Example #1
            public virtual void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
                // confirm that skipping beyond the last doc, on the
                // previous reader, hits NO_MORE_DOCS
                if (lastReader[0] != null)
                    AtomicReader  previousReader = lastReader[0];
                    IndexSearcher indexSearcher  = LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher(
                    indexSearcher.Similarity = s.Similarity;
                    Weight w      = indexSearcher.CreateNormalizedWeight(q);
                    Scorer scorer = w.GetScorer((AtomicReaderContext)indexSearcher.TopReaderContext, previousReader.LiveDocs);
                    if (scorer != null)
                        bool more = scorer.Advance(lastDoc[0] + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
                        Assert.IsFalse(more, "query's last doc was " + lastDoc[0] + " but skipTo(" + (lastDoc[0] + 1) + ") got to " + scorer.DocID);

                lastReader[0] = (AtomicReader)context.Reader;
                lastDoc[0]    = -1;
                liveDocs      = ((AtomicReader)context.Reader).LiveDocs;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an <see cref="IndexSearcher"/>, returns a new <see cref="IndexSearcher"/> whose <see cref="IndexReader"/>
        /// is a <see cref="MultiReader"/> containing the <see cref="IndexReader"/> of the original <see cref="IndexSearcher"/>,
        /// as well as several "empty" <see cref="IndexReader"/>s -- some of which will have
        /// deleted documents in them.  This new <see cref="IndexSearcher"/> should
        /// behave exactly the same as the original <see cref="IndexSearcher"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="luceneTestCase">The current test instance.</param>
        /// <param name="s"> The searcher to wrap. </param>
        /// <param name="edge"> If negative, s will be the first sub; if 0, s will be in the middle, if positive s will be the last sub. </param>
        // LUCENENET specific
        // Removes dependency on <see cref="LuceneTestCase.ClassEnv.Similarity"/>
        public static IndexSearcher WrapUnderlyingReader(LuceneTestCase luceneTestCase, Random random, IndexSearcher s, int edge)
            IndexReader r = s.IndexReader;

            // we can't put deleted docs before the nested reader, because
            // it will throw off the docIds
            IndexReader[] readers = new IndexReader[] {
                edge < 0 ? r : emptyReaders[0],
                new FCInvisibleMultiReader(edge < 0 ? emptyReaders[4] : emptyReaders[0],
                                           0 == edge ? r : emptyReaders[0]),
                0 < edge ? emptyReaders[0] : emptyReaders[7],
                new FCInvisibleMultiReader(0 < edge ? emptyReaders[0] : emptyReaders[5],
                                           0 < edge ? r : emptyReaders[0])

            IndexSearcher @out = LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher(
                new FCInvisibleMultiReader(readers));

            @out.Similarity = s.Similarity;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up a RAMDirectory, and adds documents (using English.IntToEnglish()) with two fields: field and multiField
        /// and analyzes them using the PayloadAnalyzer </summary>
        /// <param name="similarity"> The Similarity class to use in the Searcher </param>
        /// <param name="numDocs"> The num docs to add </param>
        /// <returns> An IndexSearcher </returns>
        // TODO: randomize
        public virtual IndexSearcher SetUp(Random random, Similarity similarity, int numDocs)
            Directory       directory = new MockDirectoryWrapper(random, new RAMDirectory());
            PayloadAnalyzer analyzer  = new PayloadAnalyzer(this);

            // TODO randomize this
            IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, (new IndexWriterConfig(LuceneTestCase.TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer)).SetSimilarity(similarity));

            // writer.infoStream = System.out;
            for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++)
                Document doc = new Document();
                doc.Add(new TextField(FIELD, English.Int32ToEnglish(i), Field.Store.YES));
                doc.Add(new TextField(MULTI_FIELD, English.Int32ToEnglish(i) + "  " + English.Int32ToEnglish(i), Field.Store.YES));
                doc.Add(new TextField(NO_PAYLOAD_FIELD, English.Int32ToEnglish(i), Field.Store.YES));
            Reader = DirectoryReader.Open(writer, true);

