Example #1
        public string SearchAndPaging(string strQuery, string index)
            string result = string.Empty;

                List <SearchArticle>            searchArticleList = new List <SearchArticle>();
                PSCPortal.CMS.ArticleCollection ArticleList       = ArticleCollection.GetArticleCollectionPublish();
                string         nameSub       = Libs.Ultility.GetSubDomain() == string.Empty ? "HomePage" : Libs.Ultility.GetSubDomain();
                SubDomain      subDomain     = PSCPortal.Engine.SubDomain.GetSubByName(nameSub);
                PageCollection pagesBelongTo = subDomain.GetPagesBelongTo();
                string         strId         = string.Empty;
                foreach (var page in pagesBelongTo)
                    foreach (var ar in ArticleList.Where(ar => ar.PageId == page.Id))
                        strId += ar.Id + " OR ";
                    if (strId.Length > 0)
                        strId = strId.Remove(strId.Length - 3, 3);
                int    pageIndex = Int32.Parse(index);
                string strSearch = " ArticleDetail:(" + strQuery + ") AND ArticleId:" + "( " + strId + " )";
                Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader        reader           = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.Open(Server.MapPath(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IndexingArticle"]));
                Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser parser           = new Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser("ArticleDetail", new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer());
                Lucene.Net.Search.Query             query            = parser.Parse(strSearch);
                Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher     searcher         = new Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher(reader);
                Lucene.Net.Search.Hits                   hits        = searcher.Search(query);
                Lucene.Net.Highlight.QueryScorer         score       = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.QueryScorer(query);
                Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleHTMLFormatter formater    = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleHTMLFormatter("<span class='Highlight'>", "</span>");
                Lucene.Net.Highlight.Highlighter         highlighter = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.Highlighter(formater, score);
                result += hits.Length() + "_" + "<div class='blog_news'><div class='topic_news_title1'><div class='topic_news_title'><a href='#'>Kết quả tìm thấy: " + hits.Length() + "</a></div></div>";
                result += "<div class='ct_topic_l'><div class='ct_topic_r1'>";
                for (int i = pageIndex * 20 - 20; i < pageIndex * 20 && i < hits.Length(); i++)
                    string detail = hits.Doc(i).Get("ArticleDetail");
                    Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenStream ts = (new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer()).TokenStream("ArticleDetail", new System.IO.StringReader(detail));
                    SearchArticle searchArticle        = new SearchArticle();
                    searchArticle.Id        = hits.Doc(i).Get("ArticleId");;
                    searchArticle.Title     = hits.Doc(i).Get("ArticleTitle");
                    searchArticle.Highligth = highlighter.GetBestFragment(ts, detail);
                JavaScriptSerializer        serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                Dictionary <string, object> resultDic  = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                resultDic["Count"] = hits.Length();
                resultDic["Data"]  = searchArticleList;
                result             = serializer.Serialize(resultDic);
            catch (Exception e)
Example #2
        public virtual void  TestGetValuesForIndexedDocument()
            RAMDirectory dir    = new RAMDirectory();
            IndexWriter  writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new StandardAnalyzer(), true);


            Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(dir);

            // search for something that does exists
            Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("keyword", "test1"));

            // ensure that queries return expected results without DateFilter first
            Hits hits = searcher.Search(query);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, hits.Length());

                DoAssert(hits.Doc(0), true);
            catch (System.Exception e)
Example #3
        public string Search(string strQuery)
            string result = string.Empty;

            Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader        reader           = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.Open(Server.MapPath(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IndexingArticle"]));
            Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser parser           = new Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser("ArticleDetail", new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer());
            Lucene.Net.Search.Query             query            = parser.Parse(strQuery);
            Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher     searcher         = new Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher(reader);
            Lucene.Net.Search.Hits                   hits        = searcher.Search(query);
            Lucene.Net.Highlight.QueryScorer         score       = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.QueryScorer(query);
            Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleHTMLFormatter formater    = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleHTMLFormatter("<span class='Highlight'>", "</span>");
            Lucene.Net.Highlight.Highlighter         highlighter = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.Highlighter(formater, score);
            result += "<div align='right' style='background-color:#F0F7F9; padding-right:15px' height='30px'><font style='FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #005482; FONT-FAMILY: arial'>Kết quả tìm thấy : " + hits.Length() + "  </font></div>";
            result += "<div style='padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;'>";
            for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length(); i++)
                string id     = hits.Doc(i).Get("ArticleId");
                string title  = hits.Doc(i).Get("ArticleTitle");
                string detail = hits.Doc(i).Get("ArticleDetail");
                Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenStream ts = (new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer()).TokenStream("ArticleDetail", new System.IO.StringReader(detail));
                result += string.Format("<div align='left'><font style='FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #5b5b5b; FONT-FAMILY: arial'><a href='/?ArticleId={0}'>{1}</a></font>", id, title);
                result += string.Format("<div align='left'><font style='FONT-SIZE: 9pt' face='Arial' color='#005482'>...{0}...</font></div></div></br>", highlighter.GetBestFragment(ts, detail));
            result += "</div>";
Example #4
        public List <LuceneData> MemberSearch(string searchTerm)
            var searchData = new List <LuceneData>();

