Example #1
        /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="WishartFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace2"]/message_doc[@name="RateAverageConditional(Wishart, double, Wishart, Wishart, Wishart)"]/*'/>
        public static Wishart RateAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] Wishart sample, double shape, Wishart rate, Wishart to_rate, Wishart result)
            if (sample.IsPointMass)
                return(WishartFromShapeAndRateOp.RateAverageConditional(sample.Point, shape, result));
            // f(Y,R) = |Y|^(a-c) |R|^a exp(-tr(YR))
            // p(Y) = |Y|^(a_y-c) exp(-tr(YB_y)
            // p(R) = |R|^(a_r-c) exp(-tr(RB_r)
            // int_Y f(Y,R) p(Y) dY = |R|^a |R+B_y|^-(a+a_y-c)
            int     dim                    = sample.Dimension;
            double  c                      = 0.5 * (dim + 1);
            double  shape2                 = shape - c + sample.Shape;
            Wishart ratePost               = rate * to_rate;
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix r       = ratePost.GetMean();
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix rby     = r + sample.Rate;
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix invrby  = rby.Inverse();
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix rInvrby = rby;

            rInvrby.SetToProduct(r, invrby);
            double xxddlogp              = Matrix.TraceOfProduct(rInvrby, rInvrby) * shape2;
            double delta                 = -xxddlogp / dim;
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix invR  = r.Inverse();
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix dlogp = invrby;

            LowerTriangularMatrix rChol = new LowerTriangularMatrix(dim, dim);

            result.SetDerivatives(rChol, invR, dlogp, xxddlogp, GammaFromShapeAndRateOp.ForceProper, shape);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Cholesky of Kernel matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kf">Kernel function</param>
        /// <param name="xData">Data with which to build the matrix</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LowerTriangularMatrix Cholesky(IKernelFunction kf, Dictionary <int, Vector> xData)
            if (null == kf || null == xData)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected null arguments");

            int nData = xData.Count;

            // Allocate and fill the Kernel matrix.
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix K = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(nData, nData);

            for (int i = 0; i < nData; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nData; j++)
                    // Evaluate the kernel. All hyperparameters, including noise
                    // variance are handled in the kernel.
                    K[i, j] = kf.EvaluateX1X2(xData[i], xData[j]);

            LowerTriangularMatrix chol = new LowerTriangularMatrix(nData, nData);

            K = null;

Example #3
        static void begin(LowerTriangularMatrix <double> lt, int start, int antCount, double alpha,
                          double beta, double pheromoneEvaporationCoef, double pheromoneConstant, int maxIters,
                          Queue <IterationContext> cq)
            AntColony ac = new AntColony(lt, start, antCount, alpha, beta, pheromoneEvaporationCoef,
                                         pheromoneConstant, maxIters, cq);

            int currIter = 0;

            while (currIter < maxIters - 1)
                IterationContext it;
                while (cq.TryDequeue(out it) == false)
                currIter = it.currIter;
                Console.WriteLine("" + it.currIter);
            var path = string.Join("=>", ac.shortestPath);
            var dist = ac.shrotestDistance;

            Console.WriteLine($"Shortest path has length of {dist} and it is: {path}");
Example #4
        private static PositiveDefiniteMatrix GetInverse(PositiveDefiniteMatrix A)
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix result = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(A.Rows, A.Cols);
            LowerTriangularMatrix  L      = new LowerTriangularMatrix(A.Rows, A.Cols);

            bool[] isZero = new bool[L.Rows];
            for (int i = 0; i < L.Rows; i++)
                if (L[i, i] == 0)
                    isZero[i] = true;
                    L[i, i]   = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < isZero.Length; i++)
                if (isZero[i])
                    result[i, i] = double.PositiveInfinity;
Example #5
#pragma warning disable 162

