public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, IBits acceptDocs)
            SortedDocValues fcsi = FieldCache.GetTermsIndex((context.AtomicReader), field);
            FixedBitSet     bits = new FixedBitSet(fcsi.ValueCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++)
                int ord = fcsi.LookupTerm(terms[i]);
                if (ord >= 0)
            return(new FieldCacheDocIdSet(context.Reader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, (doc) =>
                int ord = fcsi.GetOrd(doc);
                if (ord == -1)
                    // missing
                    return false;
                    return bits.Get(ord);
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(context.Reader.MaxDoc);
     if (acceptDocs != null && !acceptDocs.Get(Doc))
     return bits;
        public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
            FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(context.Reader.MaxDoc);

            if (acceptDocs != null && !acceptDocs.Get(Doc))
        public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, IBits acceptDocs)
            SortedDocValues fcsi = FieldCache.GetTermsIndex((context.AtomicReader), field);
            FixedBitSet     bits = new FixedBitSet(fcsi.ValueCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++)
                int ord = fcsi.LookupTerm(terms[i]);
                if (ord >= 0)
            return(new FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, context.Reader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, fcsi, bits));
Example #5
 private void VerifyCount(IndexReader ir)
     Fields fields = MultiFields.GetFields(ir);
     if (fields == null)
     foreach (string field in fields)
         Terms terms = fields.Terms(field);
         if (terms == null)
         int docCount = terms.DocCount;
         FixedBitSet visited = new FixedBitSet(ir.MaxDoc);
         TermsEnum te = terms.Iterator(null);
         while (te.Next() != null)
             DocsEnum de = TestUtil.Docs(Random(), te, null, null, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
             while (de.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
         Assert.AreEqual(visited.Cardinality(), docCount);
Example #6
 private static void CheckSortedDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, SortedDocValues dv, Bits docsWithField)
     CheckBinaryDocValues(fieldName, reader, dv, docsWithField);
     int maxOrd = dv.ValueCount - 1;
     FixedBitSet seenOrds = new FixedBitSet(dv.ValueCount);
     int maxOrd2 = -1;
     for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
         int ord = dv.GetOrd(i);
         if (ord == -1)
             if (docsWithField.Get(i))
                 throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has -1 ord but is not marked missing for doc: " + i);
         else if (ord < -1 || ord > maxOrd)
             throw new Exception("ord out of bounds: " + ord);
             if (!docsWithField.Get(i))
                 throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is missing but has ord=" + ord + " for doc: " + i);
             maxOrd2 = Math.Max(maxOrd2, ord);
     if (maxOrd != maxOrd2)
         throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " reports wrong maxOrd=" + maxOrd + " but this is not the case: " + maxOrd2);
     if (seenOrds.Cardinality() != dv.ValueCount)
         throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has holes in its ords, valueCount=" + dv.ValueCount + " but only used: " + seenOrds.Cardinality());
     BytesRef lastValue = null;
     BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
     for (int i = 0; i <= maxOrd; i++)
         dv.LookupOrd(i, scratch);
         if (lastValue != null)
             if (scratch.CompareTo(lastValue) <= 0)
                 throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has ords out of order: " + lastValue + " >=" + scratch);
         lastValue = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(scratch);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// checks Fields api is consistent with itself.
        /// searcher is optional, to verify with queries. Can be null.
        /// </summary>
        private static Status.TermIndexStatus CheckFields(Fields fields, Bits liveDocs, int maxDoc, FieldInfos fieldInfos, bool doPrint, bool isVectors, TextWriter infoStream, bool verbose)
            // TODO: we should probably return our own stats thing...?!

            Status.TermIndexStatus status = new Status.TermIndexStatus();
            int computedFieldCount = 0;

            if (fields == null)
                Msg(infoStream, "OK [no fields/terms]");
                return status;

            DocsEnum docs = null;
            DocsEnum docsAndFreqs = null;
            DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = null;

            string lastField = null;
            foreach (string field in fields)
                // MultiFieldsEnum relies upon this order...
                if (lastField != null && field.CompareTo(lastField) <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("fields out of order: lastField=" + lastField + " field=" + field);
                lastField = field;

                // check that the field is in fieldinfos, and is indexed.
                // TODO: add a separate test to check this for different reader impls
                FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
                if (fieldInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("fieldsEnum inconsistent with fieldInfos, no fieldInfos for: " + field);
                if (!fieldInfo.Indexed)
                    throw new Exception("fieldsEnum inconsistent with fieldInfos, isIndexed == false for: " + field);

                // TODO: really the codec should not return a field
                // from FieldsEnum if it has no Terms... but we do
                // this today:
                // assert fields.terms(field) != null;

                Terms terms = fields.Terms(field);
                if (terms == null)

                bool hasFreqs = terms.HasFreqs();
                bool hasPositions = terms.HasPositions();
                bool hasPayloads = terms.HasPayloads();
                bool hasOffsets = terms.HasOffsets();

