private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { Lumberjack.Debug("Loading window state"); // Set up lighting GL.ShadeModel(ShadingModel.Smooth); GL.Enable(EnableCap.ColorMaterial); // Set up caps GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.RescaleNormal); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); // Set up blending GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha); // Set background color GL.ClearColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 13, 13, 13)); // Init keyboard to ensure first frame won't NPE _keyboard = Keyboard.GetState(); Lumberjack.Debug("Loading render engine"); _mappingEngine = new MappingEngine(); _renderEngine = new RenderEngine(this, _mappingEngine); _camera = new Camera(); Lumberjack.Debug("Loading world"); _structure = StructureLoader.Load(_args[0]); _renderEngine.LoadStructure(_structure); }
private void RedrawList() { int number = 1; Line.Items.Clear(); foreach (Lumberjack lumberJackCycle in breakfastLine) { Line.Items.Add(number + "." + lumberJackCycle.Name); number++; } if (breakfastLine.Count == 0) { CrispyRadioButton1.Enabled = false; SoggyRadioButton1.Enabled = false; BrownedRadioButton1.Enabled = false; BananaRadioButton2.Enabled = false; nextInLine.Text = ""; } else { CrispyRadioButton1.Enabled = true; SoggyRadioButton1.Enabled = true; BrownedRadioButton1.Enabled = true; BananaRadioButton2.Enabled = true; Lumberjack currentLumberjack = breakfastLine.Peek(); nextInLine.Text = currentLumberjack.Name + " has " + currentLumberjack.FlapjackCount + " flapjacks"; } }
// cast Profession to a newly initialized Person public static Person ToPerson(this Profession prof) { Person p = null; switch (prof) { case Profession.Farmer: p = new Farmer(); break; case Profession.Lumberjack: p = new Lumberjack(); break; case Profession.Miner: p = new Miner(); break; case Profession.Blacksmith: p = new Blacksmith(); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } return(p); }
public static void Run() { // Load local mapping database Lumberjack.Log("Loading mapping database..."); _mappingDatabase = new MappingDatabase(Path.Combine(Program.BaseDirConfig, "mappings.db")); var assy = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(); Lumberjack.Info("Fabric Lightweight Obfuscation Remapping Assistant (FLORA)"); Lumberjack.Info($"Version {assy.Version} - parzivail"); Lumberjack.Info($"Source, issues and discussion: {"".Pastel(Color.RoyalBlue)}"); Lumberjack.Info("Interactive Mode - \"help\" for commands, \"exit\" to quit."); // Enter read-eval-print loop InteractiveCommand command; do { command = GetCommand(); if (command == null) { Lumberjack.Error("Unknown command"); } else { command.Run(_mappingDatabase); } } while (!(command is ExitCommand)); }
public static string[] GetYarnMappings(YarnVersion version) { try { var lines = new List <string>(); var mappingsTarball = $"{version.Version}/yarn-{version.Version}-tiny.gz"; using (var client = new WebClient()) using (var fileStream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(mappingsTarball))) using (var gzStream = new GZipStream(fileStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) using (var sr = new StreamReader(gzStream)) { sr.ReadLine(); string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { lines.Add(line); } } return(lines.ToArray()); } catch (WebException e) { Lumberjack.Error($"Could not retrieve remote Yarn mappings: {e.Message}"); return(null); } catch (Exception e) { Lumberjack.Error($"Could not load remote Yarn mappings: {e.Message}! Please report this to the developer."); return(null); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void Run(MappingDatabase mappingDatabase) { var args = GetUnquotedArgs(); if (args.Length < 1 || args.Length > 2) { PrintErrorUsage(); return; } var input = args[0]; var output = args.Length == 1 ? $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(input)}-mapped" : args[1]; if (!File.Exists(input)) { Lumberjack.Error($"Input file \"{input}\" does not exist!"); return; } var mappingSource = InteractiveMapper.GetSelectedMappingSource(); if (mappingSource == null) { return; } Mapper.MapArchive(mappingSource, input, output); }