        /// <summary>EP message to <c>b</c>.</summary>
        /// <param name="product">Incoming message from <c>product</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="A">Constant value for <c>a</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <paramref name="result" />
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   <para>The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of <c>b</c> as the random arguments are varied. The formula is <c>proj[p(b) sum_(product) p(product) factor(product,a,b)]/p(b)</c>.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static VectorGaussian BAverageConditional(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
            if (product.IsPointMass)
                return(BAverageConditional(product.Point, A, result));
            //   (p.mean - A*B)'*p.prec*(p.mean - A*B)
            // = B'*(A'*p.prec*A)*B - B'*A'*p.prec*p.mean - ...
            // B.prec = A'*p.prec*A
            // B.precTimesMean = A'*p.precTimesMean
            if (true)
                // this method is slower but more numerically accurate
                // L*L' = p.prec
                int dim = product.Precision.Cols;
                LowerTriangularMatrix L = new LowerTriangularMatrix(dim, dim);
                Matrix At   = A.Transpose();
                Matrix temp = At * L;
                Matrix temp = (product.Precision * A).Transpose();
                result.Precision.SetToProduct(temp, A);
            result.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToProduct(product.MeanTimesPrecision, A);
Example #6
        public PositiveDefiniteMatrix Sample(PositiveDefiniteMatrix result)
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Rows == Dimension);
            LowerTriangularMatrix cholB = new LowerTriangularMatrix(Dimension, Dimension);
            LowerTriangularMatrix cholX = new LowerTriangularMatrix(Dimension, Dimension);
            Matrix cholXt = new Matrix(Dimension, Dimension);

            return(Sample(result, cholB, cholX, cholXt));
Example #7
 public IterationContext(List <List <int> > antsRoutes, List <int> iterShortestPath,
                         LowerTriangularMatrix <double> pheromoneMatrix, int currIter,
                         int numOfIters)
     this.antsRoutes       = antsRoutes;
     this.iterShortestPath = iterShortestPath;
     this.pheromoneMatrix  = new LowerTriangularMatrix <double>(pheromoneMatrix);
     this.currIter         = currIter;
     this.numOfIters       = numOfIters;
Example #8
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     timeLeft          = lengthOfAnimation;
     cityControler     = gameObject.GetComponent <CityControler>();
     acoControler      = gameObject.GetComponent <AcoControler>();
     pathControler     = gameObject.GetComponent <PathControler>();
     pheromons         = null;
     antPefab          = Resources.Load <GameObject>("CityTestScene/Prefab/Ant");
     distanceControler = gameObject.GetComponent <DistanceControler>();
Example #9
    public LowerTriangularMatrix(LowerTriangularMatrix <T> other)
        this.size = other.size;
        data      = new T[size * (size + 1) / 2];

        //deep copy of array
        for (int i = 0; i < this.size * (this.size + 1) / 2; ++i)
            this.data[i] = other.data[i];
Example #10
        private static double GetSquaredLengthOfRow(LowerTriangularMatrix L, int row)
            double sum = 0;

            for (int col = 0; col <= row; col++)
                double element = L[row, col];
                sum += element * element;
Example #11
        private static double GetSquaredLengthOfColumn(LowerTriangularMatrix L, int column)
            int    rows = L.Rows;
            double sum  = 0;

            for (int row = column; row < rows; row++)
                double element = L[row, column];
                sum += element * element;
Example #12
 public Ant(int start, List <int> notVisited, LowerTriangularMatrix <double> pheromoneMatrix,
            LowerTriangularMatrix <double> distanceMatrix, double alpha, double beta, bool firstPass)
     this.notVisited      = notVisited;
     this.pheromoneMatrix = pheromoneMatrix;
     this.distanceMatrix  = distanceMatrix;
     this.alpha           = alpha;
     this.beta            = beta;
     this.firstPass       = firstPass;
     this.route           = new List <int>();
     this.distanceTraveled = 0;
Example #13
 private void applyLinearScale(double a, double b, LowerTriangularMatrix <double> matrix)
     for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size; ++i)
         for (int j = i + 1; j < matrix.size; ++j)
             if (matrix[i, j] != 0)
                 matrix[i, j] = a * matrix[i, j] + b;
Example #14
        private void calculateFitness(LowerTriangularMatrix <double> lt)
            int threadNum = Environment.ProcessorCount * 2;
            ConcurrentQueue <int> unservisedColonies =
                new ConcurrentQueue <int>(Enumerable.Range(0, currentGeneration.Count));

