public static void SendEmailSuccess(int UserID) { Model_Setting s = new Model_Setting(); s = s.GetSetting(); Model_Users user = GetUserbyID(UserID); string body = string.Empty; string text = File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Theme/emailtemplate/layout_sgSuccess.html"), Encoding.UTF8); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { //string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuthorizeBaseURL"].ToString().Replace("/admin", "") + "Verify?ID=" + StringUtility.EncryptedData(user.UserID.ToString()); //body = text.Replace("<!--##@Linkverfiy##-->", path); //body = text.Replace("<!--##@Linkverfiy_btn##-->", path); body = text; } MailSenderOption option = new MailSenderOption { MailSetting = s, context = HttpContext.Current, mailTo = user.Email, Mailbody = body, Subject = "การสมัครของคุณเสร็จสิ้น/ You've successfully Register to Keen Profile System" }; MAilSender.SendMailEngine(option); }
public static void SendEmailReceiveToStaff(object param) { object[] parameters = (object[])param; string staffmail = (string)parameters[0]; Model_Setting s = (Model_Setting)parameters[1]; HttpContext context = (HttpContext)parameters[2]; Model_OrderPaymentTransferConfirm con = (Model_OrderPaymentTransferConfirm)parameters[3]; int intProductID = (int)parameters[4]; string body = string.Empty; string text = ""; if (intProductID == 1) { text = File.ReadAllText(context.Server.MapPath("/Theme/emailtemplate/layout_r3.html"), Encoding.UTF8); } if (intProductID == 2) { text = File.ReadAllText(context.Server.MapPath("/Theme/emailtemplate/layout_coaching.html"), Encoding.UTF8); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) //{ // string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuthorizeBaseURL"].ToString().Replace("/admin", "") + "Verify?ID=" + StringUtility.EncryptedData(user.UserID.ToString()); // body = text.Replace("<!--##@Linkverfiy##-->", "<a href=\"" + path + "\" />here</a>"); //} body = "FirstName : " + con.Name + "\r\n"; body = body + "email : " + con.Email + "\r\n"; body = body + "datetime : " + con.DatePayment.ToThaiDateTime() + "\r\n"; List <MailSenderFileAtt> list = new List <MailSenderFileAtt> { new MailSenderFileAtt { FileName = "", Path = con.FilePath } }; foreach (string email in staffmail.Split(';')) { MailSenderOption option = new MailSenderOption { MailSetting = s, context = HttpContext.Current, mailTo = email, Mailbody = body, Attachment = list, Subject = "[Keen Staff] การชำระค่าบริการเสร็จสมบูรณ์แล้ว / Success Payment Confirmation [Confirmed Order#" + con.OrderID + "]" }; MAilSender.SendMailEngine(option); } }
private static string[] MailAddress(string mailadddress) { string[] arrS = { }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailadddress)) { arrS = Array.FindAll(mailadddress.Split(';'), e => MAilSender.IsMatchEmail(e)); } return(arrS); }
public static Model_Users SendEmailForgot(string email) { Model_Setting s = new Model_Setting(); s = s.GetSetting(); Model_Users user = GetUserbyEmailFront(email); if (user != null) { string body = string.Empty; string text = File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Theme/emailtemplate/layoutforgot.html"), Encoding.UTF8); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { string param = user.UserID.ToString(); string time = DateTime.Now.ApiService_DateToTimestamp(); string paramstring = param + "@" + time; HttpSessionState Hotels2Session = HttpContext.Current.Session; Hotels2Session.Clear(); Hotels2Session.Timeout = 10; Hotels2Session[time] = time; string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuthorizeBaseURL"].ToString().Replace("/admin", "") + "ResetPassword?e=" + StringUtility.EncryptedData(paramstring); body = text.Replace("<!--##@Linkresetpassword##-->", path); } MailSenderOption option = new MailSenderOption { MailSetting = s, context = HttpContext.Current, mailTo = user.Email, Mailbody = body, Subject = "Forgot password and reset password" }; MAilSender.SendMailEngine(option); } return(user); }