                // term vectors cannot omit TF:
                bool expectedHasFreqs = (isVectors || fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS);

                if (hasFreqs != expectedHasFreqs)
                    throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasFreqs=" + expectedHasFreqs + " but got " + hasFreqs);

                if (hasFreqs == false)
                    if (terms.SumTotalTermFreq != -1)
                        throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" hasFreqs is false, but Terms.getSumTotalTermFreq()=" + terms.SumTotalTermFreq + " (should be -1)");

                if (!isVectors)
                    bool expectedHasPositions = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;
                    if (hasPositions != expectedHasPositions)
                        throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasPositions=" + expectedHasPositions + " but got " + hasPositions);

                    bool expectedHasPayloads = fieldInfo.HasPayloads();
                    if (hasPayloads != expectedHasPayloads)
                        throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasPayloads=" + expectedHasPayloads + " but got " + hasPayloads);

                    bool expectedHasOffsets = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS;
                    if (hasOffsets != expectedHasOffsets)
                        throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasOffsets=" + expectedHasOffsets + " but got " + hasOffsets);

                TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.Iterator(null);

                bool hasOrd = true;
                long termCountStart = status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount;

                BytesRef lastTerm = null;

                IComparer<BytesRef> termComp = terms.Comparator;

                long sumTotalTermFreq = 0;
                long sumDocFreq = 0;
                FixedBitSet visitedDocs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
                while (true)
                    BytesRef term = termsEnum.Next();
                    if (term == null)


                    // make sure terms arrive in order according to
                    // the comp
                    if (lastTerm == null)
                        lastTerm = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(term);
                        if (termComp.Compare(lastTerm, term) >= 0)
                            throw new Exception("terms out of order: lastTerm=" + lastTerm + " term=" + term);

                    int docFreq = termsEnum.DocFreq();
                    if (docFreq <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("docfreq: " + docFreq + " is out of bounds");
                    sumDocFreq += docFreq;

                    docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs);
                    postings = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, postings);

                    if (hasFreqs == false)
                        if (termsEnum.TotalTermFreq() != -1)
                            throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" hasFreqs is false, but TermsEnum.totalTermFreq()=" + termsEnum.TotalTermFreq() + " (should be -1)");

                    if (hasOrd)
                        long ord = -1;
                            ord = termsEnum.Ord();
                        catch (System.NotSupportedException uoe)
                            hasOrd = false;

                        if (hasOrd)
                            long ordExpected = status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount - termCountStart;
                            if (ord != ordExpected)
                                throw new Exception("ord mismatch: TermsEnum has ord=" + ord + " vs actual=" + ordExpected);

                    DocsEnum docs2;
                    if (postings != null)
                        docs2 = postings;
                        docs2 = docs;

                    int lastDoc = -1;
                    int docCount = 0;
                    long totalTermFreq = 0;
                    while (true)
                        int doc = docs2.NextDoc();
                        if (doc == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                        int freq = -1;
                        if (hasFreqs)
                            freq = docs2.Freq();
                            if (freq <= 0)
                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": freq " + freq + " is out of bounds");
                            status.TotPos += freq;
                            totalTermFreq += freq;
                            // When a field didn't index freq, it must
                            // consistently "lie" and pretend that freq was
                            // 1:
                            if (docs2.Freq() != 1)
                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": freq " + freq + " != 1 when Terms.hasFreqs() is false");

                        if (doc <= lastDoc)
                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + " <= lastDoc " + lastDoc);
                        if (doc >= maxDoc)
                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + " >= maxDoc " + maxDoc);

                        lastDoc = doc;

                        int lastPos = -1;
                        int lastOffset = 0;
                        if (hasPositions)
                            for (int j = 0; j < freq; j++)
                                int pos = postings.NextPosition();

                                if (pos < 0)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " is out of bounds");
                                if (pos < lastPos)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " < lastPos " + lastPos);
                                lastPos = pos;
                                BytesRef payload = postings.Payload;
                                if (payload != null)
                                if (payload != null && payload.Length < 1)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " payload length is out of bounds " + payload.Length);
                                if (hasOffsets)
                                    int startOffset = postings.StartOffset();
                                    int endOffset = postings.EndOffset();
                                    // NOTE: we cannot enforce any bounds whatsoever on vectors... they were a free-for-all before?
                                    // but for offsets in the postings lists these checks are fine: they were always enforced by IndexWriter
                                    if (!isVectors)
                                        if (startOffset < 0)
                                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " is out of bounds");
                                        if (startOffset < lastOffset)
                                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " < lastStartOffset " + lastOffset);
                                        if (endOffset < 0)
                                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " is out of bounds");
                                        if (endOffset < startOffset)
                                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " < startOffset " + startOffset);
                                    lastOffset = startOffset;

                    if (docCount != 0)

                    long totalTermFreq2 = termsEnum.TotalTermFreq();
                    bool hasTotalTermFreq = hasFreqs && totalTermFreq2 != -1;

