public override void Get(int docID, IntsRef ordinals)
                BytesRef bytes = new BytesRef();

                values.Get(docID, bytes);
                outerInstance.Decode(bytes, ordinals);
        /// <summary>
        /// Subclass & override if you change the encoding. </summary>
        protected virtual void Decode(BytesRef buf, IntsRef ordinals)
            // grow the buffer up front, even if by a large number of values (buf.length)
            // that saves the need to check inside the loop for every decoded value if
            // the buffer needs to grow.
            if (ordinals.Ints.Length < buf.Length)
                ordinals.Ints = ArrayUtil.Grow(ordinals.Ints, buf.Length);

            ordinals.Offset = 0;
            ordinals.Length = 0;

            // it is better if the decoding is inlined like so, and not e.g.
            // in a utility method
            int upto   = buf.Offset + buf.Length;
            int value  = 0;
            int offset = buf.Offset;
            int prev   = 0;

            while (offset < upto)
                byte b = buf.Bytes[offset++];
                if ((sbyte)b >= 0)
                    ordinals.Ints[ordinals.Length] = ((value << 7) | b) + prev;
                    value = 0;
                    prev  = ordinals.Ints[ordinals.Length];
                    value = (value << 7) | (b & 0x7F);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the ordinals for this document. The <paramref name="ordinals"/>.<see cref="IntsRef.Offset"/>
 /// must always be 0!
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void Get(int doc, IntsRef ordinals);
 public override void Get(int docID, IntsRef ordinals)
     BytesRef bytes = new BytesRef();
     values.Get(docID, bytes);
     outerInstance.Decode(bytes, ordinals);
        /// <summary>
        /// Subclass & override if you change the encoding.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void Decode(BytesRef buf, IntsRef ordinals)

            // grow the buffer up front, even if by a large number of values (buf.length)
            // that saves the need to check inside the loop for every decoded value if
            // the buffer needs to grow.
            if (ordinals.Ints.Length < buf.Length)
                ordinals.Ints = ArrayUtil.Grow(ordinals.Ints, buf.Length);

            ordinals.Offset = 0;
            ordinals.Length = 0;

            // it is better if the decoding is inlined like so, and not e.g.
            // in a utility method
            int upto = buf.Offset + buf.Length;
            int value = 0;
            int offset = buf.Offset;
            int prev = 0;
            while (offset < upto)
                byte b = buf.Bytes[offset++];
                if ((sbyte)b >= 0)
                    ordinals.Ints[ordinals.Length] = ((value << 7) | b) + prev;
                    value = 0;
                    prev = ordinals.Ints[ordinals.Length];
                    value = (value << 7) | (b & 0x7F);
 public SortedSetDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(FSTEntry entry, BinaryDocValues docToOrds, FST<long?> fst, FST.BytesReader @in, FST.Arc<long?> firstArc, FST.Arc<long?> scratchArc, IntsRef scratchInts, BytesRefFSTEnum<long?> fstEnum, BytesRef @ref, ByteArrayDataInput input)
     this.Entry = entry;
     this.DocToOrds = docToOrds;
     this.Fst = fst;
     this.@in = @in;
     this.FirstArc = firstArc;
     this.ScratchArc = scratchArc;
     this.ScratchInts = scratchInts;
     this.FstEnum = fstEnum;
     this.@ref = @ref;
     this.Input = input;
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the ordinals for this document. The <paramref name="ordinals"/>.<see cref="IntsRef.Offset"/>
 /// must always be 0! 
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void Get(int doc, IntsRef ordinals);
 public SortedDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(FSTEntry entry, NumericDocValues docToOrd, FST<long?> fst, FST.BytesReader @in, FST.Arc<long?> firstArc, FST.Arc<long?> scratchArc, IntsRef scratchInts, BytesRefFSTEnum<long?> fstEnum)
     this.Entry = entry;
     this.DocToOrd = docToOrd;
     this.Fst = fst;
     this.@in = @in;
     this.FirstArc = firstArc;
     this.ScratchArc = scratchArc;
     this.ScratchInts = scratchInts;
     this.FstEnum = fstEnum;
        public override SortedSetDocValues GetSortedSet(FieldInfo field)
            FSTEntry entry = Fsts[field.Number];
            if (entry.NumOrds == 0)
                return DocValues.EMPTY_SORTED_SET; // empty FST!
            FST<long?> instance;
            lock (this)
                if (!FstInstances.TryGetValue(field.Number, out instance))
                    instance = new FST<long?>((DataInput)Data, Lucene.Net.Util.Fst.PositiveIntOutputs.Singleton);
                    FstInstances[field.Number] = instance;
            BinaryDocValues docToOrds = GetBinary(field);
            FST<long?> fst = instance;