            Task[] tasks = new Task[threadNum];
            for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; ++i)
                tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => threadRun(unservisedColonies, lt));
Example #15
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Queue <IterationContext> cq = new Queue <IterationContext>();
            int    start    = 0;
            int    antCount = 100;
            double alpha    = .27;
            double beta     = 8.8;
            double pheromoneEvaporationCoef = 0.7;
            double pheromoneConstant        = 250;
            int    maxIters = 100;

            if (args[0] == "-genarate")
                int numOfGraphs = 1;
                int maxNodes    = 20;
                int minNodes    = 5;
                int maxWeight   = 3000;
                int minWeight   = 500;

                Generator g = new Generator(numOfGraphs, maxNodes, minNodes, maxWeight, minWeight);

                var graphs = g.generate(); //array of matricies of graphs

                Console.WriteLine("Graphs generated");
                foreach (LowerTriangularMatrix <double> lt in graphs)
                    begin(lt, start, antCount, alpha, beta, pheromoneEvaporationCoef, pheromoneConstant
                          , maxIters, cq);
            else if (args[0] == "-run")
                LowerTriangularMatrix <double> lt = new LowerTriangularMatrix <double>(0);
                begin(lt, start, antCount, alpha, beta, pheromoneEvaporationCoef, pheromoneConstant
                      , maxIters, cq);
            else if (args[0] == "-genetic")
                GeneticAlg g = new GeneticAlg(5000);
                Console.WriteLine("Need an option besides [-generate,-genetic,-run <path>]? Add it :D");
Example #16
        public static PositiveDefiniteMatrix Sample(double shape, PositiveDefiniteMatrix scale, PositiveDefiniteMatrix result)
            int dimension = scale.Rows;
            LowerTriangularMatrix cholB = new LowerTriangularMatrix(dimension, dimension);

            LowerTriangularMatrix cholX = new LowerTriangularMatrix(dimension, dimension);

            Rand.Wishart(shape, cholX);
            cholX.SetToProduct(cholB, cholX);
            UpperTriangularMatrix cholXt = cholX.Transpose();

            result.SetToProduct(cholX, cholXt);
Example #17
        public void RandWishart()
            // multivariate Gamma
            double a = 2.7;
            int    d = 3;
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix mTrue = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(d, d);

            mTrue.SetToProduct(mTrue, a);
            LowerTriangularMatrix  L = new LowerTriangularMatrix(d, d);
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix X = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(d, d);
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix m = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(d, d);

            double s = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++)
                Rand.Wishart(a, L);
                X.SetToProduct(L, L.Transpose());
                m = m + X;
                s = s + X.LogDeterminant();
            double sTrue = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
                sTrue += MMath.Digamma(a - i * 0.5);
            m.Scale(1.0 / nsamples);
            s = s / nsamples;

            Console.WriteLine("Multivariate Gamma");

            Console.WriteLine("m = \n{0}", m);
            double dError = m.MaxDiff(mTrue);

            if (dError > TOLERANCE)
                Assert.True(false, String.Format("Wishart({0}) mean: (should be {0}*I), error = {1}", a, dError));
            if (System.Math.Abs(s - sTrue) > TOLERANCE)
                Assert.True(false, string.Format("E[logdet]: {0} (should be {1})", s, sTrue));
Example #18
    void loadDistances()
        distance_ = new LowerTriangularMatrix <float>(cc.citys.Length);

        var file = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("CityTestScene/Data/distances");

        var tmp = JsonUtility.FromJson <JsonArray <Distance> >(file.text).array;

        foreach (var x in tmp)
            int i = cc.mapNameToIndex(x.from);
            int j = cc.mapNameToIndex(x.to);

            distance_[i, j] = x.distance;
            //Debug.Log(i + " " + j +" " + x.distance);
Example #19
        public void start()
            int iterCount = 200;
            int iter      = 0;