                    // Re-count if there are deleted docs:
                    if (liveDocs != null)
                        if (hasFreqs)
                            DocsEnum docsNoDel = termsEnum.Docs(null, docsAndFreqs);
                            docCount = 0;
                            totalTermFreq = 0;
                            while (docsNoDel.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                totalTermFreq += docsNoDel.Freq();
                            DocsEnum docsNoDel = termsEnum.Docs(null, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                            docCount = 0;
                            totalTermFreq = -1;
                            while (docsNoDel.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)

                    if (docCount != docFreq)
                        throw new Exception("term " + term + " docFreq=" + docFreq + " != tot docs w/o deletions " + docCount);
                    if (hasTotalTermFreq)
                        if (totalTermFreq2 <= 0)
                            throw new Exception("totalTermFreq: " + totalTermFreq2 + " is out of bounds");
                        sumTotalTermFreq += totalTermFreq;
                        if (totalTermFreq != totalTermFreq2)
                            throw new Exception("term " + term + " totalTermFreq=" + totalTermFreq2 + " != recomputed totalTermFreq=" + totalTermFreq);

                    // Test skipping
                    if (hasPositions)
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++)
                            int skipDocID = (int)(((idx + 1) * (long)maxDoc) / 8);
                            postings = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, postings);
                            int docID = postings.Advance(skipDocID);
                            if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                if (docID < skipDocID)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + ") returned docID=" + docID);
                                int freq = postings.Freq();
                                if (freq <= 0)
                                    throw new Exception("termFreq " + freq + " is out of bounds");
                                int lastPosition = -1;
                                int lastOffset = 0;
                                for (int posUpto = 0; posUpto < freq; posUpto++)
                                    int pos = postings.NextPosition();

                                    if (pos < 0)
                                        throw new Exception("position " + pos + " is out of bounds");
                                    if (pos < lastPosition)
                                        throw new Exception("position " + pos + " is < lastPosition " + lastPosition);
                                    lastPosition = pos;
                                    if (hasOffsets)
                                        int startOffset = postings.StartOffset();
                                        int endOffset = postings.EndOffset();
                                        // NOTE: we cannot enforce any bounds whatsoever on vectors... they were a free-for-all before?
                                        // but for offsets in the postings lists these checks are fine: they were always enforced by IndexWriter
                                        if (!isVectors)
                                            if (startOffset < 0)
                                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " is out of bounds");
                                            if (startOffset < lastOffset)
                                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " < lastStartOffset " + lastOffset);
                                            if (endOffset < 0)
                                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " is out of bounds");
                                            if (endOffset < startOffset)
                                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " < startOffset " + startOffset);
                                        lastOffset = startOffset;

                                int nextDocID = postings.NextDoc();
                                if (nextDocID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                if (nextDocID <= docID)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + "), then .next() returned docID=" + nextDocID + " vs prev docID=" + docID);
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++)
                            int skipDocID = (int)(((idx + 1) * (long)maxDoc) / 8);
                            docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                            int docID = docs.Advance(skipDocID);
                            if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                if (docID < skipDocID)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + ") returned docID=" + docID);
                                int nextDocID = docs.NextDoc();
                                if (nextDocID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                if (nextDocID <= docID)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + "), then .next() returned docID=" + nextDocID + " vs prev docID=" + docID);

                Terms fieldTerms = fields.Terms(field);
                if (fieldTerms == null)
                    // Unusual: the FieldsEnum returned a field but
                    // the Terms for that field is null; this should
                    // only happen if it's a ghost field (field with
                    // no terms, eg there used to be terms but all
                    // docs got deleted and then merged away):
                    if (fieldTerms is BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader)
                        BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats stats = ((BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader)fieldTerms).ComputeStats();
                        Debug.Assert(stats != null);
                        if (status.BlockTreeStats == null)
                            status.BlockTreeStats = new Dictionary<string, BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats>();
                        status.BlockTreeStats[field] = stats;

                    if (sumTotalTermFreq != 0)
                        long v = fields.Terms(field).SumTotalTermFreq;
                        if (v != -1 && sumTotalTermFreq != v)
                            throw new Exception("sumTotalTermFreq for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed sumTotalTermFreq=" + sumTotalTermFreq);

                    if (sumDocFreq != 0)
                        long v = fields.Terms(field).SumDocFreq;
                        if (v != -1 && sumDocFreq != v)
                            throw new Exception("sumDocFreq for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed sumDocFreq=" + sumDocFreq);

                    if (fieldTerms != null)
                        int v = fieldTerms.DocCount;
                        if (v != -1 && visitedDocs.Cardinality() != v)
                            throw new Exception("docCount for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed docCount=" + visitedDocs.Cardinality());

                    // Test seek to last term:
                    if (lastTerm != null)
                        if (termsEnum.SeekCeil(lastTerm) != TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND)
                            throw new Exception("seek to last term " + lastTerm + " failed");

                        int expectedDocFreq = termsEnum.DocFreq();
                        DocsEnum d = termsEnum.Docs(null, null, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                        int docFreq = 0;
                        while (d.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                        if (docFreq != expectedDocFreq)
                            throw new Exception("docFreq for last term " + lastTerm + "=" + expectedDocFreq + " != recomputed docFreq=" + docFreq);

                    // check unique term count
                    long termCount = -1;

                    if ((status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount) - termCountStart > 0)
                        termCount = fields.Terms(field).Size();

                        if (termCount != -1 && termCount != status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount - termCountStart)
                            throw new Exception("termCount mismatch " + (status.DelTermCount + termCount) + " vs " + (status.TermCount - termCountStart));