public static void SendEmaiReceiveToCustomer(object param) { object[] parameters = (object[])param; Model_Users user = (Model_Users)parameters[0]; Model_Setting s = (Model_Setting)parameters[1]; HttpContext context = (HttpContext)parameters[2]; int intProductID = (int)parameters[3]; string body = string.Empty; string text = string.Empty; if (intProductID == 1) { text = File.ReadAllText(context.Server.MapPath("/Theme/emailtemplate/layout_r3.html"), Encoding.UTF8); } if (intProductID == 2) { text = File.ReadAllText(context.Server.MapPath("/Theme/emailtemplate/layout_coaching.html"), Encoding.UTF8); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) //{ // string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuthorizeBaseURL"].ToString().Replace("/admin", "") + "Verify?ID=" + StringUtility.EncryptedData(user.UserID.ToString()); // body = text.Replace("<!--##@Linkverfiy##-->", "<a href=\"" + path + "\" />here</a>"); //} body = text; MailSenderOption option = new MailSenderOption { MailSetting = s, context = HttpContext.Current, mailTo = user.Email, Mailbody = body, Subject = "การชำระค่าบริการเสร็จสมบูรณ์แล้ว / Success Payment Confirmation" }; MAilSender.SendMailEngine(option); }
public static void SendEmailReceiveToStaff() { Model_Setting s2 = new Model_Setting(); s2 = s2.GetSetting(); int intProductID = 1; string staffEmail = "[email protected];[email protected]"; object[] param = new object[] { staffEmail, s2 }; object[] parameters = (object[])param; string staffmail = (string)parameters[0]; Model_Setting s = (Model_Setting)parameters[1]; HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; //Model_OrderPaymentTransferConfirm con = (Model_OrderPaymentTransferConfirm)parameters[3]; string body = string.Empty; string text = ""; if (intProductID == 1) { text = File.ReadAllText(context.Server.MapPath("/Theme/emailtemplate/layout_r3.html"), Encoding.UTF8); } if (intProductID == 2) { text = File.ReadAllText(context.Server.MapPath("/Theme/emailtemplate/layout_coaching.html"), Encoding.UTF8); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) //{ // string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuthorizeBaseURL"].ToString().Replace("/admin", "") + "Verify?ID=" + StringUtility.EncryptedData(user.UserID.ToString()); // body = text.Replace("<!--##@Linkverfiy##-->", "<a href=\"" + path + "\" />here</a>"); //} body = "FirstName : tet\r\n"; body = body + "email : tet\r\n"; body = body + "datetime : sss\r\n"; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/orderconfirmfile/10033.jpg")); List <MailSenderFileAtt> list = new List <MailSenderFileAtt>(); if (file.Exists) { list.Add(new MailSenderFileAtt { FileName = "", Path = "/orderconfirmfile/10033.jpg" }); } foreach (string email in staffmail.Split(';')) { MailSenderOption option = new MailSenderOption { MailSetting = s, context = HttpContext.Current, mailTo = email, Mailbody = body, Attachment = list, Subject = "[Keen Staff] การชำระค่าบริการเสร็จสมบูรณ์แล้ว / Success Payment Confirmation " }; MAilSender.SendMailEngine(option); } }
public static int SendQue() { Model_Campaign c = new Model_Campaign(); Model_Mailbox m = new Model_Mailbox(); IList <Model_Campaign> cl = c.model_Que(); IList <Model_Mailbox> ml = m.model_Que(); //SendingJob sj = new SendingJob(); //SendingJobItem st = new SendingJobItem(); foreach (Model_Campaign i in cl) { byte mailStatus = 3; byte jobstatus = 1; Model_SendingJob sd = new Model_SendingJob(); try { bool IsinTime = QueIsinTime(i.DateTimePublish); IList <Model_Subscriber> sl = allSubscriber(i.SG); var sl_filter = sl.Where(e => MAilSender.IsMatchEmail(e.Email)).GroupBy(j => j.Email); int TotalSubscriber = sl_filter.Count(); sd = QueAddJob(sd, i.IsSchedule, i.CID, TotalSubscriber, IsinTime, 