public void initialize(LunchHourGames lhg, int hexSize, int width, int height, int xOffset, int yOffset, int penWidth, bool isPointy, Color backgroundColor) { this.hexSize = hexSize; this.hexBoardWidth = width; this.hexBoardHeight = height; this.xOffset = xOffset; this.yOffset = yOffset; this.penWidth = penWidth; this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; if (isPointy) { this.orientation = HexOrientation.Pointy; } else { this.orientation = HexOrientation.Flat; } // Create the board. Add all these createHexagonalBoard(); this.extents = get3DExtents(); // Go ahead and draw the hex board to the grid this.hexDraw.Draw(grid); }
public Ammo(LunchHourGames lhg, String referenceName, String displayName, Weapon weapon) : base(lhg, InventoryType.Ammo, referenceName, displayName) { this.weapon = weapon; this.isMoving = false; this.hitTarget = false; }
public CombatScreen2D(LunchHourGames lhg, CombatSystem combatSystem) : base(lhg, Type.Combat) { this.combatSystem = combatSystem; this.lhg = lhg; //this.hud = new CombatHUD(lhg, combatSystem); }
protected CombatAction(LunchHourGames lhg, CombatSystem combatSystem, Handler combatActionHandler, ActionType actionType) { this.lhg = lhg; this.combatSystem = combatSystem; this.combatActionHandler = combatActionHandler; this.actionType = actionType; }
public PlayerAnimation(LunchHourGames lhg, Type type, Mode mode, AnimatedSprite sprite) { this.lhg = lhg; this.type = type; this.mode = mode; this.sprite = sprite; }
public DrawCircle(LunchHourGames lhg, int vertexCount) : base(lhg) { device = lhg.GraphicsDevice; this.vertexCount = vertexCount; worldMatrix = Matrix.Identity; }
public SimpleSprite3D(LunchHourGames lhg) : base(lhg) { this.lhg = lhg; vertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[4]; indexes = new short[6]; quadEffect = new BasicEffect(lhg.GraphicsDevice); quadEffect.LightingEnabled = false; /* * quadEffect.LightingEnabled = true; // turn on the lighting subsystem. * quadEffect.DirectionalLight0.DiffuseColor = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0); // a red light * quadEffect.DirectionalLight0.Direction = new Vector3(865, 128, 470); * quadEffect.DirectionalLight0.SpecularColor = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); * quadEffect.DirectionalLight0.Enabled = true; * * //quadEffect.AmbientLightColor = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); * //quadEffect.EmissiveColor = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); */ = Matrix.Identity; quadEffect.World = Matrix.Identity; }
public PopupDrawer(LunchHourGames lhg, string referenceName, string displayName, Vector2 position, Texture2D background, List <BasicControl> childControls) : base(lhg, referenceName, displayName, position) { this.background = background; currentState = State.Closed; stateStartTime = 0; }
public StartScreen(LunchHourGames lhg) : base(lhg, Type.Start) { LoadContent(); TransitionPosition = 0; TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.Zero; TransitionOffTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2); // Allow 2 seconds for fade }
public SimpleSprite3D(LunchHourGames lhg, Texture2D texture) : this(lhg) { MyTexture = texture; width = texture.Width; height = texture.Height; }
public CombatFactory(LunchHourGames lhg, LoadingProgress progress, PlayerFactory playerFactory, ObstacleFactory obstacleFactory, StageFactory stageFactory, InventoryFactory inventoryFactory) { this.lhg = lhg; this.progress = progress; this.playerFactory = playerFactory; this.obstacleFactory = obstacleFactory; this.stageFactory = stageFactory; this.inventoryFactory = inventoryFactory; }
public CombatHUDPanel(LunchHourGames lhg, Player player) : base(lhg) { this.lhg = lhg; this.spriteBatch = lhg.MySpriteBatch; this.player = player; this.playerSprite = player.MyHUDSprite; this.playerName = player.MyName; this.font = lhg.SmallFont; }
public MessageBalloon(LunchHourGames lhg, String message, SpriteFont font, Effect effect, int maxTimeToShow) : base(lhg) { this.lhg = lhg; this.message = message; this.font = font; this.effect = effect; this.maxTimeToShow = maxTimeToShow; this.position = new Vector2(1024 / 2, 350); }
public LogoScreen(LunchHourGames lhg) : base(lhg, Type.Logo) { LoadContent(); position = new Vector2(0, Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height); TransitionPosition = 1; TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.Zero; TransitionOffTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2); // Allow 2 seconds for fade }
public PopupDrawer(LunchHourGames lhg, string referenceName, string displayName, Rectangle extents, List <BasicControl> childControls) : base(lhg, referenceName, displayName, new Vector2(extents.X, extents.Y)) { background = new Texture2D(lhg.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1, false, SurfaceFormat.Color); background.SetData <Color>(new Color[1] { new Color(0, 0, 0, 125) }); currentState = State.Closed; stateStartTime = 0; }
public ButtonMenu(LunchHourGames lhg, SpriteFont spriteFont, Texture2D buttonImage, int spacer, ButtonMenuEvent eventHandler) : base(lhg) { this.spriteBatch = lhg.MySpriteBatch; this.spriteFont = spriteFont; this.buttonImage = buttonImage; this.spacer = spacer; this.eventHandler = eventHandler; this.width = buttonImage.Width; }
public AnimatedSprite3D(LunchHourGames lhg, SpriteSheet spriteSheet) : base(lhg) { this.spriteSheet = spriteSheet; direction = AnimationKey.South; isAnimating = false; FramesPerSecond = 5; MyTexture = this.spriteSheet.getTexture(direction, 0); }
