public OnboardingService() { _state = OnboardingState.NotConfigured; _stateLock = new object(); var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values; // If an Oboarding Instance ID has already been established, then just use it if (settings.ContainsKey(_onboardingDeviceIdSettingName)) { var deviceIdString = settings[_onboardingDeviceIdSettingName] as string; _onboardingDeviceId = new Guid(deviceIdString); } // Otherwise, we need to have some kind of unique identifier for the SoftAP and AllJoyn Onboarding ID else { var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); settings[_onboardingDeviceIdSettingName] = guid.ToString(); _onboardingDeviceId = guid; } // Obtain the WiFi MAC address if this device has a WiFi interface _mac = MACFinder.GetWiFiAdapterMAC(); // If there isn't a MAC, then this device doesn't have a WiFi interface, so dummy-up a MAC address // The AllJoyn Onboarding Interface will still appear on a wired network. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_mac)) { _mac = _onboardingDeviceId.GetHashCode().ToString("X8"); } }
private static void InitAccessPoint() { string mac = MACFinder.GetWiFiAdapterMAC(); if (_AccessPoint != null) { StopAccessPoint(); } _AccessPoint = new OnboardingAccessPoint($"{SecretManager.AccessPointSsid}_{mac}", SecretManager.AccessPointPassword, AccessPointId); }