                    // Test seeking by ord
                    if (hasOrd && status.TermCount - termCountStart > 0)
                        int seekCount = (int)Math.Min(10000L, termCount);
                        if (seekCount > 0)
                            BytesRef[] seekTerms = new BytesRef[seekCount];

                            // Seek by ord
                            for (int i = seekCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                long ord = i * (termCount / seekCount);
                                seekTerms[i] = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(termsEnum.Term());

                            // Seek by term
                            long totDocCount = 0;
                            for (int i = seekCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                if (termsEnum.SeekCeil(seekTerms[i]) != TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND)
                                    throw new Exception("seek to existing term " + seekTerms[i] + " failed");

                                docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                                if (docs == null)
                                    throw new Exception("null DocsEnum from to existing term " + seekTerms[i]);

                                while (docs.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)

                            long totDocCountNoDeletes = 0;
                            long totDocFreq = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < seekCount; i++)
                                if (!termsEnum.SeekExact(seekTerms[i]))
                                    throw new Exception("seek to existing term " + seekTerms[i] + " failed");

                                totDocFreq += termsEnum.DocFreq();
                                docs = termsEnum.Docs(null, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                                if (docs == null)
                                    throw new Exception("null DocsEnum from to existing term " + seekTerms[i]);

                                while (docs.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)

                            if (totDocCount > totDocCountNoDeletes)
                                throw new Exception("more postings with deletes=" + totDocCount + " than without=" + totDocCountNoDeletes);

                            if (totDocCountNoDeletes != totDocFreq)
                                throw new Exception("docfreqs=" + totDocFreq + " != recomputed docfreqs=" + totDocCountNoDeletes);

            int fieldCount = fields.Size;

            if (fieldCount != -1)
                if (fieldCount < 0)
                    throw new Exception("invalid fieldCount: " + fieldCount);
                if (fieldCount != computedFieldCount)
                    throw new Exception("fieldCount mismatch " + fieldCount + " vs recomputed field count " + computedFieldCount);

            // for most implementations, this is boring (just the sum across all fields)
            // but codecs that don't work per-field like preflex actually implement this,
            // but don't implement it on Terms, so the check isn't redundant.
            long uniqueTermCountAllFields = fields.UniqueTermCount;

            if (uniqueTermCountAllFields != -1 && status.TermCount + status.DelTermCount != uniqueTermCountAllFields)
                throw new Exception("termCount mismatch " + uniqueTermCountAllFields + " vs " + (status.TermCount + status.DelTermCount));

            if (doPrint)
                Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.TermCount + " terms; " + status.TotFreq + " terms/docs pairs; " + status.TotPos + " tokens]");

            if (verbose && status.BlockTreeStats != null && infoStream != null && status.TermCount > 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats> ent in status.BlockTreeStats)
                    infoStream.WriteLine("      field \"" + ent.Key + "\":");
                    infoStream.WriteLine("      " + ent.Value.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n      "));

            return status;
 public override void Merge(DocValuesFieldUpdates other)
     Debug.Assert(other is NumericDocValuesFieldUpdates);
     NumericDocValuesFieldUpdates otherUpdates = (NumericDocValuesFieldUpdates)other;
     if (Size + otherUpdates.Size > int.MaxValue)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot support more than Integer.MAX_VALUE doc/value entries; size=" + Size + " other.size=" + otherUpdates.Size);
     Docs = Docs.Grow(Size + otherUpdates.Size);
     Values = Values.Grow(Size + otherUpdates.Size);
     DocsWithField = FixedBitSet.EnsureCapacity(DocsWithField, (int)Docs.Size());
     for (int i = 0; i < otherUpdates.Size; i++)
         int doc = (int)otherUpdates.Docs.Get(i);
         if (otherUpdates.DocsWithField.Get(i))
         Docs.Set(Size, doc);
         Values.Set(Size, otherUpdates.Values.Get(i));
        public virtual void AddValue(int docID, long value)
            if (docID < Pending.Size())
                throw new System.ArgumentException("DocValuesField \"" + FieldInfo.Name + "\" appears more than once in this document (only one value is allowed per field)");

            // Fill in any holes:
            for (int i = (int)Pending.Size(); i < docID; ++i)

            if (DocsWithField != null)
                DocsWithField = FixedBitSet.EnsureCapacity(DocsWithField, docID);