                Lucene.Net.Store.Directory dir = Lucene.Net.Store.FSDirectory.GetDirectory(_indexFileLocation);

                //create an analyzer to process the text
                Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer analyzer = new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer();

                //create the query parser, with the default search feild set to "content"
                Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser queryParser = new Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser("SearchContent", analyzer);

                //parse the query string into a Query object
                Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = queryParser.Parse(searchTerm);

                //create an index searcher that will perform the search
                //Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader indexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.Open(dir, true);
                Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher searcher = new Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher(dir, true);

                ////build a query object
                //Lucene.Net.Index.Term luceneSearchTerm = new Lucene.Net.Index.Term("searchContent", searchTerm);
                //Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = new Lucene.Net.Search.TermQuery(luceneSearchTerm);

                //execute the query
                Lucene.Net.Search.Hits hits = searcher.Search(query);

                //int resultCount = hits.Length();
                //if (resultCount > 1000){
                //    resultCount = 1000;

                //iterate over the results.
                for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length(); i++)
                    Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc = hits.Doc(i);
                    searchData.Add(new LuceneData
                        MemberID    = Convert.ToInt32(doc.Get("MemberID")),
                        FirstName   = doc.Get("FirstName"),
                        LastName    = doc.Get("LastName"),
                        CompanyName = doc.Get("CompanyName"),
                        City        = doc.Get("City"),
                        State       = doc.Get("State"),
                        PostalCode  = doc.Get("PostalCode")
            catch (Exception ex)

Example #5
        public static void Main(System.String[] a)
            System.String indexName = "localhost_index";
            System.String fn        = "c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/manual/vhosts/index.html.en";
            System.Uri    url       = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                if (a[i].Equals("-i"))
                    indexName = a[++i];
                else if (a[i].Equals("-f"))
                    fn = a[++i];
                else if (a[i].Equals("-url"))
                    url = new System.Uri(a[++i]);

            System.IO.StreamWriter temp_writer;
            temp_writer           = new System.IO.StreamWriter(System.Console.OpenStandardOutput(), System.Console.Out.Encoding);
            temp_writer.AutoFlush = true;
            System.IO.StreamWriter o = temp_writer;
            IndexReader            r = IndexReader.Open(indexName);

            o.WriteLine("Open index " + indexName + " which has " + r.NumDocs() + " docs");

            MoreLikeThis mlt = new MoreLikeThis(r);

            o.WriteLine("Query generation parameters:");

            Query query = null;

            if (url != null)
                o.WriteLine("Parsing URL: " + url);
                query = mlt.Like(url);
            else if (fn != null)
                o.WriteLine("Parsing file: " + fn);
                query = mlt.Like(new System.IO.FileInfo(fn));

            o.WriteLine("q: " + query);
            IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexName);

            Hits hits = searcher.Search(query);
            int  len  = hits.Length();