            LowerTriangularMatrix <double> lt = new LowerTriangularMatrix <double>(0);

            for (iter = 0; iter < iterCount; ++iter)
                Console.WriteLine("iteration: " + iter);
                if (allTimeBest.fitness >
                    this.currentGeneration[this.currentGeneration.Count - 1].fitness)
                    //saving all time best
                    Console.WriteLine("New All time best!");
                    allTimeBest = new Colony(this.currentGeneration[this.currentGeneration.Count - 1]);
                Console.WriteLine("fitness: " + this.currentGeneration[this.currentGeneration.Count - 1]
                Console.WriteLine("length: " + this.currentGeneration[this.currentGeneration.Count - 1]
                Console.WriteLine("time: " + this.currentGeneration[this.currentGeneration.Count - 1].time);
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", allTimeBest.parameters));
                // if(iter % 10 == 0){
                //     Console.WriteLine("fitness: " + this.currentGeneration[this.currentGeneration.Count -1].fitness);
                // }

            Console.WriteLine("fitness: " + allTimeBest.fitness);
            Console.WriteLine("path: " + allTimeBest.shorestDistance);
            Console.WriteLine("time: " + allTimeBest.time);
            string outputString = string.Join(" ", allTimeBest.parameters);

            string[] lines = new string[1];
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("ACO_parameters.txt", lines);
Example #20
    public void reset()
        pheromons = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < cityControler.activeCitysIndex.Length; ++i)
            int tmp = cityControler.activeCitysIndex[i];
            for (int j = i + 1; j < cityControler.activeCitysIndex.Length; ++j)
                int tmp1 = cityControler.activeCitysIndex[j];

                if (pathControler.pathMatrix[tmp, tmp1])
                    pathControler.pathMatrix[tmp, tmp1].startWidth = 0;
                    pathControler.pathMatrix[tmp, tmp1].endWidth   = 0;
Example #21
 private static void GetProductMoments(Matrix A, Vector BMean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, Vector mean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance)
     // P.mean = A*B.mean
     // P.var = A*B.var*A'
     mean.SetToProduct(A, BMean);
     if (UseAccurateMethod)
         int dim = BVariance.Rows;
         LowerTriangularMatrix cholesky = new LowerTriangularMatrix(dim, dim);
         Matrix AL = A * cholesky;
         variance.SetToProduct(A, (A * BVariance).Transpose());
Example #22
        /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="WishartFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace2"]/message_doc[@name="SampleAverageConditional(Wishart, double, Wishart, Wishart, Wishart, Wishart)"]/*'/>
        public static Wishart SampleAverageConditional([NoInit] Wishart sample, double shape, [Proper] Wishart rate, [NoInit] Wishart to_rate, [NoInit] Wishart to_sample, Wishart result)
            if (sample.IsUniform())
                return(SampleAverageConditional2(shape, rate, to_rate, result));
            // f(Y,R) = |Y|^(a-c) |R|^a exp(-tr(YR))
            // p(Y) = |Y|^(a_y-c) exp(-tr(YB_y)
            // p(R) = |R|^(a_r-c) exp(-tr(RB_r)
            // int_R f(Y,R) p(R) dR = |Y|^(a-c) |Y+B_r|^-(a+a_r)
            int     dim        = sample.Dimension;
            double  c          = 0.5 * (dim + 1);
            double  shape2     = shape + rate.Shape;
            Wishart samplePost = sample * to_sample;

            if (!samplePost.IsProper())
                return(SampleAverageConditional2(shape, rate, to_rate, result));
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix y           = samplePost.GetMean();
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix yPlusBr     = y + rate.Rate;
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix invyPlusBr  = yPlusBr.Inverse();
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix yInvyPlusBr = yPlusBr;

            yInvyPlusBr.SetToProduct(y, invyPlusBr);
            double xxddlogf             = shape2 * Matrix.TraceOfProduct(yInvyPlusBr, yInvyPlusBr);
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix invY = y.Inverse();
            //double delta = -xxddlogf / dim;
            //result.Shape = delta + shape;
            //result.Rate.SetToSum(delta, invY, shape2, invyPlusBr);
            LowerTriangularMatrix yChol = new LowerTriangularMatrix(dim, dim);