            IndexSearcher searcher = LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher(
                null, // LUCENENET: Passing null allows us to bypass similarity, which we are setting here, anyway

            searcher.Similarity = similarity;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// check that first skip on just created scorers always goes to the right doc</summary>
        /// <param name = "similarity" >
        /// LUCENENET specific
        /// Removes dependency on <see cref="LuceneTestCase.ClassEnv.Similarity"/>
        /// </param>
        public static void CheckFirstSkipTo(Query q, IndexSearcher s, Similarity similarity)
            //System.out.println("checkFirstSkipTo: "+q);
            const float maxDiff = 1e-3f;

            int[]          lastDoc              = new int[] { -1 };
            AtomicReader[] lastReader           = new AtomicReader[] { null };
            IList <AtomicReaderContext> context = s.TopReaderContext.Leaves;

            s.Search(q, new CollectorAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(q, s, maxDiff, lastDoc, lastReader, context, similarity));

            if (lastReader[0] != null)
                // confirm that skipping beyond the last doc, on the
                // previous reader, hits NO_MORE_DOCS
                AtomicReader  previousReader = lastReader[0];
                IndexSearcher indexSearcher  = LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher(previousReader, similarity);
                indexSearcher.Similarity = s.Similarity;
                Weight w      = indexSearcher.CreateNormalizedWeight(q);
                Scorer scorer = w.Scorer((AtomicReaderContext)indexSearcher.TopReaderContext, previousReader.LiveDocs);
                if (scorer != null)
                    bool more = scorer.Advance(lastDoc[0] + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
                    Assert.IsFalse(more, "query's last doc was " + lastDoc[0] + " but skipTo(" + (lastDoc[0] + 1) + ") got to " + scorer.DocID());
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up a RAMDirectory, and adds documents (using English.IntToEnglish()) with two fields: field and multiField
        /// and analyzes them using the PayloadAnalyzer </summary>
        /// <param name="similarity"> The Similarity class to use in the Searcher </param>
        /// <param name="numDocs"> The num docs to add </param>
        /// <returns> An IndexSearcher </returns>
        // TODO: randomize
        public virtual IndexSearcher SetUp(Random random, Similarity similarity, int numDocs)
            Directory       directory = new MockDirectoryWrapper(random, new RAMDirectory());
            PayloadAnalyzer analyzer  = new PayloadAnalyzer(this);

            // TODO randomize this
            IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, (new IndexWriterConfig(LuceneTestCase.TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer)).SetSimilarity(similarity));

            // writer.infoStream = System.out;
            for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++)
                Document doc = new Document();
                doc.Add(new TextField(FIELD, English.IntToEnglish(i), Field.Store.YES));
                doc.Add(new TextField(MULTI_FIELD, English.IntToEnglish(i) + "  " + English.IntToEnglish(i), Field.Store.YES));
                doc.Add(new TextField(NO_PAYLOAD_FIELD, English.IntToEnglish(i), Field.Store.YES));
            Reader = DirectoryReader.Open(writer, true);

            IndexSearcher searcher = LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher(Reader, similarity);

            searcher.Similarity = similarity;
Example #6
 public virtual void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
     // confirm that skipping beyond the last doc, on the
     // previous reader, hits NO_MORE_DOCS
     if (lastReader[0] != null)
         AtomicReader  previousReader = lastReader[0];
         IndexSearcher indexSearcher  = LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher(previousReader);
         indexSearcher.Similarity = s.Similarity;
         Weight w = indexSearcher.CreateNormalizedWeight(q);
         AtomicReaderContext ctx = (AtomicReaderContext)indexSearcher.TopReaderContext;
         Scorer scorer           = w.GetScorer(ctx, ((AtomicReader)ctx.Reader).LiveDocs);
         if (scorer != null)
             bool more = scorer.Advance(lastDoc[0] + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
             Assert.IsFalse(more, "query's last doc was " + lastDoc[0] + " but skipTo(" + (lastDoc[0] + 1) + ") got to " + scorer.DocID);
     lastReader[0] = (AtomicReader)context.Reader;
     if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
         Debugging.Assert(readerContextArray[leafPtr].Reader == context.Reader);
     this.scorer = null;
     lastDoc[0]  = -1;
Example #7
            public override IndexSearcher NewSearcher(IndexReader ignored)
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Alternate scorer skipTo(),skipTo(),next(),next(),skipTo(),skipTo(), etc
        /// and ensure a hitcollector receives same docs and scores.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="luceneTestCase">The current test instance.</param>
        /// <param name="q"></param>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        // LUCENENET specific
        // Removes dependency on <see cref="LuceneTestCase.ClassEnv.Similarity"/>
        public static void CheckSkipTo(LuceneTestCase luceneTestCase, Query q, IndexSearcher s)
            //System.out.println("Checking "+q);
            IList <AtomicReaderContext> readerContextArray = s.TopReaderContext.Leaves;

            if (s.CreateNormalizedWeight(q).ScoresDocsOutOfOrder) // in this case order of skipTo() might differ from that of next().