private void LoadScript(string filename) { var fs = WaitForFile(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); if (fs == null) { Lumberjack.Error("Failed to gain exclusive lock to read script!"); return; } string scriptCode; using (var reader = new StreamReader(fs)) { scriptCode = reader.ReadToEnd(); } if (scriptCode.GetHashCode() == _stringHash) { return; } _stringHash = scriptCode.GetHashCode(); OnFileChanged(new ScriptChangedEventArgs { ScriptCode = scriptCode, Filename = filename }); }
private static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { return(-1); } Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "main"; Lumberjack.Init(); Lumberjack.Debug("Loading configuration"); Config = ConfigContainer.Load(); if (Config.UnpackTextures) { Lumberjack.Debug("Unpacking textures"); ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("Resources/", "Resources"); Config.UnpackTextures = false; Config.Save(); } Lumberjack.Debug("Loading window"); new MainWindow(args) { VSync = VSyncMode.Off }.Run(); return(0); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void Run(MappingDatabase mappingDatabase) { if (Args == null) { PrintErrorUsage(); return; } if (Args.EndsWith(".tiny")) { if (!File.Exists(Args)) { Lumberjack.Error($"Mapping file \"{Args}\" could not be found!"); return; } mappingDatabase.UseLocalFile(Args); Lumberjack.Log($"Using mappings from \"{Args}\""); } else { LoadRemoteMappings(mappingDatabase, Args); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void Run(MappingDatabase mappingDatabase) { if (Args == null) { PrintErrorUsage(); return; } var mappingSource = InteractiveMapper.GetSelectedMappingSource(); if (mappingSource == null) { return; } var mappings = mappingSource.Search(Args); foreach (var mapping in mappings) { if (mapping.ParentOfficialName != null) { var parentMapping = mappingSource.GetClassByObf(mapping.ParentOfficialName); Lumberjack.Log($"{mapping.GetMappingString()} (child of {parentMapping.GetMappingString()})"); } else { Lumberjack.Log($"{mapping.GetMappingString()}"); } } }
protected void Log(string msg) { msg = msg.Trim(); if (msg.Length > 0) { Lumberjack.Log(msg, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, OutputLevel.Debug, "GLSL"); } }
protected void Log(string msg) { msg = msg.Trim(); if (msg.Length > 0) { Lumberjack.Error("GLSL", msg); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Lumberjack lumber = other.GetComponent <Lumberjack>(); if (other != null) { lumber.Rabbitify(); } }
private static void OnGlMessage(DebugSource source, DebugType type, int id, DebugSeverity severity, int length, IntPtr message, IntPtr userparam) { if (severity == DebugSeverity.DebugSeverityNotification || SuppressedGlMessages.Contains(id)) { return; } var msg = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(message, length); Lumberjack.Debug("OpenGL", msg); }
/// <summary> /// Check if the mapping for the regex match is valid /// </summary> /// <param name="mapping">The class, field or method mapping from the database</param> /// <param name="match">The regex match for the keyword</param> /// <param name="failedMappings">The list to insert failed mappings into</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string CheckMatch(Mapping mapping, Capture match, List <string> failedMappings = null) { if (mapping != null) { Lumberjack.Log($"{match.Value}\t-> {mapping.GetMappingString()}"); return(mapping.MappedShortName); } Lumberjack.Warn($"{match.Value}\t-> ??? (No mapping)"); failedMappings?.Add(match.Value); return(match.Value); }
public void GoToSwarmill() { if (!isDead) { Sawmill sawmill = GetClosestSawmill(); lumb = Instantiate(gameManager.lumberjackPrefab, this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation); lumb.gameObject.SetActive(false); navMeshAgent.destination = sawmill.transform.position; navMeshAgent.isStopped = false; animator.SetBool("walk", true); } }