            PositiveDefiniteMatrix dlogp = invyPlusBr;

            result.SetDerivatives(yChol, invY, dlogp, xxddlogf, GammaFromShapeAndRateOp.ForceProper, shape - c);
            if (result.Rate.Any(x => double.IsNaN(x)))
                throw new Exception("result.Rate is nan");
Example #23
    private LowerTriangularMatrix <double> getMatrix()
        LowerTriangularMatrix <double> matrix =
            new LowerTriangularMatrix <double>(cityControler.activeCitysIndex.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size; ++i)
            int tmp = cityControler.activeCitysIndex[i];

            for (int j = i + 1; j < matrix.size; ++j)
                int tmp1 = cityControler.activeCitysIndex[j];

                matrix[i, j] = distanceControler.distanceMatrix[tmp, tmp1];

Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the normalizer for a Wishart density function specified by shape and rate matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">Shape parameter</param>
        /// <param name="rate">rate matrix</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double GetLogNormalizer(double shape, PositiveDefiniteMatrix rate)
            int dimension = rate.Rows;

            // inline call to IsProper()
            if (!(shape > 0.5 * (dimension - 1)))
            LowerTriangularMatrix rateChol = new LowerTriangularMatrix(dimension, dimension);
            bool isPosDef = rateChol.SetToCholesky(rate);

            if (!isPosDef)
            // LogDeterminant(rate) = 2*L.TraceLn()
            return(MMath.GammaLn(shape, dimension) - shape * 2 * rateChol.TraceLn());
Example #25
    private void findMinMax(LowerTriangularMatrix <double> matrix, out double min, out double max)
        min = double.MaxValue;
        max = double.MinValue;

        for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size; ++i)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < matrix.size; ++j)
                if (matrix[i, j] < min)
                    min = matrix[i, j];

                if (max < matrix[i, j])
                    max = matrix[i, j];
Example #26
        public PositiveDefiniteMatrix Sample(PositiveDefiniteMatrix result,
                                             LowerTriangularMatrix cholB, LowerTriangularMatrix cholX, Matrix cholXt)
            if (IsPointMass)
            // Algorithm:
            //   X = chol(inv(B))*W*chol(inv(B))'  where W is std Wishart
            //   chol(inv(B)) = inv(chol(B)')
            UpperTriangularMatrix cholBt = UpperTriangularMatrix.TransposeInPlace(cholB);

            Rand.Wishart(Shape, cholX);
            // cholX is no longer LowerTriangular
            result.SetToProduct(cholX, cholXt);
Example #27
        private void threadRun(ConcurrentQueue <int> unservisedColonies, LowerTriangularMatrix <double> lt)
            while (!unservisedColonies.IsEmpty)
                int index;
                Queue <IterationContext> cq = new Queue <IterationContext>();//unused here
                unservisedColonies.TryDequeue(out index);

                Colony    tmp = currentGeneration[index];
                Stopwatch sw  = new Stopwatch();