            const int skip_op = 0;
            const int next_op = 1;

            int[][] orders = new int[][] { new int[] { next_op }, new int[] { skip_op }, new int[] { skip_op, next_op }, new int[] { next_op, skip_op }, new int[] { skip_op, skip_op, next_op, next_op }, new int[] { next_op, next_op, skip_op, skip_op }, new int[] { skip_op, skip_op, skip_op, next_op, next_op } };
            for (int k = 0; k < orders.Length; k++)
                int[] order = orders[k];
                // System.out.print("Order:");for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
                // System.out.print(order[i]==skip_op ? " skip()":" next()");
                // System.out.println();
                int[] opidx   = new int[] { 0 };
                int[] lastDoc = new int[] { -1 };

                // FUTURE: ensure scorer.Doc()==-1

                const float    maxDiff    = 1e-5f;
                AtomicReader[] lastReader = new AtomicReader[] { null };

                s.Search(q, new CollectorAnonymousInnerClassHelper(
                             q, s, readerContextArray, skip_op, order, opidx, lastDoc, maxDiff, lastReader));

                if (lastReader[0] != null)
                    // confirm that skipping beyond the last doc, on the
                    // previous reader, hits NO_MORE_DOCS
                    AtomicReader  previousReader = lastReader[0];
                    IndexSearcher indexSearcher  = LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher(
                        previousReader, false);
                    indexSearcher.Similarity = s.Similarity;
                    Weight w = indexSearcher.CreateNormalizedWeight(q);
                    AtomicReaderContext ctx = (AtomicReaderContext)previousReader.Context;
                    Scorer scorer           = w.GetScorer(ctx, ((AtomicReader)ctx.Reader).LiveDocs);
                    if (scorer != null)
                        bool more = scorer.Advance(lastDoc[0] + 1) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
                        Assert.IsFalse(more, "query's last doc was " + lastDoc[0] + " but skipTo(" + (lastDoc[0] + 1) + ") got to " + scorer.DocID);
Example #9
 public override void DoWork()
     for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         IndexReader   ir  = DirectoryReader.Open(Directory);
         IndexSearcher @is = OuterInstance.NewSearcher(ir);
     Count += 100;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an IndexSearcher, returns a new IndexSearcher whose IndexReader
        /// is a MultiReader containing the Reader of the original IndexSearcher,
        /// as well as several "empty" IndexReaders -- some of which will have
        /// deleted documents in them.  this new IndexSearcher should
        /// behave exactly the same as the original IndexSearcher. </summary>
        /// <param name="s"> the searcher to wrap </param>
        /// <param name="edge"> if negative, s will be the first sub; if 0, s will be in the middle, if positive s will be the last sub </param>
        /// <param name="similarity">
        /// LUCENENET specific
        /// Removes dependency on <see cref="LuceneTestCase.ClassEnv.Similarity"/>
        /// </param>
        public static IndexSearcher WrapUnderlyingReader(Random random, IndexSearcher s, int edge, Similarity similarity)
            IndexReader r = s.IndexReader;

            // we can't put deleted docs before the nested reader, because
            // it will throw off the docIds
            IndexReader[] readers = new IndexReader[] { edge < 0 ? r : EmptyReaders[0], EmptyReaders[0], new FCInvisibleMultiReader(edge < 0 ? EmptyReaders[4] : EmptyReaders[0], EmptyReaders[0], 0 == edge ? r : EmptyReaders[0]), 0 < edge ? EmptyReaders[0] : EmptyReaders[7], EmptyReaders[0], new FCInvisibleMultiReader(0 < edge ? EmptyReaders[0] : EmptyReaders[5], EmptyReaders[0], 0 < edge ? r : EmptyReaders[0]) };

            IndexSearcher @out = LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher(new FCInvisibleMultiReader(readers), similarity);

            @out.Similarity = s.Similarity;
Example #11
            public override void DoWork()
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    IndexReader   ir  = DirectoryReader.Open(directory);
                    IndexSearcher @is =
                count += 100;
 public override IndexSearcher NewSearcher(IndexReader ignored)