 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     Assert.IsNull(acceptDocs, "acceptDocs should be null, as we have an index without deletions");
     FixedBitSet set = new FixedBitSet(context.Reader.MaxDoc);
     int docBase = context.DocBase;
     int limit = docBase + context.Reader.MaxDoc;
     for (int index = 0; index < Docs.Length; index++)
         int docId = Docs[index];
         if (docId >= docBase && docId < limit)
             set.Set(docId - docBase);
     return set.Cardinality() == 0 ? null : set;
        protected internal virtual void AssertEquals(RandomTokenStream tk, FieldType ft, Terms terms)
            Assert.AreEqual(1, terms.DocCount);
            int termCount = (new HashSet<string>(Arrays.AsList(tk.Terms))).Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(termCount, terms.Size());
            Assert.AreEqual(termCount, terms.SumDocFreq);
            Assert.AreEqual(ft.StoreTermVectorPositions, terms.HasPositions());
            Assert.AreEqual(ft.StoreTermVectorOffsets, terms.HasOffsets());
            Assert.AreEqual(ft.StoreTermVectorPayloads && tk.HasPayloads(), terms.HasPayloads());
            HashSet<BytesRef> uniqueTerms = new HashSet<BytesRef>();
            foreach (string term in tk.Freqs.Keys)
                uniqueTerms.Add(new BytesRef(term));
            BytesRef[] sortedTerms = uniqueTerms.ToArray(/*new BytesRef[0]*/);
            Array.Sort(sortedTerms, terms.Comparator);
            TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.Iterator(Random().NextBoolean() ? null : this.termsEnum.Value);
            this.termsEnum.Value = termsEnum;
            for (int i = 0; i < sortedTerms.Length; ++i)
                BytesRef nextTerm = termsEnum.Next();
                Assert.AreEqual(sortedTerms[i], nextTerm);
                Assert.AreEqual(sortedTerms[i], termsEnum.Term());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, termsEnum.DocFreq());

                FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(1);
                DocsEnum docsEnum = termsEnum.Docs(bits, Random().NextBoolean() ? null : this.docsEnum.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsEnum.NextDoc());

                docsEnum = termsEnum.Docs(Random().NextBoolean() ? bits : null, Random().NextBoolean() ? null : docsEnum);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, docsEnum.NextDoc());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, docsEnum.DocID());
                Assert.AreEqual(tk.Freqs[termsEnum.Term().Utf8ToString()], (int?)docsEnum.Freq());
                Assert.AreEqual(DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsEnum.NextDoc());
                this.docsEnum.Value = docsEnum;

                DocsAndPositionsEnum docsAndPositionsEnum = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(bits, Random().NextBoolean() ? null : this.docsAndPositionsEnum.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(ft.StoreTermVectorOffsets || ft.StoreTermVectorPositions, docsAndPositionsEnum != null);
                if (docsAndPositionsEnum != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsAndPositionsEnum.NextDoc());

                docsAndPositionsEnum = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(Random().NextBoolean() ? bits : null, Random().NextBoolean() ? null : docsAndPositionsEnum);
                Assert.AreEqual(ft.StoreTermVectorOffsets || ft.StoreTermVectorPositions, docsAndPositionsEnum != null);
                if (terms.HasPositions() || terms.HasOffsets())
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, docsAndPositionsEnum.NextDoc());
                    int freq = docsAndPositionsEnum.Freq();
                    Assert.AreEqual(tk.Freqs[termsEnum.Term().Utf8ToString()], (int?)freq);
                    if (docsAndPositionsEnum != null)
                        for (int k = 0; k < freq; ++k)
                            int position = docsAndPositionsEnum.NextPosition();
                            ISet<int?> indexes;
                            if (terms.HasPositions())
                                indexes = tk.PositionToTerms[position];
                                indexes = tk.StartOffsetToTerms[docsAndPositionsEnum.StartOffset()];
                            if (terms.HasPositions())
                                bool foundPosition = false;
                                foreach (int index in indexes)
                                    if (tk.TermBytes[index].Equals(termsEnum.Term()) && tk.Positions[index] == position)
                                        foundPosition = true;
                            if (terms.HasOffsets())
                                bool foundOffset = false;
                                foreach (int index in indexes)
                                    if (tk.TermBytes[index].Equals(termsEnum.Term()) && tk.StartOffsets[index] == docsAndPositionsEnum.StartOffset() && tk.EndOffsets[index] == docsAndPositionsEnum.EndOffset())
                                        foundOffset = true;
                            if (terms.HasPayloads())
                                bool foundPayload = false;
                                foreach (int index in indexes)
                                    if (tk.TermBytes[index].Equals(termsEnum.Term()) && Equals(tk.Payloads[index], docsAndPositionsEnum.Payload))
                                        foundPayload = true;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // ok
                    Assert.AreEqual(DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsAndPositionsEnum.NextDoc());
                this.docsAndPositionsEnum.Value = docsAndPositionsEnum;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                if (Random().NextBoolean())
                    Assert.IsTrue(termsEnum.SeekExact(RandomInts.RandomFrom(Random(), tk.TermBytes)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(SeekStatus.FOUND, termsEnum.SeekCeil(RandomInts.RandomFrom(Random(), tk.TermBytes)));
        // maxAllowed = the "highest" we can index, but we will still
        // randomly index at lower IndexOption
        private FieldsProducer BuildIndex(Directory dir, FieldInfo.IndexOptions maxAllowed, bool allowPayloads, bool alwaysTestMax)
            Codec codec = Codec;
            SegmentInfo segmentInfo = new SegmentInfo(dir, Constants.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, "_0", MaxDoc, false, codec, null);

            int maxIndexOption = Enum.GetValues(typeof(FieldInfo.IndexOptions)).Cast<FieldInfo.IndexOptions>().ToList().IndexOf(maxAllowed);
            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: now build index");

            int maxIndexOptionNoOffsets = Enum.GetValues(typeof(FieldInfo.IndexOptions)).Cast<FieldInfo.IndexOptions>().ToList().IndexOf(FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS);

