public UFormNoResidentWithholdingTax(MBaseModel model, int page, int issue, int totalPage, MReportConfig cfg, CReportPageParam param) { if (model == null) { model = new MAccountDoc(new Wis.WsClientAPI.CTable("")); } dataSource = model; pageNo = page; pageCount = totalPage; pageParam = param; rptConfig = cfg; issueCout = issue; init(); MAccountDoc ad = (dataSource as MAccountDoc); numberTextAmount = ad.CashReceiptAmtFmt; primaryColumns.Clear(); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(70, GridUnitType.Star)); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(14, GridUnitType.Star)); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(13, GridUnitType.Star)); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(13, GridUnitType.Star)); DataContext = model; InitializeComponent(); }
private void CmdCheque_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MVTaxDocument vm = (MVTaxDocument)vw; MAccountDoc ad = CTaxDocumentUtil.TaxDocToAccountDoc(vm, this); if (ad == null) { return; } if (vm.ChequeID.Equals("")) { ad.ArApAmt = vm.WhAmount; ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> arr = new ObservableCollection <MBaseModel>(); CCriteriaCheque.ShowAddChequeWindow("2", arr, ad); if (arr.Count > 0) { MCheque cq = (MCheque)arr[0]; vm.ChequeID = cq.ChequeID; vm.ChequeNo = cq.ChequeNo; vm.IsModified = true; } } else { CCriteriaCheque.ShowEditWindow("2", null, ad); } }
public override Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> > QueryData() { MAccountDoc mp = model as MAccountDoc; mp.Category = eType; CTable tb = model.GetDbObject(); String tmpSet = "(1, 2)"; //Only pending and approved, no cancled status tb.SetFieldValue("DOCUMENT_STATUS_SET", tmpSet); items = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetBillSummaryAbleDocList(tb); lastObjectReturned = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetLastObjectReturned(); itemSources.Clear(); int idx = 0; foreach (CTable o in items) { MAccountDoc v = new MAccountDoc(o); v.RowIndex = idx; itemSources.Add(v); idx++; } Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> > tuple = new Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> >(lastObjectReturned, itemSources); return(tuple); }
private ObservableCollection <CDocReceipt> filterItems() { ObservableCollection <CDocReceipt> temp = new ObservableCollection <CDocReceipt>(); MAccountDoc md = (MAccountDoc)dataSource; int i = 0; foreach (MAccountDocReceipt m in pageParam.Items) { CDocReceipt d = new CDocReceipt(m, Lang); d.ItemNo = (pageParam.StartIndex + i).ToString(); d.docType = md.DocumentType; temp.Add(d); i++; } //int left = itemPerPage - temp.Count; for (i = 1; i <= pageParam.PatchRow; i++) { temp.Add(new CDocReceipt(null, Lang)); } return(temp); }
public WinAddEditDrCrNoteApproved(String md, AccountDocumentType docType, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> pItems, MAccountDoc actView) { dt = docType; actualView = actView; parentItemsSource = pItems; Mode = md; vw = new MAccountDoc(new CTable("")); vw.VATType = CGlobalVariable.GetGlobalVariableValue("DEFAULT_VAT_TYPE_SALE"); if (md.Equals("A") && (actView != null)) { //use actView as default value vw.BranchId = actView.BranchId; vw.BranchCode = actView.BranchCode; vw.BranchName = actView.BranchName; vw.EntityId = actView.EntityId; vw.EntityCode = actView.EntityCode; vw.EntityName = actView.EntityName; } DataContext = vw; vw.DocumentType = ((int)dt).ToString(); InitializeComponent(); }
private void cmdSaleOrderUnlink_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CTable m = new CTable(""); m.SetFieldValue("ACCOUNT_DOC_ID", vw.RefSaleOrderID); CUtil.EnableForm(false, this); CTable t = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetAccountDocInfo(m); CUtil.EnableForm(true, this); if (t == null) { return; } MAccountDoc vm = new MAccountDoc(t); Boolean ok = CHelper.AskConfirmMessage(vm.DocumentNo, "ERROR_SALE_ORDER_UNLINK"); if (!ok) { return; } OnixWebServiceAPI.UnlinkSaleOrderFromInvoice(vw.GetDbObject()); vw.RefSaleOrderID = ""; }
