Example #1
 public static void LuaLOpenLibs(LuaState L)
     for (int i = 0; i < lualibs.Length - 1; i++)
         LuaLReg lib = lualibs[i];
         LuaPushCFunction(L, lib.func);
         LuaPushString(L, lib.name);
         LuaCall(L, 1, 0);
Example #2
File: lauxlib.cs Project: oathx/Six
		public static void LuaIOpenLib (LuaState L, CharPtr libname,
									  LuaLReg[] l, int nup) {		  
		  if (libname!=null) {
			int size = LibSize(l);
			/* check whether lib already exists */
			LuaGetField(L, -1, libname);  /* get _LOADED[libname] */
			if (!LuaIsTable(L, -1)) {  /* not found? */
			  LuaPop(L, 1);  /* remove previous result */
			  /* try global variable (and create one if it does not exist) */
			  if (LuaLFindTable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, libname, size) != null)
				LuaLError(L, "name conflict for module " + LUA_QS, libname);
			  LuaPushValue(L, -1);
			  LuaSetField(L, -3, libname);  /* _LOADED[libname] = new table */
			LuaRemove(L, -2);  /* remove _LOADED table */
			LuaInsert(L, -(nup+1));  /* move library table to below upvalues */
		  int reg_num = 0;
		  for (; l[reg_num].name!=null; reg_num++) {
			int i;
			for (i=0; i<nup; i++)  /* copy upvalues to the top */
			  LuaPushValue(L, -nup);
			LuaPushCClosure(L, l[reg_num].func, nup);
			LuaSetField(L, -(nup+2), l[reg_num].name);
		  LuaPop(L, nup);  /* remove upvalues */
Example #3
File: lauxlib.cs Project: oathx/Six
		// we could just take the .Length member here, but let's try
		// to keep it as close to the C implementation as possible.
		private static int LibSize (LuaLReg[] l) {
		  int size = 0;
		  for (; l[size].name!=null; size++);
		  return size;
Example #4
File: lauxlib.cs Project: oathx/Six
		public static void LuaLRegister(LuaState L, CharPtr libname,
										LuaLReg[] l) {
		  LuaIOpenLib(L, libname, l, 0);