            // TODO use allowPayloads

            var newFieldInfoArray = new FieldInfo[Fields.Count];
            for (int fieldUpto = 0; fieldUpto < Fields.Count; fieldUpto++)
                FieldInfo oldFieldInfo = FieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldUpto);

                string pf = TestUtil.GetPostingsFormat(codec, oldFieldInfo.Name);
                int fieldMaxIndexOption;
                if (DoesntSupportOffsets.Contains(pf))
                    fieldMaxIndexOption = Math.Min(maxIndexOptionNoOffsets, maxIndexOption);
                    fieldMaxIndexOption = maxIndexOption;

                // Randomly picked the IndexOptions to index this
                // field with:
                FieldInfo.IndexOptions indexOptions = Enum.GetValues(typeof(FieldInfo.IndexOptions)).Cast<FieldInfo.IndexOptions>().ToArray()[alwaysTestMax ? fieldMaxIndexOption : Random().Next(1 + fieldMaxIndexOption)];
                bool doPayloads = indexOptions.CompareTo(FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0 && allowPayloads;

                newFieldInfoArray[fieldUpto] = new FieldInfo(oldFieldInfo.Name, true, fieldUpto, false, false, doPayloads, indexOptions, null, DocValuesType.NUMERIC, null);

            FieldInfos newFieldInfos = new FieldInfos(newFieldInfoArray);

            // Estimate that flushed segment size will be 25% of
            // what we use in RAM:
            long bytes = TotalPostings * 8 + TotalPayloadBytes;

            SegmentWriteState writeState = new SegmentWriteState(null, dir, segmentInfo, newFieldInfos, 32, null, new IOContext(new FlushInfo(MaxDoc, bytes)));
            FieldsConsumer fieldsConsumer = codec.PostingsFormat().FieldsConsumer(writeState);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>> fieldEnt in Fields)
                string field = fieldEnt.Key;
                IDictionary<BytesRef, long> terms = fieldEnt.Value;

                FieldInfo fieldInfo = newFieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);

                FieldInfo.IndexOptions? indexOptions = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions;

                if (VERBOSE)
                    Console.WriteLine("field=" + field + " indexOtions=" + indexOptions);

                bool doFreq = indexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS;
                bool doPos = indexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;
                bool doPayloads = indexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS && allowPayloads;
                bool doOffsets = indexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS;

                TermsConsumer termsConsumer = fieldsConsumer.AddField(fieldInfo);
                long sumTotalTF = 0;
                long sumDF = 0;
                FixedBitSet seenDocs = new FixedBitSet(MaxDoc);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<BytesRef, long> termEnt in terms)
                    BytesRef term = termEnt.Key;
                    SeedPostings postings = GetSeedPostings(term.Utf8ToString(), termEnt.Value, false, maxAllowed);
                    if (VERBOSE)
                        Console.WriteLine("  term=" + field + ":" + term.Utf8ToString() + " docFreq=" + postings.DocFreq + " seed=" + termEnt.Value);

                    PostingsConsumer postingsConsumer = termsConsumer.StartTerm(term);
                    long totalTF = 0;
                    int docID = 0;
                    while ((docID = postings.NextDoc()) != DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                        int freq = postings.Freq();
                        if (VERBOSE)
                            Console.WriteLine("    " + postings.Upto + ": docID=" + docID + " freq=" + postings.Freq_Renamed);
                        postingsConsumer.StartDoc(docID, doFreq ? postings.Freq_Renamed : -1);
                        if (doPos)
                            totalTF += postings.Freq_Renamed;
                            for (int posUpto = 0; posUpto < freq; posUpto++)
                                int pos = postings.NextPosition();
                                BytesRef payload = postings.Payload;

                                if (VERBOSE)
                                    if (doPayloads)
                                        Console.WriteLine("      pos=" + pos + " payload=" + (payload == null ? "null" : payload.Length + " bytes"));
                                        Console.WriteLine("      pos=" + pos);
                                postingsConsumer.AddPosition(pos, doPayloads ? payload : null, doOffsets ? postings.StartOffset() : -1, doOffsets ? postings.EndOffset() : -1);
                        else if (doFreq)
                            totalTF += freq;
                    termsConsumer.FinishTerm(term, new TermStats(postings.DocFreq, doFreq ? totalTF : -1));
                    sumTotalTF += totalTF;
                    sumDF += postings.DocFreq;

                termsConsumer.Finish(doFreq ? sumTotalTF : -1, sumDF, seenDocs.Cardinality());


            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: after indexing: files=");
                foreach (string file in dir.ListAll())
                    Console.WriteLine("  " + file + ": " + dir.FileLength(file) + " bytes");

            CurrentFieldInfos = newFieldInfos;

            SegmentReadState readState = new SegmentReadState(dir, segmentInfo, newFieldInfos, IOContext.READ, 1);

            return codec.PostingsFormat().FieldsProducer(readState);
        public static void CreatePostings()
            TotalPostings = 0;
            TotalPayloadBytes = 0;
            Fields = new SortedDictionary<string, SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>>();

            int numFields = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 1, 5);
            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: " + numFields + " fields");
            MaxDoc = 0;