            o.WriteLine("found: " + len + " documents matching");
            for (int i = 0; i < System.Math.Min(25, len); i++)
                Document      d       = hits.Doc(i);
                System.String summary = d.Get("summary");
                o.WriteLine("score  : " + hits.Score(i));
                o.WriteLine("url    : " + d.Get("url"));
                o.WriteLine("\ttitle  : " + d.Get("title"));
                if (summary != null)
                    o.WriteLine("\tsummary: " + d.Get("summary"));
		public virtual void  TestMultiSearcher()
			//setup index 1
			RAMDirectory ramDir1 = new RAMDirectory();
			IndexWriter writer1 = new IndexWriter(ramDir1, new StandardAnalyzer(), true);
			Document d = new Document();
			Field f = new Field(FIELD_NAME, "multiOne", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED);
			IndexReader reader1 = IndexReader.Open(ramDir1);
			//setup index 2
			RAMDirectory ramDir2 = new RAMDirectory();
			IndexWriter writer2 = new IndexWriter(ramDir2, new StandardAnalyzer(), true);
			d = new Document();
			f = new Field(FIELD_NAME, "multiTwo", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED);
			IndexReader reader2 = IndexReader.Open(ramDir2);
			IndexSearcher[] searchers = new IndexSearcher[2];
			searchers[0] = new IndexSearcher(ramDir1);
			searchers[1] = new IndexSearcher(ramDir2);
			MultiSearcher multiSearcher = new MultiSearcher(searchers);
			QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(FIELD_NAME, new StandardAnalyzer());
			query = parser.Parse("multi*");
			System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Searching for: " + query.ToString(FIELD_NAME));
			//at this point the multisearcher calls combine(query[])
			hits = multiSearcher.Search(query);
			//query = QueryParser.parse("multi*", FIELD_NAME, new StandardAnalyzer());
			Query[] expandedQueries = new Query[2];
			expandedQueries[0] = query.Rewrite(reader1);
			expandedQueries[1] = query.Rewrite(reader2);
			query = query.Combine(expandedQueries);
			//create an instance of the highlighter with the tags used to surround highlighted text
			Highlighter highlighter = new Highlighter(this, new QueryScorer(query));
			for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length(); i++)
				System.String text = hits.Doc(i).Get(FIELD_NAME);
				TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.TokenStream(FIELD_NAME, new System.IO.StringReader(text));
				System.String highlightedText = highlighter.GetBestFragment(tokenStream, text);
			Assert.IsTrue(numHighlights == 2, "Failed to find correct number of highlights " + numHighlights + " found");
Example #7
        /// <summary> Suggest similar words (restricted or not to a field of a user index)</summary>
        /// <param name="word">String the word you want a spell check done on
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="num_sug">int the number of suggest words
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ir">the indexReader of the user index (can be null see field param)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="field">String the field of the user index: if field is not null, the suggested
        /// words are restricted to the words present in this field.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="morePopular">boolean return only the suggest words that are more frequent than the searched word
        /// (only if restricted mode = (indexReader!=null and field!=null)
        /// </param>
        /// <throws>  IOException </throws>
        /// <returns> String[] the sorted list of the suggest words with this 2 criteria:
        /// first criteria: the edit distance, second criteria (only if restricted mode): the popularity
        /// of the suggest words in the field of the user index
        /// </returns>
        public virtual System.String[] SuggestSimilar(System.String word, int num_sug, IndexReader ir, System.String field, bool morePopular)
            float            min = this.minScore;
            TRStringDistance sd  = new TRStringDistance(word);
            int lengthWord       = word.Length;

            int goalFreq = (morePopular && ir != null) ? ir.DocFreq(new Term(field, word)) : 0;

            if (!morePopular && goalFreq > 0)
                return(new System.String[] { word }); // return the word if it exist in the index and i don't want a more popular word

            BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();

            System.String[] grams;
            System.String   key;

            for (int ng = GetMin(lengthWord); ng <= GetMax(lengthWord); ng++)
                key = "gram" + ng;           // form key

                grams = FormGrams(word, ng); // form word into ngrams (allow dups too)

                if (grams.Length == 0)
                    continue; // hmm

                if (bStart > 0)
                    // should we boost prefixes?
                    Add(query, "start" + ng, grams[0], bStart); // matches start of word
                if (bEnd > 0)
                    // should we boost suffixes
                    Add(query, "end" + ng, grams[grams.Length - 1], bEnd); // matches end of word
                for (int i = 0; i < grams.Length; i++)
                    Add(query, key, grams[i]);

            IndexSearcher    searcher = new IndexSearcher(this.spellindex);
            Hits             hits     = searcher.Search(query);
            SuggestWordQueue sugqueue = new SuggestWordQueue(num_sug);

            int         stop    = Math.Min(hits.Length(), 10 * num_sug); // go thru more than 'maxr' matches in case the distance filter triggers
            SuggestWord sugword = new SuggestWord();

            for (int i = 0; i < stop; i++)
                sugword.string_Renamed = hits.Doc(i).Get(F_WORD); // get orig word)

                if (sugword.string_Renamed.Equals(word))
                    continue; // don't suggest a word for itself, that would be silly