public AnimatedSprite(LunchHourGames lhg, Texture2D texture, List <Animation> animations, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) : base(lhg, texture) { this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; this.animations = animations; currentAnimation = AnimationKey.North; isAnimating = false; width = animations[(int)currentAnimation].FrameWidth; height = animations[(int)currentAnimation].FrameHeight; center = new Vector2(width / 2, height / 2); }
public StagePanel(LunchHourGames lhg, LHGStage.StageSection section, LHGStage.StageLocation location, int cellSize, int widthInCells, int heightInCells) : base(lhg) { this.section = section; this.location = location; this.cellSize = cellSize; this.widthInCells = widthInCells; this.heightInCells = heightInCells; this.extents = Rectangle3D.Zero; }
public PushButton(LunchHourGames lhg, string referenceName, string displayName, State initState, Vector2 position, Texture2D pressedTexture, Texture2D releasedTexture, Texture2D hoverTexture, Tooltip toolTip, EventHandler eventHandler) : base(lhg, referenceName, displayName, position) { this.currentState = initState; this.releasedTexture = releasedTexture; this.pressedTexture = pressedTexture; this.toolTip = toolTip; this.eventHandler = eventHandler; }
public GameScreen(LunchHourGames lhg, Type type) : base(lhg) { this.lhg = lhg; this.type = type; playState = PlayState.Intialized; spriteBatch = lhg.MySpriteBatch; Content = lhg.Content; childComponents = new List <GameComponent>(); Visible = false; Enabled = false; }
public GameScreen3D(LunchHourGames lhg, GameScreen.Type type, LHGCamera camera) : base(lhg, type) { = camera; //Calculate the projection properties float aspectRatio = (float)lhg.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / (float)lhg.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; float fov = MathHelper.PiOver4 * aspectRatio * 3 / 4; projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fov, aspectRatio, .1f, 10000f); world = Matrix.Identity; }
public NumberBox(LunchHourGames lhg, String attributeName, int value, Vector2 position, int min, int max, SpriteFont font, Texture2D background, Rectangle upButton, Rectangle downButton) : base(lhg, background, position, lhg.MySpriteBatch) { this.attributeName = attributeName; this.value = value; this.min = min; this.max = max; this.font = font; this.upButton = upButton; this.downButton = downButton; }
public CombatBoard(LunchHourGames lhg, int hexSize, int width, int height, int xOffset, int yOffset, int penWidth, bool isPointy, Color backgroundColor) : base(lhg) { this.lhg = lhg; this.gridNumbersVisible = false; this.grid = new LHGGrid(lhg); grid.LoadGraphicsContent(lhg.GraphicsDevice); initialize(lhg, hexSize, width, height, xOffset, yOffset, penWidth, isPointy, backgroundColor); }
public SimpleSprite3D(LunchHourGames lhg, Texture2D texture, Rectangle3D extents) : this(lhg, texture) { upperLeft = extents.topLeft; upperRight = extents.topRight; lowerLeft = extents.bottomLeft; lowerRight = extents.bottomRight; origin = upperLeft; normal = upperLeft; FillVertices(); }
public RatingScreen(LunchHourGames lhg) : base(lhg, Type.PlayerRating) { this.stats = new PrimaryStatistics(); this.numberBoxes = new List <NumberBox>(); mouseStatePrevious = Mouse.GetState(); LoadContent(); TransitionPosition = 0; TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.Zero; TransitionOffTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2); // Allow 2 seconds for fade }
private static Random random = new Random(); // Random number generator to make the dice appear more random public CombatTurnBased(LunchHourGames lhg, CombatSystem combatSystem) { this.lhg = lhg; this.combatSystem = combatSystem; this.chooseAction = new ChooseAction(lhg, combatSystem, this); this.moveAction = new MoveAction(lhg, combatSystem, this); this.attackAction = new AttackAction(lhg, combatSystem, this); this.useAction = new UseAction(lhg, combatSystem, this); this.defendAction = new DefendAction(lhg, combatSystem, this); this.endTurnAction = new EndTurnAction(lhg, combatSystem, this); currentAction = null; nextAction = null; }
public SimpleSprite(LunchHourGames lhg, Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRectangle) : base(lhg) { this.lhg = lhg; this.texture = texture; this.sourceRectangle = sourceRectangle; position = Vector2.Zero; velocity = Vector2.Zero; center = new Vector2(sourceRectangle.Width / 2, sourceRectangle.Height / 2); width = sourceRectangle.Width; height = sourceRectangle.Height; scale = 1.0f; rotation = 0.0f; }
public Weapon(LunchHourGames lhg, String referenceName, String displayName, AttackType attackType, Trajectory trajectory, bool usesAmmo, int range, int damage, int areaOfEffect, int actionPointCost) : base(lhg, InventoryType.Weapon, referenceName, displayName) { = name; this.attackType = attackType; this.trajectory = trajectory; this.usesAmmo = usesAmmo; this.range = range; this.damage = damage; this.areaOfEffect = areaOfEffect; this.actionPointCost = actionPointCost; this.isFiring = false; }
public Player(LunchHourGames lhg, String templateName, String displayName, Player.Type type, bool isComputerControlled, PlayerSprite sprite) : base(lhg, EntityType.Player, templateName, displayName) { this.templateName = templateName; this.type = type; this.isComputerControlled = isComputerControlled; this.isActive = true; this.sprite = sprite; this.roll = -1; // indicate that a roll has not taken place this.walkingSpeed = 1.0f; this.idNumber = random.Next(10, 1000); this.isIdVisible = false; this.attributes = new DerivedAttributes(); }