            FieldInfo[] fieldInfoArray = new FieldInfo[numFields];
            int fieldUpto = 0;
            while (fieldUpto < numFields)
                string field = TestUtil.RandomSimpleString(Random());
                if (Fields.ContainsKey(field))

                fieldInfoArray[fieldUpto] = new FieldInfo(field, true, fieldUpto, false, false, true, FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS, null, DocValuesType.NUMERIC, null);

                SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long> postings = new SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>();
                Fields[field] = postings;
                HashSet<string> seenTerms = new HashSet<string>();

                int numTerms;
                if (Random().Next(10) == 7)
                    numTerms = AtLeast(50);
                    numTerms = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 2, 20);

                for (int termUpto = 0; termUpto < numTerms; termUpto++)
                    string term = TestUtil.RandomSimpleString(Random());
                    if (seenTerms.Contains(term))

                    if (TEST_NIGHTLY && termUpto == 0 && fieldUpto == 1)
                        // Make 1 big term:
                        term = "big_" + term;
                    else if (termUpto == 1 && fieldUpto == 1)
                        // Make 1 medium term:
                        term = "medium_" + term;
                    else if (Random().NextBoolean())
                        // Low freq term:
                        term = "low_" + term;
                        // Very low freq term (don't multiply by RANDOM_MULTIPLIER):
                        term = "verylow_" + term;

                    long termSeed = Random().NextLong();
                    postings[new BytesRef(term)] = termSeed;

                    // NOTE: sort of silly: we enum all the docs just to
                    // get the maxDoc
                    DocsEnum docsEnum = GetSeedPostings(term, termSeed, false, FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY);
                    int doc;
                    int lastDoc = 0;
                    while ((doc = docsEnum.NextDoc()) != DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                        lastDoc = doc;
                    MaxDoc = Math.Max(lastDoc, MaxDoc);

            FieldInfos = new FieldInfos(fieldInfoArray);

            // It's the count, not the last docID:

            GlobalLiveDocs = new FixedBitSet(MaxDoc);
            double liveRatio = Random().NextDouble();
            for (int i = 0; i < MaxDoc; i++)
                if (Random().NextDouble() <= liveRatio)

            AllTerms = new List<FieldAndTerm>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>> fieldEnt in Fields)
                string field = fieldEnt.Key;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<BytesRef, long> termEnt in fieldEnt.Value.EntrySet())
                    AllTerms.Add(new FieldAndTerm(field, termEnt.Key));

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: done init postings; " + AllTerms.Count + " total terms, across " + FieldInfos.Size() + " fields");
        public virtual void DoTestLongPostingsNoPositions(FieldInfo.IndexOptions options)
            // Don't use TestUtil.getTempDir so that we own the
            // randomness (ie same seed will point to same dir):
            Directory dir = NewFSDirectory(CreateTempDir("longpostings" + "." + Random().NextLong()));

            int NUM_DOCS = AtLeast(2000);

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("TEST: NUM_DOCS=" + NUM_DOCS);

            string s1 = GetRandomTerm(null);
            string s2 = GetRandomTerm(s1);

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: s1=" + s1 + " s2=" + s2);
                for(int idx=0;idx<s1.Length();idx++) {
                  System.out.println("  s1 ch=0x" + Integer.toHexString(s1.charAt(idx)));
                for(int idx=0;idx<s2.Length();idx++) {
                  System.out.println("  s2 ch=0x" + Integer.toHexString(s2.charAt(idx)));

            FixedBitSet isS1 = new FixedBitSet(NUM_DOCS);
            for (int idx = 0; idx < NUM_DOCS; idx++)
                if (Random().NextBoolean())

            IndexReader r;
            if (true)
                IndexWriterConfig iwc = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())).SetOpenMode(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode_e.CREATE).SetMergePolicy(NewLogMergePolicy());
                iwc.SetRAMBufferSizeMB(16.0 + 16.0 * Random().NextDouble());
                RandomIndexWriter riw = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), dir, iwc);

                FieldType ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);
                ft.IndexOptions = options;
                for (int idx = 0; idx < NUM_DOCS; idx++)
                    Document doc = new Document();
                    string s = isS1.Get(idx) ? s1 : s2;
                    Field f = NewField("field", s, ft);
                    int count = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 1, 4);
                    for (int ct = 0; ct < count; ct++)

                r = riw.Reader;
                r = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);

            if (VERBOSE) {
              System.out.println("TEST: terms");
              TermEnum termEnum = r.Terms();
              while(termEnum.Next()) {
                System.out.println("  term=" + termEnum.Term() + " len=" + termEnum.Term().Text().Length());
                Assert.IsTrue(termEnum.DocFreq() > 0);
                System.out.println("    s1?=" + (termEnum.Term().Text().equals(s1)) + " s1len=" + s1.Length());
                System.out.println("    s2?=" + (termEnum.Term().Text().equals(s2)) + " s2len=" + s2.Length());
                final String s = termEnum.Term().Text();
                for(int idx=0;idx<s.Length();idx++) {
                  System.out.println("      ch=0x" + Integer.toHexString(s.charAt(idx)));