                //edit distance/normalize with the min word length
                sugword.score = 1.0f - ((float)sd.GetDistance(sugword.string_Renamed) / System.Math.Min(sugword.string_Renamed.Length, lengthWord));
                if (sugword.score < min)

                if (ir != null)
                    // use the user index
                    sugword.freq = ir.DocFreq(new Term(field, sugword.string_Renamed)); // freq in the index
                    if ((morePopular && goalFreq > sugword.freq) || sugword.freq < 1)
                        // don't suggest a word that is not present in the field
                if (sugqueue.Size() == num_sug)
                    //if queue full , maintain the min score
                    min = ((SuggestWord)sugqueue.Top()).score;
                sugword = new SuggestWord();

            // convert to array string
            System.String[] list = new System.String[sugqueue.Size()];
            for (int i = sugqueue.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                list[i] = ((SuggestWord)sugqueue.Pop()).string_Renamed;

Example #8
        public SearchModel Search(string searchText)
            var result = new SearchModel();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText))
                result.Message = "Įveskite paieškos užklausą.";

            var stemmedSearchText = new LithuanianStemmer().Stem(searchText.Trim());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stemmedSearchText))
                result.Message = "Įveskite paieškos užklausą.";

            Lucene.Net.Search.Hits hits = null;
                if (char.IsLetter(stemmedSearchText[stemmedSearchText.Length - 1]))
                    stemmedSearchText += "*";

                query = parser.Parse(stemmedSearchText);

                if (searcher == null)
                    searcher = new Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher(CustomAppSettings.SearchIndexFolder);

                hits = searcher.Search(query);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.Message = "Paieška nepavyko. Pataisykite užklausą. Klaidos pranešimas: " + e.Message;

            Lucene.Net.Highlight.Formatter formatter = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleHTMLFormatter(
                "<span class=\"highlightResult\">",

            var fragmenter  = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleFragmenter(100);
            var scorer      = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.QueryScorer(searcher.Rewrite(query));
            var highlighter = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.Highlighter(formatter, scorer);


            Dictionary <string, int> dict_already_seen_ids = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            var list = new List <SearchIndexModel>();

            // insert the search results into a temp table which we will join with what's in the database
            for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length(); i++)
                if (dict_already_seen_ids.Count < 100)
                    Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc = hits.Doc(i);
                    string id = doc.Get("id");
                    if (!dict_already_seen_ids.ContainsKey(id))
                        dict_already_seen_ids[id] = 1;
                        var model = new SearchIndexModel();
                        model.Id      = id;
                        model.Score   = hits.Score(i);
                        model.Subject = doc.Get("subject");
                        model.Type    = (EntryTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(EntryTypes), doc.Get("type"));

                        string raw_text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(doc.Get("raw_text"));
                        //string raw_text = doc.Get("raw_text");

                        Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenStream stream = analyzer.TokenStream("text",
                                                                                      new System.IO.StringReader(
                        string highlighted_text = highlighter.GetBestFragments(stream, raw_text, 3, "...").Replace("'",

                        if (highlighted_text == "") // someties the highlighter fails to emit text...
                            highlighted_text = raw_text.Replace("'", "''");
                        if (highlighted_text.Length > 3000)
                            highlighted_text = highlighted_text.Substring(0, 3000);

                        model.HighlightedText = highlighted_text;


            result.List         = list;
            result.SearchPhrase = searchText;
            if (list.Count == 0)
                result.Message = string.Format("Įrašų pagal užklausą '{0}' nerasta. Patikslinkite paieškos duomenis.", searchText);

Example #9
        public static void  Main(System.String[] args)
                Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(@"index");
                Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();

                System.IO.StreamReader in_Renamed = new System.IO.StreamReader(new System.IO.StreamReader(System.Console.OpenStandardInput(), System.Text.Encoding.Default).BaseStream, new System.IO.StreamReader(System.Console.OpenStandardInput(), System.Text.Encoding.Default).CurrentEncoding);
                while (true)
                    System.Console.Out.Write("Query: ");
                    System.String line = in_Renamed.ReadLine();

                    if (line.Length == -1)

                    Query query = QueryParser.Parse(line, "contents", analyzer);
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Searching for: " + query.ToString("contents"));