private MAccountDoc constructInvoiceFromSaleOrder(MAccountDoc saleOrder) { CTable so = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetAccountDocInfo(saleOrder.GetDbObject()); MAccountDoc sod = new MAccountDoc(so); sod.InitAccountDocItem(); sod.InitEntityAddresses(); MAccountDoc md = new MAccountDoc(new CTable("")); md.DocumentType = ((int)docType).ToString(); md.DocumentDate = sod.DocumentDate; md.DocumentDesc = sod.DocumentDesc; md.DueDate = sod.DocumentDate; md.ProjectID = sod.ProjectID; md.ProjectCode = sod.ProjectCode; md.ProjectName = sod.ProjectName; md.ProjectGroupName = sod.ProjectGroupName; md.EntityId = sod.EntityId; md.EntityCode = sod.EntityCode; md.EntityName = sod.EntityName; md.EntityAddressID = sod.EntityAddressID; md.EmployeeID = sod.EmployeeID; md.EmployeeCode = sod.EmployeeCode; md.EmployeeName = sod.EmployeeName; CTable cust = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetEntityInfo(sod.EntityObj.GetDbObject()); MEntity en = new MEntity(cust); en.InitEntityAddress(); md.ReloadEntityAddresses(en.AddressItems); md.BranchId = sod.BranchId; md.VATType = sod.VATType; md.VAT_PCT = sod.VAT_PCT; md.RefSaleOrderNo = sod.DocumentNo; md.RefSaleOrderID = sod.AccountDocId; md.RefPoNo = sod.RefPoNo; md.RefQuotationNo = sod.RefQuotationNo; foreach (MAccountDocItem ad in sod.AccountItem) { MAccountDocItem adi = new MAccountDocItem(ad.GetDbObject()); adi.ProjectID = sod.ProjectID; adi.ProjectCode = sod.ProjectCode; adi.ProjectName = sod.ProjectName; adi.ExtFlag = "A"; md.AddAccountDocItem(adi); } md.CalculateExtraFields(); md.IsModified = true; return(md); }
public override Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> > QueryData() { MAccountDoc mp = model as MAccountDoc; mp.Category = eType; CTable tb = model.GetDbObject(); items = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetReceivableDocList(tb); lastObjectReturned = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetLastObjectReturned(); itemSources.Clear(); int idx = 0; foreach (CTable o in items) { MAccountDoc v = new MAccountDoc(o); v.RowIndex = idx; itemSources.Add(v); idx++; } Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> > tuple = new Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> >(lastObjectReturned, itemSources); return(tuple); }
private void processPromotion(MAccountDoc doc) { MBillSimulate billSim = doc.BillSimulate; priceHash.Clear(); CPriceProcessor.SetGetCompanyPackageAllCallback(OnixWebServiceAPI.GetCompanyPackageAll); CUtil.EnableForm(false, this); CPriceProcessor.LoadStandardPackages(companyPackage); CUtil.EnableForm(true, this); CBasketSet bks = CPriceProcessor.CreateInitialBasketSet(billSim.SelectedItems); CUtil.EnableForm(false, this); Boolean tmp = billSim.IsModified; CBasketSet output = CPriceProcessor.PromotionProcessing(companyPackage, bks, billSim); CPriceProcessor.CreateDisplayProcessingTreeView(billSim); CPriceProcessor.CreateDisplayView(output, billSim, updateDisplayItem); doc.PromotionAmount = billSim.TotalAmount; doc.PromotionFinalDiscount = billSim.DiscountAmount; doc.PromotionTotalAmt = billSim.NetAmount; doc.FreeItemCount = billSim.FreeItemCount.ToString(); doc.VoucherItemCount = billSim.VoucherItemCount.ToString(); doc.PostFreeItemCount = billSim.PostFreeItemCount.ToString(); updateDocumentItemPrice(doc); doc.NotifyPromotionCalulation(); doc.FinalDiscount = billSim.DiscountAmount; CUtil.EnableForm(true, this); }