public static IMappingSource GetSelectedMappingSource() { if (_mappingDatabase.IsUsingLocalFile) { return(_mappingDatabase.GetMappingSet(null)); } if (_selectedMappingSource == null) { Lumberjack.Error("No mapping source defined! Select one with \"mapsrc\""); } return(_selectedMappingSource); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void PrintAdvancedHelp() { Lumberjack.Log(GetCommandDescription().Usage); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("The mapjar command is used to convert the intermediary mappings in all of the Java"); Lumberjack.Log("files in a given jar/zip archive to their named counterparts. The input file must be"); Lumberjack.Log("a \"source\" jar or a decompiled zip (as produced by jd-gui, for example), where the"); Lumberjack.Log("contents are Java files and not class files. All of the contents of the jar will be"); Lumberjack.Log("copied to the output directory, even if they were not modified by the mapping"); Lumberjack.Log("procedure. If no output directory is specified, a directory based on the input filename"); Lumberjack.Log("is used."); }
private void OnScriptChanged(object sender, ScriptChangedEventArgs e) { Lumberjack.Info(string.Format(EmbeddedFiles.Info_FileReloaded, e.Filename)); var success = _terrainGenerator.LoadScript(e.ScriptCode); if (!success) { return; } _renderManager.Rebuild(); }
private static void LoadRemoteMappings(MappingDatabase mappingDatabase, string version) { Lumberjack.Log("Fetching mapping versions from remote..."); var yarnVersions = YarnUtil.GetYarnVersions(); if (yarnVersions == null) { // If we couldn't get them, try to use the ones we've already cached Lumberjack.Warn("Working in offline mode. Only local Yarn mappings will be available."); yarnVersions = mappingDatabase.GetYarnVersions(); } if (yarnVersions.All(mapping => mapping.Version != version)) { // If a specific mapping version was specified that doesn't exist in the version listing, fail Lumberjack.Error($"Could not find mapping version {version}!"); return; } var mappingVersion = yarnVersions.First(mapping => mapping.Version == version); if (!mappingDatabase.HasMappingSet(mappingVersion)) { // If we don't have those mappings cached, download them and cache them Lumberjack.Log("Fetching mappings from remote..."); var mappings = YarnUtil.GetYarnMappings(mappingVersion); if (mappings != null) { Lumberjack.Log("Updating database..."); mappingDatabase.CreateMappingSet(mappingVersion, mappings); } else { Lumberjack.Error($"Failed to load requested mappings {mappingVersion.Version}"); Environment.Exit((int)ExitConditions.MappingVersionNotFound); } } else { Lumberjack.Log("Local database contains required mappings."); } InteractiveMapper.SetYarnVersion(mappingVersion); Lumberjack.Log($"Using mappings from yarn {version}"); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void PrintAdvancedHelp() { Lumberjack.Log(GetCommandDescription().Usage); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("The search command is used to find the mappings associated with the given named,"); Lumberjack.Log("intermediary, or official/obfuscated mapping. Searching by official/obfuscated names"); Lumberjack.Log("is only available for classes, as all classes' fields and methods first obfuscated"); Lumberjack.Log("name is the same, and there's a good chance any given query will return thousands of"); Lumberjack.Log("results."); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("Examples:"); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Info("search CowEntity"); Lumberjack.Info("search class_1430"); Lumberjack.Info("search ath"); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void PrintAdvancedHelp() { Lumberjack.Log(GetCommandDescription().Usage); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("The children command is useful to determine what methods, fields, and classes are"); Lumberjack.Log("defined explicitly as children of the given class. The class can be given in either"); Lumberjack.Log("the mapped form, the intermediate form, or the official/obfuscated form. For example:"); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Info("children