                //since ACO is nondeterministic, we will repeat algoritam few times and take average
                double[] dists = new double[this.numberOfRepetitions];
                int[]    times = new int[this.numberOfRepetitions];

                for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfRepetitions; ++i)
                    AntColony ac = new AntColony(lt, 0, (int)tmp.parameters[0], tmp.parameters[1], tmp.parameters[2],
                                                 tmp.parameters[3], tmp.parameters[4], (int)tmp.parameters[5], cq);
                    dists[i] = ac.shrotestDistance;
                    times[i] = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                double averageDist = dists.Sum() / dists.Length;
                int    averageTime = times.Sum() / times.Length;

                int time = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                currentGeneration[index].fitness         = fitnessFunction(averageDist, averageTime);
                currentGeneration[index].shorestDistance = averageDist;
                currentGeneration[index].time            = averageTime;
                // Console.WriteLine("index: " + index + " fitness: " + currentGeneration[index].fitness
                //                 +" for " + time + "ms");
Example #28
    public AntColony(LowerTriangularMatrix <double> matrix, int start, int antCount, double alpha, double beta,
                     double pheromoneEvaporationCoef, double pheromoneConstant, int numOfIters,
                     Queue <IterationContext> cq)
        this.matrix   = new LowerTriangularMatrix <double>(matrix);
        this.start    = start;
        this.antCount = antCount;
        this.alpha    = alpha;
        this.beta     = beta;

        this.pheromoneMatrix          = new LowerTriangularMatrix <double>(matrix.size);
        this.pheromoneMatrixCopy      = new LowerTriangularMatrix <double>(matrix.size);
        this.pheromoneEvaporationCoef = pheromoneEvaporationCoef;
        this.pheromoneConstant        = pheromoneConstant;
        this.numOfIters       = numOfIters;
        ants                  = new Ant[antCount];
        this.firstPass        = true;
        this.shortestPath     = null;
        this.shrotestDistance = -1;
        this.resultQueue = cq;
        this.running     = true;
        this.sendingStep = 5;//CAREFULL WHEN CHANGING THIS, numOfIters % sendingStep == 0(this must be true!)
		/// <summary>
		/// Cholesky of Kernel matrix
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="kf">Kernel function</param>
		/// <param name="xData">Data with which to build the matrix</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static LowerTriangularMatrix Cholesky(IKernelFunction kf, Dictionary<int, Vector> xData)
			if (null == kf || null == xData)
				throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected null arguments");

			int nData = xData.Count;

			// Allocate and fill the Kernel matrix.
			PositiveDefiniteMatrix K = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(nData, nData);

			for (int i = 0; i < nData; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < nData; j++) {
					// Evaluate the kernel. All hyperparameters, including noise
					// variance are handled in the kernel.
					K[i, j] = kf.EvaluateX1X2(xData[i], xData[j]);

			LowerTriangularMatrix chol = new LowerTriangularMatrix(nData, nData);
			K = null;

			return chol;
Example #30
        public static Wishart ShapeOrientationAverageConditional(
            Vector point, Bernoulli label, Gaussian shapeX, Gaussian shapeY, Wishart shapeOrientation, Wishart result)
            if (shapeOrientation.IsPointMass && shapeX.IsPointMass && shapeY.IsPointMass)
                double labelProbTrue = label.GetProbTrue();
                double labelProbFalse = 1.0 - labelProbTrue;
                double probDiff = labelProbTrue - labelProbFalse;

                Vector shapeLocation = Vector.FromArray(shapeX.Point, shapeY.Point);
                Vector diff = shapeLocation - point;
                Matrix diffOuter = diff.Outer(diff);
                Matrix orientationTimesDiffOuter = shapeOrientation.Point * diffOuter;
                double trace = orientationTimesDiffOuter.Trace();

                double factorValue = Math.Exp(-0.5 * shapeOrientation.Point.QuadraticForm(diff));
                double funcValue = factorValue * probDiff + labelProbFalse;

                PositiveDefiniteMatrix dLogFunc = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(diffOuter * (-0.5 * probDiff * factorValue / funcValue));
                double xxddLogFunc =
                    -0.5 * probDiff * (-0.5 * labelProbFalse * factorValue * trace * trace / (funcValue * funcValue) + factorValue * trace / funcValue);