private MAccountDoc createInvoiceFromSaleOrder() { MAccountDoc md = null; CCriteriaAccountDocSale cr = new CCriteriaAccountDocSale(); cr.SetActionEnable(false); cr.SetDefaultData(new MAccountDoc(new CTable(""))); cr.SetDocumentType(AccountDocumentType.AcctDocSaleOrder); cr.Init(""); cr.PopulateExtraFields(); WinLookupSearch2 w = new WinLookupSearch2(cr, CLanguage.getValue("sale_order")); w.ShowDialog(); if (w.IsOK) { CUtil.EnableForm(false, ParentControl); md = constructInvoiceFromSaleOrder((MAccountDoc)w.ReturnedObj); CUtil.EnableForm(true, ParentControl); } return(md); }
public void PopulateExtraFields() { MAccountDoc m = (MAccountDoc)model; m.IsSaleOrderInUsedByInvoice = false; m.DocStatusSet = "(1, 2)"; }
public WinAddEditDrCrNote(String md, AccountDocumentType docType, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> pItems, MAccountDoc actView) { dt = docType; actualView = actView; parentItemsSource = pItems; Mode = md; vw = new MAccountDoc(new CTable("")); vw.VATType = CGlobalVariable.GetGlobalVariableValue("DEFAULT_VAT_TYPE_SALE"); //บางครั้งการรับเงินจากลูกค้าล่วงหน้า จะให้ตรงนี้เป็น false แต่ว่าต้องไปรับเข้าเงินสดเองเพื่อให้บัญชี balance //รายการตรงนี้ จะไม่ถูกดึงไปคิด ตอนทำภาษีหัก ณ ที่จ่าย หรือ vat เพราะว่า ไม่ได้เป็นส่วนของรายรับ/จ่าย vw.ForExpenseRevenue = true; if (md.Equals("A") && (actView != null)) { //use actView as default value vw.BranchId = actView.BranchId; vw.BranchCode = actView.BranchCode; vw.BranchName = actView.BranchName; vw.EntityId = actView.EntityId; vw.EntityCode = actView.EntityCode; vw.EntityName = actView.EntityName; } DataContext = vw; vw.IsVatClaimable = true; vw.DocumentType = ((int)dt).ToString(); InitializeComponent(); }
protected override void initPageCreateFlow() { IsPageRangeSupport = true; MAccountDoc ad = (MAccountDoc)dataSource; ad.InitAccountPoItems(); }
public static Boolean ShowDiscountWindow(MAccountDoc doc) { WinAddEditDiscount w = new WinAddEditDiscount("", doc); w.ShowDialog(); return(w.isOK); }
protected void init() { if (dataSource is MAccountDoc) { MAccountDoc ad = (dataSource as MAccountDoc); branchNameThai = ad.BranchName; branchNameEng = ad.BranchNameEng; numberTextAmount = ad.CashReceiptAmtFmt; } }
public WinAddEditVoidedDoc(MAccountDoc doc) { this.Title = CLanguage.getValue("void_document"); accDoc = doc; vw.DocumentDate = doc.DocumentDate; vw.DocumentNo = doc.DocumentNo; vw.AccountDocID = doc.AccountDocId; DataContext = vw; InitializeComponent(); }
public WinAddEditDiscount(String rcptAmt, MAccountDoc acctDoc) { orgDoc = acctDoc; doc = new MAccountDoc(acctDoc.GetDbObject().CloneAll()); doc.InitAccountDocDiscount(); doc.IsModified = false; DataContext = doc; InitializeComponent(); }
private MAccountDoc constructSaleOrderFromQuotation(MAuxilaryDoc quotation) { CTable qt = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetAuxilaryDocInfo(quotation.GetDbObject()); MAuxilaryDoc qd = new MAuxilaryDoc(qt); qd.InitAuxilaryDocItem(); qd.InitEntityAddresses(); MAccountDoc md = new MAccountDoc(new CTable("")); md.DocumentType = ((int)AccountDocumentType.AcctDocSaleOrder).ToString(); md.DocumentDate = qd.DocumentDate; md.DocumentDesc = qd.DocumentDesc; md.DueDate = qd.DocumentDate; md.ProjectID = qd.ProjectID; md.ProjectCode = qd.ProjectCode; md.ProjectName = qd.ProjectName; md.ProjectGroupName = qd.ProjectGroupName; md.EntityId = qd.EntityId; md.EntityCode = qd.EntityCode; md.EntityName = qd.EntityName; md.EntityAddressID = qd.EntityAddressID; md.EmployeeID = qd.EmployeeID; md.EmployeeCode = qd.EmployeeCode; md.EmployeeName = qd.EmployeeName; CTable cust = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetEntityInfo(qd.EntityObj.GetDbObject()); MEntity en = new MEntity(cust); en.InitEntityAddress(); md.ReloadEntityAddresses(en.AddressItems); md.BranchId = qd.BranchId; md.VATType = qd.VatType; md.RefQuotationNo = qd.DocumentNo; md.RefQuotationID = qd.AuxilaryDocID; foreach (MAuxilaryDocItem ad in qd.AuxilaryDocItems) { MAccountDocItem adi = new MAccountDocItem(ad.GetDbObject()); adi.ExtFlag = "A"; md.AddAccountDocItem(adi); } md.CalculateExtraFields(); md.IsModified = true; return(md); }