            // per-thread resources
            var @in = fst.BytesReader;
            var firstArc = new FST.Arc<long?>();
            var scratchArc = new FST.Arc<long?>();
            var scratchInts = new IntsRef();
            var fstEnum = new BytesRefFSTEnum<long?>(fst);
            var @ref = new BytesRef();
            var input = new ByteArrayDataInput();
            return new SortedSetDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(entry, docToOrds, fst, @in, firstArc, scratchArc, scratchInts, fstEnum, @ref, input);
        public override SortedDocValues GetSorted(FieldInfo field)
            FSTEntry entry = Fsts[field.Number];
            FST<long?> instance;
            lock (this)
                if (!FstInstances.TryGetValue(field.Number, out instance))
                    instance = new FST<long?>(Data, PositiveIntOutputs.Singleton);
                    FstInstances[field.Number] = instance;
            var docToOrd = GetNumeric(field);
            var fst = instance;

            // per-thread resources
            var @in = fst.BytesReader;
            var firstArc = new FST.Arc<long?>();
            var scratchArc = new FST.Arc<long?>();
            var scratchInts = new IntsRef();
            var fstEnum = new BytesRefFSTEnum<long?>(fst);

            return new SortedDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(entry, docToOrd, fst, @in, firstArc, scratchArc, scratchInts, fstEnum);
Example #11
        private void ProcessFacetFields(TaxonomyWriter taxoWriter, IDictionary<string, IList<FacetField>> byField, Document doc)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IList<FacetField>> ent in byField)

                string indexFieldName = ent.Key;
                //System.out.println("  indexFieldName=" + indexFieldName + " fields=" + ent.getValue());

                IntsRef ordinals = new IntsRef(32);
                foreach (FacetField facetField in ent.Value)

                    FacetsConfig.DimConfig ft = GetDimConfig(facetField.dim);
                    if (facetField.path.Length > 1 && ft.Hierarchical == false)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("dimension \"" + facetField.dim + "\" is not hierarchical yet has " + facetField.path.Length + " components");

                    FacetLabel cp = new FacetLabel(facetField.dim, facetField.path);

                    int ordinal = taxoWriter.AddCategory(cp);
                    if (ordinals.Length == ordinals.Ints.Length)
                        ordinals.Grow(ordinals.Length + 1);
                    ordinals.Ints[ordinals.Length++] = ordinal;
                    //System.out.println("ords[" + (ordinals.length-1) + "]=" + ordinal);
                    //System.out.println("  add cp=" + cp);

                    if (ft.MultiValued && (ft.Hierarchical || ft.RequireDimCount))
                        //System.out.println("  add parents");
                        // Add all parents too:
                        int parent = taxoWriter.GetParent(ordinal);
                        while (parent > 0)
                            if (ordinals.Ints.Length == ordinals.Length)
                                ordinals.Grow(ordinals.Length + 1);
                            ordinals.Ints[ordinals.Length++] = parent;
                            parent = taxoWriter.GetParent(parent);

                        if (ft.RequireDimCount == false)
                            // Remove last (dimension) ord:

                    // Drill down:
                    for (int i = 1; i <= cp.Length; i++)
                        doc.Add(new StringField(indexFieldName, PathToString(cp.Components, i), Field.Store.NO));

                // Facet counts:
                // DocValues are considered stored fields:
                doc.Add(new BinaryDocValuesField(indexFieldName, DedupAndEncode(ordinals)));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes ordinals into a BytesRef; expert: subclass can
        ///  override this to change encoding. 
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual BytesRef DedupAndEncode(IntsRef ordinals)
            Array.Sort(ordinals.Ints, ordinals.Offset, ordinals.Length);
            byte[] bytes = new byte[5 * ordinals.Length];
            int lastOrd = -1;
            int upto = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < ordinals.Length; i++)
                int ord = ordinals.Ints[ordinals.Offset + i];
                // ord could be == lastOrd, so we must dedup:
                if (ord > lastOrd)
                    int delta;
                    if (lastOrd == -1)
                        delta = ord;
                        delta = ord - lastOrd;
                    if ((delta & ~0x7F) == 0)
                        bytes[upto] = (byte)delta;
                    else if ((delta & ~0x3FFF) == 0)
                        bytes[upto] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0x3F80) >> 7)));
                        bytes[upto + 1] = (byte)(delta & 0x7F);
                        upto += 2;
                    else if ((delta & ~0x1FFFFF) == 0)
                        bytes[upto] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0x1FC000) >> 14)));
                        bytes[upto + 1] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0x3F80) >> 7)));
                        bytes[upto + 2] = (byte)(delta & 0x7F);
                        upto += 3;
                    else if ((delta & ~0xFFFFFFF) == 0)
                        bytes[upto] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0xFE00000) >> 21)));
                        bytes[upto + 1] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0x1FC000) >> 14)));
                        bytes[upto + 2] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0x3F80) >> 7)));
                        bytes[upto + 3] = (byte)(delta & 0x7F);
                        upto += 4;
                        bytes[upto] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0xF0000000) >> 28)));
                        bytes[upto + 1] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0xFE00000) >> 21)));
                        bytes[upto + 2] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0x1FC000) >> 14)));
                        bytes[upto + 3] = unchecked((byte)(0x80 | ((delta & 0x3F80) >> 7)));
                        bytes[upto + 4] = (byte)(delta & 0x7F);
                        upto += 5;
                    lastOrd = ord;

            return new BytesRef(bytes, 0, upto);