            Assert.AreEqual(NUM_DOCS, r.NumDocs);
            Assert.IsTrue(r.DocFreq(new Term("field", s1)) > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(r.DocFreq(new Term("field", s2)) > 0);

            int num = AtLeast(1000);
            for (int iter = 0; iter < num; iter++)
                string term;
                bool doS1;
                if (Random().NextBoolean())
                    term = s1;
                    doS1 = true;
                    term = s2;
                    doS1 = false;

                if (VERBOSE)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: iter=" + iter + " doS1=" + doS1 + " term=" + term);

                DocsEnum docs;
                DocsEnum postings;

                if (options == FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY)
                    docs = TestUtil.Docs(Random(), r, "field", new BytesRef(term), null, null, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                    postings = null;
                    docs = postings = TestUtil.Docs(Random(), r, "field", new BytesRef(term), null, null, DocsEnum.FLAG_FREQS);
                    Debug.Assert(postings != null);
                Debug.Assert(docs != null);

                int docID = -1;
                while (docID < DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                    int what = Random().Next(3);
                    if (what == 0)
                        if (VERBOSE)
                            Console.WriteLine("TEST: docID=" + docID + "; do next()");
                        // nextDoc
                        int expected = docID + 1;
                        while (true)
                            if (expected == NUM_DOCS)
                                expected = int.MaxValue;
                            else if (isS1.Get(expected) == doS1)
                        docID = docs.NextDoc();
                        if (VERBOSE)
                            Console.WriteLine("  got docID=" + docID);
                        Assert.AreEqual(expected, docID);
                        if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)

                        if (Random().Next(6) == 3 && postings != null)
                            int freq = postings.Freq();
                            Assert.IsTrue(freq >= 1 && freq <= 4);
                        // advance
                        int targetDocID;
                        if (docID == -1)
                            targetDocID = Random().Next(NUM_DOCS + 1);
                            targetDocID = docID + TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 1, NUM_DOCS - docID);
                        if (VERBOSE)
                            Console.WriteLine("TEST: docID=" + docID + "; do advance(" + targetDocID + ")");
                        int expected = targetDocID;
                        while (true)
                            if (expected == NUM_DOCS)
                                expected = int.MaxValue;
                            else if (isS1.Get(expected) == doS1)

                        docID = docs.Advance(targetDocID);
                        if (VERBOSE)
                            Console.WriteLine("  got docID=" + docID);
                        Assert.AreEqual(expected, docID);
                        if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)

                        if (Random().Next(6) == 3 && postings != null)
                            int freq = postings.Freq();
                            Assert.IsTrue(freq >= 1 && freq <= 4, "got invalid freq=" + freq);
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     SortedDocValues fcsi = FieldCache.GetTermsIndex((context.AtomicReader), Field);
     FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(fcsi.ValueCount);
     for (int i = 0; i < Terms.Length; i++)
         int ord = fcsi.LookupTerm(Terms[i]);
         if (ord >= 0)
     return new FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, context.Reader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, fcsi, bits);
 internal RandomBits(int maxDoc, double pctLive, Random random)
     Bits = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
     for (int i = 0; i < maxDoc; i++)
         if (random.NextDouble() <= pctLive)
 public override void Merge(DocValuesFieldUpdates other)
     BinaryDocValuesFieldUpdates otherUpdates = (BinaryDocValuesFieldUpdates)other;
     int newSize = Size + otherUpdates.Size;
     if (newSize > int.MaxValue)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot support more than Integer.MAX_VALUE doc/value entries; size=" + Size + " other.size=" + otherUpdates.Size);
     Docs = Docs.Grow(newSize);
     Offsets = Offsets.Grow(newSize);
     Lengths = Lengths.Grow(newSize);
     DocsWithField = FixedBitSet.EnsureCapacity(DocsWithField, (int)Docs.Size());
     for (int i = 0; i < otherUpdates.Size; i++)
         int doc = (int)otherUpdates.Docs.Get(i);
         if (otherUpdates.DocsWithField.Get(i))
         Docs.Set(Size, doc);
         Offsets.Set(Size, Values.Length + otherUpdates.Offsets.Get(i)); // correct relative offset
         Lengths.Set(Size, otherUpdates.Lengths.Get(i));
Example #18
        public virtual void TestBuildDocMap()
            int maxDoc = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 1, 128);
            int numDocs = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 0, maxDoc);
            int numDeletedDocs = maxDoc - numDocs;
            FixedBitSet liveDocs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
            for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; ++i)
                while (true)
                    int docID = Random().Next(maxDoc);
                    if (!liveDocs.Get(docID))

            MergeState.DocMap docMap = MergeState.DocMap.Build(maxDoc, liveDocs);

            Assert.AreEqual(maxDoc, docMap.MaxDoc);
            Assert.AreEqual(numDocs, docMap.NumDocs);
            Assert.AreEqual(numDeletedDocs, docMap.NumDeletedDocs);
            // assert the mapping is compact
            for (int i = 0, del = 0; i < maxDoc; ++i)
                if (!liveDocs.Get(i))
                    Assert.AreEqual(-1, docMap.Get(i));
                    Assert.AreEqual(i - del, docMap.Get(i));