Example #1
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            //create watermark task
            var task = api.CreateTask <WaterMarkTask>();

            //file variable contains server file name
            var file = task.AddFile("path/to/file/document.pdf");

            //parameters that will be posted
            var parameters = new WaterMarkParams(
                new WatermarkModeText("watermark text"))
                Pages                        = "1-5,7",
                VerticalPosition             = WaterMarkVerticalPositions.Top,
                HorizontalPosition           = WaterMarkHorizontalPositions.Right,
                VerticalPositionAdjustment   = 100,
                HorizontalPositionAdjustment = 100,
                FontFamily                   = "Arial",
                FontStyle                    = FontStyles.Italic,
                FontSize                     = 12,
                FontColor                    = "#ff0000",
                Transparency                 = 50,
                Layer                        = Layer.Below,
                OutputFileName               = "watermarked"

            //proces added files
            //time var will contains information about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process(parameters);

Example #2
        public void DoTask()
                var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

                //create split task
                var task = api.CreateTask <SplitTask>();

                //file variable contains server file name
                var file = task.AddFile("path/to/file/document.pdf");

                //proces added files
                //time var will contains information about time spent in process
                var time = task.Process(new SplitParams(new SplitModeFixedRanges(3)));
            catch (HttpRequestException ex)
                var message = ex.Message;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    var innerException = ex.InnerException.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var message = ex.Message;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    var innerException = ex.InnerException.Message;
Example #3
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            //create protect task
            var task = api.CreateTask <ProtectTask>();

            //file variable contains server file name
            var file = task.AddFile("path/to/file/document.pdf");

            //proces added files
            //time var will contains information about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process(new ProtectParams("test"));

        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            //create validate task
            var task = api.CreateTask <ValidatePdfATask>();

            //file variable contains server file name
            var file = task.AddFile("path/to/file/document.pdf");

            //proces added files
            //time var will contains information about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process(new ValidatePdfAParams(ConformanceValues.PdfA1A));

Example #5
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            //create rotate task
            var task = api.CreateTask <RotateTask>();

            //file variable contains server file name
            var file = task.AddFile("path/to/file/document.pdf", task.TaskId, Rotate.Degrees0);

            //proces added files
            //time var will contains information about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process();

Example #6
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            var task = api.CreateTask <RepairTask>();

            //file var contains information about server file name
            var file = task.AddFile("pat/to/file.pdf");

            // process files
            // time var will have info about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process();

            //download files to specific directory
Example #7
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            //create unlock task
            var task = api.CreateTask <UnlockTask>();

            //file variable contains server file name
            // set the password witch the document is locked
            var file = task.AddFile("path/to/file/document.pdf", task.TaskId, "test");

            //proces added files
            //time var will contains information about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process();

Example #8
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            //create compress task
            var task = api.CreateTask <CompressTask>();

            //file variable contains server file name
            var file = task.AddFile("path/to/file/document.pdf");

            //proces added files
            //time var will contains information about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process();

            //download files to specific folder
Example #9
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            //create specific task
            var task = api.CreateTask <RepairTask>();

            //fileResponse will contains property with server file name
            var fileResponse = task.AddFile("/path/to/file.pdf");

            //specify repeaired paramters like output filename
            var time = task.Process(new RepairParams {
                OutputFileName = "repaired_filename"

            //download file and save to specific directory
Example #10
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            var task = api.CreateTask <CompressTask>();

            //add file, and specify rotation
            var file = task.AddFile("/path/to/document.pdf", task.TaskId, Rotate.Degrees90);

            //set compress parameters and process files
            var time = task.Process(new CompressParams
                CompressionLevel = CompressionLevels.Extreme,
                OutputFileName   = "extreme_compression"

            //download output file(s) to specific directory
Example #11
        public void DoTask()
            var api = new LovePdfApi("PUBLIC_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

            //create split task
            var task = api.CreateTask <SplitTask>();

            //file variable contains server file name
            var file = task.AddFile("path/to/file/document.pdf");

            //proces added files
            //time var will contains information about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process
                           (new SplitParams(new SplitModeRanges("2-4,6-8"))
                OutputFileName = "split"

Example #12
        public void TestCompress(LovePdfApi api, ICollection <string> files)
            var taskCompress = api.CreateTask <CompressTask>();

            foreach (var file in files)


            var resultFile = $"{Settings.BASE_PATH}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{Settings.GOOD_PDF_FILE}";

            if (File.Exists(resultFile))


Example #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var api = new LovePdfApi(@"project_public_3fedaeb8b6ff0e34a849c049422f4725_ZQHs-56404af1d4525a22201eeacc0b8e4ed0", @"secret_key_e6e42ebc47aaa75f7161b307a3464297__tMrk149492f181e7a12e0eae08527cfa166a");

            //create compress task
            var task = api.CreateTask <CompressTask>();

            //file variable contains server file name
            var file = task.AddFile(@"should-work.pdf");

            var taskParams = new CompressParams()
                OutputFileName = @"test"

            //proces added files
            //time var will contains information about time spent in process
            var time = task.Process(taskParams);

            //download files to specific folder
Example #14
 public PdfCompressor(string publicKey, string privateKey)
     api = new LovePdfApi(publicKey, privateKey);
Example #15
 protected void InitApiWithRightCredentials()
     Api = new LovePdfApi(Settings.RightPublicKey, Settings.RightSecretKey);
Example #16
 protected void InitApiWithWrongCredentials()
     Api = new LovePdfApi(Settings.WrongPublicKey, Settings.WrongSecretKey);
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 ///     If you need to apply different tools on the same files, connected task resource will allows
 ///     you to execute a new task on the files resulting from the previous tool. Using this resource
 ///     you don't need to upload your files again. The response will contain the new task id and the
 ///     files (the server_filename as key and filename as value), with server filename and the file
 ///     name, you will need for the process step. Once the new connected task is created you can add,
 ///     remove files, and work like another tool.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public T Next <T>()
     where T : LovePdfTask
     return(LovePdfApi.ConnectTask <T>(this));