MatrixStack"); Lumberjack.Info("children class_4587"); Lumberjack.Info("children cyl"); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("are all equivelant. The children listed will only be children that are explicitly"); Lumberjack.Log("defined in the target class. As such, fields, methods, and subclasses that are"); Lumberjack.Log("inherited from a superclass will not be shown unless they are overridden."); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void PrintAdvancedHelp() { Lumberjack.Log(GetCommandDescription().Usage); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("The mapsrc command is used to set which mappings are being used by the interactive"); Lumberjack.Log("environment. As a parameter, you can specify a Tiny v1 mapping file or a Yarn version"); Lumberjack.Log("string. If the latter is specified, the mappings will be saved to a local mapping"); Lumberjack.Log("database (mappings.db) for faster reuse of those mappings. If you do not have an"); Lumberjack.Log("internet connection, you are limited to using mappings in a provided Tiny v1 file or"); Lumberjack.Log("ones already cached in the database."); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("Examples:"); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Info("mapsrc 1.15.2+build.7"); Lumberjack.Info("mapsrc my_mappings.tiny"); }
protected void NextLumberJackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (breakfastLine.Count == 0) { return; } Lumberjack nextLumberjack = breakfastLine.Dequeue(); OutputListBox.Items.Add(nextLumberjack.EatFlapjacks()); foreach (string strings in nextLumberjack.EatFlapjacks2()) { OutputListBox.Items.Add(strings); } nextInLine.Text = ""; RedrawList(); }
private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { Title = $"{EmbeddedFiles.AppName} | {EmbeddedFiles.Title_Unsaved}"; Icon = EmbeddedFiles.logo; // Set up lights const float diffuse = 0.9f; float[] matDiffuse = { diffuse, diffuse, diffuse }; GL.Material(MaterialFace.FrontAndBack, MaterialParameter.Diffuse, matDiffuse); GL.Light(LightName.Light0, LightParameter.Position, new[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f }); GL.Light(LightName.Light0, LightParameter.Diffuse, new[] { diffuse, diffuse, diffuse, diffuse }); // Set up lighting GL.Enable(EnableCap.Lighting); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Light0); GL.ShadeModel(ShadingModel.Smooth); GL.Enable(EnableCap.ColorMaterial); // Set up caps GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.RescaleNormal); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); // Set up blending GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha); // Set background color GL.ClearColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 13, 13, 13)); // Init keyboard to ensure first frame won't NPE _keyboard = Keyboard.GetState(); _terrainGenerator = new CsTerrainGenerator(); _renderManager = new RenderManager(_terrainGenerator); _terrainLayerList = new RenderController(this); _terrainLayerList.Show(); _scriptWatcher = new ScriptWatcher(); _scriptWatcher.FileChanged += OnScriptChanged; Lumberjack.Info(EmbeddedFiles.Info_WindowLoaded); }
public EmulatorWindow() : base(GameWindowSettings.Default, NativeWindowSettings.Default) { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "EmuWindow"; Load += WindowLoad; Resize += WindowResize; RenderFrame += WindowRender; UpdateFrame += WindowUpdate; Closing += WindowClosing; WindowBorder = WindowBorder.Fixed; _logger = Lumberjack.CreateLogger("RmEmulator"); _glLogger = Lumberjack.CreateLogger("OpenGL"); }
