Example #1
        public void TestLz4Stream()
            var buffers = Enumerable.Range(1, 256 * 1024).
                          Select(size => {
                var buff = new byte[size];
                new Random().NextBytes(buff);

            ForAll(buffer =>
                var compressed = new MemoryStream();
                var lz         = new Lz4KafkaStream(compressed, CompressionStreamMode.Compress);
                lz.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                var compressedBuff = compressed.ToArray();

                var lz2          = new Lz4KafkaStream(new MemoryStream(compressedBuff), CompressionStreamMode.Decompress);
                var uncompressed = new MemoryStream();
                var uncompressedBuffer = uncompressed.ToArray();

                var res = buffer.SequenceEqual(uncompressedBuffer);
                Assert.IsTrue(res, $"Buffer size {buffer.Length}");
Example #2
        static MessageData Compress(CompressionType compressionType, IEnumerable <MessageData> messages)
            if (compressed == null)
                compressed = new MemoryStream();
                compressed.Position = 0;

            switch (compressionType)
            case CompressionType.Gzip:
                var gzip = new GZipStream(compressed, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true);
                Write(gzip, messages);

            case CompressionType.Snappy:
                if (_snappyCompressedBuffer == null)
                    KafkaSnappyStream.AllocateBuffers(out _snappyUncompressedBuffer, out _snappyCompressedBuffer);

                var snappy = new KafkaSnappyStream(compressed, CompressionStreamMode.Compress, _snappyUncompressedBuffer, _snappyCompressedBuffer);
                Write(snappy, messages);

            case CompressionType.Lz4:
                var lz4 = new Lz4KafkaStream(compressed, CompressionStreamMode.Compress);
                Write(lz4, messages);

                throw new NotImplementedException($"Compression '{compressionType}' is not implemented");

            var buff = new ArraySegment <byte>(compressed.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)compressed.Length);

            return(new MessageData {
                Key = null, Value = buff
Example #3
        //N.B., MessageSets are not preceded by an int32 like other array elements in the protocol.
        //MessageSet => [Offset MessageSize Message]
        //  Offset => int64
        //  MessageSize => int32
        //Message => Crc MagicByte Attributes Key Value
        //  Crc => int32
        //  MagicByte => int8
        //  Attributes => int8
        //  Key => bytes
        //  Value => bytes
        private static IEnumerable <Message> ReadMessageSet(Stream stream, int messageSetSize)
            // "As an optimization the server is allowed to return a partial message at the end of the message set.
            // Clients should handle this case"

            var remainingMessageSetBytes = messageSetSize;

            while (remainingMessageSetBytes > 0)
                // we need at least be able to read offset and messageSize
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < 8 + 4)
                    // not enough bytes left. This is a partial message. Skip to the end of the message set.
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                var offset      = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
                var messageSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);

                // we took 12 bytes there, check again that we have a full message.
                remainingMessageSetBytes -= 8 + 4;
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < messageSize)
                    // not enough bytes left. This is a partial message. Skip to the end of the message set.
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                // Message
                var  crc   = (uint)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                byte magic = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                if (magic != 0)
                    throw new BrokerException("Invalid kafks message magic");  // TODO: use special exception for data corruption
                var attributes  = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                var compression = ParseCompression(attributes);
                var key         = ReadByteArray(stream);
                var value       = ReadByteArray(stream);
                if (compression == CompressionType.None)
                    var msg = new Message();
                    msg.Key    = key;
                    msg.Value  = value;
                    msg.Offset = offset;

                    var computedCrc = Crc32.Update(magic);
                    computedCrc = Crc32.Update(attributes, computedCrc);
                    if (key == null)
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(_minusOne32, computedCrc);
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(key.Length, computedCrc);
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(key, computedCrc);
                    if (value == null)
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(_minusOne32);
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(value.Length, computedCrc);
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(value, computedCrc);
                    computedCrc = Crc32.GetHash(computedCrc);

                    if (computedCrc != crc)
                        throw new BrokerException(string.Format("Corrupt message: Crc does not match. Caclulated {0} but got {1}", computedCrc, crc));
                    yield return(msg);
                else if (compression == CompressionType.Gzip)
                    var decompressedStream = new MemoryStream();
                    new GZipStream(new MemoryStream(value), CompressionMode.Decompress).CopyTo(decompressedStream);
                    decompressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    // Recursion
                    var innerMessages = ReadMessageSet(decompressedStream, (int)decompressedStream.Length);
                    foreach (var innerMessage in innerMessages)
                        yield return(innerMessage);
                else if (compression == CompressionType.Lz4)
                    using (var lz4Stream = new Lz4KafkaStream(new MemoryStream(value), CompressionStreamMode.Decompress))
                        var decompressed = new MemoryStream();
                        decompressed.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        var decompressedMessages = ReadMessageSet(decompressed, (int)decompressed.Length);
                        foreach (var msg in decompressedMessages)
                            yield return(msg);
                else if (compression == CompressionType.Snappy)
                    if (_snappyCompressedBuffer == null)
                        KafkaSnappyStream.AllocateBuffers(out _snappyUncompressedBuffer, out _snappyCompressedBuffer);

                    using (var snappyStream = new KafkaSnappyStream(new MemoryStream(value), CompressionStreamMode.Decompress, _snappyUncompressedBuffer, _snappyCompressedBuffer))
                        var decompressed = new MemoryStream();
                        decompressed.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        var decompressedMessages = ReadMessageSet(decompressed, (int)decompressed.Length);
                        foreach (var msg in decompressedMessages)
                            yield return(msg);
                    throw new BrokerException(string.Format("Unknown compression type: {0}", attributes & 3));

                // subtract messageSize of that message from remaining bytes
                remainingMessageSetBytes -= messageSize;