse(ParamsList[3]);      //Wait Time this is minDelta. delta = minDelta + rand(0, minDelta)
            minWSec     = float.Parse(ParamsList[4]);      //Pulse Width, this is w. W = w + rand(0, w)
            NumPulses   = (int)float.Parse(ParamsList[5]); // or Periods

            Time_0  = float.Parse(ParamsList[6]);          //Start perturbations after this time seconds
            T_total = float.Parse(ParamsList[7]);

            PRTS_dt = float.Parse(ParamsList[8]); //sec

            TrapV_ta = float.Parse(ParamsList[9]);
            TrapV_tv = float.Parse(ParamsList[10]);
            TrapV_tx = float.Parse(ParamsList[11]);

            SOS_minFreq      = float.Parse(ParamsList[12]);
            SOS_maxFreq      = float.Parse(ParamsList[13]);
            SOS_freqCount    = (int)float.Parse(ParamsList[14]);
            Random_Direction = (int)float.Parse(ParamsList[15]);
            dtVR             = Time.fixedDeltaTime; //Time resolution (time per frame) measured for VR device with FixedUpdate() method
            flagExpNum = 4;                    // 0: Normal VR  1: Randomized Half Sinusoidal  2:PRTS    3:TrapZ    4:TrapV   5: Sum of Sins   6: PRBS

            Time_0      = 4.0f;                //Start perturbations after this time seconds
            dtVR        = Time.fixedDeltaTime; //Time resolution (time per frame) measured for VR device with FixedUpdate() method
            P2P_Amp     = 0.14f;               //meter
            Vel_max     = 0.14f;               // m/s
            minDeltaSec = 2.5f;                //Wait Time this is minDelta. delta = minDelta + rand(0, minDelta)
            minWSec     = 2.5f;                //Pulse Width, this is w. W = w + rand(0, w)
            NumPulses   = 10;                  // or Periods

            PRTS_dt = 0.1f;                    //sec

            TrapV_ta = 0.4f;
            TrapV_tv = 0.6f;
            TrapV_tx = 2.5f;

            SOS_minFreq   = 0.05f;
            SOS_maxFreq   = 1.5f;
            SOS_freqCount = 15;

        switch (flagExpNum)
        case 0:     // No purturbation
            logFileName = "Normal";
            PosArray    = new float[(int)Math.Round(T_total / dtVR)];
            Array.Clear(PosArray, 0, PosArray.Length);
            T_total = 200.0f;        //sec

        case 1:     // *******************  1: Randomized half Sinusoids *********************
            logFileName         = "RandHalfSin";
            RS_RotationVelocity = Mathf.PI / 2;                         // A.Sin(wt) w = Rad per second;  default = pi / 2
            frequency           = RS_RotationVelocity / (2 * Mathf.PI); //v = w/2pi   Hz
            PosArray            = InputFunctions.HalfSin_offline(NumPulses, P2P_Amp, RS_RotationVelocity, minDeltaSec, SceneName, out T_total, dtVR).ToArray();
            P2P_Amp_calc        = P2P_Amp;

        case 2:     // ***************************  2: PRTS  ********************************
            logFileName  = "PRTS";
            PRTS_dt      = 0.2f;    //sec
            Vel_max      = P2P_Amp / (17.0f * PRTS_dt);
            T_total      = 242 * PRTS_dt * NumPulses;
            PosArray     = InputFunctions.PRTS_offline(NumPulses, PRTS_dt, Vel_max, SceneName, out T_total, dtVR).ToArray();
            P2P_Amp_calc = P2P_Amp;
            Debug.Log(logFileName + " PRTS_dt = " + PRTS_dt + " Seconds");

        case 3:     // ***************************  2: TrapZ  ********************************
            logFileName  = "TrapZ";
            PosArray     = InputFunctions.TrapZ_offline(NumPulses, P2P_Amp, Vel_max, minDeltaSec, minWSec, SceneName, out T_total, dtVR).ToArray();
            P2P_Amp_calc = P2P_Amp;;

        case 4:     // *************************   4: TrapV   ********************************
            logFileName  = "TrapV";
            PosArray     = InputFunctions.TrapV_offline(NumPulses, minDeltaSec, TrapV_ta, TrapV_tv, TrapV_tx, Vel_max, SceneName, out T_total, dtVR).ToArray();
            P2P_Amp_calc = Vel_max * (TrapV_ta + TrapV_tv);
            Debug.Log(" TrapV Times: ta = " + TrapV_ta + " t_v = " + TrapV_tv + " t_x = " + TrapV_tx);

        case 5:     // *************************  5: SumOfSin  *******************************
            logFileName   = "SumOfSin";
            SOS_minFreq   = 0.05f;
            SOS_maxFreq   = 0.15f;
            SOS_freqCount = 1;
            PosArray      = InputFunctions.SumOfSin_offline(NumPulses, P2P_Amp, SOS_minFreq, SOS_maxFreq, SOS_freqCount, SceneName, out T_total, dtVR).ToArray();
            P2P_Amp_calc  = P2P_Amp;;

        case 6:     // *************************  5: PRBS  *******************************
            logFileName  = "PRBS";
            T_total      = 10.0f;    //seconds
            PosArray     = InputFunctions.PRBS_offline(P2P_Amp, 0.5f, T_total, SceneName, dtVR).ToArray();
            P2P_Amp_calc = P2P_Amp;;

        Time_F  = Time_0 + T_total;
        Pos_max = PosArray.Max();
        Pos_min = PosArray.Min();

        Debug.Log(logFileName + " P2P_Amp_calc = " + P2P_Amp_calc + " meters");
        Debug.Log(logFileName + " Vel_max = " + Vel_max + " mps");
        Debug.Log(logFileName + " Time Total = " + T_total + " seconds");

        // *******************   Write to file   *******************
        dt         = DateTime.Now;
        dateString = dt.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
        timeString = dt.ToString("HH-mm");
        string logDir     = "log/Online/" + dateString + "/" + SceneName + "/" + logFileName;
        string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
        string logPath    = Path.Combine(currentDir, logDir);

        dataLogger    = new StreamWriter(logPath + "/VR_" + logFileName + '_' + timeString + ".txt");
        timeLog       = new StreamWriter(logPath + "/Time_" + logFileName + '_' + timeString + ".txt");
        daqSignal     = new StreamWriter(logPath + "/daq_" + logFileName + '_' + timeString + ".txt");
        headMotionLog = new StreamWriter(logPath + "/HeadMotion_" + logFileName + '_' + timeString + ".txt");