                LowerTriangularMatrix cholesky = new LowerTriangularMatrix(2, 2);
                PositiveDefiniteMatrix inverse = shapeOrientation.Point.Inverse();
                result.SetDerivatives(cholesky, inverse, dLogFunc, xxddLogFunc, forceProper: true);
                return result;
                throw new NotSupportedException();
Example #31
        public static Wishart MatrixAverageConditional(Wishart matrix, Gaussian angle, Gaussian logScaleX, Gaussian logScaleY, Wishart result)
            if (!matrix.IsPointMass)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            Func<Matrix, double> logF =
                p =>
                    double lsx, lsy, a;
                    ExtractScaleAngle(p, out lsx, out lsy, out a);

                    return angle.GetLogProb(a) + logScaleX.GetLogProb(lsx) + logScaleY.GetLogProb(lsy);

            Func<Matrix, double> trXdLogF =
                p =>
                    return (p * MatrixDerivative(p, logF)).Trace();

            Matrix dLogF = MatrixDerivative(matrix.Point, logF);
            Matrix dTrXdLogF = MatrixDerivative(matrix.Point, trXdLogF);
            double trXdTrXdLogF = (matrix.Point * dTrXdLogF).Trace();

            LowerTriangularMatrix cholesky = new LowerTriangularMatrix(2, 2);
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix inverse = matrix.Point.Inverse();
            result.SetDerivatives(cholesky, inverse, new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(dLogF), trXdTrXdLogF, forceProper: true);

            return result;
		/// <summary>
		/// Evidence message for EP
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sample">Constant value for 'sample'.</param>
		/// <param name="mean">Constant value for 'mean'.</param>
		/// <param name="precision">Constant value for 'precision'.</param>
		/// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions</returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The formula for the result is <c>log(factor(sample,mean,precision))</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static double LogAverageFactor(Vector sample, Vector mean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix precision)
			int Dimension = sample.Count;
			LowerTriangularMatrix precL = new LowerTriangularMatrix(Dimension, Dimension);
			Vector iLb = Vector.Zero(Dimension);
			Vector precisionTimesMean = precision * mean;
			return VectorGaussian.GetLogProb(sample, precisionTimesMean, precision, precL, iLb);
Example #33
        /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="ArrayFromVectorOp"]/message_doc[@name="ArrayAverageConditional{GaussianList}(IList{Gaussian}, VectorGaussian, GaussianList)"]/*'/>
        /// <typeparam name="GaussianList">The type of the resulting array.</typeparam>
        public static GaussianList ArrayAverageConditional <GaussianList>(
            [NoInit] IList <Gaussian> array, [SkipIfUniform] VectorGaussian vector, GaussianList result)
            where GaussianList : IList <Gaussian>
            if (result.Count != vector.Dimension)
                throw new ArgumentException("vector.Dimension (" + vector.Dimension + ") != result.Count (" + result.Count + ")");
            int  length       = result.Count;
            bool allPointMass = array.All(g => g.IsPointMass);