1); //Sending if (sd.SDID > 0) { QueAddJobItem(sd, sl_filter); } } catch { } sd.UpdateJobStatus(sd.SDID, jobstatus); i.model_updatestatus(i.CID, mailStatus); i.model_UpdateToJob(i.CID, true); } foreach (Model_Mailbox i in ml) { byte mailStatus = 3; byte jobstatus = 1; Model_SendingJob sd = new Model_SendingJob(); try { bool IsinTime = QueIsinTime(i.DateTimePublish); IList <Model_Subscriber> sl = allSubscriber(i.SG); var sl_filter = sl.Where(e => MAilSender.IsMatchEmail(e.Email)).GroupBy(j => j.Email); string[] mailboxreciever = MailAddress(i.Mailaddress); int TotalSubscriber = sl_filter.Count(); int Totalmailbox = mailboxreciever.Count(); sd = QueAddJob(sd, i.IsSchedule, i.CID, TotalSubscriber + Totalmailbox, IsinTime, 2); if (sd.SDID > 0) { QueAddJobItem(sd, sl_filter, mailboxreciever); } } catch (Exception ex) { string error = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace; } sd.UpdateJobStatus(sd.SDID, jobstatus); i.model_updatestatus(i.CID, mailStatus); i.model_UpdateToJob(i.CID, true); } return(SendNow()); }
public static void Sendnow(object param) { object[] parameters = (object[])param; List <Model_SendingJobItem> cli = (List <Model_SendingJobItem>)parameters[0]; Model_Setting s = (Model_Setting)parameters[1]; Model_SendingJob ms = (Model_SendingJob)parameters[2]; HttpContext context = (HttpContext)parameters[3]; //Model_SendingJob ms = new Model_SendingJob(); //var groupCampaignCID = cli.Where(cam => cam.CType == 1).GroupBy(c => c.CID); //var groupMailboxCID = cli.Where(cam => cam.CType == 2).GroupBy(c => c.CID); //StringBuilder strCam = new StringBuilder(); //StringBuilder strMailBox = new StringBuilder(); //foreach (var ss in groupCampaignCID) //{ // int propertyIntOfClassA = ss.Key; // strCam.Append(propertyIntOfClassA + ","); //} //strCam.Append("0"); //foreach (var ss in groupMailboxCID) //{ // int propertyIntOfClassA = ss.Key; // strMailBox.Append(propertyIntOfClassA + ","); //} //strMailBox.Append("0"); IList <Model_Campaign> mdc = CampaignController.GetCampaign(ms.CID.ToString()); IList <Model_Mailbox> mdm = MailboxController.GetMailbox(ms.CID.ToString()); MailSenderOption option = new MailSenderOption { MailSetting = s, context = context }; EmailEelements e = new EmailEelements(); // _el = (EModel)e.model_GetElementBYID(this.EID).Eelement.JsonToObject(new EModel()); int count = 1; foreach (Model_SendingJobItem c in cli) { if (c.CType == 1) { Model_Campaign cam = mdc.SingleOrDefault(r => r.CID == c.CID); EModel el = (EModel)cam.ELRaw.JsonToObject(new EModel()); option.Subject = cam.Subject; string bodymail = el.html; if (cam.Unsub) { bodymail = bodymail.Replace("</body>", appendSubscription(c.SID)); } option.Mailbody = bodymail; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.FileMail)) { option.Attachment = GetFileMail(cam.FileMail); } } else { Model_Mailbox cam = mdm.SingleOrDefault(r => r.CID == c.CID); EModel el = (EModel)cam.ELRaw.JsonToObject(new EModel()); option.Subject = cam.Subject; string bodymail = appendHtmlforMailbox(el.html); if (cam.Unsub && c.SID != 0) { bodymail = bodymail.Replace("</body>", appendSubscription(c.SID)); } option.Mailbody = bodymail; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cam.FileMail)) { option.Attachment = GetFileMail(cam.FileMail); } } option.mailTo = c.Email; //"*****@*****.**", "Gosolve", c.Email, "Thread Sending", "", "Thread Sending Thread Sending" if (MAilSender.SendMailEngine(option)) { c.UpdateStatus(c.SDIID, true); } // Lock.AcquireWriterLock(Timeout.Infinite); //SendingEngineController.SendResponse.SingleOrDefault(ii => ii.CID == c.CID).TotalSent += 1; // Lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); ms.UpdateTotalSentAndISDone(c.SDID); count = count + 1; } Lock.AcquireWriterLock(Timeout.Infinite); SendingEngineController.Onprocess = false; Lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); }