public WinAddEditAccountPurchaseDocApproved(String md, AccountDocumentType docType, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> pItems, MAccountDoc actView) { dt = docType; actualView = actView; parentItemsSource = pItems; Mode = md; vw = new MAccountDoc(new CTable("")); vw.DocumentType = ((int)dt).ToString(); DataContext = vw; InitializeComponent(); }
public WinAddEditPayment(String rcptAmt, MAccountDoc acctDoc, Boolean arFlag) { orgDoc = acctDoc; isAr = arFlag; doc = new MAccountDoc(acctDoc.GetDbObject().CloneAll()); doc.InitAccountDocPayment(); doc.IsModified = false; populateCashType(doc); DataContext = doc; amt = rcptAmt; InitializeComponent(); }
public override Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> > QueryData() { MAccountDoc ad = (model as MAccountDoc); String tempRefPoNo = ad.RefPoNo; String tempIdxRef = ad.IndexDocInclude; ad.DocumentType = ((int)docType).ToString(); if (!ad.RefPoNo.Equals("")) { ad.RefPoNo = "%" + ad.RefPoNo; } if (!ad.IndexDocInclude.Equals("")) { ad.IndexDocInclude = "%" + ad.IndexDocInclude; } CTable t = model.GetDbObject(); if ((docType == AccountDocumentType.AcctDocCrNotePurchase) || (docType == AccountDocumentType.AcctDocDrNotePurchase)) { t.SetFieldValue("BY_VOID_FLAG", "N"); } items = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetAccountDocList(t); lastObjectReturned = OnixWebServiceAPI.GetLastObjectReturned(); ad.RefPoNo = tempRefPoNo; ad.IndexDocInclude = tempIdxRef; itemSources.Clear(); int idx = 0; foreach (CTable o in items) { MAccountDoc v = new MAccountDoc(o); v.RowIndex = idx; itemSources.Add(v); idx++; } Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> > tuple = new Tuple <CTable, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> >(lastObjectReturned, itemSources); return(tuple); }
private void mnuContextMenu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem mnu = (sender as MenuItem); string name = mnu.Name; if (name.Equals("mnuEdit")) { ShowEditWindowEx(docType, (MAccountDoc)currentObj, printPreview); } else if (name.Equals("mnuCopy") || name.Equals("mnuCopyHead")) { CTable t = currentObj.GetDbObject(); CUtil.EnableForm(false, ParentControl); t.SetFieldValue("IS_ONLY_HEAD", "N"); if (name.Equals("mnuCopyHead")) { t.SetFieldValue("IS_ONLY_HEAD", "Y"); } CTable newobj = OnixWebServiceAPI.CopyAccountDoc(t); if (newobj != null) { MAccountDoc ivd = new MAccountDoc(newobj); ItemAddedEvent(ivd, e); } else { //Error here CHelper.ShowErorMessage(OnixWebServiceAPI.GetLastErrorDescription(), "ERROR_USER_ADD", null); } CUtil.EnableForm(true, ParentControl); } else if (name.Equals("mnuPrint")) { CUtil.EnableForm(false, ParentControl); WinFormPrinting wp = new WinFormPrinting(docTypeToReportGroup(docType), getAccountDocObject((currentObj as MAccountDoc).AccountDocId)); wp.ShowDialog(); CUtil.EnableForm(true, ParentControl); } }
private void populateBillSimulate(MAccountDoc doc) { MBillSimulate bs = doc.BillSimulate; bs.ClearSelectedItem(); bs.DocumentDate = doc.DocumentDate; bs.SimulateTime = doc.DocumentDate; bs.CustomerObj = doc.CustomerObj; bs.CustomerID = doc.EntityId; bs.BranchId = doc.BranchId; bs.DocumentType = doc.DocumentType; bs.DocumentStatus = doc.DocumentStatus; foreach (MAccountDocItem di in doc.AccountItem) { if (di.ExtFlag.Equals("D")) { continue; } MSelectedItem si = new MSelectedItem(new CTable("")); si.TrayFlag = "N"; if (di.IsTrayFlag == true) { si.TrayFlag = "Y"; } si.SelectionType = di.SelectType; si.ServiceID = di.ServiceID; si.ItemID = di.ItemId; si.ServiceCode = di.ServiceCode; si.ServiceName = di.ServiceName; si.ItemCode = di.ItemCode; si.ItemNameThai = di.ItemNameThai; si.ItemQuantity = di.Quantity; si.ItemCategory = di.ItemCategory; si.ServicePricingDefinition = di.ServicePricingDefinition; si.PricingDefination = di.PricingDefinition; si.EnabledFlag = "Y"; bs.AddSelectedItem(si); } }