            if (allPointMass)
                // efficient special case
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    double x = array[i].Point;
                    // -prec*(x-m) = -prec*x + prec*m
                    double dlogp = vector.MeanTimesPrecision[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                        dlogp -= vector.Precision[i, j] * array[j].Point;
                    double ddlogp = -vector.Precision[i, i];
                    result[i] = Gaussian.FromDerivatives(x, dlogp, ddlogp, false);
            else if (vector.IsPointMass)
                // efficient special case
                Vector mean = vector.Point;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    result[i] = Gaussian.PointMass(mean[i]);
            else if (vector.IsUniform())
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    result[i] = Gaussian.Uniform();
            else if (array.Any(g => g.IsPointMass))
                // Z = N(m1; m2, V1+V2)
                // logZ = -0.5 (m1-m2)'inv(V1+V2)(m1-m2)
                // dlogZ = (m1-m2)'inv(V1+V2) dm2
                // ddlogZ = -dm2'inv(V1+V2) dm2
                Vector mean = Vector.Zero(length);
                PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(length, length);
                vector.GetMeanAndVariance(mean, variance);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    if (array[i].IsUniform())
                    double m, v;
                    array[i].GetMeanAndVariance(out m, out v);
                    variance[i, i] += v;
                    mean[i]        -= m;
                PositiveDefiniteMatrix precision = variance.Inverse();
                Vector meanTimesPrecision        = precision * mean;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    if (array[i].IsUniform())
                        result[i] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(mean[i], variance[i, i]);
                        double alpha = meanTimesPrecision[i];
                        double beta  = precision[i, i];
                        result[i] = GaussianOp.GaussianFromAlphaBeta(array[i], alpha, beta, false);
                // Compute inv(V1+V2)*(m1-m2) as inv(V2)*inv(inv(V1) + inv(V2))*(inv(V1)*m1 + inv(V2)*m2) - inv(V2)*m2 = inv(V2)*(m - m2)
                // Compute inv(V1+V2) as inv(V2)*inv(inv(V1) + inv(V2))*inv(V2) - inv(V2)
                PositiveDefiniteMatrix precision = (PositiveDefiniteMatrix)vector.Precision.Clone();
                Vector meanTimesPrecision        = vector.MeanTimesPrecision.Clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    Gaussian g = array[i];
                    precision[i, i]       += g.Precision;
                    meanTimesPrecision[i] += g.MeanTimesPrecision;
                bool fastMethod = true;
                if (fastMethod)
                    bool isPosDef;
                    // this destroys precision
                    LowerTriangularMatrix precisionChol = precision.CholeskyInPlace(out isPosDef);
                    if (!isPosDef)
                        throw new PositiveDefiniteMatrixException();
                    // variance = inv(precisionChol*precisionChol') = inv(precisionChol)'*inv(precisionChol) = varianceChol*varianceChol'
                    // this destroys meanTimesPrecision
                    var mean = meanTimesPrecision.PredivideBy(precisionChol);
                    mean = mean.PredivideByTranspose(precisionChol);
                    var varianceCholTranspose = precisionChol;
                    // this destroys precisionChol
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        Gaussian g           = array[i];
                        double   variance_ii = GetSquaredLengthOfColumn(varianceCholTranspose, i);
                        // works when g is uniform, but not when g is point mass
                        result[i] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(mean[i], variance_ii) / g;
                    // equivalent to above, but slower
                    PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance = precision.Inverse();
                    var mean = variance * meanTimesPrecision;
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        Gaussian g = array[i];
                        // works when g is uniform, but not when g is point mass
                        result[i] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(mean[i], variance[i, i]) / g;
Example #34
    void makePaths()
        int n = cityControler.citys.Length;

        paths = new LowerTriangularMatrix <LineRenderer>(n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            GameObject city1 = cityControler.citys[i];
            if (!city1)

            for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
                GameObject city2 = cityControler.citys[j];
                if (!city2)

                //Debug.Log("Drawing from " + i + "to " + j + " " + city1.name + "_" + city2.name);

                Transform child1 = findDeepChild(city1.transform, "Outter");
                Transform child2 = findDeepChild(city2.transform, "Outter");
                if (!child1 || !child2)

                GameObject path = new GameObject();

                path.name = "Path_" + city1.name + "_" + city2.name;
                LineRenderer line = path.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();

                line.material   = new Material(Shader.Find("Sprites/Default"));
                line.startColor = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1);
                line.endColor   = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1);

                paths[i, j] = line;

                line.startWidth = 0f;
                line.endWidth   = 0f;

                int   segments = 50;
                float xRadius  = (child1.position - child2.position).magnitude / 2;
                float yRadius  = xRadius / 2;
                float angle    = 270f;

                line.positionCount = segments / 2 + 1;

                for (int point = 0; point <= segments / 2; ++point)
                    float x = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * xRadius;
                    float z = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * yRadius;

                    line.useWorldSpace = false;
                    line.SetPosition(point, new Vector3(x, z, 0));

                    angle += (360f / segments);

                path.transform.position = child1.position + (child2.position - child1.position) / 2;

                var rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(path.transform.right,
                                                    child2.position - child1.position);
                path.transform.rotation = rot;