public void Init(Flat6Window window) { Window = window; Lumberjack.Debug("Creating framebuffers"); FramebufferScene = new Framebuffer(8); FramebufferScene.Init(Window.Width, Window.Height); FramebufferInterface = new Framebuffer(8); FramebufferInterface.Init(Window.Width, Window.Height); CreateScreenVao(); Lumberjack.Debug("Creating shaders"); ShaderDefault = new ShaderProgram(EmbeddedResources.FsDefault, EmbeddedResources.VsDefault); ShaderDefault.Uniforms.SetValue("texModel", 0); ShaderDefault.Uniforms.SetValue("texRandom", 1); ShaderScreen = new ShaderProgram(EmbeddedResources.FsScreen, EmbeddedResources.VsScreen); ShaderScreen.Uniforms.SetValue("width", Window.Width); ShaderScreen.Uniforms.SetValue("height", Window.Height); ShaderScreen.Uniforms.SetValue("texScene", 0); ShaderScreen.Uniforms.SetValue("texInterface", 1); ShaderScreen.Uniforms.SetValue("samplesScene", FramebufferScene.Width); ShaderScreen.Uniforms.SetValue("samplesInterface", FramebufferInterface.Samples); TextureDefault = TexturePointer.Create(EmbeddedResources.ImgNoTexture); TextureRandom = TexturePointer.Create(EmbeddedResources.ImgRandom); Lumberjack.Debug("Creating NanoVG context"); Nvg = GlNanoVg.CreateGl(NvgCreateFlags.StencilStrokes); Nvg.CreateFont("engine_mono", EmbeddedResources.IBMPlexMono_Text); // Just so ProcGraph is happy for now, TODO Nvg.CreateFont("sans", EmbeddedResources.IBMPlexMono_Text); UserInterface = new DebugUserInterface(); Lumberjack.Debug("Creating scene"); Camera = new Camera(); Scene = new Scene(); Flat6Window.SuppressGlMessage(131218); // "Shader will be recompiled due to..." WindowCreated?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void PrintAdvancedHelp() { Lumberjack.Log(GetCommandDescription().Usage); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("The yarnver command is used to determine the yarn versions that are applicable to"); Lumberjack.Log("the given game version. If no game version is provided, then all known yarn versions"); Lumberjack.Log("are shown, grouped by their applicable game version. Next to the Yarn version string,"); Lumberjack.Log("the maven ID is provided, and stable versions are denoted."); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Log("Examples:"); Lumberjack.Log(""); Lumberjack.Info("yarnver"); Lumberjack.Log("\tWill search all mappings"); Lumberjack.Info("yarnver 1.15"); Lumberjack.Log("\tWill search all mappings for 1.15.x"); Lumberjack.Info("yarnver 1.15.1"); Lumberjack.Log("\tWill search all mappings for 1.15.1"); }
/// <summary> /// Maps the input string contents /// </summary> /// <param name="mappingSource">The mapping provider</param> /// <param name="file">The contents to map</param> /// <param name="failedMappings">The list of failed mappings to generate a report for</param> /// <returns>The mapped string contents</returns> public static string MapString(IMappingSource mappingSource, string file, List <string> failedMappings = null) { Lumberjack.PushCategory("Mapper"); // Create regexes for matching intermediary names var rgxClass = new Regex("class_\\d+", RegexOptions.Compiled); var rgxField = new Regex("field_\\d+", RegexOptions.Compiled); var rgxMethod = new Regex("method_\\d+", RegexOptions.Compiled); // Replace all of the intermediary names file = rgxClass.Replace(file, match => CheckMatch(mappingSource.GetClassByInt(match.Value), match, failedMappings)); file = rgxField.Replace(file, match => CheckMatch(mappingSource.GetFieldByInt(match.Value), match, failedMappings)); file = rgxMethod.Replace(file, match => CheckMatch(mappingSource.GetMethodByInt(match.Value), match, failedMappings)); Lumberjack.PopCategory(); return(file); }
void HeavyAttack() { Collider2D[] hits = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(attackPoint.position, heavyAttackRange, LumberjackLayer); attackHeavySource.Play(); foreach (Collider2D Lumberjack in hits) { Lumberjack.GetComponent <Lumberjack>().TakeDamage(heavyAttackDamage); } Collider2D[] hits2 = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(attackPoint.position, heavyAttackRange, HunterLayer); foreach (Collider2D Hunter in hits2) { Hunter.GetComponent <Hunter>().TakeDamage(heavyAttackDamage); } }
public InitializeTreeProduction() { GameObject ob = GameObject.Find("Lumberjack"); if (ob != null) Lumber = ob.GetComponent<Lumberjack>(); else Debug.LogError("Cant Find Lumberjack"); }
public SawmillProduce() { GameObject ob = GameObject.Find("Lumberjack"); if (ob != null) Lumber = ob.GetComponent<Lumberjack>(); else Debug.LogError("Cant Find Lumberjack"); }