public WinAddEditAccountSaleDoc(String md, AccountDocumentType docType, ObservableCollection <MBaseModel> pItems, MLogImportIssue actView) { dt = docType; isBillCorrection = true; logImportIssue = actView; Mode = md; CTable o = new CTable(""); o.SetFieldValue("LOG_IMPORT_ISSUE_ID", logImportIssue.LogImportIssueID); vw = new MAccountDoc(o); vw.DocumentType = ((int)dt).ToString(); DataContext = vw; InitializeComponent(); }
private void cmdOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Boolean r = SaveData("N"); if (r) { actualView = vw; Mode = "E"; LoadData(); vw.IsModified = false; DialogOK = true; CUtil.EnableForm(true, this); this.Close(); } }
public UFormBillSummary(MBaseModel model, int page, int totalPage, MReportConfig cfg, CReportPageParam param) { if (model == null) { model = new MAccountDoc(new Wis.WsClientAPI.CTable("")); } dataSource = model; pageNo = page; pageCount = totalPage; pageParam = param; rptConfig = cfg; init(); ad = (dataSource as MAccountDoc); numberTextAmount = ad.ArApAmt; amountFmt = ad.ArApAmtFmt; if (pageNo != pageCount) { //Only last page will show the number numberTextAmount = ""; } primaryColumns.Clear(); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(13, GridUnitType.Star)); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(26, GridUnitType.Star)); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(18, GridUnitType.Star)); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(18, GridUnitType.Star)); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(33, GridUnitType.Star)); primaryColumns.Add(new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Star)); DataContext = model; InitializeComponent(); //These 2 lines are important to place here after InitializeComponent(); headerPanel = grdBody; tablePanel = stckBody; descriptionColumnIndex = 4; }
private void cmdSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!vw.IsModified) { return; } Boolean r = SaveData("N"); if (r) { actualView = vw; Mode = "E"; LoadData(); vw.IsModified = false; } }
private void createInfoEntries() { AddInfoControl(new CCriteriaEntry(CriteriaEntryType.ENTRY_LABEL, "", getKeyMap("code"))); AddInfoControl(new CCriteriaEntry(CriteriaEntryType.ENTRY_TEXT_BOX, "EntityCode", "")); AddInfoControl(new CCriteriaEntry(CriteriaEntryType.ENTRY_LABEL, "", getKeyMap("name"))); AddInfoControl(new CCriteriaEntry(CriteriaEntryType.ENTRY_TEXT_BOX, "EntityName", "")); MAccountDoc m = (MAccountDoc)model; MAccountDoc d = (MAccountDoc)GetDefaultData(); if (d != null) { m.EntityCode = d.EntityCode; m.EntityName = d.EntityName; m.EntityId = d.EntityId; m.ExcludeDocSet = d.ExcludeDocSet; } }
private void ShowEditWindow() { MAccountDoc ad = new MAccountDoc(new CTable("")); ad.DocumentType = currentViewObj.DocumentType; ad.AccountDocId = currentViewObj.DocumentID; AccountDocumentType dt = (AccountDocumentType)CUtil.StringToInt(ad.DocumentType); AccountDocumentType docType = (AccountDocumentType)CUtil.StringToInt(vw.DocumentType); if (docType == AccountDocumentType.AcctDocApReceipt) { CCriteriaAccountDocPurchase.ShowEditWindowEx(dt, ad, null); } else { CCriteriaAccountDocSale.ShowEditWindowEx(dt, ad, null); } }
private void populateCashType(MAccountDoc d) { Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash[(int)AccountDocumentType.AcctDocCashSale] = "SALE_CASH_CHANGE_TYPE"; hash[(int)AccountDocumentType.AcctDocArReceipt] = "SALE_DEBT_CHANGE_TYPE"; hash[(int)AccountDocumentType.AcctDocCashPurchase] = "PURCHASE_CASH_CHANGE_TYPE"; hash[(int)AccountDocumentType.AcctDocApReceipt] = "PURCHASE_DEBT_CHANGE_TYPE"; if (d.PaymentItems.Count > 0) { return; } int dt = CUtil.StringToInt(d.DocumentType); String key = (String)hash[dt]; d.ChangeType = "1"; // CGlobalVariable.GetGlobalVariableValue(key); - ปิด feature ทอนด้วยเครดิต }