                    Hits hits = searcher.Search(query);
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine(hits.Length() + " total matching documents");

                    int HITS_PER_PAGE = 10;
                    for (int start = 0; start < hits.Length(); start += HITS_PER_PAGE)
                        int end = System.Math.Min(hits.Length(), start + HITS_PER_PAGE);
                        for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                            Document      doc  = hits.Doc(i);
                            System.String path = doc.Get("path");
                            if (path != null)
                                System.Console.Out.WriteLine(i + ". " + path);
                                System.String url = doc.Get("url");
                                if (url != null)
                                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine(i + ". " + url);
                                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("   - " + doc.Get("title"));
                                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine(i + ". " + "No path nor URL for this document");

                        if (hits.Length() > end)
                            System.Console.Out.Write("more (y/n) ? ");
                            line = in_Renamed.ReadLine();
                            if (line.Length == 0 || line[0] == 'n')
            catch (System.Exception e)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine(" caught a " + e.GetType() + "\n with message: " + e.Message);
Example #10
        public string GetStudentsByYearIdAndTimesIdAndSchoolIdAndStudentName(string schoolYear, string times, string schoolId, string StudentName, string pIndex)
            string    result          = string.Empty;
            int       pageIndex       = Int32.Parse(pIndex);
            ArrayList students        = new ArrayList();
            string    pathOfIndexFile = Server.MapPath(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StudentIndexing"].ToString());

            if (Int32.Parse(schoolYear) >= 2000)
                pathOfIndexFile += "\\" + schoolYear + "\\Index";

            string studentName = StudentName.Replace("\"", "");

            studentName = "\"" + studentName + "\"";

            Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher iSearcher = new Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher(pathOfIndexFile);

            Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser qYearParser = new Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser("YearId", new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer());
            Lucene.Net.Search.Query             iYearQuery  = qYearParser.Parse(schoolYear);

            Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser qTestDayParser = new Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser("TestDayId", new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer());
            Lucene.Net.Search.Query             iTestDayQuery  = qTestDayParser.Parse(times);

            Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser qStudentIdParser = new Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser("StudentID", new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer());
            Lucene.Net.Search.Query             iStudentIdQuery  = qStudentIdParser.Parse("1");

            Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanQuery bQuery = new Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanQuery();
            bQuery.Add(iYearQuery, Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
            bQuery.Add(iTestDayQuery, Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);

            if (StudentName != " " && StudentName != "")
                Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser qStudentParser = new Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser("StudentName", new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer());
                Lucene.Net.Search.Query             iStudentQuery  = qStudentParser.Parse(studentName);
                bQuery.Add(iStudentQuery, Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);

            Lucene.Net.Search.Hits iHits = iSearcher.Search(bQuery);

            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PSCPortalConnectionString"].ConnectionString))

                for (int i = pageIndex * 20 - 20; i < pageIndex * 20 && i < iHits.Length(); i++)
                    string yId       = iHits.Doc(i).Get("YearId");
                    string stuId     = iHits.Doc(i).Get("StudentID");
                    string testDayId = iHits.Doc(i).Get("TestDayId");

                    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand com = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();
                    com.Connection  = con;
                    com.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    com.CommandText = @"   select StudentTHPT.TotalMark,[RoundTotalMark],StudentTHPT.YearId,StudentTHPT.TestDayId,StudentId,FirstName+' '+MiddleName+' '+LastName as FullName,Sex,Birthday,MarkEncourage,Section.Name from StudentTHPT inner join Section on StudentTHPT.SectionId = Section.SectionId 
			                                    where StudentTHPT.YearId=@yearId and StudentTHPT.TestDayId=@timeId and StudentId = @studentId
                                           Order by LastName
	                                   "    ;
                    com.Parameters.Add("@yearId", SqlDbType.NChar);
                    com.Parameters["@yearId"].Value = yId;

                    com.Parameters.Add("@timeId", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
                    com.Parameters["@timeId"].Value = testDayId;

                    com.Parameters.Add("@studentId", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
                    com.Parameters["@studentId"].Value = stuId;

                    using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            string fullName  = reader["FullName"].ToString();
                            string birthday  = reader["Birthday"].ToString().Trim();
                            string studentId = reader["StudentId"].ToString();
                            string total     = iHits.Length().ToString();
                            //    string markEncourage = reader["MarkEncourage"].ToString();
                            string  totalMark      = reader["TotalMark"].ToString();
                            string  section        = reader["Name"].ToString();
                            string  roundTotalMark = reader["RoundTotalMark"].ToString();
                            Student s = new Student {
                                StudentId = studentId, FullName = fullName, Birthday = birthday, Total = total, Section = section, TotalMark = totalMark, RoundTotalMark = roundTotalMark

            System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serialize = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();

            result